World History Syllabus Dear Student and Parent or Guardian, We

World History Syllabus
Dear Student and Parent or Guardian,
We want to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and express my excitement about
working with you this year. We love teaching because we care deeply about each of the students.
We believe students can grow and develop important skills by examining historical issues we
cover in class. The main goal of this course is to provide an engaging and challenging curriculum
to assist each student in their personal and academic growth. Over the course of this year, we
will observe, study and investigate historical events. We will begin with the Enlightenment and
French Revolution, continue to World War I and II, and wrap up with the Cold War and modern
Additional information about the class is provided in the syllabus attached to this page.
Please read this syllabus and fill out the information page in order to indicate your understanding
and support of the classroom structure. This will also assist me with communication throughout
the school year. Lastly, there is a space provided for you to express any questions, concerns or
comments on the back. Students should return this last information page to us for completion
points no later than Friday, September 2nd.
Also note that if you ever have any comments, questions or concerns, we are available for
phone calls, by email, and meetings (by appointment please) each day after school. To schedule a
meeting, you may contact us via email at or or by phone at (937) 964-1324. All of this information is
available on the school website
We are excited about working with your child and you. We welcome questions or
comments, and are looking forward to a great year!
Elizabeth Leahy
World History Teacher
Tamara Abraham
Inclusion Teacher
World History Syllabus
9th Grade World History
Miss Elizabeth Leahy and Mrs. Tamara Abraham
Room 110
Contact Information:
Phone number: (937) 964-1324
Course Description
This course will cover the Modern Era (1700-present). The course will include elements of government,
sociology, geography, economics, and of course, history. Some of the subjects covered include the
Enlightenment, the French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, WWI, WWII, and the Cold War. I will also
incorporate current world events throughout the course. The course will require using reading, writing,
critical thinking, organizational and group skills.
We will work on organizational skills throughout the year. I will require specific papers be kept and will
be checked at least quarterly. To keep these and other materials organized, I request the following
supplies for each student. Students are to bring all necessary supplies to class each day. Some of these
are available from me by request. First come, first serve.
1. 3 Ring Binder (At least 1 1/2 Inches)
2. Dividers, at least four sections. Required sections include:
a. Notes
b. Handouts
c. Quizzes/Tests
d. Exams
3. Loose leaf paper for notes (college ruled preferred)
4. Writing utensils (Both #2 Pencils and Pens)
5. Flash Drive for saving important documents and projects
Course Textbook (Provided):
Glencoe. World History: Modern Times. McGraw Hill: New York. 2008.
***NOTE: text books must be covered and returned at the end of the year in the condition they were
given. Damages or lost books will result in fines.***
Classroom Rules, Policies and Expectations:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Listen Carefully and Follow Directions
Have a Positive Attitude
Do Your Best
World History Syllabus
1. Ask!
2. Show up
3. Do your work
● Open door policy – please feel free to stop by my room, call, email, or set up a meeting
with any questions and concerns you may have.
● Website – my website is the main tool of communication throughout the year to you
about what is going on in the classroom. I post important dates such as test or project due
dates, copies of various work done in class, and power points we use in class. Please use
these to help your child study or keep up to date with assignments.
● I will collect or check homework at the beginning of class. Any work turned into me
after the collection will be considered late.
Late Work
● Late work will be accepted up until the end of grading periods (interims/quarter) after the
due date. The assignment will automatically be deducted 10% of the score. After the
grading period has passed, late work will no longer be taken.
● School policy of excused/unexcused absences will be followed. If you have an excused
absence, you have the amount of days plus 1 before it is considered late work. If you are
unexcused, you have the first day back to turn the assignment in before it is considered
● Please be seated and ready to begin when the bell rings. If you are late, the tardy policy
for my classroom is as follows:
1st tardy—warning
2nd tardy— written warning or call home
3rd tardy— detention
Extra Credit
● There will be four extra credit projects available throughout the year. One will be
assigned each quarter and due at the end of the quarter. Late extra credit projects will not
be accepted unless an excused absence occurs.
● Additional smaller extra credit assignments will be offered throughout the year. No late
extra credit work is accepted.
● With an excused absence, you may make up missed work for full credit. Students have
the amount of days plus one to make up any work, including tests and exams.
● Make-up work will be addressed outside class time (before or after class, before or after
● Copies of assignments and handouts can be found in the front of the room in the make up folder.
● In the occurrence of a detention, you will be called or emailed (your preference) about the
incident. School policy will apply for all behavior and consequences.
● ABSOLUTELY no food or drink except water in a clear bottle in my classroom.
● ABSOLUTELY no cursing or swearing, or any other inappropriate comments
● No cell phones permitted; on vibrate or otherwise. No iPods allowed to be seen during
school. Consequences will follow school policy.
World History Syllabus
● Grades will be determined by the average number of points earned divided by the number
of points possible. School grade policy will be followed. Projects and exams will be
assigned higher point values.
Tests and Exams
● Cheating is not tolerated! Any suspicion (including disruptive behavior) may result in an
automatic zero and parents will be notified.
● Quizzes, tests, exams may be multiple choice, matching, short answer, essays or any
combination of the above.
● Study guides will be given at least one week before the day of test or exam.
Outline of Chapters/Units:
** Note: the outline is tentative and subject to change.
1st Quarter
Chapter 10 - Enlightenment
Chapter 11 - French Revolution and Napoleon
2nd Quarter
Chapter 12 - The Industrial Revolution and Nationalism
Chapter 13 - Mass Society
Chapter 14 - The Height of Imperialism
3rd Quarter
Chapter 16 - World War I and Russian Revolution
Chapter 17 - West Between the Wars
4th Quarter
Chapter 19 - World War II
Chapter 20, 21, 24, & other various chapters - Cold War, Asia and the Pacific, Contemporary
Western World.
World History Syllabus
Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Student’s Birthday: ___ / ____ /_______
Parents/guardians Names: ______________________________________________________________
Preferred Phone Numbers: _(______)____________________or_(______)______________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Preferred Parent contact:
Time best to reach you: _________________________________________
Students, name two interesting facts about you
Additional information for me to know about:
By filling out and signing this page, you agree to the attached syllabus, classroom rules, and
Student Name:
Student Signature:
Parent/guardian Name:
World History Syllabus
Parent/guardian Signature: