Harry Potter and WWII final paper

Amanda Dunlop
Final Project
Harry Potter Class Summer 2011
Anyone who has knowledge of World War II and has read Harry Potter would be hard pressed
not to acknowledge all of the similarities between the two. One can easily find the parallels between
Voldemort and his followers and Hitler and the Nazis. With his ideals of eliminating Mudbloods and
upholding racial purity in the Wizarding world, Lord Voldemort is modeled after Hitler, and his followers,
the Death Eaters are typical fascist paramilitaries (Baake). There are also other similarities. Both Hitler
and Voldemort had flaws in themselves which they projected onto others. They both wanted power
and their followers were marked by symbols that proclaimed to others who they were and what they
stood for. They were also greatly feared by many, supported by some, and opposed by others.
However, there are more parallels evident in the stories. For my final report, I chose to focus on
the part that propaganda played in Harry Potter. I have always found WWII propaganda to be
absolutely fascinating and was very interested in comparing it to the world of Harry Potter. I decided to
focus on the Ministry of Magic, since they were the ones who actually used propaganda. It’s not like the
Death Eaters went around posting recruiting posters, so there went that option.
The Ministry is in an interesting position when it comes to the use of propaganda at times it
seems as though they are on the side of good, but other times, especially after they are infiltrated by the
Death Eaters, it is clear that they are using their power for malicious intent. One of the first examples
occurs in “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”. In this book, the Ministry begins to openly
protest against both Harry and Dumbledore, trying to get people onto their side by using the Daily
Prophet to report their claims. This fits very well with Hitler’s idea of propaganda, especially when used
against the Jews. In his book “Mein Kampf” Hitler stated that: “The function of propaganda does not lie
in the scientific training of the individual, but in calling the masses' attention to certain facts, processes,
necessities, etc., whose significance is thus for the first time placed within their field of vision.”
In the next book, we get a brief look at some relatively positive propaganda from the Ministry.
In “Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince”, the Ministry sends out a leaflet entitled PROTECTING YOUR
HOME AND FAMILY AGIANST DARK FORCES (Rowling HPB pg 42). The leaflet goes on to list precautions
that wizards should take to protect themselves and their families in case of attack. This is very much like
the pamphlets that were sent out during WWII instructing families on what to do doing bombings or air
However, the most striking examples come from “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. After
the Ministry is infiltrated by the Death Eaters, they set up The Muggle-Born Registration Commission.
Under the direction of Umbridge, this commission has the task of creating a registry of any Muggle-Born
witches and wizards as well as those who have ties with them. In chapter thirteen, The Muggle-Born
Registration Commission, Harry, who is in disguise as a ministry wizard, enters Umbridge’s office only to
find a dozen or so witches and wizards assembling pamphlets titled: MUDBLOODS and the Dangers They
Pose to a Peaceful Pure-Blood Society. Underneath this title is an image of a red rose with a sad
expression, under attack of a green weed with fangs and an angry scowl (Rowling DH pg 249). This is
reminiscent of Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda, which often showed Jews as rats or monsters out to
destroy and ruin the proper German way of life (Nazi Propaganda).
By using propaganda in such a fashion, the Ministry effectively controlled the press, as well as
having influence over public safety and education. A government controlled press, as well as
suppression of opinions and freedom of speech are just some aspects of a typical totalitarian
government (WaggaWaggaWerewolf). The parallels between the Ministry’s actions and the rule of the
Nazi’s in Germany are all too obvious. While it may be a bit harder to spot than Voldemort’s blatant
similarities with Hitler’s regime, the Ministry too, is clearly very much in league with the allusions to
WWII in Harry Potter.
For my project, I chose to recreate a poster from WWII that featured the helmet of a German
soldier, peeking over a barrier with the quote “HE’S WATCHING YOU”. I redrew the poster featuring a
Death Eater instead of a German soldier and simply put “THEY’RE” instead of “HE’S”. I chose to do this
particular poster because it’s one of my favorites (as incredibly nerdy it is to admit to having a favorite
propaganda poster). The reason, though, is that it’s an incredibly powerful poster. It’s a very simple
image with a short and to-the-point message. But it’s very haunting. Whenever someone mentions
propaganda, this poster immediately comes to mind. It’s that mysterious, shadowy figure, coupled with
the statement that ‘he’s watching you’ that really sticks with a person. It’s also a piece of propaganda
that I could see the Ministry using. Not only does it invoke fear into the people who see it, but it also
cautions them to watch out for themselves and others.