Characteristics of the RTS Study Area A report prepared for the Tompkins County Department of Social Services (DSS) Adam Blair, Transportation Planner I DRAFT – August 2011, Rev January 2012 I. BACKGROUND The seven-county Study Area, covering parts of central and western New York, extends south from Lake Ontario to the Pennsylvania border, and west through the Finger Lakes Region from Cortland County to Seneca Lake. The Study Area is comprised of Cayuga, Chemung, Figure 1.0. Study Area Cortland, Schuyler, Seneca, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties1 (see Figure 1.0). At 3,249.36 square miles2, and an average density of 129.7 people per square mile (see Table 1.0), the Study Area is primarily rural, but encompasses several small-sized cities, including Ithaca, Cortland, Elmira, and Auburn. Rochester, Syracuse, and Binghamton are each mid-sized cities that lie in nearby counties outside the Study Area (see Appendix A). Chemung, Cortland, Schuyler, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties are considered to be part of the Northern Subregion of Appalachia, according to the Appalachian Regional Commission.3 Study Area Demographics Tompkins County, home to the City of Ithaca, is the most populous County in the Study Area with 101,564 residents (see Table 1.0). Cayuga and Chemung Counties are both home to Created by author over 80,000 people, while Schuyler County, being the least populated county in the Study Area, has a population of only 18,343. The latest Census results from 2010 indicate that 424,475 people live in the Study Area; including a workforce of 183,351 (2011). While the median age in most counties within the Study Area is in the mid-30s to low40s, Tompkins County is an outlier with a median age of only 28.3. This is undeniably a reflection of the large student population in Ithaca. Schuyler County has the largest share of elderly residents among counties in the Study Area with 19.1 percent being over the age of 65. There is considerable variation in the poverty rate among residents living in the Study Area. According to the 2005-2009 American Community Survey, Chemung County has a poverty rate of 15.8 percent while only 9.9 percent of residents in Schuyler County live in 1 Broome County to the southeast and Onondaga County to the northeast are second-ring counties surrounding Tompkins, and thus not included in the Study Area. However, both counties have large populations and will occasionally be referred to in this report. 2 See 3 See poverty. The overall poverty rate in New York State is 13.8 percent. Tompkins County is again somewhat of an anomaly when it comes to poverty; the poverty rate is 20.2 percent, which is likely influenced by the low income reported by students. Median household income in the study area is $46,050, compared to $55,233 in New York State and $51,425 in the nation. Tioga County has the highest reported median income, at $51,011, while Chemung County has the lowest, at $42,420. Despite its large student population, residents in Tompkins County reported a median household income of $46,506 (see Table 1.0). Table 1.0. Study Area Demographics, 2005 – 2010 Age Income Urbanization Cities** Cities 5 – 15K 15 – 30K 115.4 0 1 $42,420 217.6 2 1 $44,853 98.7 0 1 9.9% $44,575 55.8 1 0 13.4% $45,571 108.5 3 0 41.3 10% $51,011 98.6 0 1 28.3 20.2% $46,506 213.3 1 1 13.2% 37.7 13.8% $55,233 410.4 12.6% 36.5 13.5% $51,425 87.3 County 2010 Population 2011* Workforce Aged < 18 Aged 65 + Med. age Poverty rate Median income People/ sq. mi. Cayuga 80,026 25,600 21.8% 16.8% 40.3 12.4% $47,414 Chemung 88,830 40,100 22.3% 17.6% 40.3 15.8% Cortland 49,336 18,600 20.8% 15% 35.8 14.5% Schuyler 18,343 4,700 22.2% 19.1% 42.2 Seneca 35,251 11,600 20.6% 17.4% 40.3 Tioga 51,125 15,451*** 23.6% 16.8% Tompkins 101,564 67,300 16.5% 11.7% NYS 19.378M 8.856M 23.2% U.S. 308.746M 138.541M 24% Source: 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, 2010 Decennial Census, U.S. Census Bureau;; *County-level figures represent total nonfarm employment by place of work for April 2011, and were retrieved from the April 2011 monthly Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey, conducted by the New York State Department of Labor. **Also includes South Hill, a census-designated place (CDP) in Tompkins County. ***2010 figure As mentioned previously, the Study Area is primarily rural, but home to several smallsized cities. In fact, there are a total of five cities within the Study Area that have a population between 15,000 and 30,000; there are a total of seven cities that have a population between 5,000 and 15,000 (see Table 1.0). Tompkins County is the most urbanized county overall, mostly owing to the City of Ithaca, with a density of 213.3 people per square mile. Schuyler County, conversely, is the most rural county with only 55.8 people per square mile. II. WORKPLACE GEOGRAPHY AND INTERCOUNTY COMMUTING With the exception of those living in Tompkins County, a significant portion of workers in the Study Area commute to a county outside of their own. In Schuyler and Tioga Counties, the majority of employees work outside their county of residence (but inside their state of residence), 54.6 percent and 50.3 percent, respectively (see Figure 2). Relatively few employees over the age of 16 in Greater Ithaca work outside New York State; the greatest number of workers commuting out of state live in either Chemung (1,406) or Tioga County (1,878), which border Pennsylvania (see Figures 2.0 & 2.1). 