Chapter 26 Imperialism, Alliances, and War Gita Kaw Chapter 26

Chapter 26
Imperialism, Alliances, and War
The Economic, Cultural, and Strategic
Factors Behind the Expansion of European
Power and its New Imperialism in the Late
Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
The New Imperialism -- Assert Western dominance over
Asia, Middle East, Africa
..Colonies, Protectorates, and Spheres of Influence
..White Man’s Burden -- Duty to subjugate lesser evolved
Motives for the New Imperialism: The Economic
..Money vs. Power
..Economic Darwinism -- Fittest capitalist states engulf
lesser fit ones
Cultural, Religious, and Social Interpretations
..Missionaries -- Brought benefits of superior civilization to
“backwards” peoples
Strategic and Political Interpretations: The
Scramble for Africa
Great Britain
..Suez Canal -- Allowed Britain route necessary to
maintain control of land holdings in India. Started
France and Smaller Nations
..Congo -- France took this, much of W. Africa, Algeria, &
The Irrational Element
..“Open Door Policy” -- Opposed foreign annexation in
China so all nations could trade on equal terms
Emergence of the German Empire, the
Formation of the Alliance Systems, and the
Search for Strategic Advantage Among
Europe’s Major Powers (1873-1890)
Bismarck’s Leadership (1873-1890)
War in the Balkans
..Areas of Control
..Three Emperors’ League -- 3 conservative empires of
Germany, Austria, & Russia. Disintegrated due to
Austrian/Russian animosity. Established to isolate France
from Russia & Austria & prevent war on 2 fronts
..Jingoism -- Superpatriotism supporting Disraeli’s efforts
to contain Russia from becoming a Mediterranean power
The Congress of Berlin of 1878 -- Britain & Austria forced
Russia to agree to conference to review provisions of Treaty of
San Stefano. Berlin as site & Bismarck as leader represent
Germany’s new power.
..“Honest Broker” -- Bismarck’s self-proclaimed nickname
b/c he used Congress of Berlin to avoid war between
Russia & Austria he didn’t want to be dragged into. Broke
up 3 Emperor’s League & ultimately made better alliances
German Alliances with Russia and Austria
..The Dual Alliance -- Secret treaty between Germany &
Austria. Scared Russia away from relations w/ Germany
The Triple Alliance -- Italy joined Dual Alliance. Diplomatic
success for Bismarck while stayed friendly w/ Britain &
isolated France.
..Willhelm II (r. 1888-1918) -- Compensated for crippled
arm w/ ambition & impetuousness. Believed he had divine
right, wanted to rule world, & to have more naval &
imperial power than Britain. Dismissed Bismarck &
butchered foreign policy
Forging of the Triple Entente (1890-1907)
Franco-Russian Alliance -- France & Russia ofrgot mutual
Britain & France b/c their military & naval plans were
mutually dependent & they were thus effectively, if not
formally, allies
British Agreement with Russia
..Triple Entente -- Britain, France, & Russia, ranged
against Triple Alliance. Germany & Austria Hungry
geographically surrounded by enemies
differences & allied against Germany
..General Leo von Caprivi -- Bismarck’s successor.
Alienated Russia by not renewing Reinsurance Treaty so
as to cozy up to Britain. Failed to end British isolationism
& antagonized Russia for nothing
Britain and Germany
..“Splendid Isolation” -- Britain = Mr. Incredible. Germany
= Buddy/Syndrome. “Fly home, Buddy. I work alone.” ~
Mr. Incredible. So, Señor Rivera hated this analogy. Stick
it to the man.
..“Risk” Theory -- Adm. Alfred von Tirpitz of Germany
theorized strong Navy directed at British Navy wouldn’t
defeat it, but would weaken significantly until inferior to
even France & America
..Boer War -- Britain faced hostility after crushing a
rebellion by S. African farmers. No longer sure of value of
splendid isolation
The Entente Cordiale -- Britain allied w/ Japan against Russia
& later France to avoid Germany’s great potential enemy. 1st
breach in British isolation
The First Moroccan Crisis
..Sir Edward Grey -- In response to threat of a German
attack on France, he authorized conversation between
The Origins and Progress of World War I
The Road to War (1908-1914)
The Bosnian Crisis
The Second Moroccan Crisis
War in the Balkans
Sarajevo and the Outbreak of War (June-August 1914)
The Assassination/ “Spark” -- Of Archduke Francis
Ferdinand, heir to Austrian throne in Bosnian capital, Sarajevo.
