2013-14 Cheerleading Tryout Forms - Findlay

2014 University of Findlay Cheerleading Tryouts
Croy Gymnasium - Saturday, April 26th
Doors Open
Registration Croy Gymnasium
Coaches Welcome/Stretches
Taught Material
Lunch Break/Practice time
Squads Announced
Squad Meeting
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
9:15 AM
9:15 AM – 11:00 AM
11:00 – 12:00
12:00 – 1:00
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
**All tryout forms are due to the Coaches by April 23rd.
** Please e-mail to: oilercheer@gmail.com
We invite all women and men to try out who will be University of Findlay students and have
paid their deposit for the 2014-2015 academic year.
The following will be chosen for the UF Cheer squad for the 2014 - 2015 academic year:
Varsity Football - maximum 20 cheerleaders (2 alternates)
 will cheer all home football games and in addition to other events/travel as set by
the coaches. This includes tournaments.
 will attend team camp if scheduled
 will be issued a University of Findlay uniform which will include shell, liner, skirt, and
poms, warm-ups.
 will receive the following uniform items that will be considered personal property:
shoes, bows, and athletic bag.
 must be available on August 2 (UF Cheer Competition) until the start of classes for
possible practice/camps/fundraisers
Women’s Basketball Squad - maximum 8 cheerleaders (2 alternates)
 will cheer all home basketball games and other events/travel as set by the coaches.
This includes tournaments.
 will attend team camp if scheduled
 will be issued a University of Findlay uniform which will include shell, liner, skirt, and
poms, warm-ups.
 will receive the following uniform items that will be considered personal property:
shoes, bows, and athletic bag.
 must be available on August 2 (UF Cheer Competition) until the start of classes for
possible practice/camps/fundraisers
Men’s Basketball Squad – maximum 8 cheerleaders (2 alternates)
 will cheer all home basketball games and other events/travel as set by the coaches.
This includes tournaments.
 will attend team camp if scheduled
 will be issued a University of Findlay uniform which will include shell, liner, skirt, and
poms, warm-ups.
 will receive the following uniform items that will be considered personal property:
shoes, bows, and athletic bag.
 must be available on August 2 (UF Cheer Competition) until the start of classes for
possible practice/camps/fundraisers
All squad members will be required to attend the University of Findlay Cheerleading
Competition and K-8 Clinic Fundraisers. If enough money is raised at these events, squad
members may not have any out of pocket costs for uniform related items. Squad members
will be encouraged to promote these events.
The following may/will be a part of the April 26th tryout:
 Cheer (Bring your own, be creative! Remember UF’s colors are black, orange,
white, and our mascot is Derrick the Oiler)
 Taught: Chants & Dance
 Stunting session: No prior stunting experience is required.
 Jumps: Toe Touch, Hurdler, and Pike
 Tumbling: Back handspring and round-off BHS (both required) Candidate is urged
to do most advanced standing & running tumbling skills as well.
 Coaches’ evaluation from your current coach (to be received by email on or by
April 23rd – oilercheer@gmail.com).
TRYOUT and CLINIC CLOTHING: all cheerleaders must wear black shorts, a plain white tshirt (no midriffs or V necks!), hair halfway up & tied back (out of your face) with an orange
bow and cheerleading/tennis shoes. Your appearance is part of each judge’s score.
University of Findlay Cheerleading Tryout
Coaches Evaluation
This is a confidential evaluation for_______________________________.
Dear Coach:
Thank you for participating in the selection process for The University of Findlay Cheerleading for the
2014 - 2015 academic year. We would appreciate your honest answers. This evaluation will count for 25
points of the overall tryout score. Your responses are helpful to us to ensure that the cheerleaders
representing the University of Findlay are well-rounded, respected students and athletes in the community.
Please do not return this form to the student. **All tryout forms are due to the Coaches by April 23rd.**
Please scan and email to oilercheer@gmail.com
Please rate using the following scale:
This student is “on time” to games/practices and
comes prepared.
