Appendix 2. Definitions and Technical Specifications of NCRI Data Elements. The elements are listed here with specifications developed in the Cardiovascular Domain Analysis Model (CV-DAM) version 3. The order follows the section headings shown in Table 2. Available at Medical history 1. Hypertension Hypertension Type: Class Package: Cardiology CDE Library Alias: Hypertension Class Definition: C0020538 Hypertensive disease: NCI/PT | Pathological increase in blood pressure; a repeatedly elevated blood pressure exceeding 140 over 90 mmHg. Attributes Attribute Notes Attribute Definition: Hypertension (HTN) diagnosis is the current or Name: HTNDiagnosticIndicator previous diagnosis of a systolic or diastolic blood pressure that consistently exceeds 140/90. Datatype: Enum Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Hypertension Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 2. Diabetes 3. Diabetes Therapy Diabetes Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Diabetes Class Definition: Diabetes mellitus is diagnosed by a physician or can be defined by any one of the following: 1. A1C>=6.5%. 2. FPG >=126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l). Fasting is defined as no caloric intake for at least 8 h.* 3. Two-hour plasma glucose >= 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) during an OGTT. The test should be performed as described by the World Health Organization, using a glucose load containing the equivalent of 75 g anhydrous glucose dissolved in water. 4. In a patient with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis, a random plasma glucose >=200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l). *Does not include gestational diabetes. Attributes Attribute Name: diabetesMellitusType Datatype: Enum Alias: Diabetes Mellitus Name: diabetesTherapy Datatype: Enum Alias: Diabetes Therapy Notes Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of diabetes. *Does not include gestational diabetes. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Type 1 Type II No Diabetes Attribute Definition: Indicate the therapy method the patient presented with. Choose the most aggressive therapy. Note(s): Patients placed on a pre-procedure diabetic pathway of insulin drip at admission but were controlled by diet or oral method are not coded as insulin treated. If a patient had a pancreatic transplant, code "Other", since the insulin from the new pancreas is not exogenous insulin. Target Value: The value on arrival at this facility. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1 None 2 Diet 3 Oral 4 Insulin Attribute Notes 5 Other 4. Dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Dyslipidemia Class Definition: Abnormally high levels of cholesterol and other fats in the blood. Defined as any 1 of the following: • Total cholesterol greater than 200 mg/dl (5.18 mmol/l) • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) greater than or equal to 130 mg/dl (3.37 mmol/l) • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) less than 40 mg/dl (1.04 mmol/l) in men and less than 50 mg/dl (1.30 mmol/l) in women • Yes Source: ACC/AHA Cardiac Imaging DS/ ACC Top 100 Attributes Attribute Name: dyslipidemiaIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Dyslipidemia Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous diagnosis of dyslipidemia per the National Cholesterol Education Program (12) criteria. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 5. Tobacco Use. 6. Tobacco Use-Smoked Tobacco Type. 7. Smokeless Tobacco. 88. Illicit Drug Use. 89. Illicit Drug Use Type – Cocaine. SubstanceAbuse Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Class Definition: HHC/DX Definition: Excessive use of harmful bodily materials. Substance abuse problem Attributes Attribute Name: coccaineUseIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Illicit Drug Use Type_ Coccaine Use Name: IllicitDrugUseIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Illicit Drug Use Name: smokedTobaccoType Datatype: Enum Alias: Smoked Tobacco Type Name: smokelessTobaccoIndicat or Datatype: Enum Alias: Smokeless Tobacco Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient reports cocaine use within the last 72 hours or has a urine test that is positive for cocaine. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Documented history of current, recent, or remote abuse of any illicit drug (e.g., cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana) or controlled substance. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the type of smoked tobacco. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Cigars Cigarettes Pipe Attribute Definition: Indicate smokeless tobacco. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Name: tobaccoUseType Datatype: Enum Alias: Tobacco Use Notes Attribute Definition: Current or previous use of any tobacco product, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and chewing tobacco. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: -current every day smoker -current some day smoker -former smoker -never smoker -smoker, current statusunknown -unknown if ever 8. Heart Failure 13. NYHA Class HeartFailure Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Heart Failure Class Definition: Heart failure is defined as physician documentation or report of any of the following clinical symptoms of heart failure described as unusual dyspnea on light exertion, recurrent dyspnea occurring in the supine position, fluid retention; or the description of rales, jugular venous distension, pulmonary edema on physical exam, or pulmonary edema on chest x-ray presumed to be cardiac dysfunction. A low ejection fraction without clinical evidence of heart failure does not qualify as heart failure. Source: Acute Coronary Syndromes Data Standards (JACC 2001 38: 2114 - 30), The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Attributes Attribute Name: HFIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Heart Failure Name: NYHAClassType Datatype: Enum Alias: NYHA Class Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous history of heart failure. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Heart failure class [New York Heart Association (NYHA)] For symptoms or signs in patients with defined or presumed cardiac disease per the New York Heart Association classification scale. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Class I: without limitations of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue fatigue, palpitations, or dyspnea. Class II: slight limitation of physical activity. The patient is comfortable at rest. Ordinary physical activity results in fatigue, palpitations, or dyspnea. Class III: marked limitation of physical activity. The patient is comfortable at rest. Less than ordinary activity causes fatigue, palpitations, or dyspnea. Class IV: inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort. Heart failure symptoms are present even at rest or with minimal exertion. Value Domain/PV: I II III IV Source: ACC/AHA Attribute Notes Citation: The Criteria Committee of the New York Heart Association. In Nomenclature and Criteria for Diagnosis of Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels, 9th ed. Boston, Mass: Little, Brown & Co.; 1994: 253-256. 9. Heart Failure Hospital Timeframe. 10. CHF Hospitalization. Heart Failure Hospitalization Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library CHF Hospitalization Class Definition: Admission to acute care facility (hospital) to treat/manage condition in which heart is unable to pump blood at an adequate rate to meet tissue metabolic requirements or has the ability to do so only at an elevated filling pressure. Attributes Attribute Name: hospitalizationIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has been hospitalized for heart failure. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: CHF Hospitalization Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Name: recentHospitalizationTi meframeType Datatype: Enum Alias: Heart Failure Hospital Timeframe Attribute Definition: Indicate the timeframe of the most recent hospitalization for heart failure. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: <= 6 months > 6 months 11. Prior cardiac transplant. Prior Intervention Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Prior Intervention Class Definition: Course of action utilized before the current admission/encounter (or current course of action) was initiated Attributes Attribute Name: priorCardiacTranspla ntIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Prior cardiac transplant Name: priorValveProcedureIn dicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Prior Valve Surgery/Procedure Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has had previous heart transplant surgery. Source: NCDR (ICD 2.1). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had a previous surgical replacement and/or repair of a cardiac valve, by any approach prior to arrival. Note(s): This also includes percutaneous valve procedures and valvuloplasty. Source: NCDR (Cath PCI). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 12. Heart transplant waiting list. Cardiac Transplant Wait List Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Heart transplant waiting list Class Definition: Listing of people with end-stage heart failure who are in need of a heart transplant procedure/are waiting on a donor heart to become available for transplant. Attributes Attribute Name: heartTransplantWaitList Indicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Heart transplant waiting list Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient is currently on a waiting list to receive a heart transplant. Target Value: The last value between birth and the first generator procedure in this admission. Source: NCDR (ICD 2.1). Enumerations: Selections: 0-No,1-Yes 14. Chronic Kidney Disease. Chronic Kidney Disease Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Chronic Kidney Disease Class Definition: Chronic kidney disease is defined as either kidney damage or GFR less than 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 for greater than or equal to 3 months. Kidney damage is defined as pathologic abnormalities or markers of damage, including abnormalities in blood or urine tests or imaging studies. Attributes Attribute Name: chonicrenalDiseaseTyp e Datatype: Enum Alias: Chronic Kidney Disease Notes Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of chronic kidney disease, captured as current status. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Indicate the patient's stage of disease (13): • Stage 0 - No known kidney disease • Stage 1 - Kidney damage with normal or high GFR greater than or equal to 90 ml/min/1.73 m2 • Stage 2 - Kidney damage with mildly decreased GFR 60 to 89 ml/min/1.73 m2 • Stage 3 - Moderately decreased GFR 30 to 59 ml/min/1.73 m2 • Stage 4 - Severely decreased GFR 15 to 29 ml/min/1.73 m2 • Stage 5 - Kidney failure GFR less than 15 ml/min/1.73 m2 or on dialysis. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or of choices or pick-list. 15. Dialysis. Dialysis Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Dialysis Class Definition: A procedure to remove toxic substances from the blood that is used in patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease or acute kidney failure. Source: NCI (C15221). Attributes Attribute Name: requirementIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Dialysis required Notes Attribute Definition: Requirement for dialysis treatment, including hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 16. Chronic Lung Disease. Chronic Lung Disease Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Chronic Lung Disease Class Definition: Long-term obstructive or inflammatory condition of the lungs. Chronic lung disease can include patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema. It can also include a patient who is currently being chronically treated with inhaled or oral pharmacological therapy (e.g., beta-adrenergic agonist, anti-inflammatory agent, leukotriene receptor antagonist, or steroid). Source: NCDR Attributes Attribute Name: CLDIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Chronic Lung Disease (CLD) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has chronic lung disease. Patients with asthma or seasonal allergies are not considered to have chronic lung disease (CLD). Note: A history of chronic inhalation reactive disease (asbestosis, mesothelioma, black lung disease or pneumoconiosis) qualifies as chronic lung disease. Radiation induced pneumonitis or radiation fibrosis also qualifies as chronic lung disease. A history of atelectasis is a transient condition and does not qualify. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 17. Chronic Lung Disease – Home Oxygen Therapy. O2Therapy Type: Class Package: Cardiology CDE Library Alias: Home O2 Therapy Class Definition: Use of supplemental oxygen outside of the acute care setting to maintain normal oxygenation levels. Attributes Attribute Name: home.O2TherapyIndicat or Datatype: Enum Alias: Home O2 Therapy Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if, prior to the current procedure, the patient has been receiving home oxygen therapy for treatment of chronic lung disease. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 18. Coronary Artery Disease. 22. PCI. 23. CABG Surgery. Coronary Artery Disease Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Coronary Artery Disease Class Definition: Condition in which atherosclerotic plaque accumulates in the coronary arteries to the point where coronary circulation is compromised. Documented history of any of the following: (ACC) • Documented coronary artery stenosis greater than or equal to 50% (by cardiac catheterization or other modality of direct imaging of the coronary arteries) • Previous coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) • Previous percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) • Previous myocardial infarction. Attributes Attribute Name: CADIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous history of coronary artery disease. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Coronary artery Enumerations: disease Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the patient's coronary artery disease (CAD) Name: CADPresentationType presentation. Choose the worst status. Note(s): If the patient presents with Datatype: Enum atypical symptoms of myocardial ischemia (i.e. only shortness of breath, upper abdominal pain, left arm pain, etc.) that is known and documented to be Alias: CAD Presentation myocardial ischemia, and is considered to be an anginal equivalent, code the selection that fits their presentation. If these symptoms are not thought to be or have not been proven to be the anginal equivalent, code "Symptom unlikely to be ischemic." Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: No symptom, no angina Symptom unlikely to be ischemic Stable Angina Unstable Angina NSTEMI STEMI 19. One epicardial artery >= 70% confirmed by angiography. Coronary Artery Angiography Result Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Coronary Artery Angiography Result Class Definition: C0085532 Coronary Angiography MSH/MH | Radiography of the vascular system of the heart muscle after injection of a contrast medium. Attributes Attribute Name: epicardialArteryObstr uctionIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: One epicardial artery > = 70% confirmed by angiography Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if ischemic heart disease is confirmed with at least one epicardial artery with >= 70% obstruction by angiography (or the left main coronary artery >=50%). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 20. Myocardial Infarction. Myocardial Infarction History Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Myocardial Infarction Class Definition: Documented history of previous myocardial infarction (MI), typically with objective evidence via positive biomarkers of myocardial necrosis. Attributes Attribute Name: HxMyocardialInfarctio nIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: History of Myocardial Infarction Notes Attribute Definition: Previous history of myocardial infarction. Documented history of previous myocardial infarction (MI), typically with objective evidence via positive biomarkers of myocardial necrosis. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 21. Myocardial infarction timeframe. Myocardial Infarction Timeframe Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Myocardial Infarction timeframe Class Definition: Period of time within which a myocardial infarction occurred. Attributes Attribute Name: MITimeframeType Datatype: Enum Alias: Myocardial Infarction timeframe Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the timeframe of the myocardial infarction. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: <=40 Days > 40 Days 24. Cardiac Arrest. 25. Cardiac Arrest Date. 26. Cardiac Arrest Due to Arrhythmia. 58. Bradycardia Arrest. 62. VT/VF Arrest. Cardiac Arrest Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiac Arrest Class Definition: *Sudden" cardiac arrest is the sudden cessation of cardiac activity so that the victim becomes unresponsive, with no normal breathing and no signs of circulation. If corrective measures are not taken rapidly, this condition progresses to sudden death. Cardiac arrest should be used to signify an event as described above that is reversed, usually by CPR, and/or defibrillation or cardioversion, or cardiac pacing. Sudden cardiac death should not be used to describe events that are not fatal. Source: ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures Attributes Attribute Name: arrhythmiaArrestIndic ator Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiac Arrest Due to Arrhythmia Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced cardiac arrest due to arrhythmia. Note(s): If a patient experienced ventricular fibrillation caused by lead manipulation during the procedure, and it required defibrillation, code no. No Yes Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the cardiac arrest was a result of bradycardia which is an excessive slowness in the action of the heart, usually with a heart rate below 60 beats per minute. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Bradycardia arrest Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of cardiac arrest. Name: historyOfArrestIndicat Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. or Datatype: Enum Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: History of Cardiac Arrest Name: bradycardiaArrestIndi cator Datatype: Enum Attribute Name: VTVFArrestIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the cardiac arrest was a result of ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular tachycardia is three or more fast heart beats (greater than 100 bpm) that originates in one of the ventricles. Ventricular fibrillation occurs when the heart's electrical activity becomes disordered and the ventricles contract in a rapid, unsynchronized way. Alias: Ventricular Tachycardia/Ventricular Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Fibrillation Arrest Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 27. Previous ICD Implant site. 28. Previous ICD reason. 29. Previous ICD type. Procedure ICD Characteristics Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library ICD Characteristics Class Definition: Distinguishing properties of current or prior internal cardiac defibrillator pacemakers including but not limited to indication for placement, device type, implant site and placement dates. Attributes Attribute Name: ICDImplantSiteType Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the location in the body where the ICD was implanted. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Alias: ICD Implant site Enumerations: -Pectoral The ICD was implanted in the pectoral wall. -Abdominal The ICD was implanted in the abdominal wall. Source: NCDR (ICD 2.1) Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for Name: secondary prevention was that the patient had an episode of cardiac arrest or ICDReasonIndicator Datatype: Enum arrhythmia where the etiology was unknown. This includes a sudden loss of consciousness requiring cardioversion or defibrillation to restore hemodynamic Alias: Initial ICD reason stability. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of is Cardiac choices or pick-list. Arrest/arrhythmia Enumerations: Etiology Unknown Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for secondary prevention was not documented in the medical record. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Initial ICD reason Selections: No, Yes is Not Documented Name: ICDReasonNotDocume ntedIndicator Datatype: Enum Name: ICDReasonSyncopeHig hRiskIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for secondary prevention was that the patient had an episode of syncope (sudden loss of consciousness with loss of postural tone not related to anesthesia) with high risk characteristics. High risk characteristics include non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, or ischemic heart disease with significant ventricular Attribute Alias: Initial ICD reason is Syncope with High Risk Characteristics Notes dysfunction, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Brugada Syndrome, or Long QT Syndrome. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for Name: ICDReasonSyncopeInd secondary prevention was that the patient had an episode of syncope (sudden loss of consciousness with loss of postural tone not related to anesthesia) while ucibleVTIndicator Datatype: Enum ventricular tachycardia (VT) was induced during an electrophysiological study that induced VT. Alias: Initial ICD reason Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. is Syncope with Enumerations: Inducible VT Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for secondary prevention was that the patient had an episode of ventricular fibrillation (VF). VF is a rapid, usually more than 300 beats per minute (cycle length 180 msec or less) grossly irregular ventricular rhythm with marked variability in cycle length, lack of discernible discreet QRS complex. Alias: Initial ICD reason Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. is Ventricular Enumerations: Fibrillation Selections: No, Yes Name: ICDReasonVFIndicato r Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for secondary prevention was that the patient had an episode of ventricular tachycardia (VT) that started spontaneously. Spontaneous VT lasts >30 seconds in duration or requires termination due to hemodynamic compromise in <30 seconds. Alias: Initial ICD reason Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. is Spontaneous Enumerations: Sustained VT Selections: No, Yes Name: ICDReasonVTIndicato r Datatype: Enum Name: ICDType Datatype: Enum Alias: ICD Type Attribute Definition: Indicate the type of implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Single chamber A single-chamber ICD defibrillates the ventricle and paces the ventricle. Dual chamber A dual-chamber ICD defibrillates the ventricle and paces the atrium and ventricle. CRT-D A cardiac resynchronization therapy device and defibrillator (CRT-D) has dual capabilities. It is a biventricular pacemaker that sends electrical signals Attribute Notes to both ventricles as well as a defibrillator. It may or may not have an atrial pacing wire. Source: NCDR (ICD 2.1) Name: previousICDDate Datatype: Date Attribute Definition: Indicate the date the patient had a previous ICD. Note(s): If month or day is unknown, enter "01". Source: NCDR Alias: Date of Previous ICD Date Name: previousICDReasonTy pe Datatype: Enum Alias: Previous ICD reason Attribute Definition: Indicate the reason the previous ICD was implanted. Note(s): If the patient originally presented with an indication of primary prevention, then had an event that categorized them as secondary prevention, code the patient as secondary prevention. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Primary prevention Primary Prevention is an indication for an ICD to prevent sudden cardiac death. It refers to use of ICDs in individuals who are at risk for but have not yet had an episode of sustained ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, or resuscitated cardiac arrest. Secondary prevention Secondary prevention refers to an indication for ICD exclusively for patients who have survived one or more cardiac arrests or sustained ventricular tachycardia. Patients with cardiac conditions associated with a high risk of sudden death who have unexplained syncope that is likely to be due to ventricular arrhythmias are considered to have a secondary indication. Supporting Definitions: Primary Prevention: Primary Prevention is an indication for an ICD to prevent sudden cardiac death. It refers to use of ICDs in individuals who are at risk for but have not yet had an episode of sustained ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, or resuscitated cardiac arrest. Source: ACC/AHA//HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities Secondary Prevention: Secondary prevention refers to an indication for ICD exclusively for patients who have survived one or more cardiac arrests or sustained ventricular tachycardia. Patients with cardiac conditions associated with a high risk of sudden death who have unexplained syncope that is likely to be due to ventricular arrhythmias are considered to have a secondary indication. Source: ACC/AHA//HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities 30. Cardiogenic Shock. Cardiogenic Shock Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiogenic Shock Class Definition: Cardiogenic shock is defined as a sustained (>30 minutes) episode of systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg, and/or cardiac index <2.2 L/min/m2 determined to be secondary to cardiac dysfunction, and/or the requirement for parenteral inotropic or vasopressor agents or mechanical support (e.g., Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), extracorporeal circulation, ventricular assist devices) to maintain blood pressure and cardiac index above those specified levels. Note: Transient episodes of hypotension reversed with IV fluid or atropine do not constitute cardiogenic shock. The hemodynamic compromise (with or without extraordinary supportive therapy) must persist for at least 30 minutes. Source: ACC/AHA Acute Coronary Syndromes Data Standards (JACC 2001 38: 2114 -30). Attributes Attribute Name: shockIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiogenic Shock Notes Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of cardiogenic shock. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 31. Cerebral Artery Disease. Cerebral Artery Disease Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cerebral Artery Disease Class Definition: Buildup of atherosclerotic plaque in the intracranial or cerebral arteries. Attributes Attribute Name: cerebroarterialDiseaseI ndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Cerebral Artery Disease Notes Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of any of the following: • Ischemic Stroke: infarction of central nervous system tissue whether symptomatic or silent (asymptomatic) • Transient ischemic attack (TIA): transient episode of neurological dysfunction caused by focal brain, spinal cord, or retinal ischemia without acute infarction. • Noninvasive or invasive carotid imaging test demonstrating greater than or equal to 50% stenosis of any of the major vessels to the brain • Previous carotid artery surgery or percutaneous carotid intervention for carotid artery stenosis. This does not include chronic (non-vascular) neurological diseases or other acute neurological insults such as metabolic and anoxic ischemic encephalopathy. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 32. Transient Ischemic Attack. TIA Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library TIA (Transient ischemic attack) Class Definition: Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is defined as a transient episode of focal neurological dysfunction caused by brain, spinal cord, or retinal ischemia, without acute infarction Attributes Attribute Name: TIAIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: TIA Notes Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 33. Ischemic Stroke. Ischemic Stroke Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Ischemic Stroke Class Definition: Ischemic stroke is defined as an acute episode of focal cerebral, spinal, or retinal dysfunction caused by infarction of central nervous system tissue. Attributes Attribute Notes Name: strokeIndicator Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of ischemic stroke. Datatype: Enum Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Ischemic Stroke Selections: No, Yes 34. Hemorrhagic Stroke. Hemorrhagic Stroke Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Hemorrhagic Stroke Class Definition: Hemorrhagic stroke is defined as an acute episode of focal or global cerebral or spinal dysfunction caused by nontraumatic intraparenchymal, intraventricular or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Attributes Attribute Name: hemorrhagicStrokeInd icator Datatype: Enum Alias: Hemorrhagic Stroke Indicator Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate a hemorrhagic stroke. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 35. Undetermined Stroke. Undetermined Stroke Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Undetermined Stroke Class Definition: Defined as a stroke with insufficient information to allow categorization as an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. Attributes Attribute Name: underterminedStrokeI ndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Undetermined Stroke Indicator Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate undetermined stroke. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 36. Syndromes at risk for sudden death. Sudden Death Syndrome Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Sudden Death Syndrome Class Definition: A syndrome that puts a patient at risk for sudden death. Source: NCDR Attributes Attribute Name: syndromeIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Indicator of Syndromes at Risk for Sudden Death Name: syndromeType Datatype: Enum Alias: Sudden death syndrome type Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a special syndrome that puts him/her at risk for sudden death. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Specify the type of syndrome that puts the patient at risk for sudden death. