parental permission for viewing r-rated films

The following films are rated R and require parental permission to be shown in class. Please understand
this is a comprehensive list of R-rated movies related to psychology. There are many other films that
carry lower ratings which are equally relevant. Also, know that it is not my intention to show all of the
films on this list during the course of the class. The purpose of this form is to obtain parental permission
for those movies you are comfortable letting your student view should I choose to show them. This will
enable me to plan more effectively as we progress through the year, eliminating those films parents feel
are inappropriate and utilizing some of those films deemed acceptable.
All of the films relate to at least one topic (usually more) discussed in AP Psychology, shown in
parentheses next to the film’s title. Please review the list. Cross off any film you DO NOT wish your
student to view and sign form to grant permission for him/her to view the remaining films. NOTE: Your
student will not receive any penalty for not viewing a film. I will either provide an alternative assignment
to be completed in the library or will choose a film that is acceptable to the parents off all students in the
American Beauty (misattribution of arousal, homosexuality, sexuality, mid-life crisis, family)
American Splendor (General Psychology)
As Good As It Gets (Abnormal Psychology-OCD)
Boys Don’t Cry (homosexuality, gender identity, extreme prejudice)
Boyz ‘n the Hood (group dynamics, gangs, racial tensions, prejudice, poverty)
The Breakfast Club (Developmental/Social Psychology-adolescence, rebellion)
Casino (Social Psychology – catharsis hypothesis)
A Clockwork Orange (Aversion Therapy, antisocial personality disorder)
The Contender (Social/Developmental Psychology – gender and socialization, prejudice, ethics)
Crash (Social Psychology – prejudice, power dynamics, racial tension, ethics)
Do the Right Thing (moral development/ethics, racial tension, prejudice, aggression, escalation of
violence, fundamental attribution error)
Erin Brockovich (Motivation, Personality)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (memory, relationships)
A Few Good Men (obedience, conformity, personality)
Fight Club (Abnormal Psychology – Dissociative Identity Disorder, 12-step programs)
Fried Green Tomatoes (inter-generational friendship, marital relationships)
Full Metal Jacket (motivation, emotion, group dynamics, power dynamics, stress, PTSD)
GI Jane (Social Psychology – obedience, conformity, gender differences)
Girl, Interrupted (Abnormal Psychology, Therapy)
Good Will Hunting (Intelligence and Therapy)
Half Nelson (attraction, drugs/consciousness)
List of R-rated Psychology Films (cont’d)
Hotel Rwanda (Erikson’s stages of moral development, prejudice/genocide)
Insomnia (disordered behavior, cognitive dissonance, circadian rhythm, motivation,
sensation/perception, catharsis, adolescent/adult development)
Interview with a Vampire (Social Psychology – equity theory)
The Joy Luck Club (mother-daughter relationships, ethnic identity, culture and assimilation)
Just Cause (Abnormal Psychology, Prejudice)
Little Miss Sunshine (Depression, Suicide)
Love Actually (Love/Relationships, Attraction, Death, Coping)
Memento (memory, truth)
Mystic River (repressed anxiety, family, developmental psychology, guilt, emotion, coping)
North County (obedience, conformity, prejudice, gender roles/socialization)
Nuts (insanity defense, family dynamics)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (History, Social/Abnormal Psychology and Therapy)
Ordinary People (Death, Grief/Mourning, Suicide, Therapy, Family)
Pan’s Labyrinth (parenting, child development, coping, power dynamics, motivation and emotion)
Platoon (motivation, emotion, group dynamics, power dynamics, stress, PTSD)
Primal Fear (Abnormal Psychology, psychology as a defense)
The Prince of Tides (rape, child abuse, therapy, neglect, developmental psychopathology)
Rain Man (Abnormal Psychology)
The Ref (Marriage and Family Therapy, Stress, Family Dynamics, Erikson’s Stages of Moral Development)
Rounders (Addiction-Gambling, Motivation/Emotion, Intelligence, Personality)
The Shawshank Redemption (friendship, patience, obedience, personality)
Shutter Island (post-traumatic stress disorder, criminally insane, treatment, lobotomy)
Sophie’s Choice (post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual assault, mental illness, oppression)
Stand by Me (Developmental Psychology, stress, group dynamics)
Transamerica (gender identity)
Vanilla Sky (influences, goals, ideals, reality)
The Virgin Suicides (Developmental/Abnormal Psychology)
Zero Effect (mental disorders, morals/ethics)
I understand by taking this class I am required to take the AP Psychology Exam. I know the
course is taught at a college level, which means there will be a rigorous schedule of readings,
tests and assignments. I am aware the course covers a variety of topics, some of which are
sensitive or controversial. I will uphold my requirement to be a responsible, tolerant and
respectful participant in all classroom discussions and assignments.
As a parent, I understand the above requirements of my student and the sensitive nature of
some of the topics covered.
Student Name:
Student Signature
Parent Signature
I have reviewed the attached list of psychology related R-rated films. I have crossed off any film
I do not want my student to view in class. I grant permission for my child to view ONLY those
films that have NOT been crossed off of the above list. I understand these films will be viewed
within the context of AP Psychology for the purposes of classroom instruction and discussion. I
understand if I have any questions I may email or call Mrs. Cuenca (email and phone number
are provided on the course syllabus).
Student Name
Parent’s Signature