BI Difference between DNA and RNA Web Quest

Biology 1.2
Differences between DNA and RNA
Name: ____________________________
Period: _______
Date: ___________
DNA and RNA are both very important nucleic acids that serve different function in protein synthesis. They are
both polymers made up of nucleotides, but the nucleotides for the two nucleic acids are different. The
chemical structure of RNA is very similar to that of DNA, but differs in three main ways. Unlike doublestranded DNA, RNA is a single-stranded molecule in many of its biological roles and has a much shorter chain
of nucleotides. However, RNA can, by complementary base pairing, form single strands, or fold up, as in tRNA.
While DNA contains deoxyribose, RNA contains ribose (in deoxyribose there is no hydroxyl group attached to
the pentose ring in the 2' position). These hydroxyl groups make RNA less stable than DNA because it is more
prone to hydrolysis. Finally, the complementary base to adenine is not thymine, as it is in DNA, but rather
The purpose of this activity is to investigate the similarities and differences between DNA and the three
different RNAs.
Learning Targets
 Compare and contrast the nucleotides of DNA and RNA.
 Name the three main types of RNA and how each are involved in transcription.
Part 1 RNAs, Structure, and Comparison to DNA
1. Complete the activity on the following web site, make the completed table when you are finished,
2. Go to the following web site,
3. Watch the animation section “The Historical Perspective” and the, “Kinds of RNA” to answer the
questions and complete the table below:
a. What is the “Central Dogma” of DNA and RNA?
b. Who is Miescher, what did he do to contribute to genetics?
c. DNA  ______________  Proteins.
d. What are the three stages in making proteins?
Type of RNA
(simple drawing)
Where in the
Cell Found
Where made
in the cell
Part 2 Transcription (Making of mRNA)
1. Go to the link to answer the questions below,
a. What is transcription?
b. Why is messenger RNA called “messenger”?
c. What does RNA have that DNA does not? ______________________________________
d. Which direction is RNA synthesized? ____________________________________
e. Complete the table about the 5 steps of transcription
Step Name
Where it Occurs
Description of Events (what happens)
2. Go to the links that is a YouTubes of an overall animation of transcription, watch and take notes
4. Complete the following quizzes and record your scores:
a. score: ________________
b. score: __________