Formal Amendments The Big Idea The Framers of the Constitution prepared for changing times by providing for the document’s formal amendment. The Amendment Process • By being part of the Constitution (the Supreme Law of the Land) • Amendments → have more power than average laws • There are 4 methods of getting an amendment passed • Amendments proposed on a National level still has to be approved by the States 1st Method • ⅔ vote in both houses of Congress • Ratified by ¾ of the states • 38 states • 26 amendments have been ratified this way 2nd Method • Amendment proposed by Congress • Ratified by conventions in ¾ of the States • 21st Amendment was ratified this way 3rd Method • The amendment is proposed by a national convention • the convention is called by Congress at the request of ⅔ of the state 4th Method • An Amendment is proposed by a National Convention • Ratified by ¾ of the states • This is how the Constitution was created Also • Article V of the Constitution • “No state without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate” • This means → every state has to be given 2 senators NO MATTER WHAT • If a state rejects an Amendment it may later reconsider and ratify it • but not the other way around Amendments 1-10 Bill of Rights we have already learned this :) Amendment 11 Amendment 12 Immunity of States from certain lawsuits Changes in electoral college procedures Amendment 13 Amendment 14 Abolition of Slavery Citizenship, due process, equal protection Amendment 15 Amendment 16 No denial of vote because of race, color or previous enslavement Power of Congress to tax incomes Amendment 17 Popular election of US Senators Amendment 18 Prohibition of Alcohol Amendment 19 Amendment 20 Woman Suffrage Change of dates for start of presidential and Congressional terms Amendment 21 Repeal of Prohibition Amendment 22 Limit on presidential terms Amendment 23 Amendment 24 District of Columbia vote in presidential elections Ban of Tax Payment as voter qualification Amendment 25 Presidential succession, vice presidential vacancy, and presidential disability Amendment 26 Voting age of 18 Amendment 27 Congressional pay