Drama IV: Directing Teacher: Michael Payne- M.Ed. National Board Certified Teacher-CTE: EAYA-Arts and Communication Classroom : D101 E-Mail: jmpayne@okcps.org CONTENT/MISSION STATEMENT The program in Drama IV is structured in a workshop format. The intent of Directing I is to study the principles, procedures, and practices of stage blocking and motivation. This course explores the process of directing for the stage. Studio exercises develop skills in key areas: interpretation of form and artistic intent; perception and sensibility in rehearsal; effective communication with actors; and balancing the interplay between action and text. Students stage scenes from distinct categories: non-verbal, verbal, and physical theatre. Special emphasis is placed on the role of dramaturgical understanding in the creation of meaningful stage action. The course begins with directing defense, moves to a non-verbal approach to composition and movement study, and progressing to more formal text work (open ended scenes.) The various exercises culminate in the direction of an evening of physical theatre performances. OBJECTIVES A knowledge of the major developments and techniques in the directing process An ability to interpret and illuminate play scripts from the prospective of blocking actor movement An understanding of the art of directing for the stage An ability to defend artistic choices An understanding of theatrical production An ability to research imaginatively, selectively and with persistence 1ST NINE WEEKS: Composition/Color 1. Play Analysis-Students will read and view George C. Wolfe’s, "The Colored Museum" (the film is rated NR) 2. Acting Experience-Actors will rehearse & perform non verbal scenes. 3. Directing Element-Directors will develop, block and motivate non verbal scenes 4. Theater Analysis-Directors will be responsible for taking notes on directing theory and applying the theory with practice. 2ND NINE WEEKS: Form 1. Play Analysis-Students will read and view John Patrick Shanley’s, "Doubt"(the film is rated PG-13) 2. Acting Experience-Actors will continue to rehearse & perform non verbal scenes. 3. Design Element- Directors will continue to develop, block and motivate non verbal scenes 4. Theatre Analysis-Directors will continue to defend directing choices through theoretical analysis. 3RD NINE WEEKS: Mass 1. Play Analysis-Students will read and view August Wilson’s, "The Piano Lesson" (the film is rated PG) 2. Acting Experience-Actors will rehearse, memorize and perform various open ended scenes. 3. Design Element- Directors will fully develop, block and motivate open ended scenes. 4. Theatre Analysis: Directors will develop, create, block and analysis open ended scene using the work of Diane Timmerman 4TH NINE WEEKS: Picturization 1. Play Analysis-Students will read and view David Auburn’s, "Proof" (the film is rated PG) 2. Acting Experience-Actors will rehearse & perform two scenes of physical theatre. 3. Design Element-Directors will fully develop, block and motivate two scenes of physical theatre. 4. Theatre Design-Directors will analyze popular music for motivation in blocking and storytelling. SUPPLIES 1. 1 black (1 inch notebook) 2. 3 dividers marked in order: 1st divider, "Journals" 2nd divider, "Notes" 3rd divider "Evaluations" LATE WORK AND TUTORING: Assigned work is due 2 days after an excused absence. Individual or group performances will be made up with an alternative assignment or by scheduling an appointment with the instructor. The entire group must be present to make up group assignments. Additional help is available before and after school. CLASSROOM RULES: 1. Be on time. 2. Respect self and others. 3. Listen, pay attention and follow directions. 4. NO GUM CHEWING ON STAGE. _____________________________________ ________________________________ Student's Signature Instructor's Signature _____________________________________ Parent or Guardian (Signature)