Andress High School CHEERLEADING CONTRACT 1. PURPOSE: 1.1 It shall be the purposed of the Andress High School Cheerleaders to promote and uphold team spirit for those we encounter from Andress, other schools, the community and El Paso. It is also our purpose to develop good sportsmanship by example, to be a role model to the student body, to support good relations in the community and between teams and squads during events. The organizational goal is to work in harmony with the Coaches and administration, other athletic teams and sporting organizations. It is also the responsibility, as well as, an opportunity to support, in some format, every team and organization on campus. 2. ELIGIBILITY: 2.1 A candidate must be neatly and respectfully presented (No lude, ‘questionable’, or degrading conduct), medically and physically fit, and if under 18 years old provide parental permission. 2.2a Conduct of a cheerleader: Cheerleaders must conduct themselves ina professional, respectable, upstanding, lady-like manner. Andress cheerleaders must set the standard for all others to follow. The Andress Cheerleaders are the leaders and role-models not only to the Andress student body but to other students throughout El Paso. Cursing, drinking, doing drugs, lude or ‘questionable’ behavior, teenage pregnancy, physical contact with significant other on campus or at games, fighting, public arguing with another cheerleader, student, teacher, or adult, public displays of unprofessional behavior in and out of unitofrm and games, tardiness, excessive absences and breaking ANY law is absolutely unacceptable conduct for an Andress Cheerleader. 2.2b Following the 2014-2015 Andress Cheerleader Contract the Coaches’ Do’s and Don’ts are mandatory. No EXCEPTIONS. 2.3 A candidate may be male or female and a minimum of age 13 years and maximum of 18. 2.4 Acceptance of a candidate shall be on the basis of ability as determined by Try-out Judes, THE COACHES’ AGREEMENT, acceptance of the squad rules and contract, and without prejudice of race, creed, nationality, religious beliefs, gender, religion, nor color. 2.5 Members are expected to hold a grade of a 75% or higher in ALL CORE CLASSES and a 70% or high in all other classes. If a member fails one or more classes, the member will be suspended from all active cheering and dressing out in any kind of uniform (Practice, game or winter wear) until the end of a three-week suspension period, and then, all grades are brought above passing. The student will remain out of uniform and activities for another week once documentation has been turned in with evidence that the student is passing all classes. If documentation is not turned in, the student will remain out of uniform indefinitely. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain his/her grades for gaining eligibility not the coaches’. (A student that has failed must bring work to the coaches’ room every day during lunch from the class that the student failed or any other’s that he/she may be having academic issues in. This will be done during lunch and considered a tutoring session and will be done until all grades are above passing. Student may also bring signed note on a daily basis that they are attending tutoring before or after school. 2.6 If a member fails a third time they will be removed immediately from the squad. Membership on the Andress squad is a privilege, not a right. The coaches need to know that a candidate is dependable. IT does not do the candidate, the team or the coaches an7y good if a candidate is consistently suspended because of grades. His/her time would be better spent at home studying than being a cheerleader. *****Captains will be removed as captain immediately upon failing the second time. Once a captain is removed she may not regain that spot until the next year. Retaining eligibility by failing a Pre-AP or AP class does not keep a captain from losing his/her status. Failing, is failing, regardless of eligibility. Also, dropping a failed class will not keep a captain from losing her status. Again, captains have to be as close to perfect as possible and failing is not even close to being perfect. 