School Night Powerpoint 2015-2016

Heather Hills Elementary
Back to School Night
Third Grade Team
1. Welcome
2. Academic Overview
a. Syllabus
b. Textbooks/Online Instructional Tools
3. Grading Scale
4. Procedures
5. Homework and Classwork
6. Standards
7. Birthdays and Volunteers
8. General Questions
9. Closure
Third Grade
Reading/Language Arts
•Follow The Maryland Common Core State Curriculum for Reading
•Using the Reading Street Series (Scott Foresman) – Emphasis on informational text & close reading
•Follow The Maryland Common Core State Curriculum for Writing
•Using Writing Fundamentals
•Use Sadlier –Oxford Vocabulary Program – Level Orange (4th grade)
•William and Mary - Journeys and Destinations Literature Packet
•Junior Great Books
•Novel Studies (emphasis on Historical and Realistic Fiction)
•Literature Circles
•Long Range Plans
•1st Quarter
•Writing Fundamentals – How Writers Work
•William and Mary Pre-Assessment
•Literature Circles
•Reading Street Series (use pre-assessments and compact when necessary)
Third Grade
2nd Quarter
Writing Fundamentals – Literary Nonfiction
Write a Book
William and Mary Concept Lesson (Change)
Junior Great Books
Historical Fiction Book Report
Reading Street Series (use pre-assessments and compact when necessary)
3rd Quarter
Writing Fundamentals – Patricia Polacco Author Study
William and Mary (Journeys and Destinations Literature Packet)
Junior Great Books
Literature Circles
Reading Street Series (use pre-assessments and compact when necessary)
Third Grade
4th Quarter
Writing Fundamentals - Biography
William and Mary (Journeys and Destinations Literature Packet)
Post Assessment William and Mary
Spelling Bee
Reading Series (post assessments and end of year testing)
Third Grade
•Follow the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum with Acceleration and Compacting when
•1st Quarter
•Unit 1
•Place Value Understanding and Properties of Operations to Perform Multi-Digit
•Addition and Subtraction
•Solve Problems Involving Time Measurement and Estimation of Time Intervals
•Represent and Interpret Data
•Geometric Measurement: Recognize Plane Figures’ Perimeter and the Difference Between Area and
•Unit 2
•Multiplication and Division to Represent and Solve Problems
•Properties of Multiplication and the Relationship Between Multiplication and Division
•Geometric Measurement: Understand Area and its Relationship to Multiplication and Addition
• Gr.4 – Unit 1 The Four Operations, Place Value of Multi-Digit Numbers, Place Value and Properties
of Operations Unit 2 Equivalent Fractions and Ordering of Fractions
Third Grade
2nd Quarter
Unit 3
Multiplication and Division to Represent and Solve Problems
Properties of Multiplication and the Relationship Between Multiplication and Division
Multiply and Divide within 100
Solve Problems With the Four Operations and Identify and Explain Patterns
Geometric measurement: Understand Area and Its Relationship to Multiplication and
Place Value Understanding and Properties of Operations to Perform Multi-Digit Addition and
Unit 4
Solve Problems Involving Time Measurement and Estimation of Time Intervals
Geometric Measurement: Recognize Plane Figures’ Perimeter and the Difference Between Area
and Perimeter
Fractions as Numbers
Shapes and Their Attributes
Represent and Interpret Data
Gr. 4 - Unit 3 Place Value and Properties of Operations, The Four Operations, Measurement and
Conversion of Measurement, Factors and Multiples, Generate and Analyze Patterns
Unit 4 Equivalent Fractions and Ordering of Fractions, Build Fractions With Unit Fractions and
Operations on Whole Numbers, Represent and Interpret Data, Measurement and Conversion of
Third Grade
3rd Quarter
Unit 5
Solve Problems Involving Time Measurement and Estimation of Time Intervals, Liquid,
Volumes, and Masses of Objects
Geometric Measurement: Understand Area and Its Relationship to Multiplication and
Fractions as Numbers
Represent and Interpret Data
Unit 6
Multiplication and Division to Represent and Solve Problems
Multiply and Divide within 100
Solve Problems With the Four Operations and Identify and Explain Patterns
Represent and Interpret Data
Shapes and Their Attributes
Gr. 4 Unit 5 - Place Value and Properties of Operations, The Four Operations, Measurement and
Conversion of Measurement, Factors and Multiples, Geometric Measurement: Angles and
Measurement of Angels Unit 6 – Decimals and Fractions and Compare Decimals and Fractions,
Build Fractions With Unit Fractions and Operations on Whole Numbers, Represent and Interpret
Data, Measurement and Conversion of Measurements
Third Grade
4th Quarter
Unit 7
Fractions as Numbers
Multiplication and Division to Represent and Solve Problems
Multiply and Divide within 100
Solve Problems With the Four Operations and Identify and Explain Patterns
Geometric Measurement: Understand Area and Its Relationship to Multiplication and
Unit 8
Fractions as Numbers
Solve Problems Involving Time Measurement and Estimation of Time Intervals, Liquid,
Volumes, and Masses of Objects
Multiply and Divide within 100
Gr. 4 Unit 7 - Place Value and Properties of Operations, The Four Operations, Measurement and
Conversion of Measurements, Geometric Measurement: Angles and Measurement of Angels
Unit 8 - Decimals and Fractions and Compare Decimals and Fractions, Build Fractions With Unit
Fractions and Operations on Whole Numbers, Represent and Interpret Data, Measurement and
Conversion of Measurements
Projects: 1st and 2nd Semester - Mad Minute/Multiplication Chill Zone Contest Ongoing - First
in Math Online Math Program Ongoing - Digging for Data Math Cubed Research Project
(Prerequisite-Superior Fluency in Content)
Third Grade
Follow the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum with Science Series Scott Foresman
First Week(s) of School – What is Science?
– Skills and Processes
– Applying Evidence and Reasoning
– Communicating Scientific Information
1st Quarter – Earth Science
– Weather
– Water
– Rocks and Soil
– Changes on Earth
– Natural Resources
2nd Quarter – Space and Technology
– Patterns in the Sky
– Science in Our Lives
– The Solar System
Third Grade
3rd Quarter – Physical Science
– Matter and Its Properties
– Changes in Matter
– Forces in Motion
– Sound
– Energy
4th Quarter – Life Science
– Life Cycle
– Cells
– Evolution
– Ecology
On going science experiments
Science Fair Project (packets are distributed in class in October/November)
– Science Fair is scheduled for February
Delta Science Kits
STEM Science Kits
Third Grade
Follow the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum with Health Series Harcourt Health and
1st Quarter – Human Body, Growth and Development, Consumer/Personal Health Nutrition
2nd Quarter – Physical Activity & Fitness and Injury Prevention
3rd Quarter – Disease Prevention & Control/Drug Use
4th Quarter – Emotional & Social Health, Family Life, and Community and Environmental Health.
Third Grade
Social Studies
Follow the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum with Pearson My World We Are Connected
1st QuarterChapter 1-Our Communities
Chapter2-Our Environment
2nd QuarterChapter 3-Communities Build a Nation
Chapter 4-U. S. Government
3rd Quarter
Chapter 5-Citizenship
Chapter 6-A Growing Nation
4th Quarter
Chapter 7-Working in our Communities
Chapter 8-Celebrating our Communities
Time For Kids-Nonfiction Reading for comprehension assessment and reading skill reinforcement
Projects to be determined by curriculum
Online Instructional Tools
Vocabulary Book Website:
Grammar Book Website:
Spelling Website:
Education City:
First in Math
Reading Series Textbook and Resources
Math Series Textbook and Resources
General Grading Scale
BCR Rubric Math
BCR Rubric
100% - 90%
2 = Complete Understanding
3 = Complete Understanding
89% - 80% =
1 = Minimal Understanding
2 = General Understanding
79% - 70% =
0 = Completely Incorrect, Irrelevant, or
1 = Minimal Understanding
69% - 60% =
0 = Completely Incorrect,
Irrelevant, or Missing
59% - 0% =
*= A
0= E
General Grading Scale
The following factors will be included in determining pupil grades in:
Mathematics, Reading/English Language Arts, Science, and Social
50% Assessments
15% Homework
35% Classwork
30% Assessments
20% Homework
50% Classwork
Classroom Procedures
• Students are to receive permission from the classroom teacher to
get out of their seats.
