MED 154: Chapter 13 Worksheet KEY 50 pts possible (1.3 pts each

MED 154: Chapter 13 Worksheet KEY 50 pts possible (1.3 pts each)
1. The nervous system and endocrine system work together to control ____________
2. Exocrine glands secrete their products into ____________________ that lead to the
outside of the body.
3. Hormones from endocrine glands regulate __________________________ processes.
4. Endocrine glands secrete hormones into the ____________________________, which
carries them to all parts of the body.
5. Steroid __________________________ are lipids that include complex rings of carbon
and hydrogen atoms.
6. _________________________ hormones are amines, peptides, and proteins.
7. Steroid and thyroid hormones enter target cells and combine with receptors to form
complexes, which direct _________________________ of specific proteins.
8. _______________________________ are paracrine substances that have powerful
hormonelike effects, even in small amounts.
9. The ______________________ gland, attached to the base of the brain, has an anterior
lobe and a posterior lobe.
10. The ___________________ pituitary consists largely of epithelial cells, and it secretes
11. ______________________ hormone stimulates body cells to grow and divide.
12. ________________________ promotes breast development and stimulates mild
13. _________________________________________________ hormone controls secretion
of hormones form the thyroid gland.
14. The _____________________________, by secreting thyrotropin-releasing hormone,
regulates TSH secretion.
15. Adrenocorticotropic hormone controls the secretion of certain hormones from the
_____________________ cortex.
16. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are
__________________________ that affect the reproductive organs.
17. The ________________________ lobe of the pituitary gland largely consists of neuroglia
and nerve fibers that originate in the hypothalamus. Two hormones of the posterior
pituitary are produced in the hypothalamus, ________________ and OT.
18. Antidiuretic hormone causes the _____________________ to excrete less water. High
concentrations of ADH will constrict blood vessel walls causing a rise in blood pressure.
19. __________________________ has an antidiuretic effect and can contract muscles in
the uterine wall.
20. The ______________________ gland is located in the neck and consists of two lateral
21. Thyroid _________________________, thyroxin and triiodothyronine are hormones
which increase the rate of metabolism, enhance protein synthesis and stimulate lipid
22. Thyroid hormones are needed for normal _______________________ and development
and for maturation of the nervous system.
23. Calcitonin ______________________ blood calcium and phosphate ion concentrations,
which prevents prolonged elevation of calcium after a meal.
24. The parathyroid glands are on the ______________________ surface of the thyroid.
25. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) increases blood ____________________ ion concentration
and decreases blood phosphate ion concentration.
26. The adrenal glands are located atop the _______________________.
27. The adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine. They produce effects
similar to those of the __________________________ nervous system.
28. Hormones of the adrenal cortex produces several types of __________________ that
include hormones; aldosterone, cortisol and sex hormones.
29. Aldosterone causes the kidneys to ____________________ sodium ions and water and
to excrete potassium ions. This helps maintain blood volume and pressure.
30. Cortisol ____________________ protein synthesis, releases fatty acids, and stimulates
glucose formation from noncarbohydrates.
31. ___________ hormones are of the male type although some can be converted into
female hormones.
32. The _______________________ secretes digestive juices as well as hormones. The
pancreas is posterior to the stomach and is attached to the small intestine.
33. Glucagon and insulin are _______________________ of the pancreatic islets. Glucagon
stimulates the liver to produce _________________ and breaks down fat. Insulin
activates facilitated diffusion of glucose through cell membranes, stimulates its storage,
promotes protein synthesis, and stimulates fat storage.
34. ________________ gland is attached to the thalamus near the roof of the third ventricle
and secretes melatonin.
35. _____________________ lies posterior to the sternum and between the lungs. It shrinks
with age and secretes thymosin, which affects the production of certain lymphocytes
that, in turn, provide immunity.
36. Reproductive organs; _________________ secrete testosterone, _________________
secrete estrogens and progesterone.
37. _________________ occurs when the body responds to stressors that threaten the
maintenance of homeostasis. Types of stress include physical stress and psychological
38. With age, endocrine glands _________________ and accumulate fibrous connective
tissue, fat and lipofuscin, but hormonal activities usually remain within the
______________ range.