3 MEMBERSHIP 3.1 The Andress High School Cheerleaders are a co-ed squad. All squads will consist of up to but not to exceed, 15 members. A Yell Leader Team will consist of, up to, but not to exceed, a maximum of 6 males. Junior Varsity and Freshman members may be admitted and allowed to fill regular Varsity squad positions as they reach performing proficiency , vacancies occur, or temporary positions in the event a varsity cheerleader is unable to perform his/her cheerleading duties. Junior Varsity and Freshman members will perform with Varsity members at designated tiems during games, special events, unless otherwise notified by the Coaches. However, Varstiy game time for Junior Varsity and Freshmen teams I not a guarantee. This PRIVILEGE will be given only if the teams are performing at the level of proficiency that is expected from the coaches for a Varsity game. 3.2 If a member QUITS the team, he/she, must remain off the team for the duration of a FULL year. EXAMPLE: If he/she quits in August 2013, he/she cannot try out the next year in February, 2014. He/she must wait until February 2015. If a member is removed because of grades in October 2013, that candidate will be allowed to try out in February, 2014 with the understanding that there will be mandatory tutoring in the subjedt that they failed. (Again, cheerleaders are the student leaders and must set an example to follow). 4 ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS: 4.1 All cheerleaders will attend ALL practices and cpmetitions or events. Absenteeism will result in suspension of one game. NO EXCEPTIONS. (There will be a sign in sheet at every practice, pep rally, game, event, etc. My advice ist that as soon as you arrive, FIND THAT SIGNIN SHEET. Te coaches will not be accept “Coach, I was there, you saw me, I just forgot to sign in.” No signature, no attendace, next game you sit out. The rule is the same for everyone, regardless of excuse. For fairness purposes, miss one game sit out another. Absenteeism, other than from grade suspension, from FOUR games will result in dismissal from the squad. The coach needs to know that she has a team of dedicated members that will be reliable. Practices will continue to be mandated. Appeals may be submitted to the coach(es). However, understand that the coach will ask you that you refer back to the contract that you signed. Written notice to parents will be provided of each infraction to be signed by the parent and member. (These MUST be returned to the Coach immediately). Each cheerleader will be allowed three unexcused absences without penalty. NO EXCEPTIONS. Use them wisely. 4.2 Spring and Summer Practices: All cheerleaders, managers and mascots will be required to attend all practices. The summer practice schedule is till being determined and will be finalized by May. Tumbling will/ is MANDATORY and will probably be Saturdays during open gym or one evening on the weeknights. There will be a sign-in sheet for tumbling class also. The coach will give the cheerleader and parents advanced notive of schedule change for summer practices or any other event. We try to give a week notice, but sometimes the Principal is contacted last minute by an organization wanting cheerleaders to attend, this is out of our hands and attendance is mandatory or it’s considered a miss. *******ABSOLUTLEY NOT FULL TEAM PRACTICES ARE TO TAKE PLACE AWAY FROM THE COACHES’ SCHEDULED PRACTICES. (i.e. Bonding Time) 4.3 Competitions: The coach will conduct an elimination process for competitions. Only the cheerleaders that have put in 100% effort and mastered the material taught for competition will attend any form of Cheer Competition. If the category the team is entering is a Tumbling category, the coach would prefer that a majority of the Competition team be made up of cheerleaders that have mastered tumbling. Competitions have become very competitive and we need to have tumbling to compete. ***** Competition is a cheer teams win/loss situation and the way that the cheerleaders can prove to themselves, the school, the district, the city, the state and maybe the nation of just how great they have become. Since competition costs money, I am firm on cheerleaders earning their spot on the competition team and that it is not open to all team members. I DO NOT NEED FULL TEAM PARTICIPATION TO GO TO COMPETITION. 