2 Source: 2007-2009 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau *Schuyler County data were retrieved from the 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau Note: The category ‘Worked outside county’ includes only those working inside their state of residence As seen in Table 2.0, many workers living in the Study Area (14,901) commute into Tompkins County. Broome and Onondaga Counties are also major destinations, with 7,685 and 11,597 non-resident in-commuters in 2008, respectively. Over 10,000 workers commute into Chemung County from the Study Area as well. Chemung, Tompkins, Broome, and Onondaga Counties are all net importers, meaning that more non-resident workers commute into their county from other counties in the Study Area than resident workers leaving their county set out for other destinations in the Study Area. Tompkins County is undeniably the largest importer and one of the smallest exporters of workers residing in the Study Area. Nearly 50,000 employees live in Tompkins County4, but only 4,469 of those worked outside the county in 2008. Meanwhile, nearly 15,000 workers commuted into Tompkins County. This finding is likely a reflection of the large number of employers in Tompkins County compared to adjacent rural counties. Over 40 percent of the incommuting workforce came from either Tioga County of Cortland County. Over a third of Tompkins County resident out-commuters (1,675) worked in Cortland County in 2008, highlighting a unique phenomenon of worker swapping between the two counties. (Indeed, nearly 5,000 commuters likely pass each other on their way to each other’s county of residence.) Another 21 percent of Tompkins County out-commuters worked in counties outside the Study Area, while significant portions also commuted to Cayuga County (11 percent), Onondaga County (9 percent), and Broome County (7 percent). Table 2.1. Intercounty Commuting Flows, 2008 4 2008 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau 3 Resident out-commuting workforce Other Onondaga Broome Tompkins Tioga Seneca Schuyler Cortland Cayuga Chemung Non-resident in-commuting workforce TOTAL Cayuga - - 650 8 590 - 2,165 25 8,390 3,204 15,032 Chemung - - 15 505 190 450 1,245 240 220 4,665 7,530 Cortland 225 30 - - - 45 3,230 535 2,090 741 6,896 Schuyler 25 1,389 18 - 123 18 1,608 20 12 1,372 4,585 Seneca 620 20 - 57 - - 1,090 - 370 3,747 5,904 Tioga 105 1,130 220 22 20 - 3,140 6,560 100 1,879 13,176 Tompkins 520 195 1,675 110 235 165 - 305 415 949 4,569 - 130 600 5 - 3,370 400 - Onondaga 2,495 - 1,095 - 105 - 325 Other 3,389 7,343 861 853 2,560 1,704 1,698 TOTAL 7,379 10,237 5,134 1,560 3,823 5,752 14,901 Broome 4,505 - 7,685 11,597 4,020 - 18,408 16,557 84,625 > 3,000 > 1,000 > 500 > 100 < 100 Source: Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) Note: Commuting flows between Broome and Onondaga Counties, Broome and other counties, and Onondaga and other counties are not included in totals. The remaining counties (Cayuga, Cortland, Schuyler, Seneca, and Tioga) are net exporters. Over 15,000 resident workers commuted out of Cayuga County in 2008, with the majority traveling south to Tompkins County or east to Onondaga County (see Table 2.1). Another 13,176 resident workers commuted out of Tioga County for Chemung, Tompkins, Broome, and counties outside the Study Area, mostly. Some of the largest commuting flows occurred from Cortland to Tompkins County (3,230), Tioga to Tompkins County (3,140), Broome to Tioga County (3,370), Tioga to Broome County (6,560), and Cayuga to Onondaga County (8,390). In 2008, no workers commuted between the following counties: Chemung – Cayuga Broome – Cayuga Cayuga – Chemung Onondaga – Chemung Seneca – Cortland Cortland – Schuyler Onondaga – Schuyler Cortland – Seneca Broome – Seneca Cayuga – Tioga Seneca – Tioga Onondaga – Tioga Seneca – Broome As of April 2011, Tompkins County had a workforce of over 67,000—more than double that of any other county in the Study Area except for Chemung, which had a workforce of 40,100. Schuyler County had the least number of jobs within the Study Area, with a workforce 4 of only 4,700 (see Table 2.2). (See the Total Jobs map in Appendix A for total jobs by census tract in 2000.) Table 2.2. Workforce, Job Density, 2011, and Average Employment Access, 2000 Workforce Job density (jobs/sq.mi.) Employment access index (jobs/sq.mi.)* Cayuga Chemung Cortland Schuyler Seneca Tioga Tompkins 25,600 40,100 18,600 4,700 11,600 15,451** 67,300 37 98 37 14 36 30 142 6,105 10,502 5,849 396 625 391 9,855 Source: New York State Department of Labor, April 2011 Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey *The employment access index (EAI) represents the average EAI of all census tracts in a county. EAI is determined using a gravity model, where the total number of jobs in a given census tract is divided by the square of the distance to the centroid of that census tract. **2010 figure Not surprisingly, job density (total jobs per square mile) is quite low in the Study Area relative to other more urban parts of the country with higher concentrations of economic activity. Tompkins County has the highest job density, with 142 jobs per square