Vocabulary Terms—Political Parties, Interest Groups and the Mass Media Adversarial press Australian ballot Backgrounds story (news) Battleground state Beauty contest Blanket primary Boycott Caucus Climate control Closed primary Coattail effect Communications director Congressional campaign committee Corrupt practices acts Credentials committee Critical or realigning periods Dealighnment Democratic Party Direct technique Divided government Elector Electoral College Equal time rule Era of Good Feelings Factions Fairness doctrine Feature stories Finance chairperson Focus group Free rider problem Front-loading Front-runner General election Gerrymandering Get out the Vote (GOTV) Hard money Hatch act Ideological interest groups Ideological party Incentive Incumbent Independent Independent expenditure Indirect technique Insider stories Interest group Issue advocacy advertising Labor movement Latent interests Loaded language Lobby Lobbyist Malapportionment Market (television) Material incentive Muckraker Mugwumps or progressives National committee National convention Office-bloc (Massachusetts) ballot Open primary Party identification Party organization Party platform Party-column (Indiana) ballot Party-in-government Party-in-the-electorate Patronage Personal following Plurality Plurality system Political action committee (PAC) Political consultant Political cue Political editorializing rule Political machine Political party Pollster Position issue Presidential primary Press secretary Prospective voting Public interest Public-interest lobby Purposive incentive Ratings Rational ignorance effect Realignment Registration Republican Party Retrospective voting Reverse-income effect Right-of-reply rule Routine stories Run-off primary Safe seat Selective attention Service sector Social movement Soft money Solidary incentive Sophomore surge Sound bite Spin Spin doctors Splinter party Split ticket Sponsored party State central committee Straight ticket Straight-ticket voting Super PAC Superdelegate Swing voters Third party Ticket splitting Tipping Tracking poll Trial balloon Two-party system Unit rule Valence issue Voter turnout Whig Party IMPROVE YOUR VOCABULARY AND MAKE CONNECTIONS!! Consider using one of the following strategies to improve your understanding of the vocabulary terms in this unit and to create connections to the topics/concepts covered: Concept Sort – to use this strategy, place words into different categories based on each word's meaning. Define categories based on your reading and on class discussion. When this strategy is used after reading, you can self-assess your understanding of the concepts presented. Frayer Model – this technique requires you to (1) define the target vocabulary words or concepts, and (2) apply this information by generating examples and non-examples; this strategy promotes critical thinking and helps you to identify and understand unfamiliar vocabulary; this strategy draws on your prior knowledge to build connections among new concepts and creates a visual reference by which you learn to compare attributes and examples. Definition Facts Word/Concept Examples Non-examples