4.4 Social Activites: All memebers are encouraged, but not required to attend. Advance notice of non-attendance is required. These would be team fun-days. (Peter Piper Pizza, Bowling, parties, etc.) These are great bonding experiences for the girls and even the parents. The coaches encourage participation but does not demand it. 4.5 Team activities (Tumbling): All members are required to attend. Non-attendance will result in disciplinary action of suspension from one game. Tumnling is equivalent of practice. Tumbling attendance will be closely monitored this year through sin-in sheets. Tumbling will take place on a day of the week to be determined in the evenings or on Saturday. The coach will make arrangements to attend a few of the tumbling sessions, however, the team will not be aware of which practices the coach will be attend in, so be at them all. A. If any other activities or opportunities are chosen by the coaches. They will decide if the event is mandatory or optional. Reasonable notice of all such activities/opportunities will be given for mandatory events, and as early as possible ofr all others. THE COACHES WILL ALWAYS TRY TO GIVE A WEEKS NOTICE ON ADDTIONS OR CHANGES TO THE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS. OTHERWISE, THE COACHES WILL REFUSE TO ATTEND A FUNCTION. EXCEPTION: REQUEST BY THE PRINCIPAL. B. Practices are mandatory and will be monitored by the coaches. Tardiness will result in physical exercise by the member and monitored by the coach. Leaving practice early will result in physical exercise and will be monitored by the coach. Depending on how late, or how early, the time missed could result in a partial miss. Absenteeism will result in a suspension of one game per absence. All infractions will be documented, by the coach, after the practice is over. C. Summer School: If a candidate has to attend summer school due to failure reasons or any other reasons, the coach will not remove the candidate from the team, but unless the material is mastered to the level of the coaches’ approval, the student will remain suspended from game participation until THE COACHES decide he/she has reached a level of proficiency. I am firm on this. Summer attendance is crucial. 4.6 All cheerleaders will attend all games unless otherwise deemed by the coach. Cheerleaders DO NOT pick and choose when and where they will cheer. Again, this is a ONE-YEAR COMMITMENT. Be prepared, be available, and be committed. 4,7 Full participation at all games is required. No cheerleader may leave at the end of 1 st quarter, half-time, 3rd quarter, etc. Only in the case of an extreme family emergency shall a cheerleader leave a game early. Please be truthful. 5 FINANCIAL RESPONISBILITIES: 5.1 Tumbling: The cheerleader is responsible for the cost of attending. ( 5 months only. Any tumbling after that period is optional. But keep in mind, to maintain tumbling you must practice. Remaining in tumbling may be very beneficial) Attendance will be monitored with a sign-in sheet and treated as a regular practice. Failing to attend will result in a game suspension. 5.2 Transportation: Transportation to and from away football games, in most cases are provided by the school. HOWEVER, sometimes it is not and it will be the cheerleaders responsibility to be at the event at the designated time. Transportation to other events and activities will also be the responsibility of the cheerleader. When transportation is provided by the school, cheerleader MUST ride two and from the event on the bus (or other designated transportation) they may not ride home with a friend, boyfriend, cousin etc. They will only be released to a parent that comes and speaks with the coach first. 5.3 Competitions: The squad/squads will bear the cost of competition entry. Members will be responsible for transport costs to cover fuel/flight/hotel/and competition fees, etc. 5.4 Members will provide their own refreshments when not provided by school. Always have a water bottle in your game/practice bag for practices, cheer class, or games. The coach will allow for water breaks. The coach will plan a drink/snack schedule for the games to be distributed via coach to the team. ALL MEMBERS WILL BE LISTED ON THIS SCHEDULE. 5.5 Each member of the squad will be required to collect a physical packet from the trainers and have a physical done, cleared and information returned to the coach by tryouts. 6 TRYOUTS: 6.1 A FAIR AND IMPARTIAL tryout will consist of performing designated skills in front of a judging panel. A majority decision by the panel for acceptance will be taken. However, if a judging panel is used, the coaches have the right to accept or VETO this vote. In times of extreme physical activity, stunting, tumbling and risk of injury, the coach reserves the right to be the last and ultimate authority on which candidates display the skills necessary to make this a successful, safe and productive year. Even though a cheerleader attends the mandatory stunt clinic, that does not mean she is physically capable to stunt During the year. Stunting requires strength and if the cheerleader is not doing the physical exercise demanded by the coach for strength conditioning, the coach WILL remove the cheerleader from stunting. SAFETY IS ALWAYS THE COACHES MAIN PRIORITY!!!!!! 