mile in 2011, while Schuyler County has the lowest job density, with only 14 jobs per square mile (see Table 2.2). (See the Job Density map in Appendix A for census-tract level figures in 2000.) III. MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK Similar to most places in the U.S., the majority of commuters in the Study Area drive alone to work. In contrast to national trends, however, a significant amount of commuters in each county report that they carpool to work, perhaps a reflection of the large number of intercounty commuters traveling to common centers of employment. Public transit and walking are also popular modes of transportation to work in the Study Area. Transportation Service Inventory There are a variety of transportation options available to residents living in the Study Area. Aside from several public transit agencies, the Study Area is home to paratransit, vanpool, car sharing, and shuttle services (see Table 3.0). Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) is the largest of the public transit agencies, recently setting a record of 3.58 million trips in 2010.5 5 “TCAT Celebrates Major Victory,” July 1, 2011,; TCAT was also named the 2011 Outstanding Public Transportation System in North America by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) for this accomplishment. 5 Table 3.0. Transportation Services within Study Area Type Counties/Areas Served Centro Call-A-Bus Paratransit Cayuga Centro of Cayuga Transit (bus) Cayuga, Onondaga Chemung County Transit System (CCTS) Transit (bus) Chemung, Tompkins Cortland Transit (CTRANS) Transit (bus) Cortland, Tompkins Gadabout Paratransit Tompkins Friends in Service Helping (FISH) Medical Tompkins IthaCar Airport transport Airports within 100 miles of Ithaca Ithaca Carshare Car sharing All Tioga County Public Transit (Ride Tioga) Transit (bus) Broome, Chemung, Tioga, Tompkins, PA Ithaca Dispatch Taxi All Ithaca Shuttle Bug Shuttle All Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) Transit (bus) Tompkins VPSI Vanpool All Zimride Tompkins Carpool Tompkins Source:; Modal Split According to 3-year estimates provided by the U.S. Census Bureau6, an overwhelming majority of commuters over the age of 16 in the Study Area drove alone in a car, truck, or van between the years of 2006-2008 (see Figure 3.0). Tompkins County was the only exception, where approximately 40 percent (24,201) of commuters carpooled, used public transportation, walked, used other modes7, or worked from home. 6 The 2006-2008 ACS 3-year estimates represent the average characteristics of data collected between January 2006 and December 2008 for selected geographic areas with populations of 20,000 or greater. 7 This includes taxicabs, motorcycles, bicycles, and other means of transport. 6 Source: 2006-2008 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau Note: ‘Other’ includes taxicabs, motorcycles, bicycles, and other means of transport. Tompkins County is also unique in that public transportation is widely available through the Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT). The City of Ithaca, which is at the center of Tompkins County, is also very conducive to walking, given its high density. The impact of these characteristics is evident in the county’s modal split from 2006-2008; during this time, 6.4 percent of workers took public transportation to work. An impressive 14.2 percent walked to work. Very few workers in the other five counties used public transportation to get to work. The U.S. Census Bureau also conducted an American Community Survey (ACS) during the 2007-2009 period.8 Findings from this survey indicate that modal split shifted somewhat in each of the six counties comprising Greater Ithaca. The share of commuters using public transportation to get to work increased, relative to 2006-2008 estimates, in every county except Cortland County (-11.5%) and Tompkins County (-12.1%) (see Figure 3.1). In Cortland County, this is primarily due to the fact that more workers worked from home (19.7%) during the 20072009 survey; in Tompkins County, the share of workers working at home and carpooling both increased by 8.2 percent and 11.7 percent, respectively. While fewer commuters in Tompkins 8 The 2007-2009 ACS 3-year estimates represent average characteristics of data collected between January 2007 and December 2009 for selected geographic areas with populations of 20,000 or greater. 7 County reported using public transportation to get to work on the 2007-2009 ACS, TCAT, the primary transit agency, has reported record ridership for each of the past four years.9 Source: 2007-2009 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau *Schuyler County data were retrieved from the 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau Note: ‘Other’ includes taxicabs, motorcycles, bicycles, and other means. Results from the 2007-2009 American Community Survey indicate that Tioga County experienced a notable change in modal split from the time of the previous ACS. The percentage of workers over the age of 16 reporting that they walked to work increased from 2.9 percent to 4.0 percent, while the percentage reporting the use of public transportation for commuting increased from 0.4 percent to 0.5. In absolute terms, however, a very small number of workers actually used public transportation (90) to get