..Black Hand -- Political terrorist society a.k.a. Union of
Death responsible for assassination. Chief of intelligence
of Serbian army’s general staff conspired
Germany and Austria’s Response
..“Blank Check” -- German Kaiser & Chancellor promised
support for attack on Serbia, giving Austria a “blank
check” to move quickly while world was still hostile
towards Serbia
The Triple Entente’s Response
..Mobilization -- Russia mobilized its troops in response to
Austria’s aggression towards Serbia. Germany mobilized
its own troops in response. Mobilization seen as act of
1912-1913 1911 1909-1908 1907
Imperialism, Alliances, and War
1905 1904 1902 1902-1899 1898
The Coming of World War I
1890 1888 1882
Chapter 26
..“Dear Nicky, Dear Willy” Letters -- Series of telegrams
between cousins Tsar Nicholas & Wilhelm. Nicky didn’t
want war. Willy didn’t like being told what to do
..Schlieffen Plan -- Germans to achieve quick victory by
invading France through Belgium & Luxembourg. British
couldn’t stay neutral at invasion of Belgium
Strategies and the Stalemate: 1914-1917
..“Jubilation” over War
..Helmuth von Moltke -- Nephew of Bismarck’s most
effective general, Moltke assigned to execute Schlieffen
plan while Schlieffen was dying. Accidentally
strengthened left instead of right wing & failed by narrow
The War in the West
..Artillery -- Germany had better artillery than French.
Actually okay b/c French troops were freed to be used
against main German army
..Battle of the Marne -- France & Britain stopped German
advance on Paris. Nature of war became matter of
position, rather than movement
..Trench Warfare -- Stretched from N. Sea to Switzerland.
Strategically placed machine guns made assaults lethal
..New Weapons -- Tanks. Poison gas attempted but
ineffective. Nature of warfare quickly changing
..Stalemate -- Caused by trench warfare. Churchill
planned to break w/ Gallipoli campaign
The War in the East
..Ludendorff/Hindenburg -- Junior German officer/elderly
General. Dominated at Tannenberg & Missourian Lakes.
More than 2 million causalities in one year
..Battle of Tannenberg -- Ludendorff/Hindenburg defeat
an entire Russian Army. New phase of smart warfare
..Role of Nationalism -- Both sides tried to use
nationalism to their advantage. Central: Make Turks unite
Muslims in Europe, Africa, India against Britain. Allies
were better at this
..T. E. Lawrence -- Guided Arab independence from
Turkey based on allies’ appeal to nationalism
..Gallipoli Campaign -- Churchill’s plan to end stalemate
by attacking Dardanelles & capturing Constantinople to
get Turkey out of war, bring help to Balkan front, & ease
communications w/ Russia. Failed & cost many
..Battle of Verdun/Somme -- Gen. Erich von Falkenhayn,
successor of Moltke, underestimated defense at Verdun
& lost after inflicting few casualties
..Henri Petain -- Commander of Verdun famous for “They
shall not pass.” Boosted French confidence in its defense
Return to the West
The War at Sea
..Lusitania -- German torpedoed British liner. 118 of 1,200
who drowned were American. After, stern warning from
US, Germany rescinded naval power
..Submarine Warfare -- Britain didn’t recognize distinction
between blocking war supplies vs. Basic food & peaceful
cargo. Enraged Germans who used submarine warfare to
destroy British shipping & starve it out. Converted area
November 1917
Imperialism, Alliances, and War
November 1918 March1918
April 1915
August-September 1914
March 1917
February 1917 May 1915
Chapter 26
Chapter 26
Imperialism, Alliances, and War
around British isles into war zones for even neutral
America Enters the War
The Russian Revolution -- March revolution was
neither planned nor lead by any political faction. Result of
collapse of monarchy’s ability to govern. Though public
opinion had supported Russia’s entry into war, the conflict
put great demand on Russia’s resources & efficiency of
Tsarist government. Tsar unable to control demonstrations
against his rule. Had to abdicate & Duma formed provincial
government in his place
The Provisional Government
..Alexander Kerensky -- Moderate socialist who led
provincial government but couldn’t curb public discontent
w/ war, food shortages, & lack of necessities at home.
