view the presentation from our 15

Current Board of Directors
2009 Initiatives
2009 Board of Directors
Current Board Members
Tonya Bradford, CCP
VP Membership & Secretary
Roberta Scroggie, SPHR
VP Treasurer
Donna Graebner, CCP, CBP
VP Programs
Gayle Talabay, PHR
VP Website/Electronic Communications
Amy Sample, CCP, SPHR
VP Marketing/Public Relations
Cherie Edwards, CCP
VP at Large
Russell Young, CCP
Past President
Amy Creech, CCP, GRP
President Elect
Jeana Smith, CCP, SPHR
Outgoing Board Members
Roberta Scroggie, VP Membership & Secretary
Donna Graebner, VP Treasurer
2009 Initiatives
Member enrichment and benefits
– Provide scholarships for World@Work classes
– Increase Fort Worth meeting offerings
– Continue participation/improvement in the state-wide
compensation survey
– Hold special interest breakfast meetings to focus on specific
topics such as Global/International compensation or industry
specific meetings
Create an additional Board position, VP Conference
Chair, to co-chair the Texas Total Rewards Conference
 Local charity participation
 Increase luncheon participation
 Hold a Boss’s Day event
2009 Board Members
Jeana Smith, CCP, SPHR
VP Membership & Secretary
Shelli Plank
VP Treasurer
Gayle Talabay, PHR
VP Programs
Russell Young, CCP
VP Website/Electronic Communications
Amy Sample, CCP, SPHR
VP Marketing/Public Relations
Cherie Edwards, CCP
VP at Large
Amy Creech, CCP, GRP
Past President
Tonya Bradford, CCP
VP Conference Chair
Deidre Green
15th Anniversary Celebration
A History Honoring:
Past Presidents
Founding Board Members
Mission Statement
NTCA is a non-profit organization committed to
promoting total rewards and the professional
interests of those engaged in the Human
Resources compensation practice throughout
the North Texas area.
Mission Statement
NTCA seeks to fulfill this purpose by:
– Providing a high quality, cost effective source for professional
development information and compensation opportunities to
those interested in compensation total rewards in the North
Texas area
– Creating a professional environment to encourage networking
and the exchange of information between members
– Selecting appropriate guest speakers to inform members of
compensation, benefits, and work-life trends, new
developments, and laws
– Enhancing and promoting the total rewards profession through
member participation in seminars, workshops, and symposiums
Past Presidents
Amy Creech
Jan 2005-Sept 2006
Implemented new membership database
 Strengthened partnership with World@Work
 Enhanced quality of communications to members
 Began process of updating and revising:
– Website to ensure it was more user-friendly and professional
– Constitution and Bylaws
Cynthia Pye
Jan 2004 – Dec 2004
Added value by offering more World@Work classes for
NTCA members
 Record membership levels and renewal rates during
Julie Castro
Jan 2002 – Dec 2003
Hosted 2002 Texas Compensation & Benefits
– First compensation conference hosted in Dallas, Texas
Secured 501(c)3 exemption from federal income tax
 Secured Texas Sales Tax Exemption
 Started “Comp Doctor” articles
– Dealing with IRS to secure 501(c)3 exemption
Chris Dunn
Jan 2001 – Dec 2001
Continued World@Work courses
– Generated more income, invested to strengthen the organization
– Further expanded course offerings
Worked with other board members committed to
progressing the association
 Improved website and offered email networking for
members to solicit feedback
 Served on the Board for five years
– President
– Several sub-committees
Gloria Mannino
Jan 1999 – Dec 2000
Piloted the first locally hosted World@Work
certification course
 Expanded course offerings
 Initiated changes and improvements to website and
member networking opportunities
Founding Board Members
Influential Member
Founding Board Members
The NTCA was founded in 1993 by a group of
compensation professionals to foster education and
exchange of information among compensation
practitioners and policy makers. Founding members
Terese Reynolds, Texas Instruments
Fred Disch, JC Penney
Mark Holman, Mobil Oil
Hank Jones, Jr., E-Systems
Dick Kaslik, ENSERCH
Mike Peterson, Occidental Chemical
The Beginning
“Casting call” in Fall 1993
– Anyone interested in putting together a local compensation
organization to send their résumé
Formed under the umbrella of the American
Compensation Association (now World@Work)
 First Year
– Speakers: Marc Wallace, Ira Kay, and Jerry McAdams
– Attendance stayed strong at 80-100 attendees per meeting
Goals & Challenges
Sustain a compensation organization in DFW
– Several other previous attempts had failed
– Stir interest beyond the founding Board members
Determine areas of focus
– Executive compensation, surveys, general pay, etc.
