State College of Florida (SCF)
Instructor: Amy Santos
Business/Technology Department
Office #130, Phone # (941) 752-5511, Bradenton Campus
Email Address:
Office hrs: Thursdays, 6-7 PM at the Lakewood Ranch Campus
Class websites: Angel and McGraw-Hill’s Connect – This course includes an online component. Students
will be required to access and use these two websites to complete various class activities and
assignments, as well as, to communicate with the instructor. The use of these two sites will enhance the
learning experience and provide students with additional materials. The URLs are as follows:
Connect (Homework Management Site): Link to the site is posted in Angel
Course Description: A study of the processes, decisions, structures and institutional arrangements
concerned with the acquisition and utilization of funds by a firm is presented. Financial statement
analysis for investment is also covered.
Specific objectives include:
 Describing functions and goals of financial management
 Applying financial planning and analysis
 Describing quantitatively the financial environment, including taxation of the firm/individual
 Quantitatively identifying four major financial statements of any firm and applying proper
analytical techniques
 Describing the concepts of risk, reward, and portfolio diversification
 Determining the time value of money including present and future value, present and future
value of an annuity, amortization schedules, and perpetuities.
 Calculating the capital budgeting process, estimating of cash flows, net present value, and
internal rate of return.
 Identifying the determinants of market interest rates, the term structure of interest rates, and
the relationship between interest rates and stock prices.
 Describing bond financing, valuation of bonds, types of bonds, bond ratings, and financing
through preferred stock.
 Describing common stock financing, stock valuation, and stock investing
 Describing hedging in the international financial markets
 Describing derivative use in finance
 Describing the concept of working capital
 Describing competency in current asset management
 Describing the nature of capital markets
Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACG 2021C
Required Text: Finance: Applications and Theory by Cornett, Adair, and Nofsinger, 1st Edition, McGrawHill. IMPORTANT: DO NOT DESTROY THE CARD INCLUDED IN YOUR TEXTBOOK WITH THE ACCESS CODE
Course Policies and Procedures:
Email – Students are required to communicate with instructor using their official SCF email account and
the communications tool in Angel.
Reading assignments and class participation – Students must read every assigned chapter before coming
to class. Lectures will focus on the most important concepts and will be an interactive activity where
students will be graded according to their participation and contribution. Some exercises will also be
completed in class and students will be asked to provide answers and/or explain concepts.
Online assignments – The assignments will be selected from the end-of-chapter material and must be
completed on the Connect homework management site. PAPER COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!
*Special accommodations will be made for students who are registered with the DRC.
Online chapter quizzes – These will also be completed using the Connect class site.
Exams – These will be completed in class. In extreme circumstances, and after proper documentation is
provided, students will be allowed to take the exam prior to the scheduled date. No make-ups are
allowed after the exam grades/answers have been discussed in class.
Class Calendar – A class calendar with due dates for assignments, quizzes, and exams is posted in Angel.
Weekly postings in Angel – Students will be required to post and respond to other students’ postings on
the discussion boards on topics assigned by the instructor (Details will be posted in Angel).
Evaluation and Final Grade – Students will be evaluated and receive a grade based on performance in all
of the following activities. The points from one activity cannot be substituted with points from another,
and points from each activity will be used to tally the final points earned in the class. For example, a
student who receives an “A” in the chapter exams will only accumulate 30 points towards the final grade
and will, therefore, fail the course unless additional points are earned from other class activities. A
grade of “zero” in any activity will result in an automatic deduction from the final grade of the number
of points for the activity according to the following scale:
 Online Chapter Assignments (Connect)
 Online Chapter Quizzes (Connect)
 Class Participation
 Weekly Postings (Angel)
 Chapter Exams
100 points
Extra Credit – Students can complete extra credit assignments and earn up to 10 points toward each
chapter exam’s grade.
Withdrawal Policy – The Manatee Community College policy, as stated in the college catalog, allows
students to withdraw from any course without academic penalty (WF) by a specific withdrawal deadline.
The deadline as stated in the college calendar is Friday, October 30th, 2009 for the Fall Term. Students
must take responsibility for initiating the withdrawal procedure, but are encouraged to speak to their
instructors before taking this action.
Online tutoring and study skills support – A collection of Web sites to help students enhance their study
skills and to provide tutoring support for the coursework are available 24/7. Emphasis is on
mathematics, English, and reading improvement. Support for other subjects is also available. Accessing
these resources is as easy as ABC:
a.) Go to 3
b.) Click Student Success Resources link
c.) Click Virtual Tutoring and Study Skill Support link