to work in Tioga County during 2007-2009. The only noticeable change in modal shift across all six counties, throughout the entire region, was a decline in the percentage of commuters who drove alone to work. Cortland County exhibited the largest change; an estimated 16,350 workers, or 77.6 percent of the workforce, commuted alone in a car, truck, or van during the time of the 2006-2008 ACS, while only 14,988 workers or 76.4 percent of the workforce drove alone according to the 2007-2009 ACS. 9 See 8 Modal Shift in Tompkins County The modal split among Tompkins County has changed relatively little over the past five years, with the exception that a smaller share of workers reported driving alone during 2008, when gas prices spiked (see Figure 3.2). High gas prices made driving more expensive, which was reflected in a greater share of employees working from home and carpooling. Carpooling has remained as a significant mode since 2008, as well as walking and using public transportation. Beginning in 2009, the Census Bureau separated bicycling from the ‘Other’ category, which indicated that the number of workers reporting that they biked to work in Tompkins County more than doubled from 329 in 2009 to 746 in 2010.10 Source: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau Note: ‘Other’ includes taxicabs, motorcycles, bicycles, and other means. Travel Time to Work The mean travel time to work for commuters decreased over the last decade in all counties within the Study Area except for Chemung County. In Chemung County, mean travel time increased by one percentage point from 19.3 minutes to 19.5 minutes (see Table 3.1). The most significant change was observed in Tioga County, where mean travel time to work decreased by almost one minute from 2000-2010, representing a change of -3.23 percent. At the state level, mean travel time decreased by approximately one percentage point while travel time decreased by 1.18 percent at the national level. Table 3.1. Mean Travel Time to Work by County, 2000-2010 (in minutes) 10 Until 2009, taxicabs, motorcycles, bicycles, and other means were all included in the ‘Other’ category on the American Community Survey. 9 Cayuga Chemung Cortland Schuyler Seneca Tioga Tompkins NYS U.S. 2000 22.0 19.3 21.1 25.4 22.5 24.8 17.8 31.7 25.5 2010 21.4 19.5 20.9 25.3 21.1 24.0 17.8 31.4 25.2 Change -2.73% +1.04% -0.95% -0.39% -6.22% -3.23% - -0.95% -1.18% Source: 2000 Decennial Census, U.S. Census Bureau; 2010 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau In 2010, mean travel time to work was lower than both the New York State and U.S. averages in all counties within the Study Area except Schuyler County, with an average of 25.3 minutes (slightly higher than the national average of 25.2 minutes) (see Table 3.1). While it is common for commuters in the Study Area to travel relatively long distances between counties, congestion is not an issue like it is in many metropolitan regions in the state and nation where travel times are elevated as a consequence of waiting in traffic. IV. NON-COMMUTE TRAVEL People have myriad trip purposes in addition to work, some of them occurring on a regular schedule. Because the U.S. Census does not ask questions pertaining to non-commute travel, any conclusions made must be drawn from estimates. Of particular interest to the Regional Transportation Study is human services travel (i.e., medical appointments, hospital visits) and travel to colleges and universities in the area. Non-essential travel destinations like recreation and shopping are also of interest. Human Services As seen in Table 4 and the Hospitals map in Appendix A, the Study Area is home to seven hospitals, with several additional hospitals located outside the Study Area but within 60 miles of Ithaca. With the exception of Tioga County, there is at least one hospital in every county in the Study Area. Table 4.0. Major Hospitals within Study Area and Surrounding Counties City/Town County Distance from Ithaca** Cayuga Medical Center Ithaca Tompkins 2.5 miles Cortland Regional Medical Center Cortland Cortland 20 miles St. Joseph’s Hospital Elmira Chemung 29 miles Arnot-Ogden Medical Center Elmira Chemung 29 miles Guthrie – Robert Packer Hospital* Sayre PA 32 miles Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital* Penn Yan Yates 33 miles Auburn Memorial Hospital Auburn Cayuga 35 miles Corning Hospital* Corning Steuben 35 miles Wilson Memorial Regional Medical Center* Johnson City Broome 36 miles Lourdes Memorial Hospital* Binghamton Broome 38 miles Geneva General Hospital Geneva Seneca 39 miles UHS Binghamton General Hospital* Binghamton Broome 39 miles Upstate Memorial University Hospital* Syracuse Onondaga 57 miles Strong Memorial Hospital* Rochester Monroe 74 miles 10 Source:; *Outside Study Area **For the purposes of this report, Ithaca is used as the effective center of the Study Area. While not statistically significant and unrepresentative of the larger population, Tompkins County 2-1-1 Information and Referral call data provides some interesting insight into human services-related trips. When a call is placed with 2-1-1 and is related to transportation services available in either Tompkins County or surrounding counties, a call center associate records the specific type of transportation need of the caller. As seen in Figure 6, calls made requesting more information regarding accessible transportation increased significantly after 2007. Between 2008 and 2010, over 120 calls related to accessible transportation were received. Figure 4.0. 