The Status of the Lobstering Industry Pamela A.E. Lynch Homarus americanus INVERTEBRATE!!!!!!! Phylum: Arthropoda Sub Phylum: Crustacea Class: Malacostraca Order: Decapoda LOCATION Where found? “Inshore species” 0 - 50 km “Inshore species” 40 m max. depth “Offshore species” 50+ km “Offshore species” 100-600 m max. depth MIGRATION causes MIXING Long Island is the 3rd largest Lobster producing area on the East Coast, behind Maine and Mass. All about Lobsters Habitat Anatomy Factors Affecting lobsters Growth rates/Reproduction Myths and facts The Lobster Fishery 5 main lobster production states in U.S. : Maine, RI, Mass., NY and NJ “Traps” are most popular Year round fishery, but some data shows most pressure in June/July (molting time) Historic Lobstering 15th Century Monsters 1800’s rise Permits and Regulations Industry Fishing Tales Current Lobstering The decline The fishing plight The results More fishing Tales Current Regulations Sustainable Fisheries Act Magnuson - Stevens Act EFH (Essential Fish Habitat) as set forth by the National Marine Fisheries Service Old and New additions ASMFC Finfish and Crustaceans Unit, NYSDEC Region 1 Survey Cards Magnuson - Stevens Act: “One of the greatest long-term threats to the viability of commercial and recreational fisheries is the continuing loss of marine, estuarine, and other aquatic habitats. Habitat considerations should receive increased attention for the conservation and management of fishery resources of the U.S.” 1996 Habitat Alteration by Fishing Stationary Gears Dredging/Filling Agricultural/Urban runoff Direct Discharge Exotic Species Intro. EFH (Essential Fish Habitat) “Overfishing is the DOMINANT cause of fisheries decline, both recreationally and commercially, but we must also consider gear use, habitat changes and habitat loss impacts.” 1996 Sustainable Fisheries Act “A national program for the conservation and management of the fishery resources of the U.S. is necessary to prevent overfishing, to rebuild overfished stocks, to insure conservation, to facilitate long-term protection of essential fish habitats, and to realize the full potential of the nation’s fishery resources” 1996 Other Regulatory ”Ideas” Closed areas/seasons, 1994 License Moratorium Larger females Limit of entry Trap number “V” notching Boat buy backs Biodegradable Traps Reduce Effort Overall Aquaculture Lobster Disease History 1920’s fishing impoundments lead to Gaffkemia Research Results Where are we now? What will the impacts be to the industry? 2000 EVENTS 1. What has happened? 2. Mosquito Spraying? (Methoprene, Malothion and cis, trans Resmethrin) 3. State of the LI Sound? 4. Designated Research? 2 separate lobster diseases identified Western Sound: “Paramoebiasis” caused by a binucleated Parameoba sp. that ingests nervous tissue Eastern Sound: “Shell Rot Syndrome” caused by a bacterial infection (microorganisms attack Chitin shell) Monthly population percentages of lobsters with shell diseases collected in eastern Long Island Sound waters 1998-2001. LIS CMP (1994) “7 critical issues:” Low Dissolved Oxygen, “Hypoxia” Toxic contamination Pathogen contamination Floatable debris Living Resources/Habitat Mgmt. Land Use/Development Public involvement/education What did they look at as potential causes? Sewage and treatment plants, dredging, pesticide usage, West Nile Virus, weather patterns, thermal changes (2 degrees C 1997-2000), Plum Island facility, introduced agents, anthropogenic disturbances, toxicology (metals), water chemistry, benthic contaminants, DO, Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Ammonia levels etc. Catch Loss 1998: 7.9 million lbs. 1999: 6.5 million lbs. 2000: 3 million lbs. 2001: similar trend to 2000 Declared to be “a commercial fishery failure on the Sound.” NYSDEC, 2000 2001 Events (Newsday, July): “The US Dept. of Commerce approved s $3.65 million dollar financial assistance program for fishermen…for new job training, direct payment of losses, new gear changes, boat buy-backs.” Congress Total = $13.9 million Lobstermen’s Impacts: What about the “Human Ecosystem? “Fishing is NOT an occupation, but a commitment and interdependence to the marine environment.” Lobstering is NOT just a job.” Impacts: Social, economic, relocation, psychological, physiological (stress, anxiety, alcoholism), Family (children, divorce), employment etc. Summary Final thoughts of future Marine Habitat and Species Protection Governmental vs. Non-profit vs. Educational facilities RESEARCH EDUCATION!!!!!! KNOWLEDGE NYSDEC - Region 1 Marine Habitat Protection Building 40 SUNY Stony Brook, NY 11790 (631)444-0229