GEOCHEMISTRY OF MAFIC LAYERED INTRUSIONS DOS AND DON’TS James D. Miller Precambrian Research Center Department of Geological Sciences University of Minnesota Duluth Workshop on Nickel -Copper-Platinum Group Element Mineralization Thunder Bay, Ontario January 14, 2011 OUTLINE Geochemical Analyses for Exploration The Problem with Cumulates Major Element Chemistry Trace Element Chemistry Mineral Chemistry Assay Data for Cu-Ni-PGE Mineralized Intrusions GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSES FOR EXPLORATION PURPOSE OF GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSES OF MLI ROCKS IN EXPLORATION (IN ORDER OF IMPORT) ESTABLISH GRADE OF ORE DEPOSIT EVALUATE THE POTENTIAL FOR MINERALIZATION EVALUATE THE COMPOSITION OF THE PARENTAL MAGMA (SOURCE OF METALS) AND POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS (COMMONLY THE SOURCE OF S) EVALUATE THE CRYSTALLIZATION AND DIFFERENTIATION HISTORY OF THE MAGMA GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSES FOR EXPLORATION ICP-MS/AES Part. digestion $20-25/smpl XRF+ICP-MS Full digestion >$60/smpl 2009 Acme Analytical Lab Brochure Fire Assay $20-30/smpl No Si THE PROBLEM WITH CUMULATES The Classic View of Cumulate Rocks is that they are Mixtures of Primocrysts and a Liquid Component Primocrysts are: Enriched in high-T solid solution components (Mg in mafic phases, Ca in plagioclase) Enriched in compatible trace elements (e.g. Ni in Ol, Sr in Pl) Liquid component is: Enriched in low-T solid solution components (Fe in mafic phases, Na,K in plagioclase) Enriched in incompatible minor and trace elements THE PROBLEM WITH CUMULATES The concentration (X) of any element (a) in a cumulate rock (WR) is dependent on: • The relative proportions of primocrysts (PC) and the liquid component (LC) • The compositions of those components Xa(WR) = %PC1* Xa(PC1) + %PC2* Xa(PC2) + ..... + %LC* Xa(LC) THE PROBLEM WITH CUMULATES What parts of this mass balance can we know? Xa(WR) = %PC1* Xa(PC1) + %PC2* Xa(PC2) + ..... + %LC* Xa(LC) Modes of Primocrysts? Problem is that cumulus phases continue to crystallize post-cumulus rims Plagioclase – possible if zoning preserved, but painstaking Olivine and pyroxene –not precisely, zoning lost due to subsolidus re-equilibration Oxide - ???? THE PROBLEM WITH CUMULATES What parts of this mass balance can we know? Xa(WR) = %PC1* Xa(PC1) + %PC2* Xa(PC2) + ..... + %LC* Xa(LC) Compositions of Primocrysts? Problematic because most primocrysts are solid solutions phases Plagioclase – possible, but cumulus cores can be very complexly zoned Olivine and Pyroxene – Ease of re-equilibration leads to “trapped liquid shift” Oxides – easily re-equilibrated and oxy-exsolved THE PROBLEM WITH CUMULATES What parts of this mass balance can we know? Xa(WR) = %PC1* Xa(PC1) + %PC2* Xa(PC2) + ..... + %LC* Xa(LC) Compositions of the “Trapped” Liquid Component.... and might this be representative of the Parent Magma? Problem is ... the amount of liquid in the cumulate changes over time due to compaction driven by bouyancy and crystal accumulation, and .... the composition of the liquid in the cumulate changes over time due to fractional crystallization of the intercumulus liquid. From Tegner et al., 2009 THE PROBLEM WITH CUMULATES Rare Solution to Estimating the Parent Magma of an MLI – Chill Zone Tamarack Intrusion, Minnesota ~1cm Basal Chill Zone – 30% Ol phenocrysts in a fine gabbroic groundmass (Goldner, UMD MS thesis, in progress) MAJOR ELEMENT CHEMISTRY Tamarack Parent Magma Calculation A SiO2 B D Fo 89 Olivine Chill Zone 4-334.2 