US History bib - Kawaimookgarciapd6

"America The Story of Us — TV Episodes, Schedule, & Video." — History Made Every Day — American & World History. Web. 28 Nov.
2011. <>
America: The Story of Us was a movie that played on the History Channel that
intrigued me, and its relevance to the material at hand is extremely accurate. It is, to
me, very in-depth with what you ask for and it fulfilled my expectations and then
went further than that by adding in information that Wikipedia didn’t even have.
This is exactly from my viewpoint of how America was raised, from the ground up,
little to no help at all and very self-sufficient.
American History From About. Web. 01 Dec. 2011.
America was not founded in one day. The Declaration of Independence is not just
some piece of paper with signatures on it. These points are proven so it’s going to
be a guarantee that it would be accurate. The relevance to the topic of the Civil War
is almost impossible to miss in each of the given articles. The author of the article
can almost portray just how life was in the civil war and how bloody the battles
were just out of sheer sensory details of how the average soldier felt.
"COLONIAL AMERICA." Home. Web. 28 Nov. 2011.
This website link specializes in life back when the colonies were first forming to
become the original 13 colonies of America and how life was tough yet how the
colonists from Europe overcame their hardships to separate themselves from
England and become an independent nation. This website would be good usage for
earlier chapters that would rely on early works depicting life of colonists in their
most natural state. “COLONIAL AMERICA” is also a book that has many pictures and
is a few hundred pages thick, filled with the stories and customs of a colonial
American and many different jobs that were common.
This was, yet again, and filler website except barring the mundane effects of the
previous website link I provided. This website is actually an outline of many
different books and it just so happens that there was a US History section that
helped me do other projects. This website offers the immediate satisfaction of
getting the straight facts that everyone should know as well as captions that paint a
picture with all the little details filled in. This can also be a great website to put up
on your wikispaces page to ensure that students will always have access to reading
material therefore eliminating all future excuses of why I didn’t do my
homework…yeah I know I’m setting myself up, just roll with it.
US History Links." Web. 28 Nov. 2011.
This link is about many different things about pre-US history and how our country
came to be. This link has the main differences between colonial life and modern life
of America and even everything in between including the middle life in between
those milestone periods. I found this link to be the most helpful because it gives me
everything I need to know about the entire course of US History and therefore
prepares me for any upcoming quizzes and tests as well as essays pertaining to said
topic. I would like to include this link to be used on the main wikispaces page for
the MrNSilva page to be used by everyone so I may spread the wealth of knowledge I
have received from this website.