Past Visual Text

Past L1 Visual Text Essay Questions
1. Describe at least ONE conflict in the text(s).
Explain why the conflict was important to the text(s) as a whole, supporting your points with examples of visual
and / or oral language features.
2. Describe at least ONE character or individual who changed during the text(s).
Explain how the change helped you to better understand the character or individual, supporting your points with
examples of visual and / or oral language features.
3. Describe at least ONE idea that was memorable in the text(s).
Explain why the idea was memorable in the text(s) as a whole, supporting your points with examples of visual
and / or oral language features.
4. Describe at least ONE significant setting in the text(s).
Explain how the setting helped you to understand one or more key ideas in the text(s), supporting your points
with examples of visual and / or oral language features.
Note: Setting is the time, place, and circumstances that form the background against which characters or
individuals live and act.
4. Describe at least ONE setting that was important in the text(s).
Explain how the setting helped you to understand one or more key ideas in the text(s), using examples of visual
and / or oral language features to support your ideas.
Note: Setting is the time, place, and circumstances that form the background against which characters or
individuals live and act.
5. Describe at least ONE challenge faced by a character or individual in the text(s).
Explain how the way he / she faced the challenge helped you to understand the character or individual in the
text(s), using examples of visual and / or oral language features to support your ideas.
6. Describe the opening scenes or section of the text(s).
Explain how the opening scenes or section helped you to understand what the text(s) were going to be about,
using examples of visual and / or oral language features to support your ideas.
QUESTIONS (Choose one)
5. Describe at least ONE important event in the text(s).Explain why the event had a positive or negative effect on
one or more characters or individuals
in the text(s), supporting your points with examples of visual and / or oral language features.
6. Describe the closing scenes or closing section of the text(s).
Explain how the closing scenes or closing section made a lasting impression on you, supporting your points with
examples of visual and / or oral language features.
1. Describe at least ONE friendship that was important in the text(s).
Explain how the friendship helped you to understand one or more characters or individuals in the text(s), using
examples of visual and / or oral language features to support your ideas.
3. Describe at least ONE event that was a turning point in the text(s).
Explain how the event was a turning point in the text(s), using examples of visual and / or oral language features
to support your ideas.
Describe at least ONE idea that you thought was important in the text(s).
Explain how visual /oral language features were used to show you the idea(s) was important.
Describe at least ONE character or individual who played an important role in the text(s).
Explain why the character(s) or individual(s) was important in the text(s) as a whole. Discuss
visual /oral text features in your response.
Describe at least ONE aspect of setting that was important in the text(s).
Explain why an aspect(s) of setting helped you understand a key idea(s). Discuss visual /oral text features in
your response.
Note: Setting might include time and /or place.
2. Describe at least ONE idea that was worth learning about in the text(s).
Explain why the idea was worth learning about in the text(s) as a whole, using examples of visual and / or oral
language features to support your ideas.
Describe at least ONE important event at (or near) the end of the text(s).
Explain why the event(s) helped you understand the director’s idea(s). Discuss visual /oral text features in
your response.
7. Describe at least ONE lesson learned by a character or individual in the text(s).
Explain why the lesson the character or individual learned was important to the text(s) as a whole, supporting
your points with examples of visual and / or oral language features.
Describe at least ONE important conflict in the text(s).
Explain why the conflict(s) helped you understand an idea in the text(s). Discuss visual /oral text features in
your response.
Describe at least ONE point-of-view that was developed in the text(s).
Explain why the point-of-view was important in the text(s).
Discuss visual/oral text features in your response.