SERVICES STANDARDISATION IN ACTION An Australian case study on the development of AS 5725 Boarding standard for Australian schools and hostels PASC 38 Services Standardization Workshop Dr Bronwyn Evans Chief Executive Officer Standards Australia Case study on the development of AS 5725 OVERVIEW 1. The Growth of Services – The New Wave 2. Services The New Driver of The Australian Economy 3. Catching The Education Growth Opportunity: A New Frontier 4. Addressing A Market Gap: The Solution 5. An outline of the Australian Standard 6. Some Takeaways Case study on the development of AS 5725 THE GROWTH OF SERVICES – THE NEW WAVE “The 2011 World Development Indicators show that the services sector accounted for almost 71% of global GDP in 2010 and is expanding at a quicker rate than the agriculture and the manufacturing sectors.” UNCTAD Source: accessed on 10 April 2015 Case study on the development of AS 5725 SERVICES THE NEW DRIVER OF THE AUSTRALIAN ECONOMY • • • • • Services industries constitute a large and growing share of the Australian economy and global trade Services now account for 67.8% of GDP and 86.7% of total employment In 2013–14 the Australian economy produced goods and services valued at $1.6 trillion, employed 11.5 million people and represented more than 2 million active businesses The value of Australia’s services exports was around $57 billion in 2013–14 which is nearly 20% of total exports This has also been supported by strong growth rates in tourism, education, professional services, financial services, health services and information technology 4 Case study on the development of AS 5725 SERVICES THE GROWTH ENGINE 5 Case study on the development of AS 5725 SERVICES: A KEY EMPLOYER 6 Case study on the development of AS 5725 AUSTRALIA’S POSITION COMPARED TO PEERS 7 Case study on the development of AS 5725 CATCHING THE EDUCATION GROWTH OPPORTUNITY: A NEW FRONTIER • • • • • • Despite the growth and importance of education services this sector has been challenging for Standards Australia Significant government involvement and oversight in this sector means that our value add is limited One of the problems in Australia that has been identified relates to the different types and quality of facilities for boarders attending school . Regulations and child protection vary considerably from State to State and between States and Territories further complicating the matter However, key education stakeholders turned to SA as a solution provider to look at developing a National Boarding Standard for Australian schools and hostels This standard provides a strong reference site for future work in the education services sector and supports a key export sector for Australia 8 Case study on the development of AS 5725 ADDRESSING A MARKET GAP: THE SOLUTION • • • • The Australian Boarding Schools Association submitted the net benefit case on behalf of a wide range of stakeholders to SA The objective of this Standard is to provide owners, operators, managers and staff of boarding services with a set of requirements that will deliver a safe, healthy and productive environment for boarders The project commenced in June 2013 and Standards Australia established a new technical committee ED-001 Education Facilities & Services Management to develop the Australian Standard The drafting of the AS has been completed over 11 meetings and 22 months and is due to be published in the 3rd Q 2015 9 Case study on the development of AS 5725 AN OUTLINE OF THE AUSTRALIAN STANDARD 1. SCOPE & GENERAL 4. STAFF 1.1 scope 1.2 application 1.3 referenced documents 1.4 definitions 4.1 general 4.2 health, safety and wellbeing of staff 4.3 competence and professional learning of staff 4.4 management of staff 2. GOVERNANCE & MANAGEMENT 5. PARENT, FAMILY & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 2.1 general 2.2 management of the boarding service 2.3 records management 2.4 financial management 5.1 general 5.2 parent and family engagement 5.3 community engagement 3. BOARDERS 6. FACILITIES 3.1 child protection of boarders 3.2 safety of boarders 3.3 health and well-being of boarders 3.4 holistic development of boarders 3.5 supervision of boarders 3.6 providing for boarders with particular needs 6.1 requirements relating to the development and management of the facility 10 Case study on the development of AS 5725 SOME TAKEAWAYS • • • • The successful implementation of an Australian Boarding School Standard will encourage higher professional standards in the care of school aged boarders This Australian Standard will allow schools offering residential care to be able to evaluate the quality of their boarding experience against nationally agreed benchmarks With the growth of the education services, Standards Australia sees this project as the first of a number of projects that can support this important services sector Australia has a crucial role to play in developing and supporting international standards; including the education services sector! 11 QUESTIONS 12