English 10 Online Summer 2014 Response 1 – Poetry Analysis Texts Needed Hughes’ “Theme from English B” Hughes’ “I Too Sing America” Hughes’ “Dinner Guest Me” Holiday’s “Strange Fruit” Okita’s “In Response to Executive Order 9066” Walker’s “For My People” Two poems of your choosing that fit our theme Handouts Needed “Analyzing Poetry” “MLA Sample” Links Needed http://www.nku.edu/~rkdrury/poetryexplication.html http://writingcenter.tamu.edu/2005/types-communication/academic-writing/analyzing-poetry/ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ Assignment Poetry is a logical choice for people experiencing struggles of inequality to express themselves and reach a wide range of audiences. Consider poetic devices used in the texts this unit. I DO NOT want a summary of each of the poems—I have read them, surprisingly enough. I want to know how they work. How are the moods similar and different? Why do some of the authors use rhyme, while others don’t? Who are the intended audiences? What more information would you like to know regarding the background or meaning behind each poem? How does each poem fit into our theme—into what category of inequality? Produce a well-organized essay in which these and other questions are answered thoughtfully and logically. Still confused? 1. Inequality is your main theme. Don't lose sight of it. 2. Choose no more than four poems. 3. Compare what they say and how they say it. 4. Show the kinds of words the authors use--analyze them like you did in your grammar assignment. 5. Pull it all together with a claim about how your specific poems contribute to the inequality/equality discourse. Requirements No more than one line quoted per work In-text citations for quotations Works Cited Double-spaced, 12 pt TNR Clear thesis 4 pages of content Grading Each response is worth ten points. An overreliance on summary will be an automatic C. Formatting errors will result in a B. Good content but lack of organization will result in an A-.