US History Note Outline The Effects of the Civil War The War

US History Note Outline
The Effects of the Civil War
The War Changes the Nation
a. What did the war do to the federal governments power?
b. What did the federal government do to try and help the economy of the US after the
i. National Bank Act
The war changes lives
a. What issue did the US have to deal with after the war?
i. What did the president think was the solution?
ii. How did the Republicans gain the support of the some Democrats to pass an
b. The 13 amendment
i. What did it say?
c. American Red Cross
d. Lincoln assassinated
i. John Wilkes Booth
e. What two problems did the new president have to deal with after Lincoln’s
Plan for reconstruction
a. Reconstruction
b. Lincoln’s plan for reconstruction
i. Did the states ever truly secede from the Union?
ii. Who had rebelled?
iii. Ten-Percent Plan
1. Pardons for Confederates
2. How could Confederate states get readmitted into the Union?
c. How did the Republicans feel about this plan?
i. Radical Republicans
1. Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens
2. What did they want to see happen?
3. Wade-Davis Plan
a. What did it propose happen?
b. Lincoln vetoes the bill
Johnson’s Plan
a. Andrew Johnson takes Lincoln’s place
b. Johnson’s Presidential Plan for Reconstruction
i. What did it say should happen?
ii. How did it differ from Lincoln’s plan?
iii. How did people feel about this plan?
iv. Mississippi and the 13th amendment
c. Congress refuses to admit the newly elected Southern Legislators
i. Why?
d. Freedmen’s Bureau
e. Civil Rights Act of 1866
Congressional Reconstruction
a. Johnson vetoes both Freedmen’s and the Civil Rights Act
i. Republicans and the radicals work together and override his veto
b. 14 amendment
i. What did the amendment not do?
ii. How did it try to force people to allow all male citizens the right to vote?
iii. Why did Johnson not want southern states to ratify this bill?
c. Election of 1866
d. Reconstruction Act of 1867
i. What did it state?
ii. Johnson vetoes the bill but it is overridden
e. Radicals look to impeach Johnson
i. Impeach
ii. Did they impeach him?
f. Grant wins the election in 1868
g. 15th amendment
i. Enforcement Act of 1870
Politics in the Postwar south
a. Scalawags
b. Carpetbaggers
Former slaves face challenges
a. Hiram Revels
Changes in the southern economy
a. 40 acres to freed slaves
i. Johnson takes the land back
b. Sharecropping
c. Tenant Farming
d. Cotton loses its value
Opposition to reconstruction
a. Ku Klux Klan
i. What was their goal?
ii. What did the KKK want to do with Republicans?
iii. John Stephens
iv. State elections in 1875 and 1876
b. Amnesty Act of 1872
Scandals and Money Crisis
a. Grant appoints friends to high positions
i. Dishonesty
b. Republican Party Splits
i. Liberal Republican Party
c. Grant is reelected
Economic Turmoil
a. People start to borrow a lot of money
b. Jay Cooke
i. Panic of 1873
ii. Depression
c. Greenbacks
i. What did people want to see happen to them?
ii. Specie Resumption Act
Judicial and Popular Support Fades
a. Decisions in the 1870s affect the 14th and 15th amendments
b. Republicans step away from reconstruction
Democrats redeem the South
a. Democrats recapture the state governments in the south
b. Election of 1876
i. Hayes does not win the popular vote but is selected as the president
1. What did Democrats say must happen for them to accept Hayes as
c. Compromise of 1877
i. End of reconstruction
d. Republicans are no longer in control in the south
e. Home Rule
f. The south passes laws that restricts the rights of African Americans
g. What progress occurred from reconstruction?