This student showed respect to me, coaches,
teachers, peers, adults, and other athletes.
This student gets along well with other athletes,
peers, and adults.
This student remained eligible for my entire sports
This student would best represent University of
Findlay Cheerleading
Student’s Name
Years Known
Coach’s Name(s) and Contact Info
Coach’s Signature(s)
Thank you very much!
Coach Jackie Rothenbuhler
Tryout #:__________
0= Did not attempt
1= Attempted (cringe factor)
2= Needs improvement
3= Game ready
4= Performance level
5= Elite
Cheer – 30 points
Motion placement
Appearance/Crowd appeal
Voice projection
Taught Chants – 30 points
Motion placement
Appearance/Crowd appeal
Voice projection
Taught Dance – 30 points
Motion placement
Appearance/Crowd appeal
Voice projection
Jumps – 15 points
Toe touch
Tumbling – 25 points
Standing back handspring
Round-off Backhandspring
Tumbling sequence
Crowd appeal
UF Coach’s Clinic Evaluation – 30 points
Self Confidence
Positive Attitude
Former Cheer Coach Evaluation – 25 points
Total points - 185
The University of Findlay Cheerleader Application
This document and attachments may be completed before April 23rd, scanned, and
emailed to oilercheer@gmail.com.
Date: _____________________
Tryout #_________________
Name: __________________________________________________________
Home address: ____________________________________________________
Email address:_____________________________________________________
Cell phone: ______________________ Home phone:____________________
Birthdate: ______________________
Male / Female (circle one)
The following information will not affect your tryout in any way. It is simply for
informational purposes:
Cheerleading experience:
Tumbling experience:
Stunting experience: Please list whether you are a base and/or flyer.
Dance experience:
**This section must be complete in order for this application to be valid.
List any prior injuries ________________________________________________________
Any physical therapy required? If yes, what? ______________________________________
List any medications you are currently taking._____________________________________
List any allergies.___________________________________________________________
Please include the following answers on another sheet of paper:
1. Why did you choose to come to The University of Findlay?
2. Why do you want to be a part of U of F Cheerleading?
3. List your hobbies/skills:
4. Do you think you will be an asset to the UF Cheer Program? Why?
5. How much time are you willing to give cheerleading activities per work other than regularly
schedules practices & game times?
6. Give three suggestions to increase student’s spirit on the UF Campus?
7. How do you see your role as a cheerleader representing the University of Findlay?
8. What do you feel is the role of the coach?
9. If you do not agree with the coach or other squad members, how will you deal with the situation?
10. How would you make the UF cheerleading squad the best ever?
11. Are you a better leader or follower? Why?
12. Do you feel you are a person who is honest and truthful? Can you be counted on, by the coach and
other squad members? Why?
13. What seasons are you hoping to cheer at UF? (Please Circle One)
 Football & Basketball (Either Men’s or Women’s)
 Football Only
 Men’s Basketball Only
 Women’s Basketball Only
 Any Basketball Position
I certify the above information is true. I understand that I may have out of pocket costs associated with
my position on a University of Findlay Cheerleading Squad. I have read the Cheerleading Rules and
Expectations and understand that if I do not comply with them, appropriate disciplinary action will be
taken. My signature below shows that I will comply with the rules and guidelines, and understand that
the decision of the coaches and The University of Findlay is final in all matters.
Cheerleader Signature
The University of Findlay OILERS
Cheerleading Information, Rules, and Expectations
The University of Findlay Cheerleaders shall dedicate themselves to the following:
 Providing support for athletic teams during competitions;
 Leading the crowd in cheering for athletic teams, and, in doing so, improving student and fan
 Developing and promoting loyalty to The University of Findlay;
 Developing, promoting, and improving U of F cheerleaders in such ways as to make the squad
recognized, respected, and treated as an athletic cheerleading team;
 Participating in various U of F and community events to further the recognition and respect of
The University of Findlay and its cheerleaders;
 Participating in fundraising activities as appropriate to support the cheerleading and athletic
In addition to the rules listed below, all University of Findlay cheerleaders will follow the athletic
rules and conduct codes as set forth by the NCAA and The University of Findlay. Squad members will
be advised of these rules at the beginning of the 2014-2015 academic year. These rules and
guidelines will also include information about NCAA ticketing for each game.
