EVIL JOURNAL • Answer each of the following questions in one large paragraph. • What is your definition of “evil?” • What does “evil” look like today in our modern world? Are there different types of “evil” today? Explain. Cite specific examples if you can. • Why do people commit “evil” acts? • What are your personal thoughts on “evil?” MUST BE AT LEAST HALF A PAGE “THE TYGER” BY WILLIAM BLAKE PHASE 1 • Read the poem. • Write your reaction, how you emotionally respond to the poem and why? • Rate your initial understanding of the poem on a 1 (don’t get it all) to 10 (I’m pretty sure I wrote this poem) scale. “THE TYGER” BY WILLIAM BLAKE PHASE 2 • Read the poem again. • This time read to the end of each sentence. • In one color, highlight anything that gives you trouble (a word, phrase, line, etc.) • In pen/pencil, explain what you think the poem means off to the side. • To simplify, explain after each stanza. • Next to your explanation, rate your understanding of the poem on a 1 (don’t get it all) to 10 (I’m pretty sure I wrote this poem) scale. Share 2-4 w/ partner. “THE TYGER” BY WILLIAM BLAKE PHASE 3 • Read the poem one last time • This time read to the end of each line. • In a different color, highlight anything that still gives you trouble (a word, phrase, line, etc.) • In pen/pencil, write specific questions you have about the poem beside it. • One last time, rate your understanding of the poem on a 1 (don’t get it all) to 10 (I’m pretty sure I wrote this poem) scale. Share 2-4 w/ partner. “THE TYGER” BY WILLIAM BLAKE REFLECTION • How did your understanding change from PHASE 1 to PHASE 3? • Were your more or less confused as you read multiple times and we discussed? Be specific what helped or what made it more confusing. • What questions are you still unable to answer in terms of understanding the poem or the author’s purpose after our discussion? • Make sure they are specific. “THE CHILD BY TIGER” QS 1)Was justice served? Explain. 2) Why is the short story called “The Child by Tiger”? 3) Rate your final understanding of the poem (1-10) and explain what you think the poem means after finishing the short story. 4) Come up with two different themes that the author is trying to get across through this story. • Avoid clichés. (“what comes around goes around”) • Avoid the words “don’t,” “you,” and words like “should” • (Hint: think about the big subjects of this story…violence, evil, human behavior, etc.) 5) What is the meaning of Dick’s final gesture of removing his shoes and awaiting the posse? How does the action contrast with the way his body is treated by the whites? 6) Why include the biblical passages that Dick had marked at the end? What effect does it have on the reader, the character, or the story? 7) What is the meaning of the last paragraph? “THE CHILD BY TIGER” MINI-ANALYSIS • In a well-developed paragraph, explain why the author uses William Blake’s “The Tyger” to contribute to his overall purpose. • Use at least two pieces of textual evidence • Provide some context to the quote beforehand • Use correct parenthetical citation (Last Name #) • Make sure you are explaining how the poem contributes to the author’s purpose in “The Child by Tiger” (theme) “THE CHILD BY TIGER” MINI-ANALYSIS • In a well-developed paragraph, explain how Thomas Wolfe, through his short story, “The Child by Tiger” conveys his meaning of the work. • Use at least two pieces of textual evidence • Provide some context to the quote beforehand • Use correct parenthetical citation (Last Name #) • Make sure you are explaining how the evidence contributes to the author’s purpose (theme) • No first or second person. • Write in present tense. (Ex. Dick shoots or Dick is killed) • Have concluding sentence.