Research Paper and Multimedia Presentation Standards: Common

Research Paper and Multimedia Presentation
Standards: Common Core Writing 7.1, 7.7; Reading: Informational Text 7.2; Speaking and Listening 7.2, 7.5;
Language 7.1, and 7.2. (Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.Conduct short
research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused
questions for further research and investigation. Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their
development; provide an objective summary of the text. Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in
diverse media and formats and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study. Include multimedia
components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when
Task: Research a famous person who persevered in spite of significant challenges. See the
provided list. Make a case for why the person you chose is a striking example of determination
and perseverance in the face of difficult circumstances. You must use at least two credible print
sources and one credible electronic source. Try to find a primary source and a secondary source
to use. There may be a video clip or audio clip online that you can use as part of your research.
Write a paper (4 paragraph) combining your research and analysis into an organized format. Use
Times New Roman, 10-12 pt. font. Single space your paper and do not have spaces between the
paragraphs. Your paper will NOT be more than one page typed. Remember to cite your evidence
in text and include a works cited page in MLA format on a second page.
Prepare a multimedia presentation of your research. Multimedia is the use of technology
combined with various forms of media (images, text, sound, video, animations, etc.). Your
presentation must be 2-3 minutes long. You will present this to the class.
Use the following due dates to help you.
Choose research topic: ________________________________________________ Due:
Two print sources (list them here in MLA format) Due:
One (two for an “A”) electronic sources (list here in MLA format) Due:
Note taking progress check Due:
Outline Due:
Thesis Due:
In-text citations Due:
Handwritten Rough Draft Due:
Revisions and Editing on Rough Draft Due:
Final Draft and Presentation Due:
Ask yourself the following questions to be sure you have done an excellent job!
1. Have I included at least 4 quotes and/or paraphrases from my research into my paper?
2. Have I explained what these quotes mean and how they are relevant to my paper?
3. Have I made sure to only include information relevant to my paper?
4. Have I included enough information?
5. Have I explained how my evidence supports my thesis?
6. Have I used in-text citation correctly in my paper?
7. Have I formatted my quotes correctly?
8. Have I used credible sources?
9. Have I included a works cited page?
10. Are all of my ideas and explanations clear?
11. Did I avoid unnecessary repetition?
12. Did I leave out information that I don’t need?
13. Does my paper sound like it is addressing a professional, educated audience?
14. Have I included an introduction, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion?
15. Is my paper organized? Do my ideas flow smoothly?
16. Do my introduction and concluding paragraphs include my thesis?
17. Does my thesis statement include the subtopics I will be writing about (at least two)?
18. Does my thesis address the task?
19. Does my conclusion reiterate the statement I made in my thesis, using different word
choice and phrasing?
20. Did I write two introductions and choose the best one?
21. Did I write two conclusions and choose the best one?
22. Did I have my thesis statement approved by my teacher?
23. Do I have 750-900 words?
24. Did I avoid using any personal pronouns (I, me, my, etc.)?
25. Did I avoid using any abbreviations?
26. Have I done a self-edit?
27. Have I had two peers help me edit my own paper?
28. Have I had an adult help me edit my own paper?
29. Have I gone back and made all of the necessary changes after all of the editing sessions?
30. Have I used correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling?
Famous people who persevered
(research paper topics)
J.K. Rowling
Stephen King
Stephen Spielberg
Michael Jordan
Oprah Winfrey
Sylvester Stallone
Walt Disney
Henry Ford
R.H. Macy
F.W. Woolworth
Soichiro Honda
Akio Morita
Bill Gates
Harland David Sanders
Charles Darwin
Robert Goodard
Isaac Newton
Robert Sternberg
Thomas Edison
Orville and Wilber Wright
Winston Churchill
Abraham Lincoln
Jerry Seinfeld
Fred Astaire
Sidney Poitier
Jeanne Moreau
Charlie Chaplin
Lucille Ball
Harrison Ford
Marilyn Monroe
Oliver Stone
Vincent Van Gogh
Emily Dickenson
Theodor Seuss Giesel
Charles Schultz
Jack London
Louisa May Alcott
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Elvis Presley
Igor Stravinsky
The Beatles
Stan Smith
Tom Landry
Babe Ruth
Albert Einstein
Ludwig van Beethoven