Cheerleaders shall:
a. have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average on all college work or a new student
approved for regular admission for the fall semester 2014.
b. be enrolled as a full-time University of Findlay student, and
c. remain in good disciplinary standing with the University.
The University of Findlay Cheerleading program is a competitive and time-consuming activity.
Persons who have other serious commitments (outside of academics) of their time; such as children, a
spouse, a 20 hour or more work week, etc., are strongly encouraged to discuss their commitment with
the cheerleading advisor and coach before trying out for the squad. Similarly, persons in academic
programs that have significant time-consuming demands are encouraged to do the same.
 Squad members are required to work as a team regardless of friendships or conflicts that may
arise. All cheerleaders are supposed to be supportive of each other and other student athletes.
Personal conflicts between squad members or others will be handled with the coach, captains
as well as the Athletic Department if necessary. No one will degrade or criticize another squad
member or the coach.
 Squad members will conduct themselves in a positive manner in all situations, as all
behavior reflects upon the entire squad and The University of Findlay athletic department.
Coaches reserve the right to discipline members accordingly who participate in unbecoming
behaviors (drinking, smoking, etc.) in community, on campus, in an academic setting, during
athletic contests or practices, or on social networking sites.
There are not rules or regulations prohibiting having any forms of social media. Social media
will be monitored by captains, coaches, and the Athletic Department. If you would not say
something to someone’s face, do not say it online. Everything you say and do on social media is
a direct reflection of The University of Findlay cheerleading. If you choose to not act
appropriately to standards of Findlay athletes, punishment will be given accordingly (i.e.
speaking negatively towards teammates and other athletes, discussing practice details online).
Do not post pictures with any evidence of drug use, alcohol use, or paraphernalia of any sorts.
It is a privilege to be a collegiate student athlete and depending on the severity of the
circumstance athletes may be removed from the squad.
Captains are in charge of any emergencies in which a coach does not need to be contacted. If
any squad members have questions or concerns that may have to do with cheerleading they
should be asked to the captains and NOT other squad members.
You should ALWAYS be on time to all games, practices, events, and meetings.
You may not chew gum.
No jewelry should be worn at practice. Please remove them previous to practice/games so
that nothing is able to be lost at practice. One set of stud earrings is appropriate for wear at
games. Any rings, necklaces, bracelets, belly button rings, etc. that can be seen with the visible
eye should be removed.
Glasses SHOULD NOT be worn to practices or games unless otherwise approved by a coach or
Only appropriate color fingernail polish is acceptable. Nails should be trimmed and
professional so that they are not able to cause any injury.
Make-up use must be “natural”.
Your hair at every game will need to be in such a way that you will be able to put your ribbon
in your hair, and there should be NO BANGS in front of your face. Otherwise, you will be asked
to put your hair up differently.
NO HARD HAIR ACCESSORIES: this includes plastic headbands that can break.
Cell Phones MUST be on silent during games, practices, or meetings.
All practices and games are mandatory. Family emergencies and serious illnesses will be
excused. If you have a prior commitment planned, the coaches and captains must be notified
at least two weeks in advance for it to be an excused absence.
Captains will decide what uniform will be worn to each game and all the necessary accessories.
Everyone will be uniformed the same and is responsible to make sure that you have your
entire uniform at games. This includes: liners, skirts, shells, spankies, hair ties/bows, poms,
warm-ups, shoes, socks, and anything else that coaches/captains determine is “uniform”.
Without the proper uniform, you will not cheer at the game. If you need to have your uniform
altered in any way it is your responsibility to do so on your own or contact captains for help.
