Art History Alphabet The Letters of the Alphabet Found in Famous Works of Art A Project By: Erica Ludi A: Title: The Lion Gate Culture: Mycenaen c. 1250 BCE B: Title: Page with Psalm 1 (Beatus Vir) Culture: English Gothic Manuscript c. 1270-80 C: Title: The Great Wave Artist: Katsushika Hokusai D: Title: Page with Hellmouth from Winchester Psalter E: Title: East Torana of the Great Stupa at Sanchi From India F: *F is on the easel of Velazquez’s painting.* Title: Las Meninas Artist: Diego Velazquez Gg: *This one is kinda hard to see. All the figures make a lower case “g”.* Title: Henri IV Receiving the Portrait of Marie de’ Medici Artist: Peter Paul Rubens Hh: Title: Man and Centaur From: Olympia I: Title: Column of Trajan Early Roman Imperial J: Title: Cubi XIX Artist: David Smith K: *Use the dark lines from the river towards the middle to find the K.* Title: View of Toledo Artist: El Greco L: Title: Dying Gaul Trumpeter Artist: Epigonos (?) M: Title: Pont du Gard Early Roman Imperial Nn: Title: Arch of Titus Early Roman Empire O: Title: Oculus of the Pantheon Early Roman Empire P: Title: Chi Rho Iota From the Book of Kells Q: Mandorla with Jesus’ foot as the tail on the “Q” Rr: Title: Nike of Samothrace Hellenistic S: S-curve of Late Classical Sculpture Praxiteles’ Hermes and the Infant Dionysos Tt: Title: Gero Crucifix Ottonian U: Title: Saltcellar of Francis I Artist: Benvenuto Cellini V: *V of two foreground figures* Title: Battle of the Ten Nudes Artist: Antonio del Pollaiuolo W: Title: Death of Sarpedon Painter: Euphronios Euxitheos *Again, have to look at figures to see the “W”* Potter: X: Title: Vitruvius Man Artist: Leonardo da Vinci Y: Title: Akhenaten and His Family From the Amarna Period Z: Building: Centre National d’Art de Culture Georges Pompidou Architects: Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers *Work with me on this one; the Z is formed by the stairs across the diagonal and the top and bottom of the building*