INTEGRATED PLANNING: ADAPTING BEST PRACTICES FOR YOUR COLLEGE December 17, 2015 DeAnza College Presenters: Barry Gribbons, College of the Canyons Daylene Meuschke, College of the Canyons Carolyn Holcroft, Foothill College Denice Inciong, South Orange Community College District Agenda 10:00-10:10am Welcome and Overview 10:10-11:00am Principles of Planning: Part 1 11:00-11:10am Break 11:10am-Noon Report Out-Activity: Part 1 Principles of Planning: Part 2 12:00-12:40pm Working Lunch (Activity: Part 2) 12:40-1:40pm Report Out-Activity Part 2 Principles of Planning: Part 3 Table Activity: Part 3 1:40-2:00pm Wrap Up/Closing Comments Principles of Planning: Part 1 ◦ Focused on Big Ideas ◦ Inclusive ◦ Integration ◦ Training ◦ KPI/Data/IEPI indicators/Institution-Set Standards/SLOs Principles of Planning: Part 2 ◦ Follow up/Ongoing ◦ Tools ◦ Evaluation of Planning ◦ Peer Review ◦ District/College coordination with data, goals, KPIs, activities Principles of Planning: Part 3 ◦ Planning and Decision-Making Manual ◦ Culture of planning ◦ Organizational Structures ◦ Outcomes of Planning ◦ Other 2 Principles of Planning: Part 1 PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING: PART 1 3 Focused on Big Ideas Educational Master Plan and Program Review focus on the • Big Goals: Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs) • Supporting evidence for BHAGs • Specific Objectives for Big Goals • Don’t forget…Goals and Objectives Drive Budget COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - FOCUSED ON BIG IDEAS 4 Inclusive Process Academic Senate Involve people early and often Institutional Effectiveness & Inclusive Excellence CollegeWide Planning Team Program Review Planning Retreats Inclusive Enrollment Management Business Services and PAC-B Performance Indicators Business & Education Alliance Student Government SLOs COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INCLUSIVE PROCESS Classified Senate 5 COC’s Institutional Effectiveness and Inclusive Excellence (IE)2 Steering Committee SSSP Academic Senate S4S Program Review Title V Performance Indicators ASG Institutional Effectiveness & Inclusive Excellence Curriculum Committee Equity Business Services and PAC-B HR/EEO/Prof. Development Non-credit CASL Note: Other groups will be added as needed Highlights of changes with new structure: 1. Improved communication, collaboration & integrated planning 2. Improved coordination of research, evaluation and development of plans submitted to the CCCCO 3. Create a common inventory of all activities supporting COC’s student outcome and institutional goals 4. Streamline processes through utilization of a common solution form 5. Review progress on indicators relative to goals, establish new goals, review strategies for achieving goals within Equity, S4S, SSSP and other efforts, as well as discuss unmet needs and ways to meet those needs 6. Meet 3/semester (fall/spring, each) with additional meetings for work groups 7. Assist with review of proposed projects COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INCLUSIVE PROCESS 6 Integration (Between Departments/Threading) ◦ SSSP/Equity/Basic Skills/Noncredit/Title V – Now part of (IE)2 ◦ FYE (Student Services, Basic Skills, Instruction, Research, local high school district) ◦ Title V grant (Student Services, MIS, Research, Instruction, Outreach) ◦ Noncredit / Credit ESL ◦ Learning Communities (e.g., Biological Sciences and Sociology) ◦ Enrollment Management (e.g.,. electronic communication reminders for registration to students) ◦ Placement Process Changes (SSSP, Institutional Research, Math, English, ESL, Assessment Center, Academic Affairs and A&R) COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INTEGRATION BETWEEN DEPARTMENTS/THREADING 7 Integration (Strategic Plan) Drawn exclusively from program review COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INTEGRATION (STRATEGIC PLAN) 8 Integration (Strategic Plan) Drawn exclusively from program review COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INTEGRATION (STRATEGIC PLAN) 9 Integration (Budget Planning) ◦ Program review ◦ President’s Advisory Council-Budget (PAC-B) ◦ Recent School/Division trainings on completing tying objectives to budget ◦ Instructional Planning form COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INTEGRATION (BUDGET PLANNING) 10 Budget Planning COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INTEGRATION (BUDGET PLANNING) 11 Budget Planning (continued)Budget Request Entry COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INTEGRATION (BUDGET PLANNING) 12 Budget Planning (continued) Budget Augmentation Request Ranking COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INTEGRATION (BUDGET PLANNING) 13 Budget Planning (continued) Budget Connected to Department Objectives COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INTEGRATION (BUDGET PLANNING) 14 Integration (Staff planning) Program Review COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INTEGRATION (STAFF PLANNING) 15 Integration (Technology Planning) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Educational and Facilities Master Plan Technology Master Plan Program Review Instructional Planning form COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INTEGRATION (TECHNOLOGY PLANNING) 16 Integration (College-wide planning) Examples Include: ◦ Educational & Facilities Master Plan ◦ Strategic Plan ◦ Program Review ◦ Instructional Advisory Council ◦ College-Planning Team (monthly meetings and annual planning retreat) ◦ President’s Advisory Council on Budget (PAC-B) ◦ CASL (SLOs) ◦ Institutional Effectiveness and Inclusive Excellence (IE)2 steering committee ◦ Business and Education Alliance Meetings with community members COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - INTEGRATION (COLLEGE-WIDE PLANNING) 17 Training ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Orientation for new managers and administrators Flex sessions for faculty and staff (Fall semester) Management Advisory Council (Annually) College Planning Team (Annually) Instructional Advisory Council (Fall semester) COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - TRAINING 18 KPI/Data/IEPI indicators/Institution-Set Standards/SLOs ◦ Institutional Effectiveness and Inclusive Excellence (IE)2 steering committee (previously part of the Performance Indicators committee – a sub-committee of the College Planning Team) ◦ Program Review ◦ Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL), sub-committee of Academic Senate, reports out at the College Planning Team COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - KPI/DATA/IEPI INDICATORS/INSTITUTION-SET STANDARDS/SLOS 19 KPI/Data/IEPI indicators/Institution-Set Standards/SLOs COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - KPI/DATA/IEPI INDICATORS/INSTITUTION-SET STANDARDS/SLOS 20 PROGRAM REVIEW DATA TABLE COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - PROGRAM REVIEW DATA TABLE 21 Applied BS ENG BS MATH BS ESL Persistence Distance Ed Face to Face 30-unit prepared 30-unit unprepared Transfer Prepared Degree/Cert 3-years to Transfer 6-years to Transfer 25-34 African-Amer/ Black African-Amer/ Black Other/ Multiracial Asian/ Pacific Islander Other/ Multiracial Foster Youth 21-24 Latino/ Hispanic AfricanAmer/Black African-Amer/ Black Latino/ Hispanic 20 to 24 African-Amer/ Black 21-24 CalWorks 35 and above Male First Gen African-Amer/ Black 35 and above 21-24 21-24 Filipino 25 to 29 25 to 29 Amer Indian/ Native Amer. 25-34 Male Latino/ Hispanic Female Male Male 25-34 25-34 25-34 25-34 40 to 49 35 to 39 21-24 35 and above Latino/ Hispanic 25-34 AfricanAmer/Black Female Female First Gen 35 and above 35 and above VE BOG 40 to 49 35 and above DSPS DSPS Male Amer Indian/ Native Amer African-Amer/ Black Amer Indian/ Native Amer. Male Male Male Asian/ Pacific Islander Other Financial Aid 50 + Filipino Amer Indian/ Native Amer. Asian/ Pacific Islander Female Female Filipino Male Pell Grant Learning Disabled Scholarship Other Disability WorkStudy Aid Psychological Disability Male Male Female African-Amer/ Black Female CalWorks Amer Indian/ Native Amer. Asian/ Pacific Islander Latino/ Hispanic Asian/ Pacific Islander Filipino AfricanAmer/Black AfricanAmer/Black Latino/ Hispanic Latino/ Hispanic Asian/ Pacific Islander Latino/ Hispanic Asian/ Pacific Islander Female White Filipino Latino/ Hispanic Amer Indian/ Native Amer. Amer Indian/ Native Amer. White EOPS Filipino Econ Disadvantage Filipino Amer Indian/ Native Amer. Unknown/ Declined to State Latino/ Hispanic White Asian/ Pacific Islander Asian/ Pacific Islander Unknown/ Declined to State Female Other Disability EOPS participant Latino/ Hispanic Female White Filipino Other/ Multiracial White Unknown/ Declined to State Filipino Filipino First Gen Amer Indian/ Native Amer. Psychological Disability Latino/ Hispanic White Amer Indian/ Native Amer. Unknown/ Declined to State White 18-21 Unknown/ Declined to State Other/ Multiracial Latino/ Hispanic White Female White EOPS participant Filipino White Pell Grant 18-20 17 or Less African-Amer/ Black 18-20 21-24 18 & 19 Filipino DSPS DSPS 35 and above 20 to 24 Uknown EOPS EOPS EOPS First Gen Male White EOPS CalWorks CalWorks CalWorks DSPS Female 18 & 19 Econ Disadvantage CalWorks Econ Disadvantage Econ Disadvantage Econ Disadvantage CalWorks African-Amer/ Black Loans Foster Youth Foster Youth Econ Disadvantage Foster Youth Foster Youth Foster Youth Econ Disadvantage Amer Indian/ Native Amer. Hearing Impaired VE VE VE VE VE VE Foster Youth Asian/ Pacific Islander Male Unknown/ Declined to State Asian/ Pacific Islander Other/ Multiracial Unknown/ Declined to State 21-25 18-20 18-20 White Unknown/ Declined to State Other/ Multiracial Filipino 18-20 18-20 25-35 21-24 21-24 Unknown/ Declined to State Other/ Multiracial 18-20 White 21-24 21-24 36 and above 25-34 25-34 Other/ Multiracial 18-20 Other/ Multiracial First Gen Unknown/ Declined to State 25-34 First Gen First Gen 35 and above 35 and above 18-20 First Gen DSPS Other/ Multiracial 35 and above DSPS DSPS DSPS First Gen DSPS EOPS 18-20 First Gen EOPS EOPS EOPS DSPS CalWorks First Gen EOPS CalWorks CalWorks CalWorks Econ Disadvantage EOPS Econ Disadvantage Econ Disadvantage Econ Disadvantage Foster Youth Foster Youth Foster Youth Foster Youth VE VE VE VE Legend: Red Orange BOG Other Financial Aid STUDENT EQUITY DATA AT A GLANCE Amer Indian/ Native Amer. Unknown/ Declined to State Asian/ Other/Multi racial Pacific Islander Uknown Female 35 to 39 Amer Indian/ Native Amer. 50 + Asian/ Pacific Islander Loans 17 or Less Yellow Hearing Impaired Scholarship Green Learning Disabled WorkStudy Aid Integrated Planning Principles, Foothill College-style C A R O LY N H O L C R O F T, B I O L O G Y F A C U LT Y, A C A D E M I C S E N AT E P R E S I D E N T FOOTHILL COLLEGE 23 Main Planning and Governance Groups PaRC Core Mission Workgroups Transfer Workforce Student Equity Operational groups Basic Skills Student Success Collaborative OPC 3SP Advisory Council Program Review Committee Inclusive Integrated Focused on Big Ideas Effective training Driven by KPI/Data/IEPI/SLOs/Institution Set Standards Education Master Plan; Program Review Emphasis FOOTHILL COLLEGE - INCLUSIVE/INTEGRATED/BIG IDEAS... 25 Tri-chair model for governance groups Inclusive Integrated Program reviews: all stakeholders Focused on Big Ideas Effective training Driven by KPI/Data/IEPI/SLOs/Institution Set Standards Budgeting: all stakeholders participate in prioritization FOOTHILL COLLEGE - INCLUSIVE/INTEGRATED/BIG IDEAS/TRAINING... 26 Planning and Resource Allocation Process FOOTHILL COLLEGE - PLANNING AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION PROCESS 27 SLOs ILOs Program Resource Review Alloca on Planning Accredita on Foothill College Planning and Resource Council (PaRC) Planning Calendar 2011-2017 Year 1 2011-12 Year 2 2012-13 Site visit Follow-up visit/report; Substan ve Change report Year 3 2013-14 Year 4 2014-15 Midterm report; Substan ve Change report E.Kuo 07.29.2015 REVISE Year 5 2015-16 Year 6 2016-17 Year 1 2017-18 Form teams; Self-study Site visit Substan ve Change report Annual ACCJC Reports/Ins tu onal Standards (IEPI) Values