To wash
 You put it in the washer on the cold and the gentle cycle.
You will promote sportsmanship among your squad. Any problems with individuals (including
the coach) must be taken to the coach(es), and not to one another. We will work any problems
out as necessary throughout the season (or at camp). Back-stabbing will not be tolerated, and
will be handled with appropriate disciplinary action.
Be respectful to all other coaches, cheerleaders (all squads, all sports), school officials and
teachers, referees, opposing teams and squads, and to others, in general. Negative responses,
lack of productivity, and disrespect will not be tolerated.
While Stunting
 No laughing
 No carrying on
 No talking ( the back spotter is the only one who commands the stunt unless previously
discussed that someone else will command)
 Always watch the flyers hips because whatever way they are going is where she is going.
 Be fully aware of what is happening around you.
 Use your legs not your back when lifting because you could hurt your back.
 Flyers- No pants/sweats and no lotion.
**Practices will be a minimum of 2 days per week**
All squad members will be present at every practice, or discipline action will be taken.
Practices are scheduled to be held two weekdays for the 2014-2015 academic year. Practice
times will be discussed at the first team meeting.
Cheerleaders may also be required to attend SQUAD conditioning two morning a week and one
cardio session during the academic year. The time and place of these conditioning practices
will be announced.
Cheerleaders shall:
a. absolutely not practice as a squad without the cheer coach(es) present;
b. attend all practices scheduled by the coach,
c. notify the coach AND captain as soon as possible if he/she finds it impossible to attend
practice or knows he/she is going to be tardy,
d. not consume alcoholic beverages before a practice,
e. not participate in any stunting without a spotter (for those where a spotter is normally
required, i.e. one-armed stunts, new stunts, etc.) and
f. cooperate with the captains and other cheerleaders, concentrating on individual
improvement, listening to instructions, and letting the captain and/or coach know if there
are any problems.
 Practices are not a social hour. Please save your conversations for before and after practice.
Captains are responsible for starting stretches, warm-ups, motion drills and jumps promptly at
the designated start time.
 Jumps, Motions, and Tumbling are the basics of our “game”. We will practice them as well as
stunting and chants and cheers.
 Listen to the coaches when they are speaking. If you have a problem with something the coach
says, please bring it up to her respectfully in practice or after (whichever is your preference).
 Listen to one another. Respect each other’s ideas and opinions and questions.
 Only the current cheerleading squad and the coach/athletic advisor are allowed to participate
in practice sessions. Anyone else in attendance must be approved in advance by the coach
and/or athletic advisor.
Appropriate dress
 Cheers shoes
 Cheer SHORTS, that means no yoga pants. They should have NO strings/buttons/zippers
 Hair pulled up off shoulders and face.
NO sweatpants/sweatshirts, plastic head bands or excessive lotion.
Positive attitude and outlook on what you would like to accomplish with your team.
**Remember, not every practice will turn out the way you want them to.
Come to practice with your jewelry OFF!
An extra practice can and may be called if the team is not ready for game night/day.
It is your responsibility if you do get injured at practice to notify coaches, captains, and
athletic trainers within 24 hours of initial injury.
 Cheerleaders shall:
a. attend all required football and basketball games, scrimmage, and/or special scheduled
games or activities (which include, but are not limited to: U of F cheerleading Competition,
K-8 clinics, All Sports Day, U of F Homecoming activities and 5K, Orange & Black Preview,
Chili Cook-Off, GLIAC Pink Wave, combines dances with the Dance Team, etc.)
b. arrive at the game site forty-five minutes prior to kick off or tip off, unless the coach and/or
advisor designate an earlier or later time,
c. not consume alcoholic beverages before or during a scheduled event,
d. perform only stunts that have been learned, practiced and perfected (all partners will be
required to hit a stunt three (3) consecutive times prior to scheduled events in order to
perform that stunt),
e. not attempt new stunts while in front of crowds at scheduled games/events, and
f. be in appropriate dress when traveling as a squad and be in appropriate uniform at all
scheduled events, as designated by the coach,
g. conform to the appearance standards set by the coach.