6.2 Tryouts will normally be held each year the week before spring break, but may additionally be conducted at other times at the discretion of the coach. 6.3 The format of the Tryouts will be decided by the coach, and will be held in a fair, impartial and open manner conducive to allowing each candidate to show his/her best abilities and potential. TRYOUTS ARE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. Please be respectful of the candidates and stay away from the area where try-outs are being conducted. A. Veterans will be required to try-out B. For all the girls that will be returning, try-outs for this year begin March of 2015. Your abilities, spirit professionalism, skills, performance, attendance, attitude, desire for improvement, dependability, leadership, role-modeling, academic success and all-around cheerleading achievements are being judged through-out the year. ALWAYS, ALWAYS keep this in mind. The coach keep notes about dedication, cooperation, ability, hard-work, attitude, enthusiasm, determination, lack of interest, excuses, absences, negative attitudes, tardiness, lack of dedication, determination and ability, and anti-social behavior among other things. Always remember: THE COACH IS ALWAYS WATCHING EVEN WHEN YOU THINK SHE IS NOT. 6.4 Judges will be chosen based on experience to cheer. Former coach, former cheerleader, athletic ability or crowd viewpoint. 7 SELECTION OF CO-CAPTAINS AND OTHER OFFICERS: 7.1 The Andress High School Varsity, Junior Varsity and Freshman Cheerleader captains will be selected by a panel. DECISIONS OARE FINAL. NOT ALL CHEERLEADERS MAKE GOOD CAPTAINS. THE VERY BEST CHEERLEADER MAY MAKE A VERY INEFFECTIVE CAPTAIN. NOT EVERYONE CAN BE A XAPTAIN, NOR WILL EVERYONE BE A CAPTAIN. A Captain is chosed based on leadership skills, his/her interactions with others, his her cheer skill, his/her helpfulness, having a strong personality and backbone, his/her ability to accept that there will sometimes be loss freinships just because he/she has made captain, h/she will be the eyes and ears of the coach and his/her acceptance that the coach expects near perfection from cpatians and treats the captains with more discipline and expectations than she does from the team. PLEASE DON’T QUESTION MY JUDGMENT. AND AGAIN, OUR DECISIONS ARE FINAL. Potential Captains: Please accept your duties and do you best without whining or complaining. The coaches do not want to hear how other guys/girls do not like you, how other guys/girls do not listen to oyu, how the other captains ignore you or don’t you, etc…. Th only thing you will accomplish with this is removal from the title of captain because obviously you cannot handle it. Being captain is a tough position and needs a tough person to fill it. As previously stated, not everyone is cut out to be a captain. 8 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COACHES: 8.1 ENSURING THAT SQUAD MEMBERS ARE SAFE, THAT IS THE TOP PRIORITY AT ALL TIMES, that First Aid is available, and emergency contact list is kept up to date and present at all times. The coach is Stunt Certified through AACCA. 8.2 Organizing and arranging training schedule, equipment, training facilities, travel and events. A. Reporting infractions, through documentation B. Judging the performance of all memebers and their eligibility for activities, games, competitions, and functions. C. Promoting the welfare, spirit, and teamwork of the squad. D. Being the disciplinarian of the members of the squad. ONLY THE COACHES OR ADMINISTRATION IS TO DISCIPLINE, NOT CAPTAINS OR OTHER CHEERLEADERS. E. Setting an example for the cheerleaders to follow at all times. 