2-1-1 Transportation-Related Calls, 2004-2011 Source: 2-1-1 Information and Referral, Human Services Coalition of Tompkins County (HSC) *2011 includes calls placed between January 1, 2011, and June 22, 2011. 2-1-1 experienced a similar upward trend in calls related to medical transportation over the last several years; in 2010 alone, close to 80 calls were received in which the caller requested more information about medical transportation options (see Figure 6). In addition to a call center, 2-1-1 maintains an informative website,, with a directory of transportation resources by subtopic (e.g., medical transport, senior services, ride sharing). 11 College and Universities There are a variety of colleges and universities within the Study Area and outlying counties (see Colleges and Universities map in Appendix A), several of which are part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system (see Table 4.1). Tompkins County is home to four higher education institutions—Cornell University, Ithaca College, Tompkins Cortland Community College, and the Finger Lakes School of Massage. Table 4.1. Colleges and Universities within Study Area and Surrounding Counties City/Town County Distance from Ithaca** Cornell University Ithaca Tompkins 1 mile Ithaca College Ithaca Tompkins 1.5 miles Tompkins Cortland Community College - SUNY Dryden Tompkins 16 miles SUNY Cortland Cortland Cortland 24 miles Wells College Aurora Cayuga 27 miles Elmira Business Institute – Elmira Campus Elmira Chemung 29 miles Elmira College Elmira Chemung 29 miles Hobart and William Smith Colleges* Geneva Seneca 38 miles Cayuga County Community College - SUNY Auburn Cayuga 39 miles Corning Community College – SUNY* Corning Steuben 45 miles Broome Community College – SUNY* Binghamton Broome 47 miles Binghamton University – SUNY* Binghamton Broome 47 miles Syracuse University* Syracuse Onondaga 57 miles Finger Lakes Community College – SUNY* Canandaigua Ontario 50 miles Keuka College* Keuka Park Yates 32 miles Le Moyne College* Syracuse Onondaga 61 miles Cazenovia College* Cazenovia Madison 62 miles Colgate University* Hamilton Madison 73 miles Rochester Institute of Technology* Rochester Monroe 74 miles University of Rochester* Rochester Monroe 92 miles Source: New York State GIS Clearinghouse *Outside Study Area **For the purposes of this report, Ithaca is used as the effective center of the Study Area. 12 V. HOUSING AND TRANSPORTATION AFFORDABILITY Housing Affordability According to most housing programs and policies in the U.S., housing is deemed unaffordable if its associated costs comprise more than 30 percent of a household’s annual income.11 According to the 2005-2009 American Community Survey, most homeowners living in the Study Area spend no more than 30 percent of their income on housing. Renters living in the Study Area, however, do not fare as well; over 24,000 renters out of a total of 52,071 in reported spending more than 30 percent of their household income on rent during the 12 months preceding the survey. As the maps in Appendix A show, however, both owner and rental affordability vary greatly throughout the Study Area. Renting appears to be most unaffordable around Ithaca, Elmira, and in parts of Schuyler and Seneca counties, where renters in certain census tracts spend between 42.7 and 50 percent of their income paying rent and related expenses. As seen in Table 7, both housing values and rents are significantly higher in Tompkins County than in any other county in the Study Area, while median income is relatively similar across counties. According the Affordable Housing Needs Assessment, high demand for rental units in Tompkins County—due in large part to student populations—has created artificial upward pressure on rent over the years.12 Furthermore, the supply of owner occupied housing has not kept up with strong demand generated by several centers of employment, pushing up housing prices at a faster rate than household income growth. Table 5.0. Household Income, Median Housing Value, and Median Rent, 2005-2009 Cayuga Chemung Cortland Schuyler Seneca Tioga Tompkins Median household income $47,414 $42,420 $44,853 $44,575 $45,571 $51,011 $46,506 Median value of owneroccupied housing $95,000 $84,000 $91,200 $86,600 $87,500 $94,800 $155,000 $614 $637 $656 $600 $656 $573 $837 Median gross rent Source: 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau Transportation Affordability Because the U.S. Decennial Census does not include questions related to transportation expenditures, the amount a given household spends on auto ownership (i.e., depreciation; finance charges; insurance; and license, registration, and taxes), auto use (i.e., gas, maintenance, repairs), and transit use must be estimated. Drawing from research on the impacts of the built 11 Alex F. Schwartz, Housing Policy in the United States, Second Edition (New York: Routledge, 2010), 28. Affordable Housing Needs Assessment, 2006, Tompkins County Planning Department, accessed July 27, 2011, at 12 13 environment on household travel (see references in Haas et al. 2008), the Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) created