• To get the teacher’s attention students should raise their hand.
• Students are to use the bathroom and get water only after receiving
permission from the teacher. If they have a bathroom emergency or
need a drink of water students should use the appropriate hand
signal. Water bottles are allowed.
• Students are to begin their morning procedures at 7:40. They are to
have sharpened 4 pencils, copied posted homework, read any
morning messages, gather materials for the day. They must be
prepared to transition to their first class by 7:55.
• Most students have jobs and perform them daily.
• If students finish work early, they may complete other unfinished
assignments, read a book, or choose from a selection of posted
anchor activities, or projects.
General School Procedures
• Students arrive between 7:30 and 7:50 am.
• Eat breakfast (if necessary).
• Leave their backpack outside their class room door and walk the
walking path. Encase of inclement weather, students read silently
outside the classroom door.
• First class begins at 7:55 am.
Dismissal Procedures:
• Read the board for what they need to take home for the day and
make sure they have copied the homework for the night.
• Next, students are dismissed by the teacher to pack up to go home.
• Chairs are stacked and housekeeping completed.
• Students will read, stand, or sit on their desks silently while awaiting
• Dismissal is 1:55
Teacher Websites
• Homework is given Monday through Friday.
• 100 points are earned for submitting homework. Points will be
deducted for late work (15pts.), unless a parent gives a valid
explanation for the missing assignment in writing (i.e. family
emergencies) Students must have first and last name on
assignments to receive full credit.
• The students are responsible for copying their homework in their
agenda books everyday.
• A communication folder will go home each Wednesday and returned
the next school day for 100 points; 15 are deducted if late; 50 points
if returned without a signature, but can get it signed for 85 points; a
grade of 0 if not returned by the following Wednesday.
Classwork and Tests
• Students are expected to complete all assignments.
Some assignments are given for assessment purposes.
Some assignments will be sent home.
• There will usually be at least a three day notice for
upcoming tests. Pop quizzes can be given without prior
Grading and Absences
Grading and Absences
• Students who are considered lawfully absent will have
the opportunity to make up missed assignments.
Students are required to bring a written note from
parents for all absences. The number of days allowed to
make-up missed work will be equivalent to the number of
days of lawful absences. The timeline begins when the
teacher gives the student the assignments within 48
hours of the request. Students who do not complete the
missed assignments within the allotted time will receive
50% for each assignment.
Third Grade Class Expectations
1. Show Respect for Others
2. Cooperate with adults/peers
3. Display self-discipline
4. Accept responsibility for actions
5. Follow school rules
6. Complete and turn in assignments
Work Habits and Social Skills grades will be monitored using a record sheet on a clipboard.
Students will have 5% off their weekly grade for each check received in the work habits
and social skills categories. The work habits and social skills grade will be entered once
a week.
We have adopted the PBIS program at Heather Hills Elementary School this year. It is a
school-wide program that fosters positive behaviors at our school. The 3 R’s
(Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn) outline the positive behaviors that
foster a positive and safe learning environment.
“As Mustangs we show pride by being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn!”
We are following Heather Hills PBIS Program. Students receive
Mustang Money as a reward for displaying the 3 R’s. Students
save their “money” to cash it in for a reward once a month.
The initiative is school wide and students can receive Mustang
Money from any school staff member. *Teachers may also
have individual methods for rewarding student achievement,
behavior, and work habits.
*All students are held accountable for these standards
throughout the school building. If students do not meet these
expectations in other teachers’ classes, the cafeteria, recess,
in the hallways, etc. they will receive the outlined
consequences in their homeroom classes.
4. Student completes selfassessment form
*Will be used to help
factor social skills and
work habits grades
2. Student reminded of
appropriate behavior
and potential +/consequences
3. Second reminder of
appropriate behavior
and potential +/_
1. Student behavior
5. If behavior changes, it
is recognized and
No? student completes
Student Action Report .
Parent is contacted by
phone if necessary
6. Student referred to
administration and/or
school counselor for
administrative action
General Questions
Please write your questions down
on a 3X5 card.
“Believe in your dreams and they
may come true; believe in yourself
and they will come true!”
Author Unknown
Together we will have a
great school year!
The Third Grade Team