9 DUTIES OF CAPTAINS: 9.1 Set an example to the rest of the squad by following the rules and regulations of the Andress High School Cheerleaders. The captain will set an example by doing more than his/her share. A. All cheerleaders, not just the captain, will help develop new cheers and dances to be taught to the squad. B. Captains have to be as perfect as humanly possible. That is what sets the captain aside from the other cheerleaders. Captains cannot fail. Refer back to 2.6. If a captain breaks ANY major rule that compromises the Andress School, Squad, or Student Body name, that captain will be immediately removed from the position of captain UPON THE COACH OBTAINING PROOF. Excessive tardies to practices, games or school, will result in removal. (3 times unexcused). Consistently being unaware of what is going on during a game can also have a captain removed from her position as captain. Breaking of any classroom, school or district rules is unacceptable. C. Captains will report to the coach all infractions that he/she witnesses by team members. However, the captain is not to verbally address the team member about the infraction. Reporting the infraction to the Coaches is the only measure the captain is allowed to take. Any other measure, that can be proven by the Coaches, will result in removal of the captain from the position of captain. 9.2 Be at practice early and start practice on time. The captain will conduct stretching of the squad. 9.3 Assist in setting cheers and chants to be used at games and events. The squad should make suggestions, but the decision shall be by the captain and Coaches. Also assist in helping out the team in learning new chants and mastering old chants, cheers and cadences. 9.4 In case of disagreements or problems, report information to the Coaches. The captain is not to discipline or degrade any cheerleader for any reason. The captain is also not to involve him/herself in the dispute for any reason. 9.5 CONTACTING TEAM ABOUT INFORMATION RELAYED BY THE COACH. SEE 15.4 9.6 Be responsible for welcoming visitin squads and setting a good example of friendliness to other cheerleaders. 9.7 Keep the crowd cheering and your cheerleaders in proper formation during games. Watch for ball turn-overs, injured players, penalties, etc…. The captain can turn the squad, start chants, and tell cheerleaders to watch their stance. The coach is the coach for several teams and needs the captains to step up and be leaders (NOT A COACH, but leaders). 9.8 Show no partiality within the squad. Again, there will be no disciplinary action from the captain. The coach will be the only disciplinarian in practices. 9.9 In the event the captain is not able to perform his/her duties the coach will assign another captain as temporary leader. 10 PRACTICE SCHEDULE: 10.1 To be set by the coach. As far as is practical, practice after school will probably not occur in the fall, however, in the spring after testing we will condition to get ready for summer practices. Cheer calss is the last class of the day, it could occur that practice runs over and in that case the frills would be allowed to phone home to let the parents know that they have been delayed at school. The squad may practice on some Saturdays during the school year. This schedule will increase with summer and other school vacations. A. All cheerleaders are required to attend all practice sessions. Cheerleader will be allowed three absences (this includes vacation) before she/he will be penalized by a game suspension. B. The coach will provide a practice schedule prior to the next month. Any practice added, will have to be agreed upon by the whole squad. If a member is not able to attend an unscheduled practice, due to conflict in work schedule, the practice will not result in a suspension, but the coach will check on the absence to verify that the member was working. C. Practices are CLOSED. There will be no involvement, interaction, or participation during practices of ANYONE outside of the squad. This includes all former cheerleaders, parents other coaches unless approved by the coach. THE COACH DOES NOT WANT TO USE A CHOREOGRAPHER, BUT IF USED, THE CHOREOGRAPHER MAY ONLY BE AROUND THE TEAM IF THE COACH IS PRESENT! D. Be on time, in official game or practice uniform, or practice uniform, hair done correctly, jewelry off, poms in tow, and attitude in check. If practice begins at 4 and you arrive at 4, YOU ARE LATE. You need to be there and ready to go at 4. Late arrival to a game will result in the cheerleader sitting out part or all of the game. 11. UNIRORMS & PRACTICE WEAR: 11.1 Uniforms will be purchased by each cheerleader by VARSITY BRANDS OR OTHER APPROVED VENDORS UNLESS APPROVED BY COACH, ADMINISTRATION AND/OR EPISD. NO EXCEPTIONS! 