4-334.2 -30% Fo89 39.0 47.8 51.5 8.73 12.5 Al2O3 FeOT 10.8 10.9 10.9 MnO 0.16 0.17 0.17 MgO 49.8 23.3 12.0 CaO 0.25 5.66 7.98 Na2O 1.14 1.63 K2O 0.41 0.59 TiO2 0.82 1.17 P2O5 H2O + CO2 Total 100.0 0.08 1.05 100.0 0.11 1.50 100.0 mg# (.9FeOT) 89.1 81.0 68.5 (Goldner, UMD MS thesis, in progress) PELE Crystallization Models (Boudreau, 2005) Equilibrium Crystallization QFM buffer, P=1 Kb Fractional Crystallization QFM buffer, P=1 Kb MAJOR ELEMENT CHEMISTRY DO NOT PLOT CUMULATES ON PLOTS INTENDED FOR MAGMA COMPOSITIONS Primocrystic Plagioclase fractionation Liquid Component MAJOR ELEMENT CHEMISTRY 50.0 liquid porphyritic orthocumulate mesocumulate adcumulate liquid porphyritic orthocumulate mesocumulate olivine adcumulate 25.0 60.0 plactioclase + olivine Troctolite Cumulate (PO) Fo77 olivine, An76 plagioclase, mg#50 liquid Dunite Cumulate (O) Fo84 olivine, mg#60 liquid 20.0 40.0 SiO2 15.0 Al2O3 Al2O3 30.0 FeO FeO MgO 20.0 MgO 10.0 CaO CaO 5.0 10.0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 MAJOR ELEMENT CHEMISTRY Major and Minor Element chemistry can serve as approximate proxies for abundances of primocryst phases e.g. Al – Plagioclase Mg – Augite + Olivine Ti – Ilmenite and Ti-magnetite From Joslin (2004) MAJOR ELEMENT CHEMISTRY Major and Minor Element chemistry (that includes accurate SiO2) can be used to calculate CIPW Norms. Helpful for metamorphosed / altered cumulates (assuming a closed system) Helpful for calculating average An content (Ca/(Ca+Na+K)) of complexly zoned plagioclase TRACE ELEMENT CHEMISTRY Like major elements, the absolute concentration of a trace element in a cumulate rock is typically dependent on the relative proportions AND compositions of the primocrysts and the liquid component. Liquid Cpx? Primocrysts TRACE ELEMENT CHEMISTRY Compatibility – degree to which an element prefers to partition into the solid over the liquid phase . Kd(i)1 – Mineral-Liquid Partition Coefficient for element i in mineral 1 Kd(i)1 = C(i)mineral 1/ C(i)liquid (C(i) - concentration of element i in wt. %) Kd(i)1 > 1 – Compatible, Kd(i)1 < 1 – Incompatible D(i) – Bulk Rock Partition Coefficient for element i D(i) = x1 Kd(i)1 + x2 Kd(i)2 + x3 Kd(i)3 + .... (x1 – proportion of mineral 1) Compatible TRACE ELEMENT CHEMISTRY Bulk Rock Partition Coefficient of Ce,Yb, and Ni for Crystallization of: 1) Troctolite (70% Pl, 30% Ol) D(Ce) = xPl Kd(Ce)Pl + xOl Kd(Ce)Ol = .7*.103 + .3*.007 = 0.092 D(Yb) = xPl Kd(Yb)Pl + xOl Kd(Yb)Ol = .7*.07 + .3*.065 = 0.069 Incompatible D(Ni) = xPl Kd(Ni)Pl + xOl Kd(Ni)Ol = .7*.01 + .3*25= 7.5 2) Olivine Gabbro (63% Pl, 12% Ol, 25% Cpx) D(Ce) = xPl Kd(Ce)Pl + xOl Kd(Ce)Ol + xCpx Kd(Ce)Cpx = .63*.103 + .12*.007 + .25*.09 = 0.088 D(Yb) = xPl Kd(Yb)Pl + xOl Kd(Yb)Ol + xCpx Kd(Yb)Cpx = .63*.07 + .12*.065 + .25*.09 = 0.074 D(Ni) = xPl Kd(Ni)Pl + xOl Kd(Ni)Ol + xCpx Kd(Ni)Cpx = .63*.01 + .12*25 + .25*8 = 5 From Rollinson (1993) TRACE ELEMENT CHEMISTRY Rayleigh Distillation: CL/Co = F(D-1) 100.000 100.000 CL/Co Troctolite CL/Co Olivine Gabbro 10.000 10.000 Tr(Yb) Tr(Ce) OG(Yb) OG(Ce) Ce/Yb OG(Ni) Ce/Yb Tr(Ni) 1.000 1.000 0.100 0.00 0.100 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 F (fraction of liquid remaining) 1.