Chapter 19 Section 4 Effects of the War

US 2
Mr. Perry
rare form of the flu hit the US in 1918
and would spread around the world and
kill millions
Caused great fear around the world,
particularly because it was immediately
following the deadliest war in history
During the war African Americans had moved North to cities
where jobs were available
Following the war, with soldiers returning home, there were
fewer jobs and tension in the cities was at an all-time high
Race riots broke out in cities in 1919, the worst in Chicago
where a young black boy was drowned by a group of whites
Violence in Chicago lasted nearly two weeks
Another riot two years later in Tulsa, Ok left over 30 dead
and an entire neighborhood burned to the ground
Define Inflation
2. Why did farmers begin to struggle
following the war?
3. Why were strikes so common in the
postwar period?
The rise of Communism in the new Soviet Union as well as
revolutionary activity in the US following the war cause the
“Red Scare” (fear of communists and radicals in the US)
A series of mail bombings prompted Attorney General A.
Mitchell Palmer to begin rounding up suspected radicals
The bombings targeted the wealthy and powerful, including
Palmer himself and a bombing on Wall St in NYC
Palmer arrested thousands of immigrants, most without any
evidence and many were deported back to their country of
The ACLU was formed to protect the rights of the wrongfully
What were they charged with having
What was the outcome of the trial?
Why were many outraged by the
How did the Red Scare eventually calm
Republican Warren G Harding told Americans he would
return them to “normalcy” in the election of 1920 and the
voters elected him in a landslide over James Cox of Ohio
This ruined Wilson’s hopes that the US would ever join his
League of Nations
By 1920 the US was the most industrialized and richest
nation in the world, a creditor nation lending more than it
With traditional European empires in Germany, Russia,
Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire crumbled and
Britain and France in economic trouble following the war the
US could no longer separate itself from world affairs