Demands by peasants for land reforms undermined by
Lenin and the Bolsheviks
..Leon Trotsky -- Lenin’s chief collaborator in his attempt
at a coup. Lenin fled to Finland & Trotsky was
imprisoned. Eventually established Soviet control.
Organized coup that concluded w./ armed assault on
provisional government
..Soviets -- Political alliance of workers & peasants who
united around Lenin’s themes of peace, bread, & land.
Bolsheviks wanted all power for Soviets
..October Revolution -- Failure of a right-wing
countercoup gave Bolsheviks another chance. Trotsky,
released from prison, led powerful Petrograd Soviets.
Lenin returned & insisted time was right to take power.
Bolsheviks gained control of Russia
The Communist Dictatorship
..Treaty of Brest-Litovsk -- Bolsheviks pulled Russia out of
war because they believed war benefits capitalism.
Signed armistice w/ Germany & later accepted this treaty
by which Russia yielded Poland, Baltic states, Ukraine,
and some of Transcaucasus region. Also agreed to heavy
war indemnity. Allowed Russia to concentrate resources
& efforts on domestic concerns. Height of German
..“Reds” vs. “Whites” -- Bolsheviks vs. those who opposed
Bolsheviks in Russian Civil War (1918-1921). Tsar &
family murdered. Trotsky overcame “Whites’” attempts to
wrest power & Bolsheviks got firm control
The End of World War I
Germany’s Last Offensive
German Republican Government Accepts Defeat
..Underlying “-isms” as Causes -- Individual freedom,
democracy, & free enterprise gave way to cynicism,
nihilism, dictatorship, statism, official racism, & class
..Role of Women -- Demand of munitions industries &
shortage of men brought women out of traditional roles &
into factories & other war-related work
The Settlement at Paris
Obstacles Faced by the Peacemakers
Major Campaign and Events of World War I
Chapter 26
*Please feel more than free to make
any changes you deem necessary. I
apologize in advance for the
misalignment of certain events and
their dates. Text boxes and I have a
sort of love/hate relationship.
Imperialism, Alliances, and War
..Big Four -- Wilson (US), Lloyd George (Britain),
Clemenceau (France), Orlando (Italy) met in/around
Versailles to try & restore world order after costly wars.
Too many complex issues made task much more difficult
for them than it had been for those who gathered in
Versailles a century before
..Fourteen Points -- Wilson’s idealistic war aims. Set right
of nationalities to self-determination. Impractical as map
of Europe couldn't be drawn to match ethnic groups
perfectly to their homelands. Made compromise difficult
The Peace (Treaty of Versailles) -- Representatives of
victorious states gatheres w/ goal to come up w/ peace
treaty to contain Germany & establish new world order
which would avoid all wars. Ineffective
b/c wasn’t strong enough to deter future war & excluded
Russia & Germany alone to fester in isolation
The League of Nations -- Association of sovereign states set
up after WWI to pursue common policies & avert internal
aggression. Ineffective b/c didn’t have armed forces at its
disposal. Exclusion of Germany and USSR undermined its
claims of evenhandedness
The East
..Clause 231 -- War-guilt clause which assigned
responsibility of WWI to Germany alone. Germans didn’t
feel war guilt they’d been assigned & thought its forced
assumption of such war debt was unfair
Evaluation of the Peace
The Economic Consequences of the Peace
..John Maynard Keynes -- Most influential economic critic
of treaty and Wilson. Took part in peace conference but
resigned in disgust at its direction. His book, The
Economic Consequences of the Peace, attacked
reparations & other aspects of treaty. Weakened the
treaty & led to US & Britain not ratifying it & leaving the
League of Nations. Left France to defend itself w/out
support of League of Nations
Divisive New Boundaries and Tariff Walls
Failure to Accept Reality