
A Wikitastic Book Review By Gigi
Main Characters
 Ernie Banks, Wawaywo, or Shawn Fraizer- A boy
who is taken from his widowed dad by a group of
 Root and Runnel – Two Puddlejumpers who take
care of baby Wawaywo in the Underneath.
 Russ Fraizer – A father, widower, and a farmer who
had his newborn son taken away by mysterious
 The Holsapples – A mean man, his twins and Dicky
Cobb who turn out to be Ernie’s worst night mare!
 Joey – Ernie’s blood ‘sister’ and also the daughter of
Betty who may be in love with Russ
Puddlejumpers is a story of a boy named
Shawn who’s mom died while giving birth to
him. When he is a baby,he is taken away
from his dad, Russ Fraizer, by the
Puddlejumpers. Puddlejumpers are 11 inch
tall creatures from the Underneath or
Puddlejumper Kingdom. They take the baby
because they believe he is their Rainmaker.
The Puddlejumpers re-name him Wawaywo.
Summary Continued
Three years later, the Troggs come to invade
the Puddlejumpers. The Troggs are 8 foot tall
hairy beasts of fire. The invasion takes place
during a snowstorm in which the
Puddlejumpers lose Wawaywo. He is taken
by a man and renamed Ernie Banks after the
famous Chicago Cubs player. The man
brings him to the Lakeside Orphanage for
Boys. He grows into a troublemaking boy
who loves baseball. He tries to sneak into a
Cubs game and as a punishment he is sent
to a working farm for 3 weeks.
Summary Continued
Unbeknownst to him, the owner of the farm is
his real dad. While he is at the farm the
Puddlejumpers find him again. He also
develops a friendship w/ the neighbor girl,
Joey. The disappearance of Russ’s son has
never been solved. While Ernie and Joey
were trying to solve the mystery, they
discover the mean neighbors turn out to be
Troggs. They even capture Joey! Ernie saves
Joey with the help of the Puddlejumpers.
Ernie fulfils his destiny and beats the Troggs
in full battle mode.
Summary Continued
After defeating the Troggs, he goes back to Russ
who realizes that Ernie is his long lost son,
Shawn, and they live happily ever after.
A baby boy is taken away from his father
by Puddlejumpers. He must fulfill his
destiny as their Rainmaker and defeat the
Troggs but also find his way back to his
After many years of separation, Ernie goes
to work on his dad’s farm and defeats the
Troggs with the Puddlejumpers. His dad
realizes Ernie is his long lost son and they
live happily ever after.