Ch8 Noteguide

Chapter 8: Business Organizations
Section 1: Starting a Business
Getting Started
People who decide to start a business and are willing to take risks are
Collect information about the _____________________, the _____________ of
____________________ for the product, and learn about taxes and laws relating to the
Federal and state ________________________________ offer help to small businesses.
The __________________________ has a great deal of information to help
Elements of Business Operation
__________________________: wages, equipment, utility bills, rent, supplies, and
__________________________________: information about your company and the
service/product you are selling
__________________________________________: track all your expenses and income
__________________: balancing the risk against the advantages of being self-employed
Section 2: Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships
Sole Proprietorships
A business owned by one person, known as the ________________________________.
The biggest advantage is that the owner receives all the ___________________ and has
full ______________ of the business.
The biggest disadvantage is that the owner has ________________________________,
which means the owner is personally responsible for all debts and damages from doing
_________________________________________ may be seized to pay off business
A business owned and operated by __________________________ people.
Partners sign a legally binding agreement describing the _________________ of each
partner, division of __________________ and distribution of ____________________ at
end of partnership.
The biggest advantage is that the partners share ___________________ and
The biggest disadvantage is the partners have ______________________________
______________________ partnerships are businesses in which the partners are not
The general partner(s) is(are) fully responsible for ______________ of company.
Other partners contribute money or property, but have no ____________________ in the
company’s management.
The limited partners have no liability beyond their _______________________________.
________________________________________ are temporary partnerships set up for a
specific purpose.
The joint venture is dissolved after it has ___________________________________.
Section 3: The Corporate World and Franchises
Why Form a Corporation?
The need for ______________________________________________________
Wanting financial backers who will lend _______________ without having a
_______________ in the business.
What is a Corporation?
An organization owned by many people but treated by law as if it were a
Corporations can own ____________________, pay taxes, make contracts, ___________
Corporations have a distinct existence from ___________________________________.
A major advantage is stockholders have ___________________________________
______________________, they are not personally responsible, only the business loses
money and assets.
A major disadvantage is corporations pay more ________________ than other forms of
business organizations.
Corporate Structure
____________________________ the corporation in the state where it will
File the _________________________________________________________________
which include name, address and purpose of corporation; names, addresses of board of
directors; number of shares of stock to be issued; amount of money capital to be raised
through stock. of the business.
State grants a corporate ________________________ that allows the corporation to
operate in that state
Raise capital by selling _____________________ or ___________________.
_________________________________ gives stockholders right to vote and a
percentage of future profits.
__________________________________________ doesn’t give voting rights, but
guarantees a _______________________ and these stockholders have first claim on
assets left over if corporation goes out of business.
Stockholders then elect a ___________________________________________________
who will supervise and control the corporation by hiring people to run the day-to-day
operations of the business.
A contract in which a __________________________________ sells to another business
the right to use its name and sell its product.
The business buying it, the ____________________________________, pays a fee that
could include a percentage of all money taken in.
Franchises often have __________________________________ to teach the franchisee
and to set the standards of business operations.