Classification of Bones

Classification of Bones
Classification of Bones
Bones are identified by:
1. Shape
A. Long bones
B. Short bones
C. Flat bones
D. Irregular bones
2. Internal tissues
A. Compact -Strong able to bear weight
B. Spongy – Light, less dense
3. Bone markings
Internal Tissues
Compact Bone
Spongy Bone
Long Bones
• Are typically longer then they are wide
• All of the limbs, except the wrist and
ankle bones.
• Mostly compact
Flat Bones
• Are thin, flattened and
usually curved
• Found in the skull, sternum,
ribs, and scapula
• Have two thin layers of
compact bone sandwiching
a layer of spongy bone
between them
Flat Bones
• The parietal bone of the skull
Figure 6–2b
Sutural Bones
• Are small, irregular bones
• Are found between the flat bones of the skull
Irregular Bones
• Have complex shapes
• Do not fit one of the other categories
• Examples:
Short Bones
• Are small and thick
• Cube-shaped and contain mostly spongy bone
• Examples:
Sesamoid (ses’ah-moyd) Bones
Special type of short bone
- Form within tendons
- Best known example is the patella
- Develop inside tendons near joints of knees, hands,
and feet
The Axial Skeleton
Eighty bones segregated into
three regions
1. Skull
2. Vertebral column
3. Bony thorax
Vertebral Column
Formed from 26
irregular bones (vertebrae)
Cervical vertebrae
7 bones of the neck
Thoracic vertebrae
12 bones of the torso
Figure 7.13
Vertebral Column
Lumbar vertebrae
5 bones of the lower back
bone inferior to the lumbar
vertebrae that articulates
with the hip bones
Figure 7.13
Cervical Vertebrae: The Atlas (C1)
The atlas
– Has no body and no spinous process
Cervical Vertebrae: The Axis (C2)
• The axis has a
body, spine,
and vertebral
arches as do
other cervical
Figure 7.16c
Sacrum and Coccyx
• The sacrum
– Consists of five fused vertebrae (S1-S5), which
shape the posterior wall of the pelvis
• Coccyx (Tailbone)
– The coccyx is made up of four (in some cases three
to five) fused vertebrae that articulate superiorly
with the sacrum
Sacrum and Coccyx
Figure 7.18a
Bony Thorax (Thoracic Cage)
• The thoracic cage is composed of the thoracic vertebrae, ribs
and the sternum
• Functions
– Forms a protective cage around the heart, lungs,
and great blood vessels
– Supports the shoulder girdles and upper limbs
– Provides attachment for many neck, back, chest,
and shoulder muscles
Bony Thorax (Thoracic Cage)
Figure 7.19a
Sternum (Breastbone)
• A dagger-shaped, flat bone that lies in the anterior
midline of the thorax
• There are twelve pair of ribs forming the flaring sides
of the thoracic cage
• All ribs attach posteriorly to the thoracic vertebrae
• The superior 7 pair (true ribs) attach directly to the
sternum via costal cartilages
• Ribs 8-10 (false ribs) attach indirectly to the sternum
via costal cartilage
• Ribs 11-12 (floatingribs) have no anterior attachment
Figure 7.19a
Appendicular Skeleton
• The appendicular
skeleton is made up of
the bones of the limbs
and their girdles
• Pectoral girdles attach
the upper limbs to the
body trunk
• Pelvic girdle secures the
lower limbs
Pectoral Girdles (Shoulder Girdles)
• The pectoral girdles consist of
the anterior clavicles and the
posterior scapulae
• They attach the upper limbs to
the axial skeleton in a manner
that allows for maximum
• They provide attachment points
for muscles that move the
upper limbs
Clavicles (Collarbones)
They provide:
1. attachment points for numerous muscles
2. act as braces to hold the scapulae and arms
out laterally away from the body
The Upper Limb
• The upper limb consists of
the arm, forearm and
• Thirty-seven bones form
the skeletal framework of
each upper limb.
• The humerus is the
sole bone of the arm
• It articulates with
the scapula at the
shoulder, and the
radius and ulna at
the elbow
The bones of the forearm are the
1. Radius
2. Ulna
• The ulna lies medially in the forearm and is
slightly longer than the radius
• Forms the major portion of the elbow joint
with the humerus
• The wrist contains 8 bones
• The palm contains 5 bones
• Each hand contains 14
miniature long bones called
Pelvic Girdle (Hip)
Transmits weight of the
upper body to the lower
The hip is formed by a
pair of hip bones and
together with the sacrum
and the coccyx, these
bones form the bony
Figure 7.27a
• The sole bone of
the thigh
• Largest and
strongest bone in
the body
Figure 7.28b
• Receives the weight of
the body from the
femur and transmits it
to the foot
Sticklike bone that
does not bear weight
• Forms the heel of the foot
• Point of attachment for the calcaneal
(Achilles) tendon of the calf muscles