the H+T® Affordability Index, the most accurate estimate to date of household transportation costs in the 337 largest metropolitan regions in the U.S. 13 Unfortunately, the Study Area is not covered by the H+T® Index, given its small relative population. This report attempts to fill this gap by adapting the CNT methodology in order to better understand the effect the built environment has on a household’s transportation demand in the Study Area, controlling for a household’s size and income. This will provide more accurate estimations of household transportation expenditures and, combined with known housing expenditures in the region, these data will help to better policymaking as it relates to transportation planning, zoning, and housing development in the Study Area. Travel Demand Elasticity & Spatial Equilibrium VI. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS REFERENCES Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT). 2011. H+T® INDEX METHODOLOGY. Available at Haas, Peter M., Carrie Makarewicz, Albert Benedict, and Scott Bernstein. 2008. “Estimating Transportation Costs by Characteristics of Neighborhood and Household.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2077: 62-70. 13 H+T® Affordability Index. Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT). Accessed July 27, 2011, at 14 APPENDIX A: MAP PORTFOLIO 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 APPENDIX B: H+T® INDEX METHODOLOGY APPENDIX C: RAW DATA 36 37 Mean Median Min Max Total Mean Median Min Max Total Mean Median Min Max Total Mean Median Min Max Total Mean Median Min Max Total Mean Median RTS Seneca Schuyler Cortland Chemung Cayuga geo Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract Census Tract 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2,075,495.5 22,130.6 16,296.3 26.6 74,751.2 442,612.7 11,335.0 1,029.5 118.7 58,816.6 260,705.6 26,600.5 6,713.6 165.4 94,574.7 319,206.4 42,026.4 45,589.6 17,375.5 65,526.1 210,132.1 20,717.1 14,092.4 31.5 12.7 0.0 147.8 3,243.0 34.6 25.5 0.0 116.8 691.6 17.7 1.6 0.2 91.9 407.4 41.6 10.5 0.3 147.8 498.8 65.7 71.2 27.1 102.4 328.3 32.4 22.0 1,751.7 1,250.0 128.0 15,871.0 180,428.0 1,402.4 1,146.0 199.0 4,388.0 28,047.0 1,822.7 1,398.0 128.0 5,717.0 41,921.0 1,721.3 1,445.0 414.0 4,555.0 20,655.0 1,076.8 779.0 317.0 2,082.0 5,384.0 1,181.0 1,255.0 1.1 0.1 21.6 115.6 0.9 0.1 3.6 18.8 1.5 1.0 5.4 34.7 1.2 0.2 0.0 4.7 14.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 83.5 67.5 2.9 309.9 8,599.0 87.6 102.2 6.1 193.8 1,751.9 54.3 15.0 2.9 209.3 1,248.0 93.2 47.7 6.7 269.4 1,118.5 123.3 114.0 72.1 200.3 616.6 92.1 83.5 6,530.2 1,352.1 106.6 32,348.5 672,611.3 6,104.7 957.4 106.6 20,022.3 122,093.9 10,501.5 7,726.4 611.9 31,997.3 241,533.5 5,848.9 2,205.6 254.3 15,675.6 70,187.3 396.0 402.9 244.9 553.9 1,980.1 624.8 557.8 1,477.4 130.8 2.8 28,613.2 152,172.3 1,347.0 37.4 3.7 12,998.3 26,939.7 1,845.2 603.6 3.6 15,762.1 42,439.0 1,533.9 574.2 2.8 5,940.4 18,406.9 21.3 11.7 3.9 57.5 106.7 93.4 49.3 ACRES SQMILE JOBS_00 D BLKSIZE EAI JTOTAL 401, Cayuga County, New York 51,102.2 79.8 460 0.04 139.2 106.6 5.76 402, Cayuga County, New York 43,800.6 68.4 603 0.05 193.8 181.6 8.81 403, Cayuga County, New York 33,371.9 52.1 750 0.04 135.7 313.1 14.38 404, Cayuga County, New York 14,148.0 22.1 1,139 0.13 78.6 505.8 51.52 405, Cayuga County, New York 23,569.7 36.8 254 0.04 116.7 732.0 6.90 406, Cayuga County, New York 18,444.6 28.8 1,153 0.06 124.6 1685.2 40.01 407, Cayuga County, New York 13,364.0 20.9 279 0.12 96.8 1069.1 13.36 408, Cayuga County, New York 43,428.5 67.9 1,733 0.03 147.7 411.5 25.54 409, Cayuga County, New York 50,883.5 79.5 297 0.03 181.1 507.7 3.74 410, Cayuga County, New York 74,751.2 116.8 1,877 0.02 179.3 435.3 16.07 411, Cayuga County, New York 37,372.7 58.4 743 0.05 150.1 605.5 12.72 412, Cayuga County, New York 33,026.9 51.6 1,791 0.07 107.6 845.8 34.71 413, Cayuga County, New York 1,381.8 2.2 2,940 1.36 21.9 10818.7 1361.70 414, Cayuga County, New York 1,021.0 1.6 4,388 2.21 12.8 13764.9 2750.44 415, Cayuga County, New York 365.4 0.6 1,369 3.60 6.1 20022.3 2398.02 416, Cayuga County, New York 311.3 0.5 199 3.51 6.5 14611.2 409.15 417, Cayuga County, New York 712.4 1.1 1,537 2.75 7.2 7648.8 1380.75 418, Cayuga County, New York 929.8 1.5 2,603 2.33 12.4 10676.7 1791.72 419, Cayuga County, New York 600.3 0.9 3,392 2.40 7.2 17743.8 3616.08 420, Cayuga County, New York 26.6 0.0 540 0.00 26.6 19408.5 12998.32 1, Chemung County, New York1,029.5 1.6 2,357 1.04 10.4 13364.6 1465.24 2, Chemung County, New York 371.5 0.6 959 3.28 7.0 13940.0 1652.23 3, Chemung County, New York 118.7 0.2 128 0.00 118.7 10510.8 690.36 4, Chemung County, New York 590.1 0.9 2,975 1.56 12.6 15020.5 3226.30 5, Chemung County, New York 369.1 0.6 589 3.81 5.4 15040.5 1021.36 6, Chemung County, New York 276.1 0.4 1,546 5.38 4.1 22683.8 3583.77 7, Chemung County, New York 173.4 0.3 4,270 1.38 2.9 31997.3 15762.09 8, Chemung County, New York 428.1 0.7 3,681 1.75 7.0 26219.2 5502.59 9, Chemung County, New York 605.4 0.9 571 2.34 6.9 14047.3 603.64 10, Chemung County, New York308.6 0.5 1,398 4.21 4.5 25376.2 2899.12 11, Chemung County, New York369.2 0.6 195 3.52 5.3 13458.0 338.07 101, Chemung County, New 54,845.7 York 85.7 382 0.02 209.3 611.9 4.46 102, Chemung County, New 48,846.8 York 76.3 429 0.05 161.2 859.3 5.62 103, Chemung