Welcome-Guidelines to Tutorial Services

Welcome to University Tutorial Services!
Guidelines for Tutoring
What is Tutoring?
Tutors help improve understanding of class content by discussing concepts and providing clearer explanations of difficult
material. Tutors will not re-lecture on material you missed, nor will they complete, or check over an assignment that will be
graded. They will break down problems, clarify, discuss, explain, show….this is a highly interactive learning experience, helping
you become an independent learner.
How does it work?
We have two setting for tutoring—walk-in labs, and one-on-one.
 Walk-In Labs—The lab schedule shows the tutor, which courses they tutor, and what hours they work. Student who need help
occasionally are encouraged to visit the labs.
 One-on-one tutoring is more intense and necessary for some students. The tutor and student meet 3-5 times a week at an
agreed-upon time. Students who want the same tutor for the entire semester might choose one-on-one tutoring.
After you complete a Tutorial Request Form here at LAP or online, a staff member will match you with a tutor, or refer you to the
appropriate lab time. If you choose one-on-one, that tutor will email you to set up a time to start your tutoring sessions. If you
don’t hear from a tutor within three days, contact us again and we’ll follow-up.
Your Role and Responsibilities
 Show a positive attitude toward completing homework assignments and projects.
 Read your syllabus. Understand what's expected of you. Remember deadlines and special dates.
 Be an active student in class. Ask questions. Participate. Form and maintain a study group.
 Use the first session to get to know the tutors and how they like to do things.
Homework, Preparation, and Commitment
 Bring your text, notes, exams & quizzes, a calculator - whatever you may need to be productive.
 Arrive on time for your appointment. If you need to cancel, do so at least 24 hrs in advance.
 Decide in advance what problems you need to concentrate on for each session.
 Don't procrastinate. A tutor will not cram with you.
Help you improve understanding by discussing
concepts and methods
Assist with homework or other assignments which will be
submitted for a grade.
Provide explanations for material appearing in the text,
your class notes, and previously graded tests or
Provide presentations of material you missed due to
absences, nor discuss topics for which you have not yet
read the text
Help you identify key concepts and methods by
comparing and contrasting sample problems
Help you understand your errors on your earlier
(graded) assignments
Provide detailed directions on the analysis of your own
laboratory data
Help you develop independent problem solving skills
“Watch” you do the assignments in our presence, except to
help with your misunderstandings
Ask questions about ideas or reasoning to help you
clarify and/or develop them more fully
Rewrite sentences for you, but we may ask you to explain
a thought and then write what you have said.
Help you organize and reorganize ideas in a logical
Predict the grade an instructor will assign for your paper.
If you have any problems with tutoring, please contact the Coordinator of Tutorial Services.
Learning Assistance Programs / Student Support Services
University Center room 302, MS1300 651-2273 lapdss@semo.edu