IB/AP US History 2 – Stewart Unit Outline: The Truman Presidency

IB/AP US History 2 – Stewart
Unit Outline: The Truman Presidency – 1945 to 1952
You should understand the following lesson objectives (note text book reading assignments)
The impact of World War two on the United States – 1945 to 1952
a. AP 858-866, Amsco 545-549
The Origins of the Cold War
a. AP 867-874, Amsco 549-551
US Cold War policy of “containment”; the motives, the programs, the implementation.
a. AP 874-878, Amsco 551-554
The “failure” of containment: the USSR and the Fall of China
a. AP 878-879, Amsco 555-556
The Hunt for “red” Americans
a. AP 879-880 and 890-891, Amsco 558-561
Testing containment in Asia: The Korean War
a. AP 883-885, Amsco 556-558
Taft Hartley Act
Operation Dixie
GI Bill and Veterans Administration
Military-Industrial complex
Sunbelt, Frostbelt and Rustbelt
Federal Housing Administration
Levittown and suburbanization
White flight
2nd migration
Baby boom
Yalta and Potsdam agreements
Iron Curtain and Iron Curtain Speech
Monolithic communism
X Article, Long Telegram and policy of “containment”
Domino theory
The Stalinization of Czechoslovakia
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift
National Security Act of 1947 (and its provisions)
The “Fall of China”
NATO, OAS and Point 4 program
Executive Order #9835
McCarran Internal Security Act
House Un-American Affairs Committee (HUAC)
Senator Joseph McCarthy