County, New 28,491.6 York 44.5 5,717 0.11 103.6 1676.9 128.42 104, Chemung County, New York 840.4 1.3 758 1.75 15.0 3784.4 577.27 105, Chemung County, New York 1,472.1 2.3 5,238 0.87 15.3 4342.8 2277.30 106, Chemung County, New York 3,091.3 4.8 1,975 0.41 31.9 5168.0 408.89 107, Chemung County, New 16,811.6 York 26.3 2,033 0.16 118.4 2563.6 77.39 108, Chemung County, New York 1,220.5 1.9 3,536 1.42 9.6 5825.5 1854.26 109, Chemung County, New York 2,848.1 4.5 400 0.77 28.8 7726.4 89.89 110, Chemung County, New 58,816.6 York 91.9 332 0.03 175.0 654.8 3.61 111, Chemung County, New York 4,144.6 6.5 1,632 0.77 27.6 5198.7 252.01 112, Chemung County, New 34,636.9 York 54.1 820 0.05 167.3 1463.3 15.15 9901, Cortland County, New 94,574.7 York 147.8 414 0.01 269.4 264.1 2.80 9902, Cortland County, New 62,698.9 York 98.0 755 0.03 200.3 508.7 7.71 9903, Cortland County, New York 857.5 1.3 1,228 1.47 12.6 1903.4 916.56 9904, Cortland County, New 19,251.0 York 30.1 1,518 0.06 147.0 1352.1 50.47 9905, Cortland County, New York 721.9 1.1 2,052 2.11 11.8 10570.1 1819.26 9906, Cortland County, New York 329.1 0.5 3,055 4.65 6.7 15550.9 5940.42 9907, Cortland County, New York 514.5 0.8 1,815 3.46 7.0 10500.4 2257.70 9908, Cortland County, New York 165.4 0.3 1,372 0.30 8.7 10510.6 5309.36 9909, Cortland County, New York 761.2 1.2 2,205 2.52 11.2 15675.6 1853.80 9910, Cortland County, New 12,569.8 York 19.6 4,555 0.17 82.7 2507.8 231.92 9911, Cortland County, New 64,966.7 York 101.5 1,136 0.03 188.9 254.3 11.19 9912, Cortland County, New 61,795.8 York 96.6 550 0.02 172.1 589.2 5.70 9501, Schuyler County, New 65,526.1 York 102.4 779 0.03 157.9 467.5 7.61 9502, Schuyler County, New 17,375.5 York 27.1 317 0.04 72.1 310.9 11.68 9503, Schuyler County, New 58,478.1 York 91.4 360 0.02 200.3 244.9 3.94 9504, Schuyler County, New 23,162.8 York 36.2 2,082 0.08 72.4 402.9 57.53 9505, Schuyler County, New 45,589.6 York 71.2 1,846 0.04 114.0 553.9 25.91 9501, Seneca County, New York 36,328.1 56.8 1,221 0.02 124.0 473.4 21.51 9502, Seneca County, New York 3,977.0 6.2 1,612 0.24 45.2 888.7 259.41 9503, Seneca County, New York 5,485.8 8.6 660 0.23 53.3 872.1 77.00 9504, Seneca County, New York 6,036.3 9.4 2,079 0.21 66.3 956.8 220.43 9505, Seneca County, New York 5,769.5 9.0 1,516 0.24 81.3 800.1 168.17 9506, Seneca County, New York 8,098.2 12.7 1,655 0.19 67.5 531.6 130.79 9507, Seneca County, New York 35,093.9 54.8 611 0.04 148.1 482.1 11.14 9508, Seneca County, New York 44,664.6 69.8 1,289 0.03 85.7 308.3 18.47 9509, Seneca County, New York 41,631.6 65.0 612 0.03 137.9 350.3 9.41 9510, Seneca County, New York 20,086.5 31.4 555 0.04 111.6 584.1 17.68 201, Tioga County, New York75,953.4 118.7 1,102 0.03 212.2 324.8 9.29 202, Tioga County, New York60,545.6 94.6 643 0.03 197.2 444.0 6.80 203, Tioga County, New York32,307.4 50.5 1,954 0.08 160.7 335.7 38.71 204.01, Tioga County, New York 30,374.1 47.5 740 0.06 309.9 350.6 15.59 204.02, Tioga County, New York 2,448.4 3.8 685 0.66 41.5 302.2 179.06 205, Tioga County, New York 1,570.5 2.5 5,331 0.91 17.3 509.7 2172.48 206, Tioga County, New York59,094.1 92.3 2,534 0.05 152.7 444.8 27.44 207.01, Tioga County, New York 31,652.6 49.5 482 0.04 164.0 468.8 9.75 207.02, Tioga County, New York 36,905.7 57.7 704 0.05 133.7 403.6 12.21 207.03, Tioga County, New York 1,040.2 1.6 1,276 1.96 9.2 322.5 785.04 1, Tompkins County, New York 126.1 0.2 5,638 6.92 4.1 32348.5 28613.21 2, Tompkins County, New York 108.5 0.2 958 21.56 3.4 30872.5 5649.67 3, Tompkins County, New York 960.8 1.5 15,871 0.07 20.0 26959.0 10572.31 4, Tompkins County, New York 990.3 1.5 150 0.45 38.1 24785.7 96.94 5, Tompkins County, New York1,303.9 2.0 1,730 1.47 15.9 8952.0 849.17 6, Tompkins County, New York2,304.3 3.6 2,361 0.91 12.2 6184.8 655.74 7, Tompkins County, New York 390.2 0.6 925 4.28 5.2 21495.2 1517.15 8, Tompkins County, New York 314.3 0.5 2,233 3.63 3.4 29552.4 4546.50 9, Tompkins County, New York6,089.7 9.5 2,302 0.25 53.0 4008.5 241.93 10, Tompkins County, New York 7,567.6 11.8 2,883 0.26 47.0 2858.5 243.82 11, Tompkins County, New York 4,679.7 7.3 2,080 0.44 57.1 7129.1 284.46 12, Tompkins County, New York322.8 0.5 3,015 0.12 29.3 12781.4 5978.25 13, Tompkins County, New York 4,719.2 7.4 1,325 0.61 40.0 5397.9 179.69 14, Tompkins County, New York 13,106.9 20.5 1,219 0.11 97.1 2368.1 59.52 15, Tompkins County, New York 10,971.5 17.1 5,311 0.22 61.0 2897.9 309.81 16, Tompkins County, New York 16,594.1 25.9 1,250 0.10 67.2 1003.9 48.21 17, Tompkins County, New York 29,560.9 46.2 498 0.06 161.5 1166.1 10.78 18, Tompkins County, New York 40,813.0 63.8 784 0.05 154.6 826.2 12.29 19, Tompkins County, New York 66,080.2 103.3 770 0.03 205.2 939.6 7.46 20, Tompkins County, New York 13,613.0 21.3 3,022 0.12 103.9 1044.5 142.08 21, Tompkins County, New York 21,609.9 33.8 743 0.07 120.1 1240.5 22.00 22, Tompkins County, New York 19,555.0 30.6 961 0.08 111.1 907.9 31.45 23, Tompkins County, New York 41,993.3 65.6 1,131 0.05 134.6 942.3 17.24 56,718.0 58,273.6 18,060.7 92,360.2 5,615,082.1 57,870.3 59,251.1 32,527.3 89,479.3 1,099,536.1 50,678.6 50,955.6 18,060.7 88,556.9 1,114,929.1 56,458.3 60,381.6 37,958.4 64,634.8 677,499.8 54,521.5 50,502.1 49,966.5 61,434.6 272,607.5 56,191.5 56,264.1 45,864.3 46,098.0 11,265.0 75,804.0 4,586,426.0 47,046.7 49,976.0 23,517.0 65,217.0 893,887.0 39,702.8 39,930.5 11,265.0 70,652.0 873,462.0 47,174.6 48,514.5 32,813.0 59,107.0 566,095.0 45,669.8 43,494.0 39,884.0 52,159.0 228,349.0 46,286.6 44,709.5 2.6 2.5 1.3 10.4 252.4 2.5 2.5 1.9 3.6 47.7 2.4 2.4 1.3 3.2 53.2 2.5 2.5 1.9 3.0 28.0 2.5 2.5 2.2 2.9 12.7 2.8 2.7 1.1 1.1 0.3 3.5 110.0 1.1 1.1 0.8 1.5 21.4 1.0 1.0 0.3 1.2 21.4 1.2 1.2 0.9 1.4 12.