Computer Science Review for test on March 9th 2010 Areas of course to date: Basic programming o Role of curly brackets { } o Declaring and initializing variables o increments/decrements o String operations o Taking in data from the keyboard o if statement o loops while do while for Methods o signature o return type o parameters Computer fundamentals o Language translators 3.1 o Computer architecture 3.2 up to 3.2.5 (inclusive) o Networks 3.4 o Java primitive data types, bits & bytes BPJ, Appendix C o Data representation. Binary and hexadecimal number systems 3.5 up to 3.5.4 (inclusive) o Number systems and representations 4.1 – 2s complement, real numbers Truncation, underflow & overflow errors Analog to Digital Data Arrays o size o indices Sorting o Bubble sort o Selection sort o Insertion sort o Quick sort - HL o Merge sort – HL Searching o Linear search o Binary search Sample questions: questions at the end of chapters 1-9, 11, 12 , 41-16 of Blue Pelican Java questions at the end of each section listed above in Computer Science Java Enabled questions from past papers available on Moodle, some listed below Past Papers: May 2006 P1 1,2,3,5,6,8,9,10,13,14, most of 15, 20 Nov 2006 P2 P1 1, 3,7, 10 P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2 2,7,10,11, 16,most of 19, most of 20,21 1,a b & c 13,14, 18 a & b, 1 challenging! 4, 7,8, 10, 13,16 2 most of 2, 4,5,9,10, 11, 17 a, 19 2a&b May 2007 Nov 2007 May 2008 Nov 2008