Text Pages: 76 (Box), 466 (coconut), 502-509, 631-632, 637-638 Ben Lockwood and Charlie Hartman Microbodies Imbition Dry seed germination Germination: external factors Phytochrome After-ripening Special requirements Roles of hormones Single membrane-bound organelles 0.5 – 1.5 mm diameter +/- crystalline body of protein Two types • Peroxisomes • Glyoxysomes Photorespiration (glycolic acid metabolism) Common in green leaves Text, Fig. 3-16, p. 45 Site of b-oxidation and the glyoxylate cycle Stored lipids converted to carbs during seed/spore germination Adsorption of water by a dry material resulting in its swelling (or onto internal surface) Dry material (cellulose) has a very low (negative) water potential. Why? Cellulose: ionic/polar (net - charge) Water: polar (partial + and - charge) ◦ Thus, water adheres to cellulose, causing swelling. Why or why not? Mature seeds are dry ◦ only 5-20% water Imbibition is necessary ◦ for metabolic activity, i.e., to activate enzyme activity Water Oxygen Temperature Light requirement ◦ phytochrome (red/far red response) Activates metabolism (imbibition) Enzymes needed ◦ Activates enzymes present ◦ Synthesis of other enzymes ◦ Digest and use stored nutrients ◦ Respiration for ATP production ◦ DNA/RNA/protein synthesis Early stages of germination are entirely anaerobic Becomes aerobic when seed coat ruptures Why does respiration switch from anaerobic to aerobic when O2 becomes available? If soil is waterlogged ◦ Maybe insufficient oxygen available for aerobic respiration ◦ Seed will either: fail to germinate, or fail to grow into a seedling Wide range of germination ◦ Min temp: 0-5oC ◦ Max temp: 45-48oC ◦ Opt range: 25-30oC Phytochrome response Some need exposure to red light at 660 nm to germinate Require light ◦ Small seeds of weeds, lettuce, grasses, etc. ◦ Very little nutrient storage Require absence of light ◦ poppies and geraniums Text, Fig. 28-19, p. 633 Text, Fig. 28-18, p. 633 1 2 3 4 5 Red -- Far Red . . . Far Red -- Red . . . R -- FR -- R . . . . FR -- R -- FR -- R -- FR . FR -- FR -- FR -- FR -- R. No Yes Yes No Yes Why do small weed seeds not germinate on the floor of a dense temperate forest, but do germinate if several trees are removed? These plants require Pr to germinate. Red light (660 nanometers) does not reach the bottom of the forest, inhibiting the conversion of Pfr into Pr. Why? The embryo is physiologically immature Seed coat impermeable to H2O and O2 Must undergo a process called after-ripening before they will germinate. Function (Adaptive Significance): ◦ Ensures seed will germinate under favorable conditions: Not during winter Controlled hormones Abscisic Acid -- inhibits Gibberellins -- stimulates In our area ◦ Triggered by low temperature of winter As temperatures increase in spring ◦ ABA breaks down ◦ GA is produced initiating after-ripening ◦ Tambalacoque or Dodo tree (Sideroxylon grandiflorum, and the Dodo bird) ◦ Mulberry and coralberry ◦ Promotes wider dispersal of species Today Sideroxylon grandiflorum seeds are encouraged to germinate by being fed to turkeys or by turning them in a gemstone polisher. Symphoricarpos orbiculatus -- Coralberry Scarification Many seeds are sealed within a tightly sealed endocarp or the seed coat is extremely hard and covered with a thick waxy coat Such seed germinate only after the seed coat is scratched or cracked Tumbling along in the rushing water of a gravelly stream Bacterial or fungal action Freeze-thaw cycles Abrasive handling by squirrels or other animals Passing through digestive system of some animals Especially of desert species Ensures the seed will germinate only during those rare intervals when desert rainfall provides sufficient water Ex: Artemisia spp., Aloe sp. http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/FLORA/schoepke/alo_fe_1.jpg Plants of the California chaparral community Manzanita (Arctostaphylos viscida) Many pines ◦ Jack pine Text Fig. 22-9, p. 505 Manzanita (Arctostaphylos viscida) Serotinous cones (cones remaining closed until the occurrence of high temperatures such as created by a fire) http://web2.uqat.uquebec.ca/ferld/recherches/Jackpine.htm Maturing seed cones at the end of their second season of development (September) http://www.unbf.ca/forestry/species/pinusbnk.htm Seed cones open on a burnt branch after passage of a fire - a normal way in which seed-shedding becomes possible and the species regenerates http://www.unbf.ca/forestry/species/pinusbnk.htm Selective Advantage: Favors survival of the seedling because competitors have been killed by the fire Moisture content of most seeds drops to 5-20% Selective Advantage? Prevents the seeds from germinating while they are inside the moist fruit of the parent plant Examples: Fleshy fruits such as apples, pears, etc. Low temperature stimulates afterripening Also necessary for the breakdown of ABA present in the seed Horticultural practice that mimics exposure to cold Expose seeds to 5oC for 100 days Used by horticulturists to germinate seeds of many ornamental plants and fruit trees Seeds and Seed Germination Eastern Connecticut State University http://koning.ecsu.ctstateu.edu/plants_human/seedg erm.html -Dormancy is extremely valuable, because it allows for plants to survive by going dormant (non active) over periods of coldness. Gibberellic acid (GA) Abscisic acid (ABA) ABA = Abscisic Acid (plant hormone) Text Fig. 27-12, p. 613 Initiates dormancy and prevents germination Does this (presumably) by preventing synthesis of hydrolytic enzymes ABA is antagonistic to GA GA = Gibberellic Acid (plant hormone) Text Fig. 27-14, p. 614 To overcome seed dormancy Imbibition stimulates the embryo to release GA GA causes: ◦ Cellular elongation of embryo ◦ Synthesis of hydrolytic enzymes (such as amylase, etc.) Barley Seed (Hordeum vulgare) Text Fig. 27-16, p. 615 Compare and contrast the floral characteristics of wind-pollinated and animal-pollinated flowers. Speculate why it is that animal pollination is more common in the desert. Eichhorn, Evert, Raven. Biology of Plants. Seventh ed. 2005. W.H. Freeman and Co. Publishers.