 The coach will select a captain and possibly a co-captain prior to the beginning of the season.
All squad members will be given the opportunity to apply for the position of captain.
 Uniforms and other squad accessories provided by the University are the responsibility of the
individual cheerleader and will be fixed and/or replaced if damaged, and cleaned before each
event and/or game.
 No public display of affection during scheduled events.
 No gum or jewelry is allowed during practices and/or during scheduled events
 Cheerleaders will show appropriate spirit and behavior while dressed in any University of
Findlay cheerleading apparel or uniform.
1. Travel to away games will be in accordance with budget restrictions and in accordance with
University of Findlay rules and regulations.
2. The squad, or a portion thereof, will travel with a University representative as a group and return
as a group, except in special cases which have been approved by the coach and/or advisor.
3. Final authority of all decisions made while traveling shall rest with the coach. An itinerary will
usually be prepared and given to each cheerleader traveling at the last practice before an away
game. The itinerary will include times of departure, arrival, etc., telephone number(s), appropriate
articles of clothing, etc. Squad members shall adhere to the itinerary.
4. When only a specific number of cheerleaders are attending an away game, final authority on who
participates rests with the coach and/or advisor. Consideration as to the selection shall be as
follows: 1) fairly even distribution of trips for each squad member; 2) attendance records at
practices, games, special events with due consideration for tardiness; and 3) input from the squad.
Other methods of selection that could be used are 1) drawing, 2) seniority, 3) class, or 4) grade
point average.
5. Traveling as a University of Findlay cheerleader is a privilege. While traveling, the cheerleaders'
behavior will be excellent. Behavior by cheerleaders that is unruly, includes harsh language or is
discordant, rude, rowdy, rough, or boisterous will be subject to appropriate discipline.
1. Any illness or injury shall be reported to the coaches and/or advisor immediately. Squad
members who are injured during a practice, game, or official squad function will see a University
of Findlay trainer or team medical professional immediately. If you’re sick, a doctor’s note will
need to be obtained.
2. All members are expected to have a current physical and demonstrate proof of insurance prior to
the beginning of each season, in accordance with the University of Findlay athletic policies.
3. Any injury suffered during practices, games, or other official functions will be treated by a doctor
at a local health care facility (an athletic department trainer or emergency medical personnel may
be able to assist on site.) Expenses for treatment from a health care facility shall be paid by the
squad member's personal insurance. If an injury or illness incapacitates a squad member, he/she
shall not be permitted to practice or cheer until such time as he/she provides written clearance
from a doctor.
4. If a doctor recommends that a squad member no longer cheer, due to an injury or a health
problem, the squad member shall be removed from the squad. If chronic illness or injury causes a
squad member to miss games and practices repeatedly, or interferes with the performance of the
squad, the coach may remove the squad member.
Squad members will follow ALL safety guidelines as set by the AACCA and the NCAA for cheerleading.
These guidelines will be reviewed prior to the first practice.
The increased athletic activity in cheerleading has resulted in an increased concern for safety.
Cheerleading involves a variety of gymnastics, motions, partner stunts, rotations, pyramids, dance and
heights; participation in cheerleading involves a certain amount of danger of personal injury.
Cheerleaders are placed on notice that improper conduct of cheerleading activity may result in
catastrophic injury, paralysis or even death. In becoming a participant in this program, a cheerleader
voluntarily assumes the risk involved by participating in cheerleading practices, games, and other
activities. In addition, cheerleaders must be aware that body piercing with any types of objects can be
dangerous to the individual and fellow squad members, and will not be allowed during practices and
Participation as a University of Findlay Cheerleader is voluntary and is done so with the
understanding that there are certain requirements and expectations that are necessary in order to
maintain a high-quality cheerleading squad. Failure to comply with these guidelines can result in the
Cheerleading Coach making a decision to either temporarily suspend an individual from one of more
contests/events or to permanently dismiss the individual from the squad. Squad members will
receive disciplinary action for the following:
Missing practice without approval of the coach and/or advisor. If you are going to be late, miss a
game or practice, the coaches and captains need to be contacted in advance. DO NOT tell another
cheerleader to inform the coaches, it is your job.
