AP PHYSICS 1 FINAL EXAM I _____________________ commit to completing the following project as my Final Exam grade for AP PHYSICS 1. I understand I must have it completed by the final exam date for my class period. The lab partners I have chosen are ______________ and _____________ I understand that we will all share the same grade and responsibility for the assignment. From the options below I chose: PROJECT FINAL EXAM DETAILS 50 QUESTION M/C RUBRIC- 10 POINTS FOR PARENT SIGNED CONTRACT Each day study and find logical answers for 10 review questions.20pts per day PHYSICS MUSIC VIDEO Based on a popular song create a physics version, video 25 PTs- WRITING A SONG 30 PTS- Correct Use of 3 Physics Concepts and terms 20 PTS- Creating Video 15 PTS Demonstrate how to use 1 equation VIDEO ANALYSIS Find a video of an athlete competing, dancer dancing, or any other motion based activity. Create a 4 Page Comic Book that illustrates a creative physics based story using captions. 20 PTS FIND OR MAKE A VIDEO 30 POINTS EXPLAIN 3 PHYSICS CONCEPTS FROM THE VIDEO 20 PTS DEMONSTRATE HOW TO USE 2 EQUATIONS 20 PTS 3 MIN CLASS PRESENTATION PHYSICS IN THE NEWS Perform a News report on Physics demonstrated in a present day news topics. 20 POINTS DIAGRAMS AND IMAGES OF THE EVENT 30 POINTS 3 PHYSICS CONCEPTS EXPLAINED 15 POINTS PRESENTED TO CLASS IN 4 MIN TIME LIMIT 15 POINTS DEMONSTRATION OF 1 PHYSICS EQUATION THE PHYSICIST Perform 1-3 experiments 20 POINTS FOR FINDING A TOY on a toy to demonstrate 30 POINTS FOR 3 PHYSICS CONCEPTS a physics concept. 15 POINTS FOR GRAPHS OF DATA 15 POINTS FOR USE OF 1 PHYSICS EQUATION 10 POINTS FOR PRESENTATION COMIC BOOK THE NEWTONIAN Create a model of a CIRCUS circus that demonstrates different Physics concepts. 30 POINTS 3 PHYSICS CONCEPTS EXPLAINED 30 POINTS 4 COMPLETE PAGES TELLING AN INTERESTING STORY 15 POINTS USE OF COLOR ON ALL PAGES 15 POINTS DEMONSTRATION OF 1 PHYSICS EQUATION 30 POINTS CREATE a 3 D CIRCUS MODEL 30 POINTS DEMONSTRATE 4 PHYSICS CONCEPTS (note cards) IN DIFFERENT EVENTS 20 POINTS HAVE AT LEAST 2 Formula’s DEMONSTRATED 10 PRESENT THE CIRCUS TO THE CLASS AS THE RINGMASTER On the back of this contract is my plan for the week of May 26-30th. I understand that I must reach my goals each day to earn the max points for my assignment grade for this week. Student Signature Date I have reviewed my child’s choice for final exam projects and I understand the project will be their final exam grade and if they do not complete it they will receive a 0 for a test grade. Parent Signature Date MY 4 DAY PLAN TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT: DATE 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 GOAL EVIDENCE TEACHER CAN SEE POINTS (25 MAX)/ INITIALS