Keep the cost of membership as reasonable as
 Stabilize the organization
– Sound member base
– Financial stability
Make NTCA a truly regional organization
Key Accomplishments
Each Board member solicited and received “seed
money” from their employers to help with NTCA’s
initial expenses and start-up costs
 Got the website up and running
 Started a hard copy newsletter (with support from
founding members’ companies)
 Established bi-monthly meetings
– Speakers, round table meetings, and half-day meetings
Hank Jones
Jan 1998 – Dec 1998
Board Member Position: Communications
– Successful through three volunteers: Ann Carlson, Dori Blesh, and
Molly Thompson
Served on the Board in various positions
– President, Past President, VP Treasurer, VP Programs
– Last of the founding board members to leave the Board
Worked with the Programs committee for the 2002
Texas Comp & Benefits Conference
“I look back on my tenure with NTCA with many fond memories
(and a few “uh-oh” moments) and a great deal of satisfaction. I
am proud and happy to have helped in whatever small way to
shepherd the growth of the NTCA into the success it has become.”
Mike Peterson
Served as a Founding Board Member and President
that helped shape the strategy of NTCA
 Instrumental in the initial structure and design of the
Dick Kaslik
Served as a Founding Board Member and President
that helped shape the strategy of NTCA
 Instrumental in the initial structure and design of the
“One of my memories is going to the World@Work
Conference in Orlando and realizing that the
numerous speakers who had prominent roles at the
conference had been guest speakers at our NTCA
luncheons. It felt good to know that we were
getting the best of the best to speak to our
Fred Disch
Jan 1995 – Oct 1996
– Bringing in speakers that would generate interest in attending
– Increase recognition and awareness of NTCA with local
compensation professionals
“My hat is off to all the people who have taken this organization to its current level. I am
fortunate to have a small part in the NTCA success.”
Mark Holman
Founding Board Member
Served as a Founding Board Member that helped
shape the strategy of NTCA
 Instrumental in the initial structure and design of the
Bob Dill
Influential Founding Member
Helped increased awareness of NTCA in the area
 Generated interest in meeting attendance
 Helped bring in key note speakers
 Active and involved member of NTCA for the past 15
Terese Reynolds
Founding President
Terese Reynolds
Founding President, Jan 1994 – Dec 1994
1992 Texas Chairperson for the American Compensation Association
– Recognized a need for an organization in the Dallas area
– Contacted those with potential interest to start the NTCA
Gained support
– ACA provided contacts in the area
– Five founding board members became involved
– Local companies helped fund NTCA’s start-up
Designed framework of the organization
– Created the constitution and bylaws
First Meeting
– Secured a top-rated keynote speaker, Marc Wallace
– Held at the Cooper Aerobic Center with approximately 120
“I am pleased to hear how well [the NTCA] is doing and that it is
Celebrating 15 years as a professional organization. I believe the chapter
has grown to be such a success because it met a need that was lacking in
the North Texas area . . . “
Honorary Life Members
The Board of Directors shall have authority to grant
Honorary Life Membership in NTCA. Such authority may
be exercised in recognition of certain members who
have made substantial contributions to the organization
and/or continuation of NTCA. Honorary Life Members are
not required to pay dues and are entitled to all privileges
of membership, such as member rates for NTCA events.
John Davis
Awarded Honorary Life Member in 2001
for contributions to the NTCA
Tonya Bradford
Outgoing President
Tonya Bradford
Oct 2006 – Dec 2008
Member enrichment
– Held Fort Worth’s first meeting in 2007 and second in 2008 and formed a
committee to oversee future meetings
– Conducted our first membership survey in several years to gather member
SHRM and World@Work
– Helped form the Texas Compensation Alliance to sponsor the Texas
Compensation Survey (Wage Access)
– Helped form a committee consisting of four World@Work Texas Local
Networks to sponsor and conduct the Texas Total
Rewards Conference
Policy improvements
– Revised the NTCA Constitution and Bylaws
– Implemented the NTCA Business Ethics and Code of
Conduct Policy
Rolled out a new website and redesigned logo