 Being late to practice without prior approval of coach. ALL practices and games are mandatory,
unless you have a previous scheduled excuse. If you are going to miss practice please give at
least a 24 hour notice.
Any cheerleader who consumes alcoholic beverages (under-age) or any controlled
substances will be referred to the athletic department and they will deal with the situation
Safety violation.
Violation of any team rule or regulation.
Missing a game or scheduled event without prior approval of Coach.
Other--left to the coach, in consultation with the advisor, based on the severity of the situation.
Consequences for Inappropriate Actions
Being late to practice
Talking back or giving attitude (to the coach or one another)
Sitting out ½ a game
Missing a practice (Unexcused)
Sitting out 1 game
Missing a game for any reason other than excused personal illness or family emergency
If you are missing any items from your uniform, you will sit out until you are able to dress as
your squad.
Please refer to University of Findlay Athletic Code. Please note that cheerleaders are expected
to follow these rules as set by the Athletic Department in and out of season.
I have read the Cheerleading Rules and Expectations and understand that if I do not comply with
them, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. My signature below shows that I will comply
with the rules and guidelines, and understand that the decision of the coaches and The University of
Findlay is final in all matters.
Cheerleader Signature
I understand that participation in sport requires a personal acceptance of risk of injury. Athletes generally expect that those who are responsible
for the conduct of sport take reasonable precautions to minimize such risk and that their peers participating in the sport will not intentionally
inflict wrongful injury upon them.
I understand that participation in Intercollegiate Athletics at The University of Findlay may result in injury/illness, permanent physical or mental
impairment or even death. These injuries may be minor or may be career or life threatening. I understand that The University of Findlay cannot be
held responsible for any injuries or conditions that may be caused by the actions of other athletes or teams. I also understand that injuries may be
caused by my own failure to follow safety procedures or techniques which are made known to me by my coaching staff, athletic training staff, or by
the strength and condition personnel or are otherwise known to me from another source including but not limited to medical personnel of the
I have read the above shared responsibility statement. I understand that there are certain inherent risks involved in participating in
intercollegiate athletics. I acknowledge the fact that these risks exist and I am willing to assume responsibility for any and all such risks while
participating in Intercollegiate Athletics at The University of Findlay. I also agree to the following:
I voluntarily assume all risks associated with my participation in Intercollegiate Athletics
I accept that The University of Findlay and its personnel are not to be held responsible for any pre-existing medical condition(s) that I
may have.
I understand that I willingly try-out for the sport listed below for Intercollegiate Athletics at The University of Findlay without having
passed the pre-participation physical examination. I attest that I have no medical condition that would prohibit or influence my
participation in try-out activities. (An athlete with a pre-existing medical condition is notified that any injury occurring from such a
try-out would be at his/her own risk.)
I understand that should I wish to continue participating in Intercollegiate Athletics at The University of Findlay I am required to
obtain a physical examination by a qualified medical physician and have this on file with the Athletic Training Department within
three (3) business days of signing this waiver.
I understand and agree that if I experience an injury/illness or change in my health status it is my responsibility to inform my Head
Coach and the Certified Athletic Trainer in charge of my sport and to adhere to the established injury management guidelines which
includes total rehabilitation and reassessments before I am released to return to full participation.
I understand that I must wear the proper equipment as dictated by the rules of the sport. I may also have to wear padding or braces as
indicated by the athletic training staff or medical personnel. Failure to do so may put me at risk for further injury.
Printed Name
Parent/Guardian Signature (if under 18 years of age)