11.2 Only official squad jackets My be worn over uniform. Official jackets, T-shirts, and practice wear are the only team items of squad clothing that can be worn whilst not in full uniform during a cheer event. Uniform will only be worn for events as designated by the coach. DO NOT LET ANYONE WEAR OR USE ANY PART OF THE OFFICIAL UNIFORM OR PROPS. Doing so may result in suspension, or removal from the squad. 11.3 Cheerleaders in uniform or wearing any item of squad or team identification must always conduct themselves in a manner becoming to an Andress High School Cheerleading member. Refer back to 2.2a 11.4 Do not wear any official uniform during non-cheer times. 11.5 A ‘WHAT-TO-WEAR’ CALENDAR WILL BE PROVIDED BY COACH FOR SUMMER PRACTICES, FOOTBALL SEASON AND BASKETBALL SEASON. NOT FOLLOWING THE SCHEDULE CAN RESULT IN SUSPENSION. DO NOT CALL OR TEXT THE COACHES THE NIGHT BEFORE AN EVENT ASKING WHAT TO WEAR. THE COACHES WILL NOT RESPOND. YOU NEED TO BE RESPONSIBLE. PUT YOUR CALENDAR SOMEWHERE THAT IT WONT GET LOST. 11.6 Under absolutely no circumstances will money be refunded for uniforms. Once rules and contracts have been signed, try-outs are over and uniforms are paid for and ordered, there will be NO refunds to any cheerleader or parent. NO EXCEPTIONS! This is a one year commitment and all involved know this before uniforms are paid for. If a cheerleader is removed or quits, it is done with the acceptance that no money will be refunded to the cheerleader or parent. In addition, purchasing a uniform does not guarantee that the cheerleader will be put out to cheer for every event. Refer back to 6.5 12 APPEARANCE: 12.1 For safety reasons, jewelry or watches will not be worn with uniform, or at practice. 12.2 Uniforms must be kept spotless at all times. Also, make sure that if a seam is coming undone, fix it. But excessive alterations must be approved by the coach. A messy uniform with stains, tears, discoloration, etc. cab cause a cheerleader to sit out of a game. 12.3 Makeup should be natural and not excessive. NO MORE GLITTER MAKE-UP, (Competitions are the only events in which the coaches will allow excessive eye make-up) NO LIPSTICK. NO NAIL POLISH. NO ‘GOTH’ EYELINER. Always be clean and neat in appearance. 12.4 All hairstyles must be neat and secured up out of the face, not needing attention (combing etc) while performing. THIS INCLUDES FOOTBALL SEASON AND BASKETBALL SEASON, and special events. If your hair is not in the required style, you will be suspended from cheering with no argument. During summer practices, hair must be pulled back securely (not having to be redone) in a pony tail. 12.5 Cheerleaders should look, and act, their best at all times, especially when in uniform. Again, refer back to 2.2a 13 CONDUCT: 13.1 Squad member are required to maintain and uphold the reputation of the Andress High School Cheerleaders through their own conduct and squad spirit. 13.2 Members are required to be courteous, polite, friendly and try to have a smile for everybody. Positive attitudes only at all times. 13.3 All cheers and chants shall be of a positive and sportsmanlike manner. No negative interaction with other teams, squads, crowd members or our won team members. 13.4 Members will make every attempt to ignore or dissuade negative responses at events and not become involved in such action themselves. It is important to not participate in negative comments being made about a fellow squad member. Politely excuse yourself from the conversation and walk away. 13.5 Members that are reprimanded for unbecoming conduct for a member of the Andress Cheerleading squads can receive disciplinary action to that equal to missing one game through being dismissed from the squad depending on the severity of the unbecoming conduct. This is nonnegotiable. Attitude problems, gossip, and cliques are some of the biggest issues in cheerleading. THE DRAMA WILL STOP!!!!! The Coaches’ word is the law. It’s final. 13.6 The coach is trying to help the parents and Andress in teaching the cheerleaders to be outstanding students, daughters/sons, cheerleaders, leaders on campus and within the community, role models on and off the field, to demonstrate behaviors of professionalism, skill, dignity and class for all to see and to be future leaders of this country. 14 FUND RASING ACTIVITIES: 14.1 All cheerleaders and parents MUST participate in all fundraising projects each year, NO EXCEPTIONS. We are a team and will participate in all activities as a team. The money raised will be used to fund additional agreed expenses during the year such as extra items needed by the squad. Donations to, and fund raising, for the Andress High School Cheerleading team funds or charity projects may be conducted as agreed by the coaches. 