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 5.2 1.2 1.2 1.7 1.8 0.7 2.2 164.3 1.7 1.9 1.1 2.1 33.1 1.6 1.6 0.8 2.0 32.9 1.7 1.6 1.0 2.1 18.3 1.9 1.8 1.7 2.0 9.3 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.8 0.4 2.0 169.5 1.7 1.8 0.7 2.0 33.1 1.5 1.6 0.4 2.0 34.1 1.7 1.8 1.3 1.9 20.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 9.2 1.8 1.8 17,721.3 17,192.8 8,664.8 71,318.6 1,736,683.8 17,257.8 17,326.0 13,311.3 24,626.6 327,898.0 16,625.1 16,516.9 8,664.8 21,757.3 365,752.2 17,495.0 17,244.1 13,068.0 20,669.6 192,444.9 17,416.7 17,372.1 15,451.4 20,135.5 87,083.4 19,115.0 18,411.5 HINCOME MEDINC HSIZE COMMUTER auto_hh ESTauto_hh vmt_hh $ 51,551.86 $45,603.00 2.75 1.10 2.02 1.84 18,894.4 $ 60,038.02 $52,418.00 2.52 1.22 2.07 1.87 17,369.2 $ 52,664.65 $45,909.00 2.43 1.19 1.93 1.83 16,705.3 $ 59,856.54 $46,392.00 2.57 1.27 1.87 1.87 17,680.2 $ 58,504.36 $52,328.00 2.68 1.23 2.07 1.85 18,433.3 $ 75,757.63 $56,646.00 3.10 1.27 2.00 1.92 21,313.2 $ 89,479.28 $65,217.00 2.41 1.07 1.91 1.99 16,579.7 $ 60,904.82 $53,841.00 3.58 1.06 1.85 1.91 24,626.6 $ 59,251.10 $49,976.00 2.70 1.27 2.02 1.86 18,554.7 $ 63,123.65 $52,034.00 3.07 1.50 2.05 1.90 21,098.4 $ 72,092.43 $61,972.00 2.53 1.23 2.01 1.92 17,434.8 $ 62,542.46 $53,451.00 2.32 1.11 1.85 1.86 15,991.6 $ 44,858.30 $38,869.00 2.02 1.09 1.23 1.44 13,899.1 $ 47,140.37 $36,604.00 1.93 0.94 1.42 1.36 13,311.3 $ 57,902.20 $37,097.00 2.36 1.04 1.40 1.27 16,227.6 $ 62,444.51 $56,373.00 2.52 1.31 1.74 1.50 17,326.0 $ 48,756.24 $35,789.00 2.11 0.85 1.40 1.62 14,516.2 $ 40,140.37 $29,851.00 1.95 0.84 1.11 1.45 13,445.4 $ 32,527.29 $23,517.00 2.11 0.80 1.12 1.16 14,491.0 0.69 $ 33,984.13 $28,664.00 2.41 0.87 1.33 1.30 16,599.4 $ 39,954.81 $33,411.00 2.12 0.80 1.39 1.37 14,619.3 1.11 $ 62,975.65 $46,000.00 2.25 1.04 1.51 1.38 15,450.1 $ 61,099.08 $45,707.00 2.30 1.01 1.47 1.47 15,790.7 $ 30,882.82 $21,534.00 3.16 1.12 1.00 1.12 21,757.3 $ 23,176.99 $18,281.00 1.26 0.61 0.44 8,664.8 $ 18,060.75 $11,265.00 3.16 0.31 0.76 0.78 21,751.5 $ 44,754.28 $35,275.00 2.63 1.24 1.64 1.39 18,116.5 $ 31,112.47 $22,489.00 2.25 0.90 1.13 0.96 15,454.8 $ 51,174.92 $40,385.00 2.43 1.05 1.58 1.48 16,713.1 $ 51,498.98 $43,474.00 2.53 1.09 1.95 1.81 17,375.9 $ 63,171.55 $48,725.00 2.39 1.07 1.98 1.86 16,448.2 $ 88,556.87 $70,652.00 2.44 1.12 1.99 1.96 16,758.9 $ 67,832.24 $50,703.00 2.41 0.84 1.65 1.84 16,569.2 $ 42,110.16 $31,106.00 2.12 0.98 1.38 1.63 14,556.1 $ 50,736.26 $39,476.00 2.39 1.11 1.58 1.66 16,464.6 $ 70,303.82 $65,881.00 2.68 1.20 1.96 1.85 18,433.5 $ 34,235.20 $25,284.00 2.05 0.85 1.45 1.56 14,121.3 $ 84,861.75 $61,413.00 2.25 0.99 1.59 1.75 15,511.3 $ 56,683.61 $48,577.00 2.55 1.07 2.04 1.84 17,570.3 $ 45,133.04 $35,765.00 2.30 0.99 1.56 1.64 15,795.2 $ 62,629.76 $49,395.00 3.09 1.11 1.95 1.86 21,230.2 $ 58,273.64 $46,196.00 3.00 1.28 2.04 1.88 20,669.6 $ 64,277.00 $52,615.00 2.83 1.33 1.97 1.89 19,450.8 $ 63,387.89 $59,107.00 2.52 1.20 1.65 1.87 17,349.8 $ 61,353.41 $50,833.00 2.46 1.20 1.91 1.84 16,921.3 $ 43,227.62 $35,563.00 2.38 1.03 1.32 1.48 16,351.3 $ 37,958.39 $32,813.00 1.90 0.89 0.96 1.31 13,068.0 $ 63,679.66 $51,311.00 2.41 1.11 1.45 1.63 16,585.4 $ 61,166.00 $58,750.00 1.39 $ 45,142.23 $33,514.00 2.44 1.07 1.39 1.32 16,758.8 $ 59,597.10 $44,452.00 2.51 1.11 1.65 1.79 17,244.1 $ 54,802.08 $45,754.00 2.72 1.16 1.93 1.85 18,697.1 $ 64,634.79 $55,187.00 2.81 1.41 2.08 1.89 19,348.8 $ 61,434.61 $50,762.00 2.53 1.13 2.00 1.87 17,372.1 $ 60,454.77 $52,159.00 2.66 1.02 1.84 1.88 18,275.9 $ 50,502.10 $43,494.00 2.93 1.00 1.95 1.84 20,135.5 $ 50,249.61 $42,050.00 2.25 1.03 1.65 1.81 15,451.4 $ 49,966.45 $39,884.00 2.30 1.02 1.82 1.80 15,848.5 $ 55,969.15 $48,333.00 2.73 1.21 2.07 1.85 18,757.4 $ 56,559.02 $43,836.00 2.57 1.17 1.75 1.84 17,711.3 $ 59,696.74 $51,192.00 2.86 1.24 1.82 1.87 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18,641.15 18,167.36 16,856.64 17,584.87 15,646.78 15,054.05 15,581.05 17,371.68 14,655.79 17,287.64 18,082.43 17,740.99 17,702.10 17,319.23 18,155.82 17,451.66 17,495.72 17,287.61 17,094.66 17,124.88 17,373.51 17,162.52 17,062.38 17,939.84 17,464.20 17,922.39 17,667.77 18,049.99 18,159.31 17,779.44 18,749.93 16,846.56 16,930.73 17,315.32 17,786.90 17,632.04 17,194.29 11,445.79 11,884.16 13,799.84 15,374.84 15,835.15 16,608.60 13,963.31 12,454.89 17,185.19 17,765.27 15,758.24 16,596.33 16,421.94 17,420.58 17,107.69 17,324.46 17,907.79 17,966.39 18,072.65 17,419.66 17,362.66 17,535.07 17,589.60 25,977.4 26,432.9 13,799.8 34,338.8 2,675,675.6 25,700.8 26,305.8 15,082.9 29,574.2 514,016.9 24,237.4 24,578.4 17,958.6 29,920.7 557,459.1 25,717.0 26,735.9 17,371.7 29,088.4 308,603.9 25,915.7 25,669.8 25,145.8 27,115.0 129,578.7 26,978.9 0.6 0.6 0.2 1.9 62.4 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.9 11.1 0.7 0.6 0.4 1.7 15.6 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.7 6.8 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.7 2.9 0.6 H+T AFFORD $ 26,042.72 57% $ 28,021.34 53% $ 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