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Long QT syndrome -History of ECG findings of prolonged QT interval. Long QT Syndrome includes prolongation of the corrected QT interval beyond 440 ms for adult males, 460 ms for adult females and 50 ms in the presence of ventricular depolarization abnormalities (i.e., bundle branch blocks or IVCB more than 120 ms. Note: A normal QT interval in a resting ECG with a failure to shorten with an increase in heart rate qualifies as Long QT Syndrome. Short QT syndrome-History of ECG findings of short QT interval. Short QT Syndrome is characterized by a QT interval of <=300 ms. Brugada syndrome -Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in the absence of structural heart disease, associated with a baseline ECG pattern during sinus rhythm showing right bundle branch block with ST segment elevation in leads V1 through V3. It can also be characterized by documentation of ECG patterns associated with Brugada Syndrome, some of which may be unmasked when provoked with drugs. The most common genetic mutations identified for Brugada syndrome are in a sodium channel gene (SCN5A). Sodium channel blocking drugs, therefore, may exacerbate the electrocardiographic features and clinical presentation. Brugada syndrome typically presents before the age of 50 years. Catecholaminergic polymorphic VT- Ventricular Tachycardia associated with syncope and/or cardiac arrest VT triggered by emotion or exercise in patients whose baseline ECG is normal. Attribute Notes Idiopathic/primary VT/VF -Ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation whose cause is unknown. Other -The patient has a special syndrome with risk of sudden death which is not specified above. 38. Syncope. 39. Syncope Date. 40. Syncope – Frequency of Episodes. 41. Syncope – Number of Episodes. Syncope Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Syncope Class Definition: Sudden loss of consciousness with loss of postural tone, not related to anesthesia, with spontaneous recovery as reported by patient or observer. Patient may experience syncope when supine. Source: ACC/AHA CV EHR Data Standards Attributes Attribute Name: episodeDate Datatype: Date Notes Attribute Definition: Date of syncope. Indicate the date of the most recent event if there is a history of more than one. Alias: Date of Syncope Attribute Definition: Specify frequency if multiple syncopal episodes have Name: episodeFrequencyType occurred. Datatype: Enum Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Alias: Frequency of days syncopal episodes weeks years Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous history of syncope. Name: Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of episodeIndicator Datatype: Enum choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Syncope Name: numberOfEpisodes Datatype: Integer Alias: Number of syncopal episodes Attribute Definition: Specify number of syncopal episodes. If multiple episodes have occurred, provide frequency. ACC/AHA EP DS. 42. Sleep Apnea. 43. Sleep Apnea – Sleep Study Diagnosis. Sleep Study Diagnosis Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Sleep Study Diagnosis Class Definition: Cessation of breathing for short periods during sleep. It is classified as obstructive, central, or mixed obstructive-central. It can occur at any age but it is more frequent in people over forty. Risk factors include male sex and obesity. Source: NCI (C26884) Attributes Attribute Name: sleepApneaStudyDiagn osisIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Sleep Apnea_ Sleep Study Diagnosis Name: sleepApneaType Datatype: Enum Alias: Sleep Apnea Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the sleep apnea was diagnosed by a sleep study. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if patient has a history of sleep apnea as defined below: Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: - Obstructive sleep apnea: recurrent collapse of the pharynx during sleep - Central sleep apnea: transient cessation of neural drive to respiratory muscles - Mixed 44. Aorta Disease. Aorta Disease Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Aorta Disease Class Definition: Current or previous history of disease of the thoracic, thoracoabdominal, or abdominal aorta (typically aneurysm). Attributes Attribute Name: aortaDiseaseIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Aorta Disease Indicator Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous history of disease of the thoracic, thoracoabdominal, or abdominal aorta (typically aneurysm). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 45. Peripheral Arterial Disease. Peripheral Arterial Disease Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Peripheral Arterial Disease Class Definition: Impaired peripheral arterial circulation evidenced by any 1 of the following: • Claudication, either with exertion or at rest • Amputation for arterial vascular insufficiency • Vascular reconstruction, bypass surgery, or percutaneous intervention to the extremities • Documented aortic aneurysm with or without repair • Vascular angiography demonstrating a 50% or greater stenosis of a major peripheral arterial vessel • Positive noninvasive test for peripheral arterial disease, including an ankle-brachial index less than or equal to 0.9, ultrasound, magnetic resonance or computed tomography imaging demonstrating a 50% or greater stenosis of a major peripheral arterial vessel Source: ACC Top 100 Attributes Attribute Name: PADIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of peripheral arterial disease, including upper and lower extremity, renal, mesenteric, and aortic; but excluding cerebrovascular arterial disease). Alias: Peripheral Arterial Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Disease Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 46. Renal Artery Disease. Renal Artery Disease Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Renal Artery Disease Class Definition: Current or previous history of disease of the main renal arteries or extrarenal branches. Attributes Attribute Name: renalArteryDiseaseIndi cator Datatype: Enum Alias: Renal Artery Disease Indicator Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous history of disease of the main renal arteries or extrarenal branches. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 47. Deep Venous Thrombosis. Deep Venous Thrombosis Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Deep Venous Thrombosis Class Definition: A blood clot (thrombus) in a deep vein in the thigh or leg. Source: NCI (C49343). Attributes Attribute Name: DVTIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Deep Venous Thrombosis Notes Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of deep venous thrombosis. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 48. Venous Thromboembolism. Thromboembolism Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Venous thromboembolism Class Definition: Occlusion of the lumen of a vessel by a thrombus that has migrated from a distal site via the blood stream Source: NCI (C28195) Attributes Attribute Name: VTEIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous history of deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Alias: Yes/No indicator choices or pick-list. Enumerations: for Venous Thromboembolism (VT) Selections: No, Yes 49. Pulmonary Embolism. Pulmonary Embolism Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Pulmonary Embolism Class Definition: The closure of the pulmonary artery or one of its branches by an embolus, sometimes associated with infarction of the lung. Source: NCI (C50713). Attributes Attribute Name: PEIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Pulmonary Embolism Notes Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of pulmonary embolism. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 50. Primary Valvular Disease. Cardiac Valve Disease Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Primary Valvular Disease Class Definition: Primary Valvular Disease: Primary valvular heart disease is defined by heart disease that is primarily due to a valvular defect or abnormality, and is classified as: 1 Moderately severe or severe, or 3+ or 4+ aortic insufficiency. 2 Moderately severe or severe, or 3+ or 4+ mitral insufficiency with echocardiographic evidence that mitral insufficiency is a primary abnormality and not secondary to ventricular dilation. 3 Moderately severe or severe aortic stenosis defined by estimated aortic valve area by catheterization or Doppler echocardiography of <=1.0 cm2. 4 Moderately severe or severe mitral stenosis defined by estimated mitral valve area by catheterization or Doppler echocardiography of <1.0 cm2. 5 Moderately severe or severe pulmonic or tricuspid valve disease that is known to be a primary abnormality. Source: ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Attributes Attribute Name: primaryValvularDiseas eType Datatype: Enum Alias: Primary Valvular Disease Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of primary valvular heart disease that is moderately severe or severe. Note(s): Valve disease that is felt to be significant but does not fulfill the definition for primary valvular heat disease is considered contributory valvular heart disease, and should be coded as 'No.' An example of primary valvular heart disease is severe aortic stenosis that caused heart failure or cardiomyopathy. Aortic stenosis is the primary problem. An example of secondary valvular heart disease is a patient who had a myocardial infarction that caused a valve defect, thus the valve disease is not primary. Target Value: Any occurrence between birth and the first generator procedure in this admission. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1 Moderately severe or severe, or 3+ or 4+ aortic insufficiency. 2 Moderately severe or severe, or 3+ or 4+ mitral insufficiency with echocardiographic evidence that mitral insufficiency is a primary abnormality and not secondary to ventricular dilation. 3 Moderately severe or severe aortic stenosis defined by estimated aortic valve area by catheterization or Doppler echocardiography of <=1.0 cm2. Attribute Notes 4 Moderately severe or severe mitral stenosis defined by estimated mitral valve area by catheterization or Doppler echocardiography of <1.0 cm2. 5 Moderately severe or severe pulmonic or tricuspid valve disease that is known to be a primary abnormality. 51. Prior Valve Surgery/Procedure. Prior Intervention Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Prior Intervention Class Definition: Course of action utilized before the current admission/encounter (or current course of action) was initiated Attributes Attribute Name: priorCardiacTranspla ntIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Prior cardiac transplant Name: priorValveProcedureIn dicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Prior Valve Surgery/Procedure Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has had previous heart transplant surgery. Source: NCDR (ICD 2.1). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had a previous surgical replacement and/or repair of a cardiac valve, by any approach prior to arrival. Note(s): This also includes percutaneous valve procedures and valvuloplasty. Source: NCDR (Cath PCI). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 52. Sinus Node Function. 53. Permanent Pacemaker. Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Class Definition: An electronic device that is implanted in the body to monitor heart rate and rhythm. It gives the heart electrical stimulation when it does not beat normally. It runs on batteries and has long, thin wires that connect it to the heart. Source: NCI (C94198) Attributes Attribute Name: permanentPacemakerI ndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Permanent Pacemaker Name: permanentPacemaker Type Datatype: Enum Alias: Permanent Pacemaker type Name: sinusNodeFunctionTyp e Datatype: Enum Alias: Sinus Node Function Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient currently has a permanent pacemaker or had a permanent pacemaker that was implanted at any time prior to this procedure. This includes patients that had a permanent pacemaker previously, but the device is no longer in place. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate type of permanent pacemaker. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: • Single chamber (atrial) • Single chamber (ventricular) • Dual chamber (both atrial and ventricular, but not biventricular) • Biventricular of any type Attribute Definition: Indicate the patient's medical history with respect to sinus node function. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: - Normal sinus rhythm (60 to 100 bpm and the cycle length does not vary by more than 10% or 120 ms) - Sinus arrhythmia - Wandering atrial pacemaker - Sinus bradycardia - Sinoatrial exit block - Mobitz I - Mobitz II - Sinus arrest/pause Attribute Notes - Sinus node dysfunction (bradycardia) - Sick sinus syndrome - Sinus node dysfunction following cardiac surgery (transient or permanent) - Ectopic atrial rhythm - Other (specify) Specify date of first documented arrhythmia, number of episodes, and frequency. 54. Atrial arrhythmias. 55. Atrial Fibrillation. 56. Atrial Fibrillation Classification. 57. Atrial Flutter. Atrial Arrhythmia Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Atrial Arrhythmia Class Definition: Irregular heart beat resulting from a pathologic process in the cardiac atria. Source: NCI (C80503). Attributes Attribute Name: afibrillationClassificati onType Datatype: Enum Alias: afibrillation Classification Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the classification of atrial fibrillation or flutter. Note(s): If a patient fits in more than one category choose their most recent and most frequent presentation. For example, first detected atrial fibrillation (AF) can be either paroxysmal or persistent. A patient may have several episodes of paroxysmal AF and occasional persistent AF (code as paroxysmal) or the reverse (code as persistent). If a patient had permanent atrial fibrillation that was ablated, then it reoccurred and is now paroxysmal, code paroxysmal. Termination with pharmacological therapy or direct-current cardioversion does not alter designation. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Paroxysmal The arrhythmia terminates spontaneously (without pharmacological therapy or electrical cardioversion). Persistent (> 7 days) The arrhythmia is sustained beyond seven days (and is not self-terminating). This category also includes cases of long-standing atrial fibrillation (e.g. greater than one year), cases where atrial fibrillation terminates with pharmacological therapy or electrical cardioversion, or cases where cardioversion is not indicated, not attempted, or unsuccessful. Permanent (> 1 year) The arrhythmia has persisted for greater than one year, where pharmacological therapy and/or cardioversion has failed or has been foregone. Secondary (reversible cause) Secondary atrial fibrillation occurs when atrial fibrillation is transient and due to an unrelated, reversible cause. It is not the primary problem and treatment of the underlying disorder usually terminates the arrhythmia. It occurs in the setting of acute myocardial infarction, cardiac surgery, pericarditis, myocarditis, hyperthyroidism, or acute pulmonary disease. Conversely, when it is known that atrial fibrillation occurs in the course of a Attribute Notes concurrent disorder like well-controlled hypothyroidism, it is not considered secondary. Unknown The patient has a history of atrial fibrillation but the classification is not known or not specified. Source: NCDR (ICD Attribute Definition: Current of previous history of atrial arrhythmia. Name: atrialArrhythmiaType (The assessed type of atrial arrhythmia of the patient.) Datatype: Enum Enumerations: First detected AF Alias: Atrial arrhythmias Paroxysmal AF: AF is self-terminating within 7 days of recognized onset Persistent AF: AF is not self-terminating within 7 days or is terminated electrically or pharmacologically Permanent AF: cardioversion failed or not attempted AFlutter ATach SSS Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia ACC/AHA CHF DS Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous history of atrial fibrillation. Name: atrialFibrillationIndica Atrial Fibrillation is a supraventricular tachyarrhythmia characterized by uncoordinated atrial activity with consequent deterioration of atrial mechanical tor Datatype: Enum function. On the electrocardiogram (ECG), atrial fibrillation is characterized by the replacement of consistent P waves with rapid oscillations or fibrillation Alias: Atrial fibrillation waves that vary in amplitude, shape and timing, associated with an irregular, frequently rapid ventricular response when atrioventricular conduction is intact. Indicator Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous history of atrial flutter. Atrial Name: atrialFlutterIndicator Flutter is characterized by a sawtooth pattern of regular atrial activation called Datatype: Enum flutter waves on the Electrocardiogram (ECG), particularly visible in leads II, III, aVF and v1. Enumerations: Alias: Atrial Flutter Selections: No, Yes Indicator 59. Ventricular arrhythmias. Ventricular Arrhythmia Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Vtach/Vfib Arrest Class Definition: Irregular heart beat resulting from a pathologic process in the cardiac ventricles. Source: NCI (C26924) Attributes Attribute Name: VAType Datatype: Enum Alias: Ventricular Arrhythmias (VF) type Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the current or previous history of ventricular arrhythmias. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Current or previous history of ventricular arrhythmias.(The assessed type of ventricular arrhythmia of the patient.) • Ventricular tachycardia, sustained • Ventricular tachycardia, non-sustained • Ventricular fibrillation No. Can choose any of the VT/VF choices. No is exclusive. ACC/AHA CHF DS 60. Ventricular Tachycardia. 61. Ventricular Tachycardia Type. Ventricular Tachycardia Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Ventricular tachycardia Class Definition: Ventricular tachycardia is three or more fast heart beats (greater than 100 bpm) that originates in one of the ventricles. Attributes Attribute Name: VTIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Ventricular Tachycardia Indicator Name: VTType Datatype: Enum Alias: Ventricular Tachycardia Type Notes Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of ventricular tachycardia. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the type of ventricular tachycardia. Target Value: The highest value between birth and the first generator procedure in this admission. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Non-sustained VT Nonsustained or unsustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) is three or more beats in duration, terminating spontaneously in <30 seconds. Non-sustained VT can be monomorphic or polymorphic. Sustained monomorphic VT Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) is VT >30 seconds in duration or requiring termination due to hemodynamic compromise in <30 seconds that has a stable, single QRS morphology. Sustained polymorphic VT Sustained polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) is VT >30 seconds in duration or requiring termination due to hemodynamic compromise in <30 seconds that has a changing or multiform QRS morphology at cycle length >180 milliseconds. Sustained monomorphic and polymorphic VT. The patient has a history of both sustained monomorphic and sustained polymorphic VT polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. Unknown The patient has a history of ventricular tachycardia but the specific type is not known. 62. VT/VF Arrest. Cardiac Arrest Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiac Arrest Class Definition: *Sudden" cardiac arrest is the sudden cessation of cardiac activity so that the victim becomes unresponsive, with no normal breathing and no signs of circulation. If corrective measures are not taken rapidly, this condition progresses to sudden death. Cardiac arrest should be used to signify an event as described above that is reversed, usually by CPR, and/or defibrillation or cardioversion, or cardiac pacing. Sudden cardiac death should not be used to describe events that are not fatal. Source: ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures Attributes Attribute Name: arrhythmiaArrestIndic ator Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiac Arrest Due to Arrhythmia Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced cardiac arrest due to arrhythmia. Note(s): If a patient experienced ventricular fibrillation caused by lead manipulation during the procedure, and it required defibrillation, code no. No Yes Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the cardiac arrest was a result of bradycardia which is an excessive slowness in the action of the heart, usually with a heart rate below 60 beats per minute. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Bradycardia arrest Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Current or previous history of cardiac arrest. Name: historyOfArrestIndicat Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. or Datatype: Enum Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: History of Cardiac Arrest Name: bradycardiaArrestIndi cator Datatype: Enum Name: VTVFArrestIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if the cardiac arrest was a result of ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular tachycardia is three or more fast heart beats (greater than 100 bpm) that originates in one of the ventricles. Ventricular fibrillation occurs when the heart's electrical activity becomes Attribute Alias: Ventricular Tachycardia/Ventricular Fibrillation Arrest Notes disordered and the ventricles contract in a rapid, unsynchronized way. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 63. Hemodynamic Instability associated with Ventricular Tachycardia. Hemodynamic Instability Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Hemodynamic Instability associated with Ventricular Tachycardia Class Definition: Hemodynamic instability can include periods of reduced, unstable, or abnormal blood pressure with near syncope, or episodes of syncope. It creates a state of hypoperfusion that does not support normal organ perfusion or function. Attributes Attribute Name: VTWithHemodynamic InstabilityIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Hemodynamic Instability associated with Ventricular Tachycardia Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient demonstrated hemodynamic instability while having episodes of sustained or non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 64. ICD. Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library ICD Indicator Class Definition: A small device used to correct a heartbeat that is abnormal (too fast, too slow, or irregular). The device is placed by surgery in the chest or abdomen. Wires are passed through a vein to connect the device to the heart. When it detects abnormal heartbeats, it sends an electrical shock to the heart to restore the heartbeat to normal. Source: NCI (C93238) Attributes Attribute Name: ICDIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: ICD Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 65. Initial ICD reason is Cardiac Arrest/arrhythmia Etiology Unknown. 66. Initial ICD reason is Not Documented. 67. Initial ICD reason is Spontaneous Sustained VT. 68. Initial ICD reason is Syncope with High Risk Characteristics. 69. Initial ICD reason is Syncope with Inducible VT. 70. Initial ICD reason is Ventricular Fibrillation. Procedure ICD Characteristics Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library ICD Characteristics Class Definition: Distinguishing properties of current or prior internal cardiac defibrillator pacemakers including but not limited to indication for placement, device type, implant site and placement dates. Attributes Attribute Name: ICDImplantSiteType Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the location in the body where the ICD was implanted. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Alias: ICD Implant site Enumerations: -Pectoral The ICD was implanted in the pectoral wall. -Abdominal The ICD was implanted in the abdominal wall. Source: NCDR (ICD 2.1) Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for Name: secondary prevention was that the patient had an episode of cardiac arrest or ICDReasonIndicator Datatype: Enum arrhythmia where the etiology was unknown. This includes a sudden loss of consciousness requiring cardioversion or defibrillation to restore hemodynamic Alias: Initial ICD reason stability. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of is Cardiac choices or pick-list. Arrest/arrhythmia Enumerations: Etiology Unknown Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for secondary prevention was not documented in the medical record. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Initial ICD reason Selections: No, Yes is Not Documented Name: ICDReasonNotDocume ntedIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Name: ICDReasonSyncopeHig hRiskIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for secondary prevention was that the patient had an episode of syncope (sudden loss of consciousness with loss of postural tone not related to anesthesia) with high risk characteristics. High risk characteristics include non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, or ischemic heart disease with significant ventricular Alias: Initial ICD reason dysfunction, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Brugada Syndrome, or Long QT Syndrome. is Syncope with High Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Risk Characteristics choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for Name: ICDReasonSyncopeInd secondary prevention was that the patient had an episode of syncope (sudden loss of consciousness with loss of postural tone not related to anesthesia) while ucibleVTIndicator Datatype: Enum ventricular tachycardia (VT) was induced during an electrophysiological study that induced VT. Alias: Initial ICD reason Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. is Syncope with Enumerations: Inducible VT Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for secondary prevention was that the patient had an episode of ventricular fibrillation (VF). VF is a rapid, usually more than 300 beats per minute (cycle length 180 msec or less) grossly irregular ventricular rhythm with marked variability in cycle length, lack of discernible discreet QRS complex. Alias: Initial ICD reason Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. is Ventricular Enumerations: Fibrillation Selections: No, Yes Name: ICDReasonVFIndicato r Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason the previous ICD was implanted for secondary prevention was that the patient had an episode of ventricular tachycardia (VT) that started spontaneously. Spontaneous VT lasts >30 seconds in duration or requires termination due to hemodynamic compromise in <30 seconds. Alias: Initial ICD reason Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. is Spontaneous Enumerations: Sustained VT Selections: No, Yes Name: ICDReasonVTIndicato r Datatype: Enum Name: ICDType Datatype: Enum Alias: ICD Type Attribute Definition: Indicate the type of implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Single chamber A single-chamber ICD defibrillates the ventricle and paces the Attribute Name: previousICDDate Datatype: Date Notes ventricle. Dual chamber A dual-chamber ICD defibrillates the ventricle and paces the atrium and ventricle. CRT-D A cardiac resynchronization therapy device and defibrillator (CRT-D) has dual capabilities. It is a biventricular pacemaker that sends electrical signals to both ventricles as well as a defibrillator. It may or may not have an atrial pacing wire. Source: NCDR (ICD 2.1) Attribute Definition: Indicate the date the patient had a previous ICD. Note(s): If month or day is unknown, enter "01". Source: NCDR Alias: Date of Previous ICD Date Name: previousICDReasonTy pe Datatype: Enum Alias: Previous ICD reason Attribute Definition: Indicate the reason the previous ICD was implanted. Note(s): If the patient originally presented with an indication of primary prevention, then had an event that categorized them as secondary prevention, code the patient as secondary prevention. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Primary prevention Primary Prevention is an indication for an ICD to prevent sudden cardiac death. It refers to use of ICDs in individuals who are at risk for but have not yet had an episode of sustained ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, or resuscitated cardiac arrest. Secondary prevention Secondary prevention refers to an indication for ICD exclusively for patients who have survived one or more cardiac arrests or sustained ventricular tachycardia. Patients with cardiac conditions associated with a high risk of sudden death who have unexplained syncope that is likely to be due to ventricular arrhythmias are considered to have a secondary indication. Supporting Definitions: Primary Prevention: Primary Prevention is an indication for an ICD to prevent sudden cardiac death. It refers to use of ICDs in individuals who are at risk for but have not yet had an episode of sustained ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, or resuscitated cardiac arrest. Source: ACC/AHA//HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities Secondary Prevention: Secondary prevention refers to an indication for ICD exclusively for patients who have survived one or more cardiac arrests or sustained ventricular tachycardia. Patients with cardiac conditions associated with a high risk of sudden death who have unexplained syncope that is likely to be due to ventricular arrhythmias are considered to have a secondary indication. Source: ACC/AHA//HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities 71. Structural Abnormality Type – Amyloidosis. Amyloidosis Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormalities - Amyloidosis Class Definition: Amyloidosis is a rare and potentially fatal disease that occurs when substances called amyloid proteins build up in organs, including the heart. Source: NCDR Attributes Attribute Name: accumulatorIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Structural Abnormality Type Amyloidosis Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of amyloidosis. Note(s): Code yes if the patient has a documented history of amyloidosis. A biopsy of the heart to confirm involvement is not required to code yes. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 72. Structural Abnormality Type – Atrial Septal Defect. Atrial Septal Defect Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormality Type -Atrial Septal Defect Class Definition: An Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) is a hole in the wall between the two upper chambers of the heart. Note(s): Code no if the patient has an iatrogenic ASD (e.g. after trans-septal approach for a cath or EP study). Source: NCDR. Attributes Attribute Name: ASDIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Indicator for Structural Abnormality of Type -Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of an atrial septal defect (ASD). Note(s): Code no if the patient has an iatrogenic ASD (e.g. after trans-septal approach for a cath or EP study). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 73. Structural Abnormality Type – Chagas Disease. Chagas Disease Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormality - Chagas Disease History Class Definition: Chagas disease is an inflammatory, infectious condition caused by a parasite called the reduviid bug and which is transmitted to humans. Also called American trypanosomiasis, may become chronic, and can result in serious heart and digestive problems. Source: NCDR Attributes Attribute Notes Name: chagasIndicator Attribute Definition: Documented history of Chagas disease. Datatype: Enum Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Structural Selections: No, Yes Abnormality Type Chagas Disease indicator 74. Structural Abnormality Type – Common Ventricle. Common Ventricle Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormality Type - Common Ventricle Class Definition: Common ventricle is an umbrella term used to describe several very different complex congenital heart defects that share the same problem: the heart has only one functional ventricle (anatomically right or left or indeterminate) supplying the systemic circulation. These defects include tricuspid atresia, hypoplastic left or right heart syndrome, double outlet right ventricle, double inlet left ventricle, and other forms of single ventricle defects. Attributes Attribute Name: commonVentricleIndic ator Datatype: Enum Alias: Indicator for Common Ventricle, congenital heart defects that share the same problem Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of a common ventricle (CV). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 75. Structural Abnormality Type – Ebstein’s Anomaly. Ebstein's Anomaly Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormality Type - Ebstein's Anomaly Class Definition: Ebstein's anomaly is a rare congenital heart defect that primarily involves the right ventricle and the tricuspid valve. Blood leaks back through the valve and into the right atrium which can lead to cardiomyopathy, and tachyarrhythmias. Source: NCDR. Attributes Attribute Name: ebsteinHistoryIndicato r Datatype: Enum Alias: Indicator for history of Ebstein's anomaly (EB) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of Ebstein's anomaly. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 76. Structural Abnormality Type - Giant Cell Myocarditis. Giant Cell Myocarditis Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormality Type - Giant Cell Myocarditis Class Definition: Giant cell myocarditis (GCM) is a type of myocarditis (or inflammation of the myocardium) that is diagnosed by endocardial biopsy and thought to be mediated by T lymphocytes. Source: NCDR. Attributes Attribute Name: GCMIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of giant cell myocarditis (GCM). Enumerations: Alias: Indicator for giant Selections: No, Yes cell myocarditis (GCM) 77. Structural Abnormality Type – Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Class Definition: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease in which the heart muscle (myocardium) becomes abnormally thick or hypertrophied. Source: NCDR. Attributes Attribute Name: HCMIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Structural Abnormality Type Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 78. Structural Abnormality Type - Left Ventricular Aneurysm. Left Ventricular Aneurysm Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Left Ventricular Aneurysm Class Definition: A left ventricular aneurysm is a bulge or ballooning in the left ventricle of the heart. Source: NCDR (ICD 2.1). Attributes Attribute Name: LVAIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of a left ventricular aneurysm (LVA). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Structural Abnormality Type - Left Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Ventricular Aneurysm (LVA) 79. Structural Abnormality Type – LV-Non-compaction Syndrome. Left Ventricular Noncompaction Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormality Type- LV Non-compaction Syndrome Class Definition: This is an uncommon congenital abnormality where the left ventricular myocardium fails to compact during embryonic development, leading to cardiomyopathy with a variable degree of ventricular dysfunction. There is genetic heterogeneity and phenotypic variability. Characteristically, there are typically deep trabeculations in the noncompacted area, with varying proportions of the LV myocardium compacted. LV noncompaction is associated with rhythm abnormalities including WolffParkinson-White syndrome, conduction defects, and ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Source: NCDR (ICD 2.1). Attributes Attribute Notes Name: LVNSIndicator Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of left ventricular Datatype: Enum non-compaction syndrome (LVNS). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Structural Abnormality Type- LV Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Non-compaction Syndrome 80. Structural Abnormality Type – Other. Other Structural Abnormality Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Other Structural Abnormality Class Definition: These conditions are frequently found in imaging reports such as echo, MRI, CAT scan, MUGA or other imaging studies. Source: NCDR (ICD 2.1). Attributes Attribute Name: otherAbnormalityIndic ator Datatype: Enum Alias: Presence of other structural abnormality Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has any other structural abnormality of the heart, ventricles or great vessels (excluding primary valvular heart disease). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: 0-No,1-Yes 81. Structural Abnormality Type – Right Ventricular Dysplasia (ARVD). Arrhythmia Right Ventricular Dysplasia Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormality Type - Right Ventricular Dysplasia (ARVD) Class Definition: Arrhythmia Right Ventricular Dysplasia is an inherited cardiomyopathy characterized by ventricular arrhythmia and right ventricular dysfunction. Source : NCDR (ICD 2.1). Attributes Attribute Name: arrhythmiaRVDysplasi aIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Indicator for arrhythmia right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of arrhythmia right ventricular (RV) dysplasia. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 82. Structural Abnormality Type – Sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormality Type - Sarcoidosis Class Definition: Sarcoidosis is a disease characterized by the development and growth of tiny clumps of inflammatory cells in different areas of the body, including the heart. Note(s): Code yes if the patient has a documented history of sarcoidosis. A biopsy of the heart to confirm involvement is not required to code yes. Source : NCDR (ICD 2.1). Attributes Attribute Name: sarcoidIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Indicator for Structural Abnormality Type - Sarcoidosis (Sarcoid) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of sarcoidosis. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 83. Structural Abnormality Type – Transposition of Great Vessels. Transposition Great Vessels Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormality Type - Transposition of Great Vessels Class Definition: Transposition of the great vessels (TGV) is a congenital heart defect in which the two main arteries leaving the heart are reversed (transposed). Source: NCDR (ICD 2.1). Attributes Attribute Name: TGVIindicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Yes/No indicator for history of transposition of great vessels (TGV) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of transposition of great vessels. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 84. Structural Abnormality Type – Tetralogy of Fallot. Tetralogy Fallot Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormality Type -Tetralogy of Fallot Class Definition: Tetralogy of Fallot is a congenital heart defect characterized by a large ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis; right ventricular hypertrophy and an overriding aorta. Source: NCDR. Attributes Attribute Name: TOFIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Indicator for Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 85. Structural Abnormality Type – Ventricular Septal Defect. Ventricular Septal Defect Type: Package: Alias: Class Structural Abnormality Cardiology CDE Library Structural Abnormality Type -Ventricular Septal Defect Class Definition: A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a hole in the wall between the two lower chambers of the heart. Note(s): The VSD can be congenital or acquired. Source: NCDR. Attributes Attribute Name: VSDIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Yes/No indicator for ventricular septal defect (VSD) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a history of a ventricular septal defect (VSD). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 86. Depression. Depression Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Depression Class Definition: Diagnosis of depression, or documentation of a depressed mood or affect. Attributes Attribute Name: depressionIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Depression Notes Attribute Definition: Current or previous diagnosis of depression, or documentation of a depressed mood or affect. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 87. HIV Infection HIV Infection Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library HIV Infection Class Definition: HIV infection diagnosed by a physician or qualified medical-care provider documented in a medical record and based on the following laboratory criteria: • Positive result from an HIV antibody screening test (e.g., reactive EIA*) confirmed by a positive result from a supplemental HIV antibody test (e.g., Western blot or indirect immunofluorescence assay test); or • Positive result or report of a detectable quantity (i.e., within the established limits of the laboratory test) from any of the following HIV virologic (i.e., non-antibody) tests: – HIV nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) detection test (e.g., PCR) – HIV p24 antigen test, including neutralization assay – HIV isolation (viral culture) Oral reports of prior laboratory test results are not acceptable. Attributes Attribute Name: HIVIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: HIV Infection Indicator Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate HIV infection diagnosed by a physician or qualified medical-care provider documented in a medical record. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 90. Patient Life Expectancy of >= 1 year. Patient Life Expectancy Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Patient Life Expectancy of > = 1 year Class Definition: The length of time a patient may be expected to live. Attributes Attribute Name: lifeExpectancyType Datatype: Enum Alias: Patient Life Expectancy of > = 1 year. Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if, by physician estimate, the patient is expected to live for one or more years. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: -No -Yes -Not Documented 91. Clinical Trial. Clinical Trial Participant Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Clinical Trial Participant Class Definition: NCI/PT | Consent by a patient to a surgical or medical procedure or participation in a clinical study after achieving an understanding of the relevant medical facts and the risks involved. C0021430 (Informed Consent) Attributes Attribute Name: clinicalTrialConsentIn dicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Clinical Trial Informed Consent Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient signed an informed consent to participate in a clinical trial during his/her hospitalization, even if the investigational medication, device, or procedure was never initiated. Note(s): This element is referenced in The Joint Commission AMI Core Measures, AMI-1 through AMI-9. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Family history 92. Coronary artery disease. Familial Coronary Artery Disease Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Familial Coronary Artery Disease Class Definition: A record of a patient's background regarding health and disease events of blood relatives includes the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. A patient's family medical history may be important in diagnosing existing conditions Source: NCI (C17726) Attributes Attribute Name: familialCADIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Family history of Coronary artery disease (CAD) Notes Attribute Definition: A first-degree relative (parent, sibling, child) documented to have had any of the following at age less than 55 years for male relatives or less than 65 years for female relatives: : - Coronary artery disease (CAD) -Myocardial infarction (MI) - Coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) - Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) - Sudden cardiac death without obvious cause. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 93. Sudden Cardiac Death. Familial Sudden Cardiac Death Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Sudden Cardiac Death Class Definition: Family history (parent or sibling) of sudden cardiac death, defined as natural death due to cardiac causes, heralded by abrupt loss of consciousness. The time and mode of death are unexpected even though preexisting heart disease may have been known to be present (26). Sudden death without obvious cause is considered sudden cardiac death. Traumatic death subsequently proven to be due to sudden loss of control due to a cardiac problem is included. Source: ACC/AHA CHF Data Standards. Attributes Attribute Name: familialSCDIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Family history of Sudden cardiac death (SCD) Notes Attribute Definition: A first-degree relative (parent, sibling, child) documented to have died of suddenly of presumed cardiac etiology without other obvious cause. ACC/AHA Cardiac Imaging DS. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Physical exam 94. Height. 95. Weight. 96. Systolic Blood Pressure. 97. Diastolic Blood Pressure. 100. Waist Circumference. 104. Killip Class. Physical Exam Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Class Definition: This class supports the collection of information resulting from the physical exam of a patient. It includes information for the period prior to the encounter, e.g., CHF current status, as well as information collected within the context of the encounter, e.g., Admission Sx Presentation. Attributes Attribute Notes Attribute Definition: Diastolic blood pressure in millimeters mercury. Name: diastolicBloodPressure Datatype: Integer Alias: Diastolic Blood Pressure Name: height Datatype: Integer Attribute Definition: Height in cm. To be converted from English units if needed. Alias: Height Name: killipClass Datatype: Enum Alias: killip Class Attribute Definition: In patients presenting with an acute ST elevation myocardial infarction, physical exam findings at the initial evaluation: Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Class 1: absence of rales over the lung fields and absence of S3 Class 2: rales over 50% or less of the lung fields or the presence of an S3 • Class 3: rales over more than 50% of the lung fields • Class 4: cardiogenic shock (systolic BP <90 mm Hg greater than or equal to 30 minutes, not responsive to fluid resuscitation alone, and felt to be secondary Attribute Notes to cardiac) dysfunction. ACC/AHA ACS Data Standards. Name: systolicBloodPressure Datatype: Integer Attribute Definition: Systolic blood pressure in millimeters mercury. Alias: Systolic Blood Pressure Name: waistCircumference Datatype: Integer Attribute Definition: Measured actual waist dimensions at the level of the umbilicus, in cm. Alias: Waist circumference Name: weight Datatype: Integer Alias: Weight Attribute Definition: Measured actual weight in kg. To be converted from English units if needed. 98. Heart Rate. 99. Heart Rate Date/Time. Pulse Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Pulse Class Definition: Number of heart beats over a period of one minute. Attributes Attribute Name: heartRate Datatype: Integer Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the number of heart beats over a period of one minute. Alias: Heart Rate Name: heartRateDateTime Datatype: DateTime Alias: Heart Rate Date/Time Attribute Definition: The date/time that the Heart Rate was taken. 101. Chest Pain: Angina or Anginal Equivalent. 102. Anginal classification. 103. Anginal Classification Date. Angina Pectoris Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Class Definition: Chest pain, other discomfort, dyspnea, or other sign or symptom possibly, probably, or definitely consistent with myocardial ischemia or infarction. ACC/AHA Cardiac Imaging DS. Attributes Attribute Notes Attribute Definition: Date of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Name: CCSAnginalClassificat Anginal Classification. ionDate Datatype: Date Alias: Anginal Classification Date Name: CCSAnginalClassificat ionType Datatype: Enum Alias: Anginal Classification Attribute Definition: Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. For symptoms or signs in patients suspected or consistent with myocardial ischemia per the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) grading scale: Enumerations: • Class I: Ordinary physical activity, such as walking or climbing stairs, does not cause angina. Angina occurs with strenuous, rapid, or prolonged exertion at work or recreation. • Class II: Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Angina occurs on walking or climbing stairs rapidly, walking uphill, walking or climbing stairs after meals, or in cold, in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening. Angina occurs on walking more than 2 blocks on the level and climbing more than 1 flight of ordinary stairs at a normal pace and in normal conditions. • Class III: Marked limitations of ordinary physical activity. Angina occurs on walking 1 to 2 blocks on the level and climbing 1 flight of stairs in normal conditions and at a normal pace. • Class IV: Inability to perform any physical activity without discomfort. Anginal symptoms may be present at rest. I II III IV Attribute Notes ACC/AHA Campeau L. Circulation 1976;54:522. Letter. 105. New York Heart Association Class. HeartFailure Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Heart Failure Class Definition: Heart failure is defined as physician documentation or report of any of the following clinical symptoms of heart failure described as unusual dyspnea on light exertion, recurrent dyspnea occurring in the supine position, fluid retention; or the description of rales, jugular venous distension, pulmonary edema on physical exam, or pulmonary edema on chest x-ray presumed to be cardiac dysfunction. A low ejection fraction without clinical evidence of heart failure does not qualify as heart failure. Source: Acute Coronary Syndromes Data Standards (JACC 2001 38: 2114 - 30), The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Attributes Attribute Name: HFIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Heart Failure Name: NYHAClassType Datatype: Enum Alias: NYHA Class Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous history of heart failure. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Heart failure class [New York Heart Association (NYHA)] For symptoms or signs in patients with defined or presumed cardiac disease per the New York Heart Association classification scale. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Class I: without limitations of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue fatigue, palpitations, or dyspnea. Class II: slight limitation of physical activity. The patient is comfortable at rest. Ordinary physical activity results in fatigue, palpitations, or dyspnea. Class III: marked limitation of physical activity. The patient is comfortable at rest. Less than ordinary activity causes fatigue, palpitations, or dyspnea. Class IV: inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort. Heart failure symptoms are present even at rest or with minimal exertion. Value Domain/PV: I II III IV Source: ACC/AHA Citation: The Criteria Committee of the New York Heart Association. In Nomenclature and Criteria for Diagnosis of Diseases of the Heart and Great Attribute Notes Vessels, 9th ed. Boston, Mass: Little, Brown & Co.; 1994: 253-256. Laboratory values Reported in standard laboratory units. 106. Blood urea nitrogen. 107. Creatinine. 108. Hematocrit. 109. Hemoglobin. 110. Glucose, any. 111. Glucose, fasting. 112. Hemoglobin A1c. 113. Total cholesterol. 114. LDL cholesterol. 115. HDL cholesterol. 116. Triglycerides. 117. Brain naturemic peptide (BNP). 118. NT-proBNP. 119. Prothrombin International Normalized Ratio (INR). 120. Sodium. 121. Potassium. 122. Creatinine kinase (CK). 123. Creatinine kinase MB (CK-MB). 124. Troponin. 125. Troponin I. 126. Troponin T. Diagnostic Procedures 127. Cardiac diagnostic procedure. 128. Date of cardiac diagnostic procedure. Cardiac Diagnostic Procedure Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiac Diagnostic Procedure Class Definition: Attributes Attribute Name: diagnosticProcedureTy pe Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiac Diagnostic Procedure Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the type of cardiac diagnostic procedure. This lexicon emphasizes common names for procedure concepts even when various sub-procedures comprise the concept (e.g., transthoracic echocardiogram, left heart catheterization), rather than an unbundled listing of the sub-procedures that comprise the procedure (e.g., CPT code listing). The procedure of greater complexity should be chosen when the concept of greater complexity is inclusive of the one of lesser complexity (e.g., Stress echo is inclusive of TTE). Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: ECG Holter monitor Event monitor TTE TEE Stress ECG Stress echo Stress nuclear MR Stress MR CTA PET RHC RvBx LHC EPS Coronary Angiography [Except for cardiac catheterization and RV biopsy, tests are mutually exclusive events] 129. 12 Lead ECG. 130. 12 Lead ECG Date/Time. 131. ECG (any). 132. ECG (any) date/Time. Lead ECG Performed Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Lead ECG Performed Class Definition: The patient had a 12 lead electrocardiogram (ECG) with automated measurements. Attributes Attribute Name: 12LeadECGPerformed Indicator Datatype: Enum Alias: 12 Lead EG Performed indicator Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had a 12 lead electrocardiogram (ECG) with automated measurements. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 133. ECG Timing with STEMI or STEMI Equivalent. 134. ECG Findings for NSTEMI. 135. ECG Findings for STEMI. ECG Findings Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library ECG Findings Class Definition: Interpretations of measurements from an electrocardiogram. Attributes Attribute Name: abnormalIVCIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Name: leftAnteriorFascicular BlockIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type - Left Anterior Fascicular Block Name: leftBundleBranchBlock Indicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type - Left Bundle Branch Block Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has Abnormal intraventricular conduction, with fascicular blocks, bundle branch blocks, non-specific conduction delays or ventricular pacing. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has left anterior fascicular block. Left anterior fascicular block is characterized by all of the following: Left-axis deviation with frontal QRS axis between -45 degrees and -90 degrees; Q wave in lead aVL; rS in inferior leads ; QRS duration is <120 ms ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has left bundle branch block. . Supporting def (if any): Left Bundle Branch is characterized by QRS duration 120 ms or longer, delayed onset of intrinsicoid deflection in 1, V5, and V6 >60 ms, Broad and notched or slurred R waves in I, aVL, V5, and V6, rS or QS complexes in right precordial leads, ST-segment and T waves in opposite polarity to the major QRS deflection ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Name: leftPosteriorFascicular BlockIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type - Left Posterior Fascicular Block Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has left posterior fascicular block. Selections: 0-No,1-Yes, Supporting def (if any):Left Posterior Fascicular Block is characterized by all of the following: Right-axis deviation with frontal QRS axis between +90 degrees and +180 degrees; rS in leads I and aVL and qR in inferior leads (Q waves 40 ms) QRS duration <120 ms; Exclude other causes of Right Axis deviation ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has an intraventricular conduction delay that was nonspecific. Selections: 0-No,1-Yes, Supporting def (if any):Non-Specific abnormal Intraventricular conduction delays are characterized by a QRS duration of 110 ms or more with morphology different from LBBB or RBBB ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Alias: Abnormal Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Intraventricular choices or pick-list. Conduction Type Enumerations: Delay, Nonspecific Selections: No, Yes Name: NSTEMIType Attribute Definition: Indicate if the findings from the electrocardiogram Datatype: Enum demonstrated evidence on NSTEMI., code the findings on which treatment was based. Alias: ECG Findings for Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. NSTEMI Enumerations: 1 New or Presumed New ST Depression Indicate if there was new or presumed new horizontal or down-sloping ST depression >=0.5 mV in two contiguous leads below the isoelectric line on the electrocardiogram (ECG) within the first 24 hours of presentation. If no exact ST- depression measurement is recorded in the medical chart, physician’s written documentation of ST- depression is acceptable. 2 New or Presumed New T Wave Inversion Indicate if there was a new or presumed new T-wave inversion of at least 0.1 mV in two contiguous leads Name: nonspecificIVCDelayIn dicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Name: PRInterval Datatype: Integer Notes with prominent R-wave or R/S ratio >1 within the first 24 hours of presentation. If no exact T-wave inversion measurement is recorded in the medical chart, physician’s written documentation of T-wave inversion is acceptable. 3 Transient ST Elevation Lasting < 20 Minutes Indicate if there was new or presumed new ST- segment elevation at the J point in two contiguous electrocardiogram (ECG) leads with the cut-off points: >=0.2 mV in men or >= 0.15mV in women in leads V2-V3 and/or >= 0.1 mV in other leads, and lasting less than 20 minutes, within the first 24 hours of presentation. If no exact ST- elevation measurement is recorded in the medical chart, physician’s written documentation of transient ST- elevation is acceptable. 4 None Indicate if the first electrocardiogram (ECG) did not reveal ST depression, transient ST-elevation or T-wave inversion Attribute Definition: Indicate the PR interval, in milliseconds, on the electrocardiogram. Alias: PR Interval Name: PRIntervalObtainableI ndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: PR Interval not Obtainable Name: QRSDuration Datatype: Integer Alias: QRS Duration (Non-ventricular Paced Complexes) Attribute Definition: Indicate if the PR interval on the electrocardiogram was not obtainable. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the duration of the non-ventricular paced or intrinsic QRS complex, in milliseconds, that was derived from the surface electrocardiogram (ECG). Surface ECGs are obtained from the surface of the body and do not include intracardiac ECGs. Attribute Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has right bundle branch block. Selections: 0-No,1-Yes. Right Bundle Branch Block is characterized by a QRS duration of 120 ms, rsR' or rSR' complexes in V1 and V2, Delayed onset of intrinsicoid, deflection in V1 and V2 >50 ms, Broad, slurred S wave in 1, V5, and V6 Secondary ST-T wave changes ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Alias: Abnormal Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Intraventricular Conduction Type - Right Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Bundle Branch Block Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the ECG findings demonstrated either new or Name: STEMIECGFindingsT presumed new ST segment elevation, new left bundle branch block, or isolated posterior myocardial infarction. Code the findings on which treatment was ype Datatype: Enum based. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pickAlias: ECG Findings for list. Enumerations: STEMI 1 ST Elevation ST-segment elevation is defined by new or presumed new sustained ST segment elevation at the J-point in two contiguous electrocardiogram (ECG) leads with the cut-off points: >=0.2 mV in men or >= 0.15mV in women in leads V2-V3 and/or >= 0.1 mV in other leads and lasting greater than or equal to 20 minutes. If no exact ST-elevation measurement is recorded in the medical chart, physician’s written documentation of ST-elevation or Q waves is acceptable. If only one ECG is performed, then the assumption that the ST elevation persisted at least the required 20 minutes is acceptable. 2 LBBB Left bundle branch block (LBBB) refers to LBBB that was not known to be old on the initial ECG. 3 Isolated Posterior MI Isolated Posterior Myocardial Infarction refers to infarction of the posterobasal wall of the left ventricle. The use of posterior leads V7 to V9 will show ST segment elevation in patients with posterior infarction. If posterior leads were not applied, ST segment depression that is Name: rightBundleBranchBlo ckIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Notes maximal in leads V1-V3, without ST-segment elevation in other leads, may be considered as indicative of posterior ischemia or infarction. Attribute Definition: Indicate if a STEMI or STEMI equivalent was noted on either the first ECG or a subsequent ECG. Note(s): Code "Subsequent ECG" if the ECG on arrival does not indicate STEMI or STEMI equivalent. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Alias: ECG Timing with Enumerations: 1 First ECG STEMI or STEMI 2 Subsequent ECG Equivalent Name: STEMIECGTimingTy pe Datatype: Enum Alias: Only Ventricular Paced QRS Complexes Attribute Definition: Indicate if there were only ventricular paced QRS complexes present. Note(s): If the patient has some intrinsic ventricular complexes present, code 'No. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Name: ventricularPacedQRS Duration Datatype: Integer Attribute Definition: Indicate the duration of the ventricular paced QRS complex, in milliseconds, that was derived from the surface electrocardiogram (ECG). Surface ECGs are obtained from the surface of the body and do not include intracardiac ECGs. Name: ventricularPacedQRS ComplexesIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Ventricular Paced QRS Duration Name: VentricularPacedRhyt hmIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type Ventricular Paced Rhythm Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a ventricular paced rhythm. If, on the ECG closest to the procedure, the patient is not paced 100% of the time, code no., Target value: The last value between birth and the first generator procedure in this admission. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 136. Electrophysiology Study. Electrophysiology Study Performed Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Electrophysiology Study Performed Class Definition: The patient had an electrophysiology study (EPS). One or more catheters capable of recording and pacing are placed in one or more of the cardiac chambers. The catheters may be used to measure conduction of the impulse from the sinus node to the ventricle; induce a tachycardia; and/or localize (map) the location where the tachycardia originates. NCDR Attributes Attribute Name: EPSPerformedIndicato r Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had an electrophysiology study (EPS). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Electrophysiology Selections: No, Yes study (EPS) Performed Indicator 137. Ventricular Arrhythmias Induced. Ventricular Arrhythmia Induced Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Ventricular Arrhythmias Induced Class Definition: Arrhythmias that are induced through programmed ventricular stimulation, or delivery of external energy, such as radiofrequency current. ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Attributes Attribute Name: inducedIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Ventricular Arrhythmias Induced Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if ventricular arrhythmias were induced during the electrophysiology study. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 138. Non-Invasive Stress Testing. NonInvasive Stress Test Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Non-Invasive Stress Testing Class Definition: Patient underwent exercise or pharmacologic stress testing with or without echocardiographic or nuclear imaging. Attributes Attribute Name: nonInvasiveStressTestI ndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Non-Invasive Stress Test Indicator Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient underwent exercise or pharmacologic stress testing with or without echocardiographic or nuclear imaging. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 139. Stress Test Result. Stress Test Result Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Stress or Exercise Stress Test Results Class Definition: A recording of cardiac electrical activity during stress or exercise. Source: NCI (C80406) Attributes Attribute Name: exceriseStressResultType Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the results of the exercise stress test. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Exercise Stress Test Negative: A stress test is negative when the electrocardiogram (ECG) is normal or not suggestive of ischemia. ECGs are not suggestive of ischemia Results when < 1 mm of horizontal or downsloping ST-segment depression or elevation for >= 60-80 milliseconds after the end of the QRS complex, either during or after exercise. Positive: A stress test is positive when the electrocardiogram (ECG) suggests ischemia. ECGs suggestive of ischemia can be described as having >= 1 mm of horizontal or downsloping ST-segment depression or elevation for >= 60-80 milliseconds after the end of the QRS complex, either during or after exercise. It is also suggestive of ischemia if the patient had symptoms of ischemia (i.e., chest pain), arrhythmias, and/or a fall in blood pressure during or immediately after the procedure. If more than one study was performed with conflicting results and one study suggested coronary artery disease, code yes. Indeterminant: The results of the stress test were in determinant. They cannot be considered positive or negative. Unavailable: The results of the stress test are not available. Attribute Definition: Result of functional cardiac testing evaluating for Name: evidence of myocardial ischemia. stressTestResultType Datatype: Enum Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Stress Test Result Normal Abnormal Indeterminate 140. Exercise Stress Test Results. Ischemia Risk Score Stress Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Ischemia Risk Stress Class Definition: The risk score is derived by the Duke Treadmill score which is an exercise treadmill score that predicts prognosis in coronary artery disease. It is calculated as follows: Treadmill score = exercise time -(5 x ST-segment deviation in millimeters*) -(4 x treadmill angina index**) * ST-segment deviation can be measured at 60 to 80 ms after the J point. If the amount of exercise-induced ST-segment deviation is less than 1 mm, the value entered into the score for ST deviation is 0. ** The treadmill anginal index has a value of 0 if there was no exercise angina, 1 if exercise angina occurred, and 2 if angina was the reason the patient stopped exercising. Exercise time is based on a standard Bruce protocol. The Duke Treadmill Score was published by Daniel, Mark, et. al, in the Annals of Internal Medicine, June 1987, Vol 106, #6. Attributes Attribute Name: riskExtentIschemiaStr essType Datatype: Enum Alias: Risk/Extent of Ischemia (Stress Test) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the risk score of the standard exercise stress test. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Target Value: The last value between 6 months prior to procedure and current procedure. Enumerations: Low Risk: Low-risk treadmill score (score >=5). Low risk equates with a less than 1% annual mortality rate. Intermediate Risk: Intermediate risk treadmill score (-11 < score < 5). Intermediate risk equates with a 1-3% annual mortality rate. High Risk: High risk treadmill score (score <= -11). High risk equates with a greater than 3% annual mortality rate. Unavailable: The results of the stress test are unavailable. Supporting Definitions: (none) 141. SPECT/MPI Imaging Results. SPECT MPI Result Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Class Definition: C0040399 SPECT NCI/PT | A type of tomography in which gamma photon-emitting radionuclides are administered to the patient and then detected by one or more gamma cameras rotated around the patient. From the series of two-dimensional images produced, a three-dimensional image can be created by computer reconstruction. Attributes Attribute Name: SMResultType Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the imaging results of the SPECT MPI study. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Alias: SPECT/MPI Imaging Results SPECT 1 Negative The results of the imaging study revealed no myocardial perfusion MPI imaging result (it’s defects. an appropriate acronym) 2 Positive The result of the imaging study revealed one or more stress-induced myocardial perfusion defects. 3 Indeterminant The results of the study were uninterpretable. They cannot be considered positive or negative. 4 Unavailable The results of the study were not available. Supporting Definitions: (none) 142. Risk/Extent of Ischemia (SPECT/MPI). Ischemia Risk SPECT MPI Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Ischemia Risk Nuclear Class Definition: The percentage of myocardial tissue which exhibits characteristics of inadequate blood flow as measured by cardiac nuclear imaging procedure/study. Source: NCI (C80494). Attributes Attribute Name: riskExtentIschemiaSpe ctMPIType Datatype: Enum Alias: Risk/Extent of Ischemia (SPECT/MPI) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the risk or extent of ischemia as evidenced by the results of a stress testing with SPECT MPI. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Low Risk 1. Low-risk treadmill score (score >=5). 2. Normal or small myocardial perfusion defect at rest or with stress.* *Although the published data are limited, patients with these findings will probably not be at low risk in the presence of either a high-risk treadmill score or severe resting left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF <35%). Low risk equates with a less than 1% annual mortality rate. Intermediate Risk 1. Mild/moderate resting left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF=35% to 49%). 2. Intermediate-risk treadmill score (-11 < score < 5) 3. Stress-induced moderate perfusion defect without LV dilation or increased lung intake (thallium-201) Intermediate risk equates with a 1%-3% annual mortality rate. High Risk 1. Severe resting left ventricular dysfunction (exercise LVEF <35%) 2. High-risk treadmill score (score <= -11) 3. Severe exercise left ventricular dysfunction (exercise LVEF <35%) 4. Stress-induced large perfusion defect (particularly if anterior) 5. Stress-induced multiple perfusion defects of moderate size 6. Large, fixed perfusion defect with LV dilation or increased lung update (thallium-201) 7. Stress-induced moderate perfusion defect with LV dilation or increased lung uptake (thallium-201) High risk equates with a greater than 3% annual mortality rate. Unavailable The results of the study were not available. 143. Stress Echo Imaging Results. Echo Stress Test Result Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Class Definition: An image of the heart produced by ultrasonography during exercise or while pharmacologic stressors are in use. (C37945) Attributes Attribute Name: stressEchoResultType Datatype: Enum Alias: Stress Echo Imaging Results Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the imaging results of the stress echocardiogram. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumeration Negative: The imaging study was normal. There was no change in wall motion during the procedure. Positive: The imaging study was abnormal. There were changes that reflected wall motion abnormalities during the procedure. Indeterminant: The results of the study were uninterpretable. They cannot be considered positive or negative. Unavailable: The results of the imaging study was not available. 144. Risk/Extent of Ischemia (Stress Echo). Ischemia Risk Stress Echo Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Risk/Extent of Ischemia (Stress Echo) Class Definition: Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Indicate the risk or extent of ischemia of the stress echocardiogram. Low risk 1. Low-risk treadmill score (score >=5). 2. Normal stress echocardiographic wall motion or no change of limiting resting wall motion abnormalities during stress*. *Although the published data are limited, patients with these findings will probably not be at low risk in the presence of either a high-risk treadmill score or severe resting left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF <35%). Low risk equates with a less than 1% annual mortality rate Intermediate risk 1. Mild/moderate resting left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF=35% to 49%) 2. Intermediate-risk treadmill score (-11 < score < 5). 3. Limited stress echocardiographic ischemia with a wall motion abnormality only at higher doses of dobutamine involving less than or equal to two segments. Intermediate risk equates with a 1%-3% annual mortality rate. High risk 1. Severe resting left ventricular dysfunction (exercise LVEF <35%). 2. High-risk treadmill score (score <= -11). 3. Severe exercise left ventricular dysfunction (exercise LVEF <35%). 4. Echocardiographic wall motion abnormality (involving greater than two segments) developing at low dose of dobutamine (<=10 mg/kg/min) or at a low heart rate (<120 beats/min). 5. Stress echocardiographic evidence of extensive ischemia. High risk equates with a greater than 3% annual mortality rate. Unavailable Results of test not available. Attributes Attribute Name: ischemiaRiskStressEch oIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Ischemia Risk Stress Echo Indicator Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the risk or extent ischemia as evidenced by the results of a stress echocardiogram. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Low risk 1. Low-risk treadmill score (score >=5). 2. Normal stress echocardiographic wall motion or no change of limiting resting wall motion abnormalities during stress*. *Although the published data are limited, patients with these findings will probably not be at low risk in the presence of either a high-risk treadmill score or severe resting left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF <35%). Low risk equates with a less than 1% annual mortality rate Attribute Notes Intermediate risk 1. Mild/moderate resting left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF=35% to 49%) 2. Intermediate-risk treadmill score (-11 < score < 5). 3. Limited stress echocardiographic ischemia with a wall motion abnormality only at higher doses of dobutamine involving less than or equal to two segments. Intermediate risk equates with a 1%-3% annual mortality rate. High risk 1. Severe resting left ventricular dysfunction (exercise LVEF <35%). 2. High-risk treadmill score (score <= -11). 3. Severe exercise left ventricular dysfunction (exercise LVEF <35%). 4. Echocardiographic wall motion abnormality (involving greater than two segments) developing at low dose of dobutamine (<=10 mg/kg/min) or at a low heart rate (<120 beats/min). 5. Stress echocardiographic evidence of extensive ischemia. High risk equates with a greater than 3% annual mortality rate. Unavailable Results of test not available. 145. Stress Test with CMR Imaging. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Result Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Result Class Definition: Findings from a cardiac magnetic resonance imaging procedure performed to evaluate cardiac function, structure or morphology. Attributes Attribute Name: CMRResultType Datatype: Enum Alias: CMR Imaging Results Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the imaging results of the cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging study performed to evaluate cardiac perfusion. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Negative: The results of the imaging study revealed no myocardial perfusion defects. Positive: The result of the imaging study revealed one or more stress-induced myocardial perfusion defects. Indeterminant: The results of the study were uninterpretable. They cannot be considered positive or negative. Unavailable: The results of the study were not available. 146. Risk/Extent of Ischemia (Stress Test with CMR). Ischemia Risk CMR Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Risk/Extent of Ischemia (Stress Test with CMR) Class Definition: Indicate the risk or extent of ischemia as evidenced by the results of a stress test with cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). Attributes Attribute Name: ischemicRiskType Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the risk or extent of ischemia as evidenced by the results of a stress test with cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Alias: Type Risk/Extent of Ischemia 1 Low Risk 1. Low-risk treadmill score (score >=5). (Stress Test with CMR) 2. Normal or small myocardial perfusion defect at rest or with stress.* *Although the published data are limited, patients with these findings will probably not be at low risk in the presence of either a high-risk treadmill score or severe resting left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF <35%). Low risk equates with a less than 1% annual mortality rate. 2 Intermediate Risk 1. Mild/moderate resting left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF=35% to 49%). 2. Intermediate-risk treadmill score (-11 < score < 5) 3. Stress-induced moderate perfusion defect without LV dilation or increased lung intake (thallium-201) Intermediate risk equates with a 1%-3% annual mortality rate. 3 High Risk 1. Severe resting left ventricular dysfunction (exercise LVEF <35%) 2. High-risk treadmill score (score <= -11) 3. Severe exercise left ventricular dysfunction (exercise LVEF <35%) 4. Stress-induced large perfusion defect (particularly if anterior) 5. Stress-induced multiple perfusion defects of moderate size 6. Large, fixed perfusion defect with LV dilation or increased lung update (thallium-201) 7. Stress-induced moderate perfusion defect with LV dilation or increased lung uptake (thallium-201) High risk equates with a greater than 3% annual mortality rate. 4 Unavailable The results of the study were not available. 147. Cardiac CTA. 148. Cardiac CTA Results. Cardiac CTA Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiac CTA Class Definition: Cardiac computerized tomographic angiography (CTA) was performed. Attributes Attribute Name: CTAIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiac CTA Indicator Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a cardiac computerized tomographic angiography (CTA) was performed. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the results of the cardiac computerized tomographic angiography (CTA). Note(s): For purposes of coding the results of a cardiac CTA, a coronary artery is defined as one of the 3 major vessels of the heart. These vessels are the right coronary artery, the left anterior descending Alias: CTA Result Type. coronary artery and the circumflex coronary artery and their associated branches. A left main coronary artery with stenosis >=50% is considered two vessel disease because it feeds both the left anterior descending and circumflex arteries. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 0 No disease There was <50% stenosis in all coronary artery branches. 1 1 Vessel disease There was >=50% stenosis in one coronary artery. 2 2 Vessel disease There was >=50% stenosis in two coronary arteries (or >=50% stenosis in the left main coronary artery). 3 3 Vessel disease There was >=50% stenosis in three coronary arteries (or >=50% stenosis in the left main coronary artery and >=50% stenosis in the right coronary artery). 4 Indeterminant The results of the study were uninterpretable due to technical or patientrelated issues. 5 Unavailable The results of the study were unavailable. Name: CTAResultType. Datatype: Enum 149. Pre-Test Probability of coronary artery disease. Medical Risk Factor Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Medical Risk Factor Class Definition: Any aspect of an individual's life, behavior, an environmental exposure, or an inborn or inherited characteristic that increases the likelihood of a disease, condition or injury. Source: NCI(C17103) Attributes Attribute Name: pretestProbabilityOfCAD Type Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: For procedures evaluating for the presence of obstructive coronary disease (e.g., stress tests, CT angiography, left heart cardiac catheterization), indicate(or specify) the pre-test probability estimate of the presence of obstructive CAD. If presence of CAD is known, select ‘Known CAD’. Alias: Pre-test probability of Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. coronary artery disease Enumerations: Permissible values: Low (<10%) Intermediate (10% to 90%) High (>90% Known CAD Source: ACC/AHA CV EHR DS and Cardiac Imaging DS. 150. Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (qualitative). 151. Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (quantitative). Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Ejection Fraction Class Definition: Amount of blood ejected during a ventricular contraction of the heart. Attributes Attribute Notes Name: qualLVEFType Attribute Definition: The estimated resting left ventricular ejection fraction Datatype: Enum (LVEF), as a qualitative score. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Alias: Left Ventricular Enumerations: Ejection Fraction Hyperdynamic: greater than 70% (LVEF) (qualitative) Normal: 50% to 70% (midpoint 60%) Mild dysfunction: 40% to 49% (midpoint 45%) Moderate dysfunction: 30% to 39% (midpoint 35%) Severe dysfunction: less than 30% (midpoint 20%) Attribute Definition: The calculated resting left ventricular ejection fraction Name: quantLVEF Datatype: Integer (LVEF), as either a percentage value or the midpoint value when a range is reported. Alias: Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (quantLVEF) 152. Left ventricle size, end-diastole (quantitative). 153. Left ventricle size, end-systole (quantitative). Left Ventricular Size Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Left Ventricle Class Definition: Measurements of lower left chamber of heart obtained during radiographic imaging. Attributes Attribute Name: qualitativeSizeType Datatype: Enumeration Notes Attribute Definition: Qualitative estimate of the chamber size of the left ventricle. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Alias: Left Ventricle size Enumerations: Normal (Qualitative) Enlarged Reduced Attribute Definition: Short axis measurement of the left ventricular chamber Name: quantatativeSizeDiasto size at end-diastole, in cm. le Datatype: Integer Alias: Left ventricle size, end-diastole (quantitative) Attribute Definition: Short axis measurement of the left ventricular chamber Name: quantitativeSizeSystole size at end-systole, in cm. Datatype: Integer Alias: Left Ventricular Size, end-Systole (quantitative) 154. Left atrium size (quantitative). Left Atrium Size Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Left Atrium Class Definition: Measurements obtained from radiographic image of the left cardiac atrium. Source: NCI(C80422). Attributes Attribute Name: LAQuantSize Datatype: Integer Alias: Left atrium size (quantitative) Notes Attribute Definition: Size of the left atrium, in cm. 155. Aortic valve stenosis severity. 156. Aortic valve area. Stenosis Severity Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Class Definition: Degree to which the orifice of the cardiac valves are narrowed or strictured resulting in restriction of blood flow through the valves. Attributes Attribute Name: aorticValveArea Datatype: Integer Notes Attribute Definition: Severity of stenosis of the aortic valve in cm2. Alias: Aortic valve area Name: aorticValveStenosisSev erityType Datatype: Enum Alias: Aortic valve stenosis severity Name: mitralValveArea Datatype: Integer Attribute Definition: Severity of stenosis of the aortic valve. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: None Mild Moderate Severe Attribute Definition: Severity of stenosis of the mitral valve, in square centimeters. Alias: Mitral valve area Name: mitralValveStenosisSev erityType Datatype: Enum Alias: Mitral valve stenosis severity Attribute Definition: Severity of stenosis of the mitral valve. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: None Mild Moderate Severe 157. Aortic valve regurgitation severity. Regurgitation Severity Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Regurgitation Severity Class Definition: Degree to which blood flows in the opposite direction than expected owning to imperfect closing, insufficiency, or incompetency of the valves. Blood may flow into the heart or across chambers of the heart inappropriately. Attributes Attribute Name: aorticValveSeverityTy pe Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Severity of regurgitation through the aortic valve. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: None Mild Alias: Aortic valve Moderate regurgitation severity Severe Attribute Definition: Severity of regurgitation through the mitral valve. Name: mitralValveSeverityTy Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. pe Datatype: Enum Enumerations: None Mild Alias: Mitral valve Moderate regurgitation severity Severe 158. Mitral valve stenosis severity. 159. Mitral valve area. Stenosis Severity Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Class Definition: Degree to which the orifice of the cardiac valves are narrowed or strictured resulting in restriction of blood flow through the valves. Attributes Attribute Name: aorticValveArea Datatype: Integer Notes Attribute Definition: Severity of stenosis of the aortic valve in cm2. Alias: Aortic valve area Name: aorticValveStenosisSev erityType Datatype: Enum Alias: Aortic valve stenosis severity Name: mitralValveArea Datatype: Integer Attribute Definition: Severity of stenosis of the aortic valve. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: None Mild Moderate Severe Attribute Definition: Severity of stenosis of the mitral valve, in square centimeters. Alias: Mitral valve area Name: mitralValveStenosisSev erityType Datatype: Enum Alias: Mitral valve stenosis severity Attribute Definition: Severity of stenosis of the mitral valve. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: None Mild Moderate Severe 160. Mitral valve regurgitation severity. Regurgitation Severity Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Regurgitation Severity Class Definition: Degree to which blood flows in the opposite direction than expected owning to imperfect closing, insufficiency, or incompetency of the valves. Blood may flow into the heart or across chambers of the heart inappropriately. Attributes Attribute Name: aorticValveSeverityTy pe Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Severity of regurgitation through the aortic valve. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: None Mild Alias: Aortic valve Moderate regurgitation severity Severe Attribute Definition: Severity of regurgitation through the mitral valve. Name: mitralValveSeverityTy Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. pe Datatype: Enum Enumerations: None Mild Alias: Mitral valve Moderate regurgitation severity Severe 161. Diagnostic Catheterization. Cardiac Diagnostic Procedure Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiac Diagnostic Procedure Class Definition: Procedure to evaluate the structure and / or function of the heart. Attributes Attribute Name: diagnosticProcedureTy pe Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiac Diagnostic Procedure Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the type of cardiac diagnostic procedure. This lexicon emphasizes common names for procedure concepts even when various sub-procedures comprise the concept (e.g., transthoracic echocardiogram, left heart catheterization), rather than an unbundled listing of the sub-procedures that comprise the procedure (e.g., CPT code listing). The procedure of greater complexity should be chosen when the concept of greater complexity is inclusive of the one of lesser complexity (e.g., Stress echo is inclusive of TTE). \ Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: ECG Holter monitor Event monitor TTE TEE Stress ECG Stress echo Stress nuclear MR Stress MR CTA PET RHC RvBx LHC EPS Coronary Angiography [Except for cardiac catheterization and RV biopsy, tests are mutually exclusive events] 162. Diagnostic Catheterization Status. 163. Reason for Diagnostic Catheterization_Cardiac Transplantation. 164. Reason for Diagnostic Catheterization_Cardiac Transplant Evaluation Type 165. Reason for Diagnostic Catheterization_Cardiomyopathy or Left ventricular systolic dysfunction evaluation. 166. Reason for Diagnostic Catheterization_Pre-operative evaluation for noncardiovascular surgery. Diagnostic Cath Indication Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization Indication Class Definition: Reasons for performing diagnostic cardiac catheterization procedures. Attributes Attribute Name: cardiomyopathyIndicat or Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a reason for the cath lab visit is evaluation of cardiomyopathy and/or evaluation of left ventricular systolic dysfunction (i.e. depressed LV ejection fraction). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Cath lab reason_Cardiomyopathy Selections: No, Yes or Left ventricular systolic dysfunction evaluation Attribute Definition: Indicate if a reason for the cath lab visit is pre-operative Name: preopSurgeryIndicator evaluation before non-cardiac surgery. Datatype: Enum Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Cath Lab Selections: No, Yes reason_Pre-operative evaluation for noncardiovascular surgery Name: statusType Datatype: Enum Alias: Diagnostic Cath Status Attribute Definition: Indicate the status of the diagnostic catheterization. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1-Elective 2-Urgent Attribute Notes 3-Emergency 4-Salvage Name: transplantReasonIndic ator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if a reason for the cath lab visit is evaluation for, or routine follow-up after an organ transplant. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Reason for Catheterization_Cardiac Transplantation Attribute Definition: Indicate if the reason for the cath lab visit is evaluation Name: transplantReasonType for, or routine follow-up after a cardiac transplant. Target Value: Any Datatype: Enum occurrence between arrival and current procedure Selections: Selection Text Definition Donor for cardiac transplant Candidate to receive a cardiac transplant Post-cardiac transplant follow-up Supporting Definitions: (none). Alias: Reason for Catheterization_Cardiac Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Transplant Evaluation Enumerations: Type 1 Donor for cardiac transplant 2 Candidate to receive cardiac transplant 3 Post-cardiac transplant follow-up 167. Left heart catheterization. Left Heart Catheterization Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Left Heart Catheterization Class Definition: Defined as the passage of a catheter into the left ventricle for the purposes of angiography or measurement of ventricular pressures and/or oxygen saturation. Attributes Attribute Name: LHCatheterizationIndi cator Datatype: Enum Alias: Left Heart(LH) Catheterization Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had a left heart (LH) catheterization procedure. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 168. Diagnostic Coronary Angiography. Diagnostic Coronary Angiography Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Diagnostic Coronary Angiography Class Definition: Diagnostic coronary angiography is defined as the passage of a catheter into the aortic root or other great vessels for the purpose of angiography of the native coronary arteries or bypass grafts supplying native coronary arteries. NCDR. C0085532 Coronary Angiography MSH/MH | Radiography of the vascular system of the heart muscle after injection of a contrast medium. Attributes Attribute Name: coronaryAngiographyI ndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Diagnostic Coronary Angiography Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had a diagnostic coronary angiography procedure. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 169. Coronary Anatomy Dominance. Coronary Artery Dominance Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Coronary Artery Dominance Class Definition: Whether the posterior descending artery comes from the right or left vessel system. Source: NCDR. Location from which posterior descending artery originates as defined by coronary angiography or other radiologic study. Attributes Attribute Notes Name: dominanceType Attribute Definition: Indicate the dominance of the coronary anatomy. Datatype: Enum Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Alias: Coronary 1 Left The posterior descending artery (PDA) and posterolateral artery (PLA) Anatomy Dominance arises from the left circumflex artery. 2 Right The posterior descending artery (PDA) and posterolateral artery (PLA) arises from the right coronary artery. 3 Co-dominant The right coronary artery supplies the posterior descending artery (PDA) and the circumflex supplies the posterolateral artery (PLA). Thus, there is approximately equal contribution to the inferior surface of the left ventricle from both the left circumflex and right coronary arteries. 170. Coronary artery: number of diseased vessels (excludes left main disease). Diseased Epicardial Vessels Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Diseased Vessels Class Definition: Number of major epicardial vessels, and major branches of the epicardial vessels, with 70% or greater luminal obstruction. Attributes Attribute Name: CANumber Datatype: Integer Alias: Coronary artery (CA) number of diseased vessels (excludes left main disease) Notes Attribute Definition: Coronary artery (CA) number of diseased vessels (excludes left main disease). 171. Stenosis location. 172. Stenosis severity. Coronary Artery Stenosis Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Stenosis Class Definition: Stenosis represents the percentage diameter reduction, from 0 to 100, associated with the identified vessels. Percent stenosis at its maximal point is estimated to be the amount of reduction in the diameter of the "normal" reference vessel proximal to the lesion. Source: NCDR. Attributes Attribute Name: percentCIRCOMLPD AGraftStenosis Datatype: Integer Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the best estimate of most severe percent stenosis in a graft supplying the circumflex coronary artery territory as determined by angiography. If no stenosis, enter 0%. In instances where multiple lesions are present, enter the single highest percent stenosis noted. Alias: CIRCUMFLEX, Obtuse marginals, Left posterior descending artery, Left Posterolateral Branches Graft Stenosis Percent Name: percentCIRCOMLPD AStenosis Datatype: Integer Attribute Definition: Indicate the best estimate of most severe percent stenosis in the circumflex (CIRC), obtuse marginals (OMs), and depending on dominance, the left posterolateral (LPL) and left posterior descending artery (LPDA) branches of >= 2.0 mm in diameter as determined by angiography. Alias: Circumflex, Obtuse marginals, left posterolateral and left posterior descending artery branches percent stenosis Name: percentLADDiagonalG raftStenosis Datatype: Integer Alias: Mid/Distal Left Attribute Definition: Indicate the best estimate of most severe percent stenosis in a graft supplying the mid/distal left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery territory, including all diagonal branches, as determined by angiography. In instances where multiple lesions are present, enter the single highest percent stenosis noted. Attribute Anterior Descending, Diag Branches Graft Stenosis Percent Notes Name: percentLADStenosis Datatype: Integer Attribute Definition: Indicate the best estimate of most severe percent stenosis in the mid/distal left anterior descending (LAD), including all diagonal coronary artery branches that are >= 2.0 mm in diameter as determined by angiography. Alias: Mid/Distal left anterior descending coronary artery and all diagonal coronary branches percent stenosis Attribute Definition: Left main coronary artery stenosis: Percent luminal Name: percentLMCAStenosis narrowing of the left main coronary artery, at the point of maximal stenosis of Datatype: Integer the left main. Alias: Left Main Stenosis Percent Name: percentProximalLADG raftStenosis Datatype: Integer Attribute Definition: Indicate the best estimate of most severe percent stenosis in a graft supplying the proximal left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery branch territory as determined by angiography. If no stenosis, enter 0%. In instances where multiple lesions are present, enter the single highest percent stenosis noted. Alias: Proximal Left Anterior Descending Graft Stenosis Percent Attribute Definition: Proximal left anterior descending coronary artery Name: percentProximalLADS stenosis: Percent luminal narrowing of the proximal left anterior descending artery, at the point of maximal stenosis of the LAD. tenosis Datatype: Integer Alias: Proximal Left anterior descending (LAD)coronary artery percent stenosis Attribute Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the best estimate of most severe percent stenosis Name: percentRamusGraftSte supplying a graft to the ramus coronary artery as determined by angiography. nosis Datatype: Integer Alias: Ramus graft stenosis percent Attribute Definition: Indicate the best estimate of most severe percent stenosis Name: percentRamusStenosis in the ramus artery (if present) of >= 2.0 mm in diameter as determined by Datatype: Integer angiography. Alias: Ramus artery percent stenosis Name: percentRCAAMRPDA Stenosis Datatype: Integer Attribute Definition: Indicate the best estimate of most severe percent stenosis in the right coronary artery (RCA), acute marginal (AM) branches, and depending on dominance, the right posterior descending artery (RPDA), and right posterolateral (RPL) branches of >= 2.0 mm in diameter as determined by angiography. Alias: Right coronary artery, acute marginal branches, right posterior descending artery and right posterolateral branches percent stenosis Name: percentRCARPDARP LAStenosis Datatype: Integer Alias: Right coronary artery, right posterior descending, right posterolateral and acute marginal branches stenosis percent Attribute Definition: Indicate the best estimate of most severe percent stenosis in a graft supplying the right coronary artery territory as determined by angiography. In instances where multiple lesions are present, enter the single highest percent stenosis noted. 173. Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS). Intravascular Ultrasound Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Class Definition: C0041618 Ultrasonography NCI/NCI-GLOSSPT | A procedure in which sound waves (called ultrasound) are bounced off tissues and the echoes produce a picture (sonogram). Attributes Attribute Name: CAUltrasoundIndicato r Datatype: Enum Alias: Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) of Coronary arteries Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if intravascular ultrasound of coronary arteries was performed to confirm the percent stenosis. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 174. Fractional Flow Reserve. Fractional Flow Reserve Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Fractional Flow Reserve Class Definition: Myocardial fractional flow reserve is a lesion-specific index of stenosis severity. Attributes Attribute Name: FFReserveIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Fractional Flow (FF) Reserve Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if fractional flow (FF) reserve was performed to confirm the percent stenosis. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 175, Fractional Flow Reserve Ratio. Fractional Flow Reserve Ratio Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Fractional Flow Reserve Ratio Class Definition: The ratio of maximum blood flow to the MYOCARDIUM with CORONARY STENOSIS present, to the maximum equivalent blood flow without stenosis. The measurement is commonly used to verify borderline stenosis of CORONARY ARTERIES. C1721077 Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial Attributes Attribute Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the fractional flow reserve ratio. (Lowest value). Name: fractionalFlowReserve Ratio Datatype: Integer Alias: Fractional Flow Reserve Ratio 176. Cardiac Rhythm – Sinus Rhythm. Cardiac Rhythm Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiac Rhythm Class Definition: The recurrent, measured movements (rhythm) of a beating heart. Source: NCI (C87081) Attributes Attribute Name: pacemakerRhythmIndi cator Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiac RhythmPaced Name: pacingRhythmType Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Attribute Definition: The cardiac rhythm originates from a pacemaker. Note(s): Indicate the patient's cardiac rhythm. It is acceptable to code the patient's cardiac rhythm based on cardiac Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Attribute Definition: Indicate the type of pacing noted in the cardiac rhythm Enumerations: Atrial pacing -The patient's pacemaker is firing to create an atrial contraction or a "p wave". Ventricular pacing- The patient's pacemaker is firing to create a ventricular contraction or a "QRS complex". Both -The patient's pacemaker is firing to create both atrial and ventricular contractions Attribute Definition: The cardiac rhythm originates from the sinoatrial node. Name: sinusRhythmIndicator Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Datatype: Enum choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Cardiac Rhythm- Selections: No, Yes Sinus Rhythm Alias: Pacing Type Name: underlyingatrialRhyth mIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Attribute Definition: Indicate, for the paced rhythm, the underlying atrial rhythm Enumerations: Sinus rhythm -The atrial rhythm originates from the sinoatrial node. Atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter -There are no consistent P waves. With atrial Attribute Notes Alias: Underlying Atrial flutter, in the place of P waves, there is uncoordinated atrial activity with rapid oscillations or Rhythm fibrillation waves that vary in amplitude, shape, timing, and are associated with an irregular ventricular response (if atrioventricular conduction is intact). With atrial flutter, there is a sawtooth pattern of regular atrial activation. Sinus arrest -The patient has no conduction through the sinoatrial node with a pause for a minimum of 3 seconds. Unknown- The underlying atrial rhythm is unknown 177. Cardiac Rhythm – Atrial Tachycardia. 178. Cardiac Rhythm – Junctional. 179. Cardiac Rhythm – Idioventricular. Cardiac Rhythm Abnormality Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Class Definition: CSP/PT | Any variation from the normal rhythm or rate of the heartbeat. Cardiac Arrhythmia C0003811 Attributes Attribute Name: afibFlutterIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiac RhythmAfib/Flutter Notes Attribute Definition: The cardiac rhythm is atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: The cardiac rhythm is greater than 100 beats per minute that originates from the atria or sinoatrial node. Note(s): Indicate the patient's cardiac rhythm. It is acceptable to code the patient's cardiac rhythm based on cardiac rhythm strips (as opposed to 12 lead ECGs) that are interpreted by a qualified professional. If more than one is available, code the rhythm based on Alias: Cardiac Rhythm- the rhythm strip or ECG closest to the start of the procedure. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Atrial Tachycardia choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Attribute Definition: Indicate the presence of a first Name: firstDegreeHeartBlock degree heart block characterized by a PR interval greater than 200 ms Indicator Enumerations: Datatype: Enum Selections: No, Yes Name: atrialTachycardiaIndic ator Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiac RhythmFirst Degree Heart Block Name: idioventricularIndicato r Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: The cardiac rhythm originates in the ventricles. The heart rate is usually regular and ranging between 30-40 beats per minute (the intrinsic ventricular rate), but can be higher or lower. If atrial activity is present, there is usually no relationship between the atrial and ventricular complexes. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Attribute Alias: Cardiac RhythmIdioventricular Notes choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: The cardiac rhythm arises from the atrioventricular (AV) junction. Note(s): Indicate the patient's cardiac rhythm. It is acceptable to code the patient's cardiac rhythm based on cardiac rhythm strips (as opposed to 12 lead ECGs) that are interpreted by a qualified professional. If more than one is Alias: Cardiac Rhythm- available, code the rhythm based on the rhythm strip or ECG closest to the start of the procedure. Junctional Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Characterized by one of the following: Mobitz I: Name: secondDegreeHeartBlo progressive PR prolongation and shortening of RR interval until P wave is blocked. Pause after blocked P wave is less than twice the PP interval. PR ckIndicator Datatype: Enum following block is shorter than PR immediately preceding block. Mobitz II: regular sinus/atrial rhythm with intermittent nonconducted P waves. Constant Alias: Cardiac Rhythm- PR interval in the conducted beats. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Second Degree Heart choices or pick-list. Block Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Characterized by independent atrial and ventricular Name: thirdDegreeHeartBloc complexes with the atrial rate usually exceeding ventricular rate. Also known as complete heart block. kIndicator Datatype: Enum Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Cardiac Rhythm- Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Third Degree Heart Block Name: junctionalIndicator Datatype: Enum 180. Cardiac Rhythm – Afib/Flutter. Atrial Arrhythmia Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Atrial Arrhythmia Class Definition: Irregular heart beat resulting from a pathologic process in the cardiac atria. Source: NCI (C80503). Attributes Attribute Name: afibrillationClassificati onType Datatype: Enum Alias: afibrillation Classification Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the classification of atrial fibrillation or flutter. Note(s): If a patient fits in more than one category choose their most recent and most frequent presentation. For example, first detected atrial fibrillation (AF) can be either paroxysmal or persistent. A patient may have several episodes of paroxysmal AF and occasional persistent AF (code as paroxysmal) or the reverse (code as persistent). If a patient had permanent atrial fibrillation that was ablated, then it reoccurred and is now paroxysmal, code paroxysmal. Termination with pharmacological therapy or direct-current cardioversion does not alter designation. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Paroxysmal The arrhythmia terminates spontaneously (without pharmacological therapy or electrical cardioversion). Persistent (> 7 days) The arrhythmia is sustained beyond seven days (and is not self-terminating). This category also includes cases of long-standing atrial fibrillation (e.g. greater than one year), cases where atrial fibrillation terminates with pharmacological therapy or electrical cardioversion, or cases where cardioversion is not indicated, not attempted, or unsuccessful. Permanent (> 1 year) The arrhythmia has persisted for greater than one year, where pharmacological therapy and/or cardioversion has failed or has been foregone. Secondary (reversible cause) Secondary atrial fibrillation occurs when atrial fibrillation is transient and due to an unrelated, reversible cause. It is not the primary problem and treatment of the underlying disorder usually terminates the arrhythmia. It occurs in the setting of acute myocardial infarction, cardiac surgery, pericarditis, myocarditis, hyperthyroidism, or acute pulmonary disease. Conversely, when it is known that atrial fibrillation occurs in the course of a concurrent disorder like well-controlled hypothyroidism, it is not considered secondary. Unknown The patient has a history of atrial fibrillation but the classification is Attribute Notes not known or not specified. Source: NCDR (ICD Attribute Definition: Current of previous history of atrial arrhythmia. Name: atrialArrhythmiaType (The assessed type of atrial arrhythmia of the patient.) Datatype: Enum Enumerations: First detected AF Alias: Atrial arrhythmias Paroxysmal AF: AF is self-terminating within 7 days of recognized onset Persistent AF: AF is not self-terminating within 7 days or is terminated electrically or pharmacologically Permanent AF: cardioversion failed or not attempted AFlutter ATach SSS Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia ACC/AHA CHF DS Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous history of atrial fibrillation. Name: atrialFibrillationIndica Atrial Fibrillation is a supraventricular tachyarrhythmia characterized by uncoordinated atrial activity with consequent deterioration of atrial mechanical tor Datatype: Enum function. On the electrocardiogram (ECG), atrial fibrillation is characterized by the replacement of consistent P waves with rapid oscillations or fibrillation Alias: Atrial fibrillation waves that vary in amplitude, shape and timing, associated with an irregular, frequently rapid ventricular response when atrioventricular conduction is intact. Indicator Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous history of atrial flutter. Atrial Name: atrialFlutterIndicator Flutter is characterized by a sawtooth pattern of regular atrial activation called Datatype: Enum flutter waves on the Electrocardiogram (ECG), particularly visible in leads II, III, aVF and v1. Enumerations: Alias: Atrial Flutter Selections: No, Yes Indicator 181. Cardiac Rhythm – Paced. 182. Pacing Type. 183. Underlying Atrial Rhythm. Cardiac Rhythm Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiac Rhythm Class Definition: The recurrent, measured movements (rhythm) of a beating heart. Source: NCI (C87081) Attributes Attribute Name: pacemakerRhythmIndi cator Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiac RhythmPaced Name: pacingRhythmType Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Attribute Definition: The cardiac rhythm originates from a pacemaker. Note(s): Indicate the patient's cardiac rhythm. It is acceptable to code the patient's cardiac rhythm based on cardiac Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Attribute Definition: Indicate the type of pacing noted in the cardiac rhythm Enumerations: Atrial pacing -The patient's pacemaker is firing to create an atrial contraction or a "p wave". Ventricular pacing- The patient's pacemaker is firing to create a ventricular contraction or a "QRS complex". Both -The patient's pacemaker is firing to create both atrial and ventricular contractions Attribute Definition: The cardiac rhythm originates from the sinoatrial node. Name: sinusRhythmIndicator Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Datatype: Enum choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Cardiac Rhythm- Selections: No, Yes Sinus Rhythm Alias: Pacing Type Attribute Name: underlyingatrialRhyth mIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Attribute Definition: Indicate, for the paced rhythm, the underlying atrial rhythm Enumerations: Sinus rhythm -The atrial rhythm originates from the sinoatrial node. Atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter -There are no consistent P waves. With atrial Alias: Underlying Atrial flutter, in the place of P waves, there is uncoordinated atrial activity with rapid oscillations or Rhythm fibrillation waves that vary in amplitude, shape, timing, and are associated with an irregular ventricular response (if atrioventricular conduction is intact). With atrial flutter, there is a sawtooth pattern of regular atrial activation. Sinus arrest -The patient has no conduction through the sinoatrial node with a pause for a minimum of 3 seconds. Unknown- The underlying atrial rhythm is unknown 184. Only Ventricular Paced QRS Complexes. 185. QRS Duration (Non-ventricular Paced Complexes). 186. Ventricular Paced QRS Duration. 187. PR Interval. 188. PR Interval not obtainable. 189. Cardiac Rhythm - Second Degree Heart Block. 190. Cardiac Rhythm – Third Degree Heart Block. 191. Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction 192. Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type – Delay, Nonspecific. 193. Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type – Left Anterior Fascicular Block. 194. Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type – Left Posterior Fascicular Block. 195. Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type – Left Bundle Branch Block. 196. Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type – Right Bundle Branch Block. 197. Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type – Ventricular Paced Rhythm. ECG Findings Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library ECG Findings Class Definition: Interpretations of measurements from an electrocardiogram. Attributes Attribute Name: abnormalIVCIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Name: leftAnteriorFascicular BlockIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type - Left Anterior Fascicular Block Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has Abnormal intraventricular conduction, with fascicular blocks, bundle branch blocks, non-specific conduction delays or ventricular pacing. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has left anterior fascicular block. Left anterior fascicular block is characterized by all of the following: Left-axis deviation with frontal QRS axis between -45 degrees and -90 degrees; Q wave in lead aVL; rS in inferior leads ; QRS duration is <120 ms ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Name: leftBundleBranchBlock Indicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has left bundle branch block. . Supporting def (if any):Left Bundle Branch is characterized by QRS duration 120 ms or longer, delayed onset of intrinsicoid deflection in 1, V5, and V6 >60 ms, Broad and notched or slurred R waves in I, aVL, V5, and V6, rS or QS complexes in right precordial leads, ST-segment and T waves in opposite polarity to the major QRS deflection ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements Alias: Abnormal and Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Intraventricular Conduction Type - Left Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Bundle Branch Block Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has left posterior fascicular block. Name: leftPosteriorFascicular Selections: 0-No,1-Yes, Supporting def (if any):Left Posterior Fascicular Block is characterized by all of the following: Right-axis deviation with frontal QRS BlockIndicator Datatype: Enum axis between +90 degrees and +180 degrees; rS in leads I and aVL and qR in inferior leads (Q waves 40 ms) QRS duration <120 ms; Exclude other causes of Right Axis deviation ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Definitions Alias: Abnormal for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Intraventricular Conduction Type - Left Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Posterior Fascicular Enumerations: Block Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has an intraventricular conduction delay that was nonspecific. Selections: 0-No,1-Yes, Supporting def (if any):Non-Specific abnormal Intraventricular conduction delays are characterized by a QRS duration of 110 ms or more with morphology different from LBBB or RBBB ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Alias: Abnormal Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Intraventricular choices or pick-list. Conduction Type Enumerations: Delay, Nonspecific Selections: No, Yes Name: NSTEMIType Attribute Definition: Indicate if the findings from the electrocardiogram Datatype: Enum demonstrated evidence on NSTEMI., code the findings on which treatment was based. Alias: ECG Findings for Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. NSTEMI Enumerations: 1 New or Presumed New ST Depression Indicate if there was new or presumed new horizontal or down-sloping ST depression >=0.5 mV in two contiguous leads below the isoelectric line on the Name: nonspecificIVCDelayIn dicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Name: PRInterval Datatype: Integer Notes electrocardiogram (ECG) within the first 24 hours of presentation. If no exact ST- depression measurement is recorded in the medical chart, physician’s written documentation of ST- depression is acceptable. 2 New or Presumed New T Wave Inversion Indicate if there was a new or presumed new T-wave inversion of at least 0.1 mV in two contiguous leads with prominent R-wave or R/S ratio >1 within the first 24 hours of presentation. If no exact T-wave inversion measurement is recorded in the medical chart, physician’s written documentation of T-wave inversion is acceptable. 3 Transient ST Elevation Lasting < 20 Minutes Indicate if there was new or presumed new ST- segment elevation at the J point in two contiguous electrocardiogram (ECG) leads with the cut-off points: >=0.2 mV in men or >= 0.15mV in women in leads V2-V3 and/or >= 0.1 mV in other leads, and lasting less than 20 minutes, within the first 24 hours of presentation. If no exact ST- elevation measurement is recorded in the medical chart, physician’s written documentation of transient ST- elevation is acceptable. 4 None Indicate if the first electrocardiogram (ECG) did not reveal ST depression, transient ST-elevation or T-wave inversion Attribute Definition: Indicate the PR interval, in milliseconds, on the electrocardiogram. Alias: PR Interval Attribute Definition: Indicate if the PR interval on the electrocardiogram was Name: PRIntervalObtainableI not obtainable. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of ndicator Attribute Datatype: Enum Alias: PR Interval not Obtainable Name: QRSDuration Datatype: Integer Alias: QRS Duration (Non-ventricular Paced Complexes) Notes choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the duration of the non-ventricular paced or intrinsic QRS complex, in milliseconds, that was derived from the surface electrocardiogram (ECG). Surface ECGs are obtained from the surface of the body and do not include intracardiac ECGs. Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has right bundle branch block. Selections: 0-No,1-Yes. Right Bundle Branch Block is characterized by a QRS duration of 120 ms, rsR' or rSR' complexes in V1 and V2, Delayed onset of intrinsicoid, deflection in V1 and V2 >50 ms, Broad, slurred S wave in 1, V5, and V6 Secondary ST-T wave changes ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 Key Data Elements and Alias: Abnormal Definitions for Electrophysiological Studies and Procedures. Intraventricular Conduction Type - Right Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Bundle Branch Block Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the ECG findings demonstrated either new or Name: STEMIECGFindingsT presumed new ST segment elevation, new left bundle branch block, or isolated posterior myocardial infarction. Code the findings on which treatment was ype Datatype: Enum based. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pickAlias: ECG Findings for list. Enumerations: STEMI 1 ST Elevation ST-segment elevation is defined by new or presumed new sustained ST segment elevation at the J-point in two contiguous electrocardiogram (ECG) leads with the cut-off points: >=0.2 mV in men or >= 0.15mV in women in leads V2-V3 and/or >= 0.1 mV in other leads and lasting greater than or equal to 20 minutes. If no exact ST-elevation measurement is recorded in the medical chart, physician’s written documentation of ST-elevation or Q waves is acceptable. If only one ECG is performed, then the assumption that Name: rightBundleBranchBlo ckIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Notes the ST elevation persisted at least the required 20 minutes is acceptable. 2 LBBB Left bundle branch block (LBBB) refers to LBBB that was not known to be old on the initial ECG. 3 Isolated Posterior MI Isolated Posterior Myocardial Infarction refers to infarction of the posterobasal wall of the left ventricle. The use of posterior leads V7 to V9 will show ST segment elevation in patients with posterior infarction. If posterior leads were not applied, ST segment depression that is maximal in leads V1-V3, without ST-segment elevation in other leads, may be considered as indicative of posterior ischemia or infarction. Attribute Definition: Indicate if a STEMI or STEMI equivalent was noted on Name: STEMIECGTimingTy either the first ECG or a subsequent ECG. Note(s): Code "Subsequent ECG" if the ECG on arrival does not indicate STEMI or STEMI equivalent. pe Datatype: Enum Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Alias: ECG Timing with Enumerations: 1 First ECG STEMI or STEMI 2 Subsequent ECG Equivalent Alias: Only Ventricular Paced QRS Complexes Attribute Definition: Indicate if there were only ventricular paced QRS complexes present. Note(s): If the patient has some intrinsic ventricular complexes present, code 'No. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Name: ventricularPacedQRS Duration Datatype: Integer Attribute Definition: Indicate the duration of the ventricular paced QRS complex, in milliseconds, that was derived from the surface electrocardiogram (ECG). Surface ECGs are obtained from the surface of the body and do not include intracardiac ECGs. Name: ventricularPacedQRS ComplexesIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Ventricular Paced QRS Duration Name: VentricularPacedRhyt hmIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Abnormal Intraventricular Conduction Type - Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient has a ventricular paced rhythm. If, on the ECG closest to the procedure, the patient is not paced 100% of the time, code no., Target value: The last value between birth and the first generator procedure in this admission. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Ventricular Paced Rhythm Notes Therapeutic Procedures 198. Cardiac Therapeutic Procedure. 