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 F (fraction of liquid remaining) Conclusions: Fractional crystallization of mafic magmas gradually increases the concentrations of similarly incompatible elements, but has a minimal effect on their ratios; and strongly decreases the concentrations of compatible elements TRACE ELEMENT CHEMISTRY Fractional crystallization of olivine from a komatiitic melt Since incompatible elements are 2-3 orders of magnitude greater in abundance than primocrysts, the REE pattern of cumulates (especially orthocumulates and adcumulates) will approximate that of their parental magmas and the magma source Fractional crystallization increases the REE abundance, but has a neglible effect on the REE pattern From Rollinson (1993) From Jirsa and Miller (2006) TRACE ELEMENT CHEMISTRY Sample/Primitive Mantle Proposed Tamarack Parent Magma Trace Element Composition compared to Early MCR Volcanics (Goldner, UMD MS thesis, in progress) TRACE ELEMENT CHEMISTRY Tectonic Discrimination Diagrams rock/chondrite rock/chondrite Spidergrams From Bedard (2001) Increasing compatibility MINERAL CHEMISTRY Stratigraphic variations in the compositions of solidsolution cumulus minerals generally reflect the progressive differentiation of the parental magma and the occurrence of recharge event... but not exactly. From Miller (2004) MINERAL CHEMISTRY PLAGIOCLASE Zoning is preserved and records a history of cumulus and postcumulus crystallization Strategy 1: Compare only An of cumulus cores... Problem: Cores are commonly complexly zoned White (2009) Strategy 1: Calculate An from CIPW norm Problem: Integrates cumulus and postcumulus components MINERAL CHEMISTRY Overcoming the Trapped Liquid Shift Solution: Compare only like types of cumulates (ortho, meso, ad) Problem: Evaluating the type of cumulate is qualitative OLIVINE AND PYROXENE Zoning is NOT preserved and thus integrates cumulus and postcumulus compositions MINERAL CHEMISTRY TLS POcf cumulate Evaluating the Trapped Liquid Shift Gradual increase in incompatible elements; can assume nearly constant over limited stratigraphic thickness Magma Recharge From Miller (2006) MINERAL CHEMISTRY POcf cumulate TLS From Miller (2006) Evaluating the Trapped Liquid Shift Postcumulus mineral abundance are general proxies for amount of trapped liquid MINERAL CHEMISTRY POcf cumulate Evaluating the Trapped Liquid Shift Assuming that well foliated cumulates have lower porosity – i.e. lower volume of trapped liquid TLS From Miller (2006) From Meurer & Boudreau (1997) MINERAL CHEMISTRY Mineral chemistry also allows the estimation of the magma composition in equilibrum with that mineral KD = (XFeOol/XFeOliq)*(XMgOliq/XMgOol) = 0.3 (Roedder and Emslie, 1970) which translates in determining the mg# of the liquid as: mg# liq = 100 / (3.333(FeO/MgO)ol + 1) This assumes no trapped liquid shift. Therefore, one should apply this only to adcumulates A procedure for calculating the equilibrium distribution of trace elements among the minerals of cumulate rocks, and the concentration of trace elements in the coexisting liquids I Jean H. Bedard Chemical Geology 118 ( 1994 ) 143-153 ASSAY DATA Variation in the Cu/Pd is one of the best monitors of sulfide saturation in magmatic systems, but need high precision Pd analyses (<2 ppb DT) Meters above Cu-Au break Sonju Lake Intrusion Precious Metals Zone (PMZ) From Miller (2004) Greenwood Lake Intrusion From Joslin (2004) ASSAY DATA Dsulf/sil~104-108 Pd is several orders of magnitude more compatible in sulfide melt relative to Cu Dsulf/sil~102 ASSAY DATA R = Xsil/Xsulf after Barnes and others, 1987 ASSAY DATA Cu/Pd From Jirsa & Miller (2006) Pd (ppb) From Joslin (2004) ASSAY DATA Quadrant w/ No Potential Quadrant w/ Best Potential Quadrant w/ Potential at Depth Quadrant w/ Ore Grade Indicates duration since initial saturation From Jirsa & Miller (2006) ASSAY DATA From Jirsa & Miller (2006)