14.2 All fundraising activities will be approved by the majority of the squad and with the approval of the coaches, and must meet UIL, school, district and state laws. 15 DISCIPLINARY ACTION: 15.1 It shall be policy that disciplinary action will only be invoked as a last resort, and that every reasonable attempt will be made to avoid situations likely to lead to such action through squad discussion and positive encouragement, by example, and by finding ways and means to correct negative trends. Physical exercise, without argument or attitude will be used for every violation to the listed constitution, practice rules and/or squad rules. Written notice to parent, and the Principal if needed, will be given in the case of suspension from cheerleading. However, the rules ARE going to be enforced and enforced for all. In the past, it has been the trend that all parents want the rules enforced UNTIL it is their daughter that is the recipient of the punishment. This will end this year. By signing this contract you are acknowledging that you accept the rules without argument and will not go over the coaches’ head every time you are dissatisfied with the result of your daughter/son’s punishment for breaking a rule OR you are not happy with the way the coach coaches the team. The coach has to be able to coach this team and to do that they must have control of her squad. 15.2 A cheerleader may be subjected to physical exercise or suspended from games/events for the following reasons: Excessive absences or excessive tardiness, failure to cooperate with the coach. Failing on or more classes, or failure to abide by squad contraxct, rules and regulations. Becoming an issue within the team. (i.e. not getting along with others, constant ‘tattle-tailing’, constant complaining, bringing the ‘cheer’ mood down, gossiping, and consistent negativity). A. Telling the coach, ‘I didn’t know.’ Is no excuse for breaking the rules. By signing the contract and rules sheet, you are acknowledging that YOU DO KNOW the rules and will abide by them. NO EXCEPTIONS. 15.3 A cheerleader may be dismissed from the squad for the following reasons: Excessive and irreconcilable neglesct of the contract and rules, suspension from four games, academic suspension of three grading periods, and as otherwise deemed necessary by coaches. ******REMOVAL WOULD BE USED AS A VERY LAST RESORT. THE COACHES WILL USE EVERY MEANS POSSIBLE TO RECONCILE A SITUATION WITHOUT HAVING TO REMOVE A CHEERELADER FROM THE SQUAD. 15.4 As the coaches may need, at times, to correspond through e-mail or text with all members of the squad and parents; any questionable e-mail will be sent directly to Police Services. No exceptions. 15.5 Depending on the circumstances, the coach reserves the right to suspend a candidate for a single game, for multiple games, for weekly periods or indefinitely. There will be no appeals process due to the fact that the coaches conferred with administration before making the decision on these extreme consequences. However, bear in mind, the coach is always working to be as fair as humanly possible. Do not look at other situations with other girls and compare it to your son/daughter’s situation because you do not know the circumstances with that girl, nor will the coaches discuss it with you. Understand that the coaches evaluated your son/daughter’s situation and made the most fair and thought-out decision she could. PLEASE NOTE: By signing this contract, you are accepting all of the Coaches’ decisions, rules and regulations without argument. The Coaches’ word is final. You are acknowledging that the Coaches have been, and will always do, the very best job she can for you and your son/daughter. If you ever feel that your son/daughter has been physically harmed by anyone, you should ALWAYS report it. But otherwise, please leave the coaching up to the Coaches. It is best for you, the cheerleader, the Coaches and the team. It will make for a more productive, proactive, positive, learning-enriched, and successful year. Thank you. Cheerleaders Name:_________________________________________________________________ Cheerleaders Signature:______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Parents Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Coaches Signature:__________________________________________ Date:___________________