199. Date of Cardiac Therapeutic Procedure. Procedure Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Procedure Class Definition: An activity that produces an effect, or that is intended to alter the course of a disease in a patient or population. This is a general term that encompasses the medical, social, behavioral, and environmental acts that can have preventive, therapeutic, or palliative effects. Source: NCI C25218 Attributes Attribute Name: cardiacDiagnosticProc edureType Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Procedure to evaluate the structure and / or function of the heart. This lexicon emphasizes common names for procedure concepts even when various sub-procedures comprise the concept (e.g., transthoracic echocardiogram, left heart catheterization), rather than an unbundled listing of the sub-procedures that comprise the procedure (e.g., CPT code listing). The Alias: Cardiac diagnostic procedure of greater complexity should be chosen when the concept of greater complexity is inclusive of the one of lesser complexity (e.g., Stress echo is procedure type inclusive of TTE). Selected results data (listed in the next section below) are to be linked to the study. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: ECG Holter monitor Event monitor TTE TEE Stress ECG Stress echo Stress nuclear MR Stress MR CTA PET RHC RvBx LHC Attribute Notes EPS [Except for cardiac catheterization and RV biopsy, tests are mutually exclusive events] Name: cardiacTherapeuticPro cedureType Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate the procedure to treat pathologic structural/pathophysiological functional disorder of the heart. This lexicon emphasizes common names for procedure concepts even when various subprocedures make up the concept (e.g., CRT, PCI) rather than an unbundled listing of the subprocedures that make up the procedure (e.g., CPT code listing). The procedure of greatest complexity should be chosen when the concept of greater complexity is inclusive of the one of lesser complexity (e.g., ICD is inclusive of pacemaker). Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: • Ablation, atrial (e.g., for AF) • Ablation, ventricular (e.g., for VT) • Ablation, other (e.g., reciprocating tachycardia ablation) • Pacemaker • ICD • CRT • Lead extraction • Electrical cardioversion • Chemical cardioversion • PCI • Septal ablation • Transcatheter aortic valve implant • Closure device, atrial • Closure device, ventricular • CABG • Aortic balloon valvotomy • Aortic valve replacement • Mitral valve repair • Mitral valve replacement • Mitral balloon valvotomy • Mitral commissurotomy • Percutaneous mitral repair • Tricuspid valve repair • Tricuspid valve replacement • Pulmonic valvuloplasty • Pulmonary valve replacement • Surgical maze • Pericardiocentesis • Pericardial window • Pericardial stripping • Left atrial appendage occlusion Alias: Cardiac Therapeutic Procedure Attribute Notes • Ventricular aneurysm resection • Left VAD • Right VAD • Heart transplant Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient died during the procedure/ in the Name: deathDuringProcedure lab Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Indicator Datatype: Enum choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Death During Procedure Attribute Definition: Indicate the implanted cardiac device type. Name: implantedCardiacDevi Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. ceType Datatype: Enum Enumerations: • Single-chamber pacemaker Alias: Implanted Cardiac • Dual-chamber pacemaker • Biventricular pacemaker Device Type • Cardioverter-defibrillator • Cardioverter-defibrillator with resynchronization • Atrial lead, right • Atrial lead, left • Ventricular lead, right • Ventricular lead, left • Bare metal stent • Drug-eluting stent • Closure device, atrial • Closure device, ventricular • Aortic valve, mechanical • Aortic valve, tissue • Aortic valve, transcutaneous • Mitral valve, mechanical • Mitral valve, tissue • Left VAD • Right VAD • Total artificial heart Attribute Definition: Indicate if the procedure was performed at your facility. Name: procedureLocationIndi Enumerations: Yes, No cator Datatype: Enum Alias: 200. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Class Definition: Surgery performed to bypass partially or completely occluded coronary arteries, thereby increasing the blood supply of the heart. Source: NCI (C51998). Attributes Attribute Notes Name: CABGIndicator Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had a coronary artery bypass graft Datatype: Enum (CABG) surgery. Source : NCDR/ STS Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: CABG Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 201. Coronary Bypass Graft Surgery Status. CABG Status Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library CAGB Status Class Definition: No definition! Attributes Attribute Name: statusType Datatype: Enum Alias: CABG Status Notes Attribute Definition: The status of the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1 Elective The patient's cardiac function has been stable in the days or weeks prior to the operation. The procedure could be deferred without increased risk of compromised cardiac outcome. 2 Urgent Procedure required during same hospitalization in order to minimize chance of further clinical deterioration. Examples include but are not limited to: worsening sudden chest pain, CHF, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), anatomy, IABP, unstable angina (UA) with intravenous (IV) nitroglycerin (NTG) or rest angina 3 Emergency Patients requiring emergency operation will have ongoing refractory (difficulty, complicated, and unmanageable) unrelenting cardiac compromise, with or without hemodynamic instability, and not responsive to any form of therapy except cardiac surgery. An emergency operation is one in which there should be no delay in providing operative intervention. The patient's clinical status includes any of the following: a. Ischemic dysfunction (any of the following): 1. Ongoing ischemia including rest angina despite maximal medical Attribute Notes therapy (medical or IABP). 2. Acute Evolving Myocardial Infarction with 24hours before surgery. 3. Pulmonary edema requiring intubation. b. Mechanical dysfunction (either of the following): 1. Shock with circulatory support 2. Shock without circulatory support. 4 Salvage The patient is undergoing CPR in route to the operating room or prior to anesthesia induction. 202. Coronary Graft Anastomoses. Coronary Graft Anastomosis Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Coronary Graft Anastomosis Class Definition: The anastomoses that were made during a coronary artery bypass grafting procedure. Source: NCI (C80476). Site/location where graft was attached to native coronary artery during CABG. Attributes Attribute Name: anastomosesLocationT ype Datatype: Enum Alias: Coronary graft anastomoses Notes Attribute Definition: Per the CASS coronary artery segment map, indicate the anastomoses placed during a CABG procedure. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1 Proximal right coronary artery conduit segment - pRCA 2 Mid-right coronary artery conduit segment - mRCA 3 Distal right coronary artery conduit segment - dRCA 4 Right posterior descending artery segment - rPDA 5 Right posterior atrioventricular segment - rPAV 6 First right posterolateral segment - 1st RPL 7 Second right posterolateral segment - 2nd RPL 8 Third right posterolateral segment - 3rd RPL 9 Posterior descending septal perforators segment - pDSP 10 Acute marginal segment(s) - aMarg 11 Left main coronary artery segment - LM 12 Proximal LAD artery segment - pLAD 13 Mid-LAD artery segment - mLAD 14 Distal LAD artery segment - dLAD 15 First diagonal branch segment - 1st Diag 15a Lateral first diagonal branch segment - Lat 1st Diag 16 Second diagonal branch segment - 2nd Diag 16a Lateral second diagonal branch segment - Lat 2nd Diag 17 LAD septal perforator segments - LAD SP 18 Proximal circumflex artery segment - pCIRC 19 Mid-circumflex artery segment - mCIRC 19a Distal circumflex artery segment - dCIRC 20 First obtuse marginal branch segment - 1st OM 20a Lateral first obtuse marginal branch segment - Lat 1st OM 21 Second obtuse marginal branch segment - 2nd OM 21a Lateral second obtuse marginal branch segment - Lat 2nd OM 22 Third obtuse marginal branch segment - 3rd OM Attribute Notes 22a Lateral third obtuse marginal branch segment - Lat 3rd OM 23 Circumflex artery AV groove continuation segment - CIRC AV 24 First left posterolateral branch segment - 1st LPL 25 Second left posterolateral branch segment - 2nd LPL 26 Third posterolateral descending artery segment - 3rd LPL 27 Left posterolateral descending artery segment - LPDA 28 Ramus intermedius segment - Ramus 28a Lateral ramus intermedius segment - Lat Ramus 29 Third diagonal branch segment - 3rd Diag 29a Lateral third diagonal branch segment - Lat 3rd Diag 203. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. 204. PCI Indication. 205. PCI Status. 214. Guidewire Across Lesion. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library PCI Class Definition: A percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is the placement of an angioplasty guide wire, balloon, or other device (e.g. stent, atherectomy, brachytherapy, or thrombectomy catheter) into a native coronary artery or coronary artery bypass graft for the purpose of mechanical coronary revascularization. Source: NCDR (Cath PCI). Attributes Attribute Name: guidewireSucessIndicat or Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a guidewire successfully crossed the lesion. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Guidewire Across Lesion Name: PCIIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: PCI Name: PCIRationaleType Datatype: Enum Alias: PCI Indication Attribute Definition: Indicate current or previous Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the reason the PCI is being performed. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Immediate PCI for patient with STEMI (or STEMI equivalent). PCI for STEMI (or STEMI equivalent) more than 12 hours from symptom onset with recurrent or persistent symptoms, symptoms of heart failure or ventricular arrhythmia. (PCI for) Patient with STEMI (or STEMI equivalent) who is stable, and is more than 12 hours from symptom onset. The patient does not have any symptoms of recurrent or persistent ischemia, symptoms of heart failure, or electrical instability. PCI for STEMI (or STEMI equivalent) who is stable after receiving full- Attribute Notes dose thrombolysis. Rescue PCI for STEMI (or STEMI equivalent) after failed full-dose lytics. Incudes patients with unstable angina or N-STEMI who have high risk features for short-term risk of death or nonfatal MI. High risk features includes at least one of the following: 1. History -accelerating tempo of ischemic symptoms in preceding 48 hours. 2. Character of pain -prolonged ongoing (greater than 20 minutes) rest pain. 3. Clinical findings: A. Pulmonary edema, most likely due to ischemia B. New or worsening mitral regurgitation murmur C. S3 or new worsening rales D. Hypotension, bradycardia, tachycardia E. Age greater than 75 years 4. ECG A. Angina at rest with transient ST-segment changes greater than or equal to 0.5 mm B. Bundle-branch block, new or presumed new C. Sustained ventricular tachycardia 5. Cardiac markers -NSTEMI patients with elevated cardiac TnT, Tnl, or CK-MB. The second PCI of a planned, staged procedure (the first PCI could have been during a prior admission, or during this admission).Includes patients that don't fit into any of the above categories. This can include patients with elective or urgent status, status/post cardiac arrest or cardiogenic shock but without ECG or biomarker evidence of acute infarction (put this text in context document only – remove from all attributes on report view). Name: statusType Datatype: Enum Alias: PCI Status Attribute Definition: Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Elective: The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis or during a subsequent hospitalization without significant risk of infarction or death. For stable inpatients, the procedure is being performed during this hospitalization for convenience and ease of scheduling and NOT because the patient's clinical situation demands the procedure prior to discharge. If the diagnostic catheterization was elective and there were no complications, the PCI would also be elective. Urgent The procedure should be performed on an inpatient basis and prior to discharge because of significant concerns that there is risk of ischemia, infarction and/or death. Patients who are outpatients or in the emergency department at the time that the cardiac catheterization is requested would warrant an admission based on their clinical presentation. Emergency The procedure should be performed as soon as possible because of substantial concerns that ongoing ischemia and/or infarction could lead to death. "As soon as possible" refers to a patient who is of sufficient acuity that Attribute Notes you would cancel a scheduled case to perform this procedure immediately in the next available room during business hours, or you would activate the on-call team were this to occur during off-hours. Salvage The procedure is a last resort. The patient is in cardiogenic shock when the PCI begins (i.e. at the time of introduction into a coronary artery or bypass graft of the first guidewire or intracoronary device for the purpose of mechanical revascularization). Within the last ten minutes prior to the start of the case or during the diagnostic portion of the case, the patient has also received chest compressions for a total of at least sixty seconds or has been on unanticipated extracorporeal circulatory support (e.g. extracorporeal mechanical oxygenation, or cardiopulmonary support). Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1-Elective 2-Urgent 3-Emergency 4-Salvage Attribute Definition: Indicate whether an intracoronary stent was used during Name: stentPreviousPCIIndic the previous Percutaneous Cardiac Intervention (PCI). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of ator Datatype: Enum choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Stent Placed in Previous PCI 206. Coronary Lesions Treated. 209. Chronic Total Occlusion. Segment Treated Type: Class Package: Cardiology CDE Library Alias: PCI Segment Class Definition: Portion of coronary artery that is manipulated or altered during an attempt to improve coronary. Attributes Attribute Name: chronicTotalOcclusion Indicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Chronic Total Occlusion Name: coronaryLesionTreate dType Datatype: Enum Alias: Coronary lesions treated Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the segment with 100% pre-procedure stenosis was presumed to be 100% occluded for at least 3 months previous to this procedure AND not related to a clinical event prompting (or leading to) this procedure. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Per the CASS coronary artery segment map, the lesion(s) treated during a PCI procedure. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1 Proximal right coronary artery conduit segment - pRCA 2 Mid-right coronary artery conduit segment - mRCA 3 Distal right coronary artery conduit segment - dRCA 4 Right posterior descending artery segment - rPDA 5 Right posterior atrioventricular segment - rPAV 6 First right posterolateral segment - 1st RPL 7 Second right posterolateral segment - 2nd RPL 8 Third right posterolateral segment - 3rd RPL 9 Posterior descending septal perforators segment - pDSP 10 Acute marginal segment(s) - aMarg 11 Left main coronary artery segment - LM 12 Proximal LAD artery segment - pLAD 13 Mid-LAD artery segment - mLAD 14 Distal LAD artery segment - dLAD 15 First diagonal branch segment - 1st Diag Attribute Notes 15a Lateral first diagonal branch segment - Lat 1st Diag 16 Second diagonal branch segment - 2nd Diag 16a Lateral second diagonal branch segment - Lat 2nd Diag 17 LAD septal perforator segments - LAD SP 18 Proximal circumflex artery segment - pCIRC 19 Mid-circumflex artery segment - mCIRC 19a Distal circumflex artery segment - dCIRC 20 First obtuse marginal branch segment - 1st OM 20a Lateral first obtuse marginal branch segment - Lat 1st OM 21 Second obtuse marginal branch segment - 2nd OM 21a Lateral second obtuse marginal branch segment - Lat 2nd OM 22 Third obtuse marginal branch segment - 3rd OM 22a Lateral third obtuse marginal branch segment - Lat 3rd OM 23 Circumflex artery AV groove continuation segment - CIRC AV 24 First left posterolateral branch segment - 1st LPL 25 Second left posterolateral branch segment - 2nd LPL 26 Third posterolateral descending artery segment - 3rd LPL 27 Left posterolateral descending artery segment - LPDA 28 Ramus intermedius segment - Ramus 28a Lateral ramus intermedius segment - Lat Ramus 29 Third diagonal branch segment - 3rd Diag 29a Lateral third diagonal branch segment - Lat 3rd Diag 207. Lesion Complexity Description. 208. Bifurcation Lesion. 213. Lesion length. 220. Stent Placed in previous lesion. 221. Stent Place in Previous PCI. 223. Previously Treated Lesion. 224. Previous Treatment Type_Stent. 225. Reason for current treatment of previously treated lesion_In-stent Restenosis. 226. Reason for current treatment of previously treated lesion_In-stent Thrombus. 229. Culprit Lesion. 230. Pre-Procedure TIMI Flow. 231. Post-Procedure TIMI Flow. PCI Treated Lesion Characteristics Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library PCI Lesion Treated Class Definition: Collection of characteristics of lesions treated with percutaneous coronary intervention. Attributes Attribute Name: bifurcationLesionIndic ator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the lesion is at a significant bifurcation, trifurcation or more complex branch point. Note(s): A significant bifurcation or branch point is a division of a vessel into at least two branches, each of which is >1.5 mm or greater in diameter. In a bifurcation or branch lesion, the plaque extends from at least one of the limbs to the branch point; it need not progress Alias: Bifurcation Lesion down all the proximal and distal branches. Bifurcations or branch point lesions should be considered one lesion, no matter how many limbs are treated. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the lesion indicated is considered to be Name: culpritLesionIndicator responsible for the acute coronary syndrome. Note(s): "No" should be coded if Datatype: Enum there is no apparent lesion that could be responsible for evidence of ischemia. "Unknown" should be coded if the culprit segment was not known. The physician should use his/her judgment in choosing the primary lesion. In cases Alias: Culprit Lesion in which this is difficult to determine (despite correlation of ECG changes and angiographic data), the lesion supplying the largest territory of myocardium should be selected. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Attribute Notes choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the complexity of the lesion as defined in the selections below. 1 Non-High/Non-C Lesion Non-high/non-C lesions are considered Type A or B lesions. They can be characterized as follows: Low Risk or Type A lesions: Discrete (<10 mm length) Concentric Readily Alias: Lesion accessible Non-angulated segment <45 degrees Smooth contour Little or no Complexity Description calcification Less than totally occlusive Not ostial in location No major branch involvement Absence of thrombus Medium Risk (Type B1) lesions: Tubular (10-20 mm length) Eccentric Moderate tortuosity of proximal segment Moderately angulated segment, 45-90 degrees Irregular contour Moderate to heavy calcification Ostial in location Bifurcation lesions requiring double guidewires Some thrombus present Total occlusion <3 months old Medium Risk (Type B2 lesions): Two or more "B" characteristics. 2 High/C Lesion Descriptions of a High Lesion Risk (C Lesion): Diffuse (length > 2cm) Excessive tortuosity of proximal segment Extremely angulated segments > 90 degrees Total occlusions > 3 months old and/or bridging collaterals Inability to protect major side branches Degenerated vein grafts with friable lesions. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1 Non-High/Non-C lesion 2 High/C lesion. Attribute Definition: Indicate the post-procedure TIMI flow. Note(s): If a Name: postProcedureTIMIFlo lesion spans multiple segments with different TIMI flows, coded the lowest TIMI flow within the entire lesion. wType Datatype: Enum Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Alias: Post-Procedure 1 TIMI - 0 No flow/no perfusion TIMI Flow 2 TIMI - 1 Slow penetration without perfusion 3 TIMI - 2 Partial flow/partial perfusion (greater than TIMI-1 but less than TIMI-3. 4 TIMI - 3 Complete and brisk flow/complete perfusion. Attribute Definition: Indicate the pre-procedure TIMI flow value. Note(s): If a Name: preProcedureTIMIFlo lesion spans multiple segments with different TIMI flows, coded the lowest TIMI flow within the entire lesion. wType Datatype: Enum Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Name: lesionComplexityType Datatype: Enum Attribute Alias: Pre-Procedure TIMI Flow Notes Enumerations: 1 TIMI - 0 No flow/no perfusion 2 TIMI - 1 Slow penetration without perfusion 3 TIMI - 2 Partial flow/partial perfusion (greater than TIMI-1 but less than TIMI-3. 4 TIMI - 3 Complete and brisk flow/complete perfusion. Attribute Definition: Indicate if the lesion has been treated before in the Name: previouslyTreatedLesi current or a prior episode of care. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of onIndicator Datatype: Enum choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Previously Treated Selections: No, Yes Lesion Attribute Definition: Indicate if the previously treated and stented lesion is being treated because of the presence of a thrombus in the stent. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Reason for current Selections: No, Yes treatment of previously treated lesion_in-stent Thrombus Name: previousStentedLesion ThrombusIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if the previously treated lesion was treated with any type of stent in the current or prior episode of care. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Previous treatment Selections: No, Yes type_Stent Name: previousTreatmentWit hStentIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if the previously treated and stented lesion is being treated for in-stent restenosis. In-stent restenosis is defined as a previously stented lesion that has 50% or greater stenosis. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Reason for current Enumerations: treatment of previously Selections: No, Yes treated lesion_In-stent Restenosis Name: reasonPreviousLesion RestenosisIndicator Datatype: String Attribute Name: stentPreviousLesionIn dicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Stent placed in previous lesion Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the previously treated lesion was treated with any type of stent in the current or prior episode of care. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 210. Lesion in Graft. 211. Location in Graft. Coronary Bypass Graft Characteristics Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Coronary Bypass Graft Characteristics Class Definition: Properties associated with or defining coronary artery bypass grafts. Attributes Attribute Name: CABGLesionGraftTyp e Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: If the treated lesion is in a coronary artery bypass graft, indicate the type of graft. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 0 Not in graft Lesion is not in a coronary artery bypass graft. Alias: Lesion in Graft 1 Vein Lesion is in a vein graft. 2 LIMA graft Lesion is in a left internal mammary artery graft. 3 Other artery Lesion is in an "other" arterial graft (not including LIMA grafts). Radial artery grafts or other free arterial conduit grafts (e.g. free IMA) should be coded as an other arterial graft. Attribute Definition: If the lesion is in a graft, indicate the location of the most Name: graftLesionLocationTy severe stenosis in the graft. Target Value: Any occurrence on current procedure. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pickpe Datatype: Enum list. Enumerations: Alias: Location of lesion 1 Aortic The most severe stenosis is at the aortic anastomosis of the graft (<= 3 mm from insertion point). in Graft 2 Body The most severe stenosis is in the body of the graft. 3 Distal The most severe stenosis is at the distal anastomosis of the graft (<= 3 mm from insertion point). Supporting Definitions: (none). 212. Percent Stenosis. Lesion Treated Stenosis Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Percent Stenosis Class Definition: Percentage of diameter reduction associated with a coronary vessel containing a lesion on which a therapeutic intervention is performed. Attributes Attribute Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the percent stenosis of vessel containing the Name: percentTreatedVesselS treated lesion. tenosis Datatype: Integer Alias: Percent Stenosis Treated Vessel 215. Intracoronary Device Used. 217. Device Diameter. 218. Device Length. Intracoronary Device Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Intracoronary Device Class Definition: A class of implements that is used to diagnose, monitor or treat cardiac conditions from access within the coronary vasculature. Attributes Attribute Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the diameter of the intracoronary device in Name: coronaryDeviceDiamet millimeters. er Datatype: Integer Alias: Coronary Device Diameter Attribute Definition: Indicate the length of the device in millimeters. Name: coronaryDeviceLength Datatype: Integer Alias: Coronary Device Length Name: coronaryDeviceUsed Datatype: String Alias: Coronary Device Used Attribute Definition: Intracoronary Device(s) Used Coding Instructions: Indicate all devices utilized during the current procedure. If a device was utilized on multiple lesions, specify it only once (e.g., if a balloon was used to dilate two separate lesions, list it only once). Every treatment and support device utilized during the procedure should be specified. 216. Device Deployed. 219. Stent Placed in affected coronary artery. 222. Stent Type. Coronary Artery Stent Device Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Stent Placed in affected coronary artery Class Definition: A device designed to support a tubular structure, especially the small stainless steel expandable mesh tube inserted within an artery. Source: NCI (C50190) Attributes Attribute Name: deviceDeploymentIndic ator Datatype: Enum Alias: Device Deployment Name: stentPlacementIndicato r Datatype: Enum Alias: Stent Placed in affected coronary artery Name: stentType Datatype: Enum Alias: Stent Type Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a device was deployed during the procedure. Note(s): If Device Deployed (7220) is 'Yes' for any lesion, at least one intracoronary device must be specified. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a stent or stents were placed in the affected coronary artery. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the type of stent placed. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Drug eluting Bare Metal Other 227. Primary reason reperfusion therapy not indicated-Urgent Cardiac Surgery. Reperfusion Therapy Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Reperfusion Class Definition: Strategy or treatment modality used to restore perfusion through coronary arteries. Reperfusion therapy includes thrombolysis and primary PCI. Reperfusion therapy also includes prehospital thrombolytics. Attributes Attribute Name: reasonReperfusionNotI ndicatedType Datatype: Enum Alias: Primary reason reperfusion therapy not indicated Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the one primary reason, documented in the medical record, that reperfusion therapy (thrombolytic therapy or primary PCI) was not indicated. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1 Non-compressible vascular puncture(s) 2 Active bleeding on arrival or within 24 hours 3 Known bleeding diathesis 4 Recent bleeding within previous 4 weeks 5 History of Ischemic Stroke 6 Recent surgery/trauma 7 Intracranial neoplasm, AV malformation, or aneurysm 8 Severe uncontrolled hypertension 9 No ST elevation/LBBB 10 ST elevation resolved 11 MI diagnosis unclear 12 MI symptoms onset > 12 hours 13 Chest pain resolved 14 No chest pain 15 Suspected aortic dissection 16 Significant closed head or facial trauma within previous 3 months 17 Prior allergic reaction to thrombolytics or IV contrast 18 Current use of oral anticoagulants 19 Active peptic ulcer 20 Quality of life decision 21 Comorbid disease 22 Traumatic CPR that precludes thrombolytics 23 Anatomy not suitable to primary PCI 24 Spontaneous reperfusion (documented by cath only) 25 Patient/family refusal Attribute Name: reperfusionTherapyIn dicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Reperfusion Notes 26 DNR at time of treatment decision 27 Ischemic stroke w/in 3 months, except acute ischemic stroke w/in 3 hours 28 Any prior intracranial hemorrhage 29 Pregnancy 30 Other (not listed) Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient received reperfusion therapy for the treatment of STEMI. Reperfusion therapy includes thrombolysis and primary PCI. Reperfusion therapy also includes pre-hospital thrombolytics. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 228. Non-system reason for Delay in PCI. PCI Delay Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Non-system reason for Delay in PCI Class Definition: Prolonged elapse of time between presentation in ED to time PCI initiated. Attributes Attribute Name: nonsystemDelayReason Type Datatype: Enum Alias: Non-system reason for Delay in PCI Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if there is documentation of a non-system reason for a delay in performing the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Documentation must be from a physician/advanced practice nurse/physician assistant (physician/APN/PA). Note(s): The effect on timing/delay of PCI must be documented in order to be an acceptable reason for delay. If unable to determine whether a documented reason is system in nature, or if physician/APN/PA documentation does not establish a linkage between event(s)/condition(s) and the timing/delay in PCI/reperfusion/cath/transfer to cath lab, select "None." System reasons for delay are NOT acceptable. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Difficult vascular access Cardiac arrest and/or need for intubation before PCI. Patient delays in providing consent for the procedure. Difficulty crossing the culprit lesion during the PCI. Other None 232. Intra-aortic Balloon Pump (IABP). 233. Intra-aortic Balloon Pump (IABP). 234. Mechanical Ventricular Support –Other. 235. Mechanical Ventricular Support –Other, Timing. Mechanical Circulatory Support Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Mechanical Circulatory Support Class Definition: Includes use of intra-aortic balloon pump, cardiopulmonary bypass, left ventricular assist device (LVAD) and/or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Attributes Attribute Name: percCircSupportIndica tor Datatype: Enum Alias: Percutaneous Mechanical Circulator Support Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if percutaneous mechanical circulatory support was utilized during the procedure. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the type of mechanical circulatory support used during the procedure.. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Alias: Percutaneous Mechanical Circulatory 1 IABP 2 Impella Support Type 3 Tandem Heart 4 ECMO Attribute Definition: Attribute Definition: Indicate when the mechanical Name: placementTimingCircu circulatory support was placed. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklatorySupportType Datatype: Enum list. Enumerations: Alias: Placement Timing In place at start of procedure-Mechanical circulatory support was in place at the start of the procedure. of Mechanical -Inserted during procedure but prior to PCICirculatory Support Mechanical circulatory support was inserted during the procedure, but prior to the Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. -Inserted during procedure and after PCI started- Mechanical Circulatory Name: percCircSupportType Datatype: Enum Attribute Notes support was placed during the procedure and after the Percutaneous Coronary Intervention started. -Inserted during a non PCI procedure- Mechanical circulatory support was inserted during a non Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Procedure. Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient required the use of any mechanical Name: ventricularSupportIndi ventricular support. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of cator Datatype: Enum choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Mechanical Ventricular Support 236. Electrophysiology Procedure. Electrophysiology Study Performed Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Electrophysiology Study Performed Class Definition: The patient had an electrophysiology study (EPS). One or more catheters capable of recording and pacing are placed in one or more of the cardiac chambers. The catheters may be used to measure conduction of the impulse from the sinus node to the ventricle; induce a tachycardia; and/or localize (map) the location where the tachycardia originates. NCDR Attributes Attribute Name: EPSPerformedIndicato r Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had an electrophysiology study (EPS). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Electrophysiology Selections: No, Yes study (EPS) Performed Indicator 251. VT Ablation Performed. VT Ablation Performed Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library VT Ablation Performed Class Definition: Ventricular tachycardia (VT) ablation was performed. An application of an energy source delivered through a catheter to eliminate or modify a focus or re-entry circuit that causes an arrhythmia. NCDR Attributes Attribute Name: VTAblationPerformed Indicator Datatype: Enum Alias: VT Ablation Performed Indicator Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if ventricular tachycardia (VT) ablation was performed. An application of an energy source delivered through a catheter to eliminate or modify a focus or re-entry circuit that causes an arrhythmia. NCDR Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 252. ATP or Shock Therapy Appropriate. 253. ATP or Shock Therapy Delivered. Device ICD Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Class Definition: Implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Attributes Attribute Name: ATPShockTherapyAp propriateIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: ATP or Shock Therapy Appropriate Name: ATPShockTherapyDeli veredIndication Datatype: Enum Alias: ATP or Shock Therapy Delivered Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if, at any point in time, the ICD being removed had delivered appropriate antitachycardia pacing (ATP) or shock therapy for spontaneous ventricular tachycardia and/or ventricular fibrillation. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if, at any point in time, the ICD being removed had delivered antitachycardia pacing (ATP) or shock therapy. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 254. ATP Therapy Successful. 255. Shock Therapy Successful. VT Treatment Outcome Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Shock Therapy Successful Class Definition: Evaluation undertaken to assess the results or consequences of management and procedures used in combating (Ventricular Arrhythmias??disease in order to determine the efficacy, effectiveness, safety, practicability, etc., of these interventions in individual cases or series. Attributes Attribute Name: ATPTherapySuccessIn dicator Datatype: Enum Alias: ATP Therapy Successful Name: shockTherapySuccessI ndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Shock Therapy Successful Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the antitachycardia pacing (ATP) therapy for ventricular tachycardia and/or ventricular fibrillation was successful., Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the shock therapy for ventricular tachycardia and/or ventricular fibrillation was successful. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 237. ICD Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library ICD Indicator Class Definition: A small device used to correct a heartbeat that is abnormal (too fast, too slow, or irregular). The device is placed by surgery in the chest or abdomen. Wires are passed through a vein to connect the device to the heart. When it detects abnormal heartbeats, it sends an electrical shock to the heart to restore the heartbeat to normal. Source: NCI (C93238) Attributes Attribute Name: ICDIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: ICD Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 238. ICD Procedure Indication. 249. Reason For Malfunction. 250. Reason(s) for Reimplant. ICD Status Characteristics Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library ICD Status/Characteristics Class Definition: Implantable cardiac device (need to clarify acronym ICD(implantable cardiac device vs implantable cardioverter-defibrillator vs internal cardiac defibrillator/pacer) status and characteristics including reimplant indication, indication for ICD procedure, ICD malfunction type. Attributes Attribute Name: ICDMalfunctionReaso nType Datatype: Enum Alias: Reason for Malfunction Name: ICDProcedureType Datatype: Enum Alias: ICD Indication Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the reason for malfunction of the ICD. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1-Atrial pacing 2-Left ventricular (LV) pacing, 3-Right ventricular (RV) pacing 4-Defibrillation 5-Premature battery depletion Attribute Definition: Indicate the ICD procedure indication, Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1 - Primary prevention 2 - Secondary prevention, Supporting def (if any):Primary Prevention is an indication for an ICD to prevent sudden cardiac death. It refers to use of ICDs in individuals who are at risk for but have not yet had an episode of sustained ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, or resuscitated cardiac arrest. ACC/AHA//HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities Secondary prevention refers to an indication for ICD exclusively for patients who have survived one or more cardiac arrests or sustained ventricular tachycardia. Patients with cardiac conditions associated with a high risk of sudden death who have unexplained syncope that is likely to be due to ventricular arrhythmias are considered to have a secondary indication. mACC/AHA//HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities. Attribute Name: ICDReimplantReason Type Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the reason for reimplant Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1 End of expected battery life of a previous ICD 2 Generator is being replaced Alias: Reason(s) for ICD at the time of lead revision 3 Upgrade of a previous device with additional pacing capabilities (such as an upgrade from a single to a dual chamber device, Reimplant or the replacement of a non-CRT with a CRT device) 4 infection in the location of the previously implanted device 5 previous device has been recognized by the manufacturer as demonstrating a recurring performance failure resulting in an advisory letter to physicians. This may or may not reach the level of a food and drug administration (FDA) designated recall. This also may or may not have led to device malfunction. 6 faulty connector/header which required another implant 7 device needed to be relocated because of a medical condition, or procedure near the original pocket. An example is if the patient was diagnosed with breast cancer and required treatment or surgery near the original implant. 8 previous generator has malfunctioned. The device performance is outside the manufacturer's designated specification and cannot be resolved with reprogramming, necessitating in the replacement of the device. 239. Device Implanted. 240. Device Explanted. 241. Device Manufacturer. 242. Device Model Name. 243. Device Model Number. 244. Device Returned to Manufacturer. 245. Device Serial Number. 258. Battery Voltage. Cardiac Device Characteristic Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiac Device Characteristic Class Definition: A collection of properties related to cardiac devices. Attributes Attribute Name: batteryVoltage Datatype: Integer Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the battery voltage (in volts) of the device. Alias: Battery Voltage Name: deviceModelNumber Datatype: String Attribute Definition: Indicate the model number of the device Alias: Device Model Number Attribute Definition: Indicate if the device was explanted. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Device Explanted Selections: No, Yes Name: explantedIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if the device was implanted. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Device Implanted Selections: No, Yes Name: implantedIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Name: manufacturer Datatype: String Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the name of the manufacturer of the device. Alias: Device Manufacturer Name: modelName Datatype: String Attribute Definition: Indicate the name of the model of the device. Alias: Device Model Name Name: returnedToManufactu rerIndication Datatype: Enum Alias: Device Returned to Manufacturer Name: serialNumber Datatype: Integer Alias: Device Serial Number Attribute Definition: Indicate if the explanted generator device was returned to the manufacturer. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the serial number of the device. 246. Lead Returned to Manufacturer. 259. Conductor Failure. 262. Failed to Shock with Inadequate DFT Safety Margin. 264. Lead Abnormality_Oversensing with Shock or ATP. 265. Lead Abnormality_Oversensing without Shock or ATP. 266. Lead Abnormality_Defibrillation Issues. 267. Lead Abnormality_Extracardiac Stimulation 268. Lead Abnormality_Failure to Capture. 269. Lead Abnormality_Failure to Pace. 270. Lead Abnormality_Oversensing. 271. Lead Abnormality_Undersensing. 278. Existing Lead Status. Cardiac Pacemaker Lead Function Status Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Lead Abnormality (LA) Class Definition: Conditions under which cardiac pacemaker leads do not conduct electric signals to myocardium and then conduct myocardial signals back to the generator as expected. Attributes Attribute Name: conductorFailureIndic ator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the existing lead had abnormal function due to a lead integrity issue of conductor failure. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Conductor Failure Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the existing lead had defibrillation issues such as oversensing with or without shock/ATP, or failed shocks/inadequate Defibrillation Threshold (DFT) safety margins. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Lead Abnormality_Defibrillati Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes on Issues Name: defibrillationIndicator Datatype: Enum Name: extracardiacStimulatio nIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if the existing lead was functioning abnormally because there was extracardiac stimulation. This manifests as stimulation by the lead of non-cardiac structures such as the diaphragm, chest wall, or pectoral muscle. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Attribute Alias: Lead Abnormality_Extracardi ac Stimulation Notes choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Name: failedShockIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if the existing lead had defibrillation issues due to failed shocks or inadequate defibrillation threshold safety margins. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Failed to Shock with Inadequate DFT Safety Margin Name: failureCaptureIndicato r Datatype: Enum Alias: Lead Abnormality_Failure to Capture Attribute Definition: Indicate if the existing lead was functioning abnormally because there was failure to capture with acceptable safety margins. This manifests as a high pacing threshold that results in either intermittent failure to capture at maximal programmed output. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the existing lead was functioning abnormally because there was failure to pace. Failure to pace manifests as absence of pacemaker stimulation artifacts on electrocardiographic recordings despite rates below pacemaker programmed rate. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Alias: Lead Abnormality_Failure to choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Pace Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the existing lead had abnormal function due to Name: insulationFailureIndica a lead integrity issue of insulation failure. Insulation failure manifests as low lead impedance either absolutely (below manufacturer's product specifications) tion Datatype: Enum or by a significant decrease from previously stable chronic values. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Alias: Insulation Failure choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the explanted lead was returned to the Name: leadReturnedIndicator manufacturer. Datatype: Enum Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Lead Returned to Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Manufacturer Name: failurePaceIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Notes Name: leadStatusType Attribute Definition: Indicate the status of the existing lead. Datatype: Enum Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Alias: Existing Lead -Extracted Status -Abandoned -Reused Attribute Definition: Indicate if the existing lead was functioning abnormally Name: due to oversensing. Oversensing manifests as sensing of electrical signals not oversensingIndicator Datatype: Enum related to cardiac depolarization of the lead chamber that cannot be resolved acceptably by device reprogramming. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Alias: Lead Abnormality_Oversensi choices or pick-list. Enumerations: ng Selections: No, Yes Name: oversensingSansShockI ndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Lead Abnormality_ Oversensing without Shock or ATP Attribute Definition: Indicate if the existing lead had defibrillation issues due to oversensing without shock/antitachycardia pacing (ATP). This manifests as sensing of non-cardiac depolarization signals that did not meet arrhythmia detection criteria and do not elicit programmed tachyarrhythmia therapy. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the existing lead had defibrillation problems due to oversensing with shock/antitachycardia pacing (ATP). This manifests as sensing of non-cardiac depolarization signals that met arrhythmia detection criteria and elicited programmed tachyarrhythmia therapy. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Lead Enumerations: Abnormality_ Oversensing with Shock Selections: No, Yes or ATP Name: oversensingShockIndic ator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if the existing lead was functioning abnormally Name: undersensingIndicator due to undersensing. Undersensing manifests as failure to sense appropriate Datatype: Enum cardiac depolarizations that cannot be resolved with reprogramming. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Lead Abnormality_Undersens Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes ing 247. Manufacturer Advisory/Recall. Product Advisory Recall Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Manufacturer Advisory/Recall Class Definition: C1705180 Recall Activity NCI/FDAPT | Recalls are regulatory actions that enable FDA to remove a hazardous, potentially hazardous, or a misbranded product from the marketplace. Recalls are also used to convey additional information to the user concerning the safe use of the product. Either FDA or the manufacturer can initiate recalls. Attributes Attribute Name: pacemakerLeadManuf acturerAdvisoryIndica tor Datatype: Enum Alias: Manufacturer Advisory/Recall Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if there is a recognized lead problem that has resulted in a formal advisory or recall from the manufacturer, or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 248. Non-Lead Related Medical/Surgical Procedure. Lead Replacement Reason Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Non-lead Related Medical/ Surgical Procedure Class Definition: Rationale (or indication) for changing a cardiac pacemaker lead. Attributes Attribute Name: nonleadIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Non-lead Related Medical/ Surgical Procedure required Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a non-lead related medical or surgical procedure required the existing lead to be replaced. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 256. CS/LV Lead Successful. 257. Reason CS/LV Lead Not Reimplanted. Coronary Sinus LV Lead Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Reason CS/LV Lead Not Implanted Class Definition: Coronary Sinus Access or Left Ventricular (CS/LV). Attributes Attribute Name: CSLVLeadImplantSuc cessType Datatype: Enum Alias: CS/LV Lead Successful Name: notImplantedReasonT ype Datatype: Enum Alias: Reason CS/LV Lead Not Implanted Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the coronary sinus/left ventricular (CS/LV) lead was successfully implanted. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1-Yes 2-Not implanted 3-Previously implanted Attribute Definition: Indicate the reason a Coronary Sinus Access or Left Ventricular (CS/LV) lead was not implanted. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1-Vascular access 2-Coronary sinus access 3-Tributary vein access 4-Coronary sinus dissection 5-Unacceptable threshold 6-Diaphragmatic stimulation 260. Defibrillation Threshold/Lowest Energy Tested. 261. Upper Limit of Vulnerability. ICD Threshold Characteristics Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Defibrillation Threshold/ Lowest Energy Tested Class Definition: Properties or attributes describing or defining parameters required for an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator to conduct energy through the myocardium and achieve intended outcome. Attributes Attribute Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the lowest energy tested (LET) or defibrillation Name: defribillationThreshold threshold that demonstrated that the device performs successfully (in joules). Datatype: Integer Alias: Defibrillation Threshold/ Lowest Energy Tested Attribute Definition: Indicate the upper limit of vulnerability (ULV) in joules. Name: upperLimitVulnerabili ty Datatype: Integer Alias: Upper Limit of Vulnerability 263. Faulty Connector Header. Faulty Pacemaker Connector Head Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Faulty Connector Header Class Definition: Attributes Attribute Name: faultyPacemaker LeadIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if there was a faulty connector/header in the existing lead. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Faulty Pacemaker Selections: No, Yes Connector Lead Head 272. Lead Dislodgement Requiring Reposition/Reoperation. 277. Existing Lead Dislodgement. Cardiac Pacemaker Lead Dislodgement Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Lead Dislodgement Requiring Reposition/Reoperation Class Definition: Movement (macroscopic or microscopic) of an existing lead within the heart or vascular tree away from the original implantation site. Attributes Attribute Name: leadDislodgementIndic ator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate dislodgement of existing lead. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: LeadDislodgementIndic ator Name: pacemakerLeadReoper ationIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Lead Dislodgement Requiring Reposition/Reoperation Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced a lead dislodgement as documented by movement of a lead that requires repositioning and reoperation. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 273. Lead Erosion. Cardiac Pacemaker Lead Erosion Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Lead Erosion Class Definition: C1959609 Erosion lesion NCI/PT | An eating away or breakdown of any type of external or internal human tissue including but not limited to skin, teeth, mucosa, or somatic, which involves only the outer tissue layer. When tissue surrounds an implanted device, the tissue breakdown may result in migration and loss of the implant material and may result in further complications such as infection or abscess. Attributes Attribute Name: erosionIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Lead Erosion Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if there was erosion of the existing lead. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 274. Lead Infection. Cardiac Pacemaker Lead Infection Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiac Pacemaker Lead Infection Class Definition: Condition following pacemaker lead procedure resulting in infection evidenced by positive microbiological cultures/smears or other microbiological evidence indicating infection. Attributes Attribute Name: documentedLeadInfect ionIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if there was a documented infection of the existing lead. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Documented Lead Selections: No, Yes Infection Name: leadInfectionIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Lead Infection Attribute Definition: Indicate if there was a suspected or documented infection of the existing lead. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 275. Lead Perforation. Cardiac Pacemaker Lead Perforation Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Lead Perforation Class Definition: Penetration of the existing lead through a systemic vein, coronary vein, or the myocardium. Attributes Attribute Name: pacemakerLeadPerfor ationIndication Datatype: Enum Alias: Lead Perforation Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if there was penetration of the existing lead through a systemic vein, coronary vein, or the myocardium. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 276. Lead Location. Cardiac Pacemaker Lead Location Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Lead Location Class Definition: Attributes Attribute Name: pacemakerLeadLlocati onType Datatype: Enum Alias: Lead Location Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the location of the lead. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1-RA endocardial 2-LV epicardial 3-RV endocardial 4-SVC/subclavian 5-LV via coronary venous system 6-Subcutaneous array 7-Other 279. Existing Lead Function. Cardiac Pacemaker Lead Function Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Existing Lead Function Class Definition: Status of action performed by cardiac pacemaker lead. Attributes Attribute Name: pacemakerLeadFuncti onType Datatype: Enum Alias: Existing Lead Function Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the function of the existing cardiac pacemaker lead. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1-Normal 2-Abnormal 3-Not assessed 280. Arterial Access Site. 281. Arterial Access Closure Method. Arterial Access Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Arterial Access Class Definition: Location of percutaneous coronary entry. Attributes Attribute Name: accessSiteType Datatype: Enum Alias: Arterial Access Site Name: closureMethod Datatype: String Alias: Arterial Access Closure Method Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the primary location of percutaneous entry. Code the site used to perform the majority of the procedure if more than one site was used. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1 Femoral 2 Brachial 3 Radial 4 Other Attribute Definition: Indicate the arterial closure methods used in chronological order regardless of whether or not they provided hemostasis. The same closure method may be repeated. Entry values found on the publicly available NCDR Cath PCI website. 282. Contrast Volume. Contrast Volume Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Contrast Volume Class Definition: Indicate the volume of contrast (ionic and non-ionic) used in milliliters (ml). The volume recorded should be the total volume for the lab visit. Attributes Attribute Name: contrastVolumeTotal Datatype: Integer Alias: Contrast Volume Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the volume of contrast (ionic and non-ionic) used in milliliters (ml). The volume recorded should be the total volume for the lab visit. 283. Fluoroscopy Dose. 284. Fluoroscopy Time. Fluoroscopy Characteristics Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Fluoroscopy Class Definition: Properties or attributes of the procedure used to examine the tissues and deep structures of the body by x-ray, using the fluoroscope, a device that produces an image when x-rays strike a fluorescent screen. Source: NCI ( C16588) Attributes Attribute Name: fluoroscopyDose Datatype: Integer Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate the total fluoroscopy dose to the nearest integer in milligrays (mGy). The value recorded should include the total dose for the lab visit. Note(s): The dose recorded should include the total dose for the lab visit. One gray is the absorption of one joule of radiation energy by one Alias: Fluoroscopy Dose kilogram of matter. Name: fluoroscopyTime Datatype: Integer Alias: Fluoroscopy Time Attribute Definition: Indicate the total fluoroscopy time recorded to the nearest 0.1-minute. The time recorded should include the total time for the lab visit. Clinical/Adverse Events. 285. Significant Coronary Dissection. Coronary Artery Dissection Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Significant coronary artery dissection Class Definition: Dissection of coronary arteries is an opening or tear of the luminal wall as evidenced by the appearance of contrast materials outside of the expected luminal dimensions of the target vessel and extending longitudinally beyond the length of the lesion. Significant dissections are grade C dissections in the presence of ischemia, or grade D-F dissections, all of which are further described as: type C: persisting contrast medium extravasations; type D: spiral filling defect with delayed but complete distal flow; type E: persistent filling defect with delayed antegrade flow; type F: filling defect with impaired flow and total occlusion Supporting Definitions: Dissection is defined as the appearance of contrast materials outside of the expected luminal dimensions of the target vessel and extending longitudinally beyond the length of the lesion. Attributes Attribute Name: significantCADissectio nIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Significant coronary artery dissection Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a significant dissection was observed. Note(s): Typically, dissections described as type A or B are not considered significant dissections because there is no impairment of flow. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 286. Coronary Artery Perforation. Coronary Artery Perforation Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Coronary Artery Perforation Class Definition: A coronary artery perforation is a dissection or intimal tear that extends through the full thickness of the arterial wall. Attributes Attribute Name: CAPerforationIndicato r Datatype: Enum Alias: Coronary artery perforation Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if angiographic or clinical evidence of perforation was observed. Note(s): This does not include pre-existing AV fistula and other coronary anomalies. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 287. Coronary Thrombus. Coronary Thrombus Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Coronary Thrombus Class Definition: Blood clot in a coronary artery. Thrombus is suggested by certain angiographic features: haziness, reduced contrast density or contrast persistence, irregular lesion contours, or globular filling defects. Source: NCDR Attributes Attribute Name: bloodClotIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Coronary Thrombus Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a coronary thrombus is present. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 288. Coronary Venous Dissection. Coronary Venous Dissection Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Coronary Venous Dissection Class Definition: Manipulation of the pacing or defibrillating leads in the coronary sinus which can result in a tear of the coronary sinus endothelium with dissection into the coronary sinus wall. Attributes Attribute Name: venousDissectionIndica tor Datatype: Enum Alias: Coronary Venous Dissection Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had a coronary venous dissection. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 289. Cardiac Valve Injury. Cardiac Valve Injury Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Valve Injury Class Definition: Cardiac valve injury results when manipulation of the pacing or defibrillation leads results in a tear in a valve leaflet or chordae tendinae and manifests as a new regurgitant. Attributes Attribute Name: valveInjuryIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiac Valve Indicator Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a new cardiac valve injury was documented in the medical record. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 290. Chamber Thrombus. Chamber Thrombus Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Chamber Thrombus Class Definition: Clot within the cavities of the cardiac structures. Presence is considered to be definite if 3 of the following 5 criteria are present:: 1. Clear borders, 2. Echogenicity from the surrounding structures, 3. Independent mobility, 4. Longest diameter 15 mm, 5. Seen in more than one echocardiographic plane. Attributes Attribute Name: thrombusIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Chamber Thrombus Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced a chamber thrombus. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 291. Conduction Block. New Conduction Block Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Conduction Block Class Definition: New conduction blocks occur when pacing or defibrillation leads are manipulated which causes an injury to the specialized cardiac conduction system. It can manifest as a new right bundle branch block, or a complete heart block in a patient with a pre-existing left bundle branch block. Attributes Attribute Name: newAVConductionBloc kIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: New AV Conduction Block Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a new atrial or ventricular conduction block was documented in the medical record. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 292. Cardiac Perforation. 293. Pericardial Effusion. Cardiac Perforation Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Cardiac Perforation Class Definition: Hole or opening in the myocardium resulting in pain and/or hypotension cardiac tamponade. Attributes Attribute Name: cardiacPerforationIndi cator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if cardiac perforation occurred. Cardiac perforation may or may not be symptomatic and may or may not be self-sealing. It can be documented by migration of pacing or defibrillator leads to the epicardial surface, resulting in pain and/or hypotension, pericardial infusion, cardiac tamponade, failure to capture, capture of the diaphragm, phrenic nerve or intercostals muscle of sufficient magnitude to require repositioning. Cardiac Alias: Cardiac perforation can be caused by leads, guidewires, balloons, or any other device. Perforation Indicator Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate the location of the cardiac perforation. Name: cardiacPerforationLoc Enumerations: CDISC Anatomical Location Codelist. ation Datatype: Enum Alias: Myocardiac Perforation Indicator 294. Cardiac Tamponade. Cardiac Tamponade Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Pericardial Tamponade Class Definition: Accumulation of blood in the pericardial sac. Attributes Attribute Name: pericardialTamponade Indicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Pericardial Tamponade Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced fluid in the pericardial space compromising cardiac filling and requiring intervention. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 295. Luminal/Carotid Thrombus. Luminal Carotid Thrombus Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Luminal/ Carotid Thrombus Class Definition: A blood clot within the structures of the carotid artery. Attributes Attribute Name: carotidThrombusIndic ator Datatype: Enum Alias: Luminal/ Carotid Thrombus Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a thrombus (blood clot) was present on direct visual inspection interoperatively during the carotid endarterectomy (CEA) procedure. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 296. Myocardial infarction. Acute Myocardial Infarction Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Acute Myocardial Infarction Class Definition: Sudden loss of circulation to the myocardium resulting in ischemia. A myocardial infarction is evidenced by any of the following: 1. A rise and fall of cardiac biomarkers (preferably troponin) with at least one of the values in the abnormal range for that laboratory [typically above the 99th percentile of the upper reference limit (URL) for normal subjects] together with at least one of the following manifestations of myocardial ischemia: a. Ischemic symptoms. b. ECG changes indicative of new ischemia (new ST-T changes, new left bundle branch block, or loss of R- wave voltage). c. Development of pathological Q- waves in 2 or more contiguous leads in the ECG (or equivalent findings for true posterior MI). d. Imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional wall motion abnormality. e. Documentation in the medical record of the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction based on the cardiac biomarker pattern in the absence of any items enumerated in a-d due to conditions that may mask their appearance (e.g., peri-operative infarct when the patient cannot report ischemic symptoms; baseline left bundle branch block or ventricular pacing). 2. ECG changes associated with prior myocardial infarction can include the following (with or without prior symptoms): a. Any Q-wave in leads V2-V3 >=0.02 seconds or QS complex in leads V2 and V3. b. Q-wave >=0.03 seconds and >=0.1 mV deep or QS complex in leads I, II, aVL, aVF, or V4-V6 in any two leads of a contiguous lead grouping (I, aVL, V6; V4-V6; II, III, and aVF). c. R-wave >=0.04 seconds in V1-V2 and R/S >=1 with a concordant positive T wave in the absence of a conduction defect. 3. Imaging evidence of a region with new loss of viable myocardium at rest in the absence of a nonischemic cause. This can be manifest as: a. Echocardiographic, CT, MR, ventriculographic or nuclear imaging evidence of left ventricular thinning or scarring and failure to contract appropriately (i.e., hypokinesis, akinesis, or dyskinesia). b. Fixed (non-reversible) perfusion defects on nuclear radioisotope imaging (e.g., MIBI, thallium). 4. Medical record documentation of prior myocardial infarction. Source: Joint ESC-ACC-AHA-WHF 2007 Task Force Consensus Document "Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction". Attributes Attribute Name: AMIDateTime Datatype: DateTime Alias: Acute Myocardial Notes Attribute Definition: DateTime of the Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Attribute Infarction Date and Time Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate whether an Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) occurred. Enumerations: Alias: Acute Myocardial Selections: No, Yes Infarction (AMI) Indicator Name: AMIIndicator Datatype: Enum 297. Urgent Cardiac Surgery. Urgent Cardiac Surgery Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Urgent Cardiac Surgery Class Definition: Procedure performed on the heart with intent to treat disease, injury or deformity, that is required during hospitalization in order to minimize chance of further clinical deterioration. Examples of conditions requiring urgent cardiac surgery include but are not limited to: worsening sudden chest pain, Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), acute myocardial infarction (AMI),anatomy, IABP, unstable angina (UA) with intravenous (IV) nitroglycerin (NTG) or rest angina. Attributes Attribute Name: UCSIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Urgent Cardiac Surgery (UCS) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient needed to have urgent, unplanned cardiac surgery (UCS). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 298. Venous Obstruction. Venous Obstruction Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Venous Obstruction Class Definition: Swelling, pain and discoloration of an extremity and confirmed by some imaging technique demonstrating >50% diameter reduction in the affected vein. Attributes Attribute Name: obstructionIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Venous Obstruction Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced a venous obstruction distal to the vascular access site. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 299. Hematoma at Access Site. 300. Hematoma Size. 301. Hematoma Requiring Re-op. Hematoma Characteristics Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Hematoma Characteristics Class Definition: C0018944 Hematoma NCI/FDAPT | A localized collection of blood, usually clotted, in an organ, space, or tissue, due to a break in the wall of a blood vessel. Attributes Attribute Name: hematomaAccessSiteIn dicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Hematoma at Access Site Name: hematomaRequiringRe opIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced a hematoma at the percutaneous entry site. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced a hematoma as a result of the procedure, requiring a reoperation, evacuation or transfusion. Enumerations: Selections: 0-No,1-Yes Alias: Hematoma Requiring Re-op Name: hematomaSize Datatype: Integer Alias: Hematoma Size Attribute Definition: Indicate the maximal dimension, in centimeters, of the hematoma (measured by palpation or imaging). 302. Red blood cell or whole blood transfusion. RBC Whole Blood Transfusion Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library RBC /Whole Blood Transfusion Class Definition: The infusion of whole blood or a blood component directly into the bloodstream. Source: NCI (C15192) Attributes Attribute Name: bloodTransfusionIndic ator Datatype: Enum Alias: Red blood cell or whole blood transfusion Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if there was a transfusion of either whole blood or packed red blood cells. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 303. Pneumothorax. Pneumothorax Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Pneumothorax Class Definition: Air in the thorax sufficient to require insertion of a chest tube. Attributes Attribute Name: pneumoIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Pneumothorax Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced a pneumothorax as documented by air in the thorax sufficient to require insertion of a chest tube. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes. 304. Hemothorax. Hemothorax Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Hemothorax Class Definition: Accumulation of blood in the thorax. Attributes Attribute Name: hemothoraxIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Hemothorax Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced presence of blood in the thoracic cavity. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 305. Peripheral Embolus. Peripheral Embolus Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Peripheral Embolus Class Definition: Acute occlusion of a peripheral artery resulting from embolization of a cardiac or proximal arterial thrombus. Attributes Attribute Name: PeriphEmbIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Peripheral Embolus Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced a peripheral embolus (PE) as documented by acute occlusion of an artery resulting from embolization of a cardiac or proximal arterial thrombus. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 306. Peripheral Nerve Injury. Peripheral Nerve Injury Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Peripheral Nerve Injury Class Definition: Sensory or motor loss of peripheral nerve function. This may result from external nerve compression as a result of positioning during a procedure, internal compression or direct nerve damage. Attributes Attribute Name: PNIIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Peripheral Nerve Injury (PNI) Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced a peripheral nerve injury (PNI) as documented by sensory or motor loss of peripheral nerve function. This may result from external nerve compression as a result of positioning during a procedure, internal compression or direct nerve damage. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 307. Infection Requiring Antibiotics. Infection Requiring Antibiotics Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Infection Requiring Antibiotics Class Definition: Indicate if the patient experienced an infection related to the procedure which required antibiotics. Attributes Attribute Name: antibioticsIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Infection Requiring Antibiotics Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if antibiotics were required to treat an infection related to a cardiac procedure. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 308. Set Screw Problem. Set Screw Problem Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Set Screw Problem Class Definition: Pacing and/or sensing problem associated with high impedance due to a poor connection between a lead and ICD caused by a loose set screw. Source:NCDR Attributes Attribute Name: problemIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Set Screw Problem Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient had a pacing and/or sensing problem associated with high impedance due to a poor connection between a lead and ICD caused by a loose set screw. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes 309. Drug Reaction/Serious Substance-related Adverse Event. 310. Drug/Substance Allergy. Adverse Substance Reaction Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Drug Reaction Class Definition: Unintended, deleterious effects of otherwise licit, therapeutic, properly administered drugs; for effects of illicit and abused drugs, or of environmental chemicals, see TOXICOLOGY or POISONING. C0041755 Attributes Attribute Name: substanceReactionIndi cator Datatype: Enum Alias: Drug Reaction/ Substance Adverse Event Notes Attribute Definition: In the instance of a quality measure, a substance adverse event is an unexpected or dangerous reaction to a substance (e.g., food, environmental agent). Serious adverse events are those that are fatal, lifethreatening, permanently/significantly disabling, those that require or prolong hospitalization, and those that lead to congenital anomaly or require intervention to prevent permanent impairment or damage. A time/date stamp is required as are notations indicating whether item is patient reported and/or provider verified. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Medications 311. At Home Medications. 312. Aspirin in First 24 hours. 313. Clopidogrel in First 24 hours. 314. Prasugrel in First 24 hours. 315. Ticlopidine in First 24 hours. 316. Beta Blocker in First 24 hours. 317. ACE Inhibitor in First 24 hours. 318. Angiotensin Receptor Blocker in First 24 hours. 319. Statin in First 24 hours. 320. Non-Statin Lipid Lowering in First 24 hours. 321. Aldosterone Blocking Agent in First 24 hours. 322. Medication Timepoint. 323. Medications Held or Discontinued. 324. Blinded. 325. Contraindication. 326. Anticoagulant. 327. Cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor. 328. P2Y12 inhibitor. 329. Beta blockers. 330. GP IIb/IIIa Inhibitor. 331. Lipid Lowering Statin Medications. 332. Non Statin Lipid Lowering Medications. 333. Prophylactic Antibiotics Within 1 hour or procedure start time. 334. Diuretic. 335. Direct Renin Inhibitor. 336. Alpha Blocker. 337. Steroid, systemic. 338. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. Medication Admin Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Class Definition: A record of the substances administered to the patient in the context of the encounter. Attributes Attribute Name: ACEInhibitorFirst24H rsIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: ACE Inhibitor administration within First 24 hours Name: aldosteroneFirst24HrsI ndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Aldosterone Blocking Agent administration within First 24 hours Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if an ACE inhibitor was administered, regardless of location of care (e.g., transferring facility or EMS). Target Value: Any occurrence between first medical contact and 24 hrs after first medical contact. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if an aldosterone blocking agent was administered, regardless of location of care (e.g., transferring facility or EMS). Target Value: Any occurrence between first medical contact and 24 hours after first medical contact. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate whether there is documentation of an order or administration of an antibiotic. Note(s): 1. An order (written order, verbal order, or standing order/protocol) for prophylactic antibiotics to be given within one hour of procedure start time (two hours if receiving vancomycin or fluoroquinolone). OR 2 Prophylactic antibiotic administered within one hour (if fluoroquinolone or vancomycin, two hours) prior to procedure start time. In the Alias: Prophylactic event that the procedure is delayed, as long as the patient is redosed (if Antibiotics Within 1 hour of procedure start clinically appropriate) the appropriate selection should be applied. Target Value: Any occurrence between 2 hours prior to procedure and start of current time procedure. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1No -not given, medical reason documented 2No -not given, reason unspecified 3Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if an angiotensin receptor blocker was Name: ARBFirst24HrsIndicat administered, regardless of location of care (e.g., transferring facility or EMS). Target Value: Any occurrence between first medical contact and 24 hrs after or Datatype: Enum first medical contact. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Alias: Angiotensin Enumerations: Receptor Blocker Selections: No, Yes administration within First 24 hours Name: antibiotics1HrPreProc edureType Datatype: Enum Attribute Notes Name: aspirinFirst24HrsIndic ator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if Aspirin was administered within First 24 Hours. Coding Instructions: Indicate if aspirin was administered in the first 24 hours before or after first medical contact, regardless of location of care (e.g., transferring facility or EMS). Target Value: Any occurrence between 24 hours before first medical contact and 24 hours after first medical contact Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Aspirin administration within First 24 hours Name: betaBlockerFirst24Hrs Indicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Beta Blocker administration within First 24 hours Name: betaBlockersIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Administration Name: blindedIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Blinded Name: clopidogrelFirst24HrsI ndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Clopidogrel administration within First 24 hours Attribute Definition: Indicate if a beta blocker was administered, regardless of location of care (e.g., transferring facility or EMS). Target Value: Any occurrence between first medical contact and 24 hours after first medical contact. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a beta blocker was administered. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the medication was blinded. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if clopidogrel was administered, regardless of location of care (e.g., transferring facility or EMS). Target Value: Any occurrence between first medical contact and 24 hours after first medical contact Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Name: contraIndication Datatype: Enum Alias: Contraindication Name: GPIIbIIIaInhibitorIndi cator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if the medication was contraindicated. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor was administered. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: GP IIb/IIIa Inhibitor administration Name: homeMedicationsIndic ator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if Medication was started at home. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: At Home Medications Name: medicationConditions MetIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if protocol conditions for the medications met. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Medication Protocol Conditions Met Name: medicationsHeldDiscon tinuedIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Medication held or discontinued. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Medication Held or Discontinued. Name: medicationTimepointT ype Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate the planned time point for the medication. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: -First 24 hours of medical contact Attribute Alias: Medication Timepoint Notes -Pre-procedure -Post Procedure Name: nonStatinLipidLoweri ngIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if a non-statin lipid lowering agent was taken. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Non Statin Lipid Lowering Medications administration status Name: nonStatinLipidLowFir st24HrsIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Lowering agent administration within First 24 hours Name: prasugrelFirst24HrsIn dicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Prasugrel administration within First 24 hours Attribute Definition: Indicate if a non-statin lipid-lowering agent was administered, regardless of location of care (e.g., transferring facility or EMS). Target Value: Any occurrence between first medical contact and 24 hours after first medical contact. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if Prasugrel was administered, regardless of location of care (e.g., transferring facility or EMS). Target Value: Any occurrence between first medical contact and 24 hours after first medical contact. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if medication was administered prior to procedure. Note: Timeframes of significance is different depending on medication or other context – so each implementation should specify timeframe for each medication of interest. (i.e. antibiotics w/in 3hrs of beginning of procedure vs ASA or anticoagulant w/in 24hrs/48hrs or 7days of procedure. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Alias: Pre-Procedure choices or pick-list. Medication Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a statin was administered, regardless of Name: statinFirst24HrsIndica location of care (e.g., transferring facility or EMS). Target Value: Any occurrence between first medical contact and 24 hours after first medical tor Datatype: Enum contact. Name: preprocedureMedicati onIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Alias: Statin administration within First 24 hours Name: statinIndicator Datatype: Enum Alias: Lipid Lowering Statin Medications Name: TiclipodineFirst24Hrs Type Datatype: Enum Alias: Ticlopidine administration within First 24 hours Notes Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if a statin was administered. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Indicate if ticlopidine was administered, regardless of location of care (e.g., transferring facility or EMS). Target Value: Any occurrence between first medical contact and 24 hours after first medical contact. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: No Yes Contraindicated Blinded Discharge 339. Vital Status. 342. CMS Discharge Disposition. 343. Dietary Counseling. 344. Exercise Counseling. 345. Smoking Counseling. 346. Cardiac Rehabilitation Referral. 347. Transfer for Procedure. 348. Transfer for Procedure Location. Discharge Information Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Class Definition: Information that is either collected at the point the patient is discharged, or that is directly related to the discharge process. Attributes Attribute Name: cardiacRehabilitationR eferralType Datatype: Enum Alias: Cardiac Rehabilitation Referral Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if there was written documentation of a referral for the patient (by the physician, nurse, or other personnel) to an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program, or a documented medical or patient-centered reason why such a referral was not made. Note(s): The program may include a traditional cardiac rehabilitation program based on face-to-face interactions and training sessions or may include other options such as home-based approaches. "Ineligible" may be selected for patients considered ineligible based on patientoriented barriers (patient refusal, for example), provider-oriented criteria (patient deemed to have a high-risk condition or contraindication to exercise such as dementia, homebound, long-term nursing home placement >60 days, for example), or health care system barriers (financial barriers or lack of cardiac rehabilitation programs near a patient's home, for example). Supporting Definitions: Referral: A referral is defined as an official communication between the health care provider and the patient to recommend and carry out a referral order to an early outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation program. This includes the provision of all necessary information to the patient that will allow the patient to enroll in an early outpatient CR program. This also includes a communication between the health care provider or health care system and the CR program that includes the patient's referral information for the program. A hospital discharge summary or office note may potentially be formatted to include the necessary patient information to communicate to the Attribute Notes CR program [the patient's cardiovascular history, testing, and treatments, for instance]. All communications must maintain appropriate confidentiality as outlined by the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPPA].) Source: Thomas RJ, King M, Lui K, et al. "AACVPR/ACC/AHA 2007 Performance Measures on Cardiac Rehabilitation for Referral to and Delivery of Cardiac Rehabilitation/Secondary Prevention Services." Journal of American College of Cardiology. 2007: 50(14), pp 1400-1433 Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 0 No 1 Yes 2 Ineligible Attribute Definition: The place or setting to which the patient was discharged. Name: CMSDischargeDisposit This element is referenced in The Joint Commission AMI Core Measures, AMI-1 through AMI-5. AMI-7, 7a, 8, 8a and AMI-9. ionType Datatype: Enum Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: Alias: CMS Discharge 1 Alive Disposition 2 Deceased Name: dietaryCounselingIndic ator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Dietary Counseling. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Dietary Counseling Name: exerciseCounselingIndi cator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Exercise Counseling. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Exercise Counseling Name: smokingCounselingInd icator Datatype: Enum Alias: Smoking Attribute Definition: Indicate if there was documentation in the medical record that smoking cessation advice or counseling was given during this admission. . This element is referenced in The Joint Commission AMI Core Measures AMI-4. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Attribute Counseling Notes Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Name: transferPCIIndicator Datatype: Enum Attribute Definition: Indicate if the patient was transferred to another facility for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Alias: Transfer for PCI Name: transferProcedureLoca tionType Datatype: Enum Alias: Transfer for Procedure Location Attribute Definition: Indicate the location where the procedure is being performed. Note(s): Code the appropriate selection for surgeries performed at your facility or transferred for planned CABG surgery at another facility. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Enumerations: 1 At your facility 2 Transferred to other facility Name: vitalStatusType Attribute Definition: Indicate whether the patient was alive or deceased at Datatype: Enum discharge. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Alias: Vital Status Enumerations: 1 Alive 2 Deceased 340. Comfort Measures. 341. CMS Comfort Measures Timing. Comfort Measures Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Comfort Measures Class Definition: Comfort measures are commonly referred to as palliative care in the medical community and comfort care by the general public. Palliative care includes attention to the psychological and spiritual needs of the patient and support for the dying patient and the patient's family. Usual interventions are not received because a medical decision was made to limit care to comfort measures only. Attributes Attribute Name: comfortMeasureReceiv edIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Indicate if there was physician/nurse practitioner/physician assistant documentation that the patient was receiving comfort measures. Comfort Measures are not equivalent to the following: Do Not Resuscitate (DNR), living will, no code, no heroic measures. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of Alias: Comfort Measures choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: When is the earliest physician/APN/PA documentation Name: comfortMeasuresTimi of comfort measures only? Note(s): This element is referenced in The Joint Commission AMI Core Measures, AMIngType Datatype: Enum 1 through AMI-9. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or picklist. Alias: CMS Comfort Enumerations: Measures Timing 1 Day 0 or 1 The earliest day the physician/APN/PA documented comfort measures only was the day of arrival (Day 0) or day after arrival (Day 1). 2 Day 2 or after The earliest day the physician/APN/PA documented comfort measures only was two or more days after arrival day (Day 2+). 3 Timing unclear There is physician/APN/PA documentation of comfort measures only during this hospital stay, but whether the earliest documentation of comfort measures only was on day 0 or 1 OR after day 1 is unclear. 4 Not Documented/UTD There is no physician/APN/PA documentation of comfort measures only, or unable to determine from medical record documentation if there is physician/APN/PA documentation of comfort measures only during this hospital stay. Supporting Definitions: (none) Outcomes 349. Death. 350. Date of death. 351. Cause of death. 352. Cardiac death. 353. Death During Procedure. Death Type: Package: Alias: Class Cardiology CDE Library Death Class Definition: C0011065 Cessation of life (irreversible, permanent cessation of all vital bodily functions). Attributes Attribute Name: deathIndicator Datatype: Enum Notes Attribute Definition: Death includes all deaths regardless of etiology. Indicator is a selection of No/Yes values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pick-list. Enumerations: Alias: Death Selections: No, Yes Attribute Definition: Select the PRIMARY cause of death, i.e. the first Name: primaryCauseOfDeath significant abnormal event which ultimately led to death. Type is a collection of values used in the enumerated, menu of choices or pickType Datatype: Enum list. Enumerations: Cardiac Alias: Cause of Death Neurologic Renal Vascular Infection Valvular Pulmonary Unknown Gastrointestinal Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Infection (includes sepsis) Non-infectious (e.g., systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)) Hemorrhage that is neither cardiovascular bleeding nor a stroke Attribute Notes Non-CV procedure or surgery Accidental (e.g., physical accidents or drug overdoses) or trauma Suicide Prescription Drug Error Neurological Process that is not a stroke or hemorrhage Malignancy Other non-CV Acute Myocardial Infarction Sudden cardiac death Congestive Heart Failure Stroke Cardiovascular Procedures Cardiovascular Hemorrhage Other Cardiovascular causes