and Other College EMP revise Governance Mission Governance Goals review Plans Revise; review review review including Ed Ctr Annual Core Mission Workgroups Objec ves and Reflec ons [Make up PaRC] Annual Governance Survey [IP&B convenes]; Annual ESMP update Annual Resource Alloca on Process [Program Review (program/department); Dean; VP; OPC; PaRC; President] 3-Year Cycle (annual and comprehensive) [Annuals: Program/Dept/Unit; Dean/Director; VP Comprehensives: Program/Dept/Unit; Dean/Director; VP; PRC; PaRC; President] Administer CCSSEE Review CCSSEE results Administer Administer Review CCSSEE CCSSEE CCSSEE Review ILOs/4 Cs [GE-SLOs] Review CCSSEE results Annual Assessment of CL-SLOs, PL-SLOs, SS-SLOs, AU-SLOs Administer CCSSEE 28 FOOTHILL COLLEGE - PLANNING AND REVIEW CYCLE 29 INTEGRATED PLANNING PRINCIPLES APPLICATION FOR A DISTRICT-WIDE INTEGRATION SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE (SOCCCD) DISTRICT SERVICES IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE SADDLEBACK COLLEGE SOUTH ORANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 30 INCLUSIVE District-wide Planning Council (participatory governance rep) District-wide Strategic Plan ◦ Shared Goals, Objectives, and KPIs - that were developed with both colleges and district services participation SOUTH ORANGE CCD - INCLUSIVE 31 INTEGRATION Strategic Plan has overarching shared goals, objectives, and KPIs Budget Priorities are set by district-wide goals are used Major Plans are coordinated district-wide – priorities, timelines, committees, etc. ◦ Education and Facilities Master Plan ◦ District-wide Technology plan District Services Administrative Unit Reviews – aligned to DW Strategic Plan Goals/Objectives KPIs are integrated to aligned with district-wide objectives and existing college/district services assessments or agreed upon tool SOUTH ORANGE CCD - INTEGRATION 32 SOUTH ORANGE CCD - INTEGRATED PLANNING MODEL 33 SOUTH ORANGE CCD - ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 34 SOUTH ORANGE CCD - INTEGRATION (BUDGET PLANNING) 35 TRAINING Part of our district-wide goals SOUTH ORANGE CCD - TRAINING 36 KPI/DATA/IEPI INDICATORS/INSTITUTIONSET STANDARDS/SLOS Measuring our district-wide objectives SOUTH ORANGE CCD - KPI/DATA/IEPI INDICATORS/INSTITUTION-SET STANDARDS/SLOS 37 Principles of Planning: Part 1 Table Activity PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING TABLE ACTIVITY: PART 1 38 Principles of Planning: Part 2 PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING: PART 2 39 Follow up/Ongoing Ongoing Status of objectives must be updated each year in Program Review (3-year cycle with annual updates) COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - FOLLOW UP/ONGOING 40 Tools ◦ Locally developed online program review and planning module Resource Links in Program Review COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - TOOLS 41 Evaluation of planning ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ College Planning Team (Annually) Instructional Advisory Council (Annually) Program Review Committee (Monthly) Campus-wide survey (Annually) COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - EVALUATION OF PLANNING 42 Peer Review ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Just starting peer review for academic program reviews Piloted in Spring 2015 Pilot will continue in February 2016 with 6 more departments Developed Peer Review forms and instructions COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - PEER REVIEW 43 District/College coordination with data, goals, KPIs, activities ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ College Planning Team Instructional Advisory Council Management Advisory Council Academic Senate Program Review COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - DISTRICT/COLLEGE COORDINATION 44 Integrated Planning Principles, Foothill College-style C A R O LY N H O L C R O F T, B I O L O G Y F A C U LT Y, A C A D E M I C S E N AT E P R E S I D E N T FOOTHILL COLLEGE 45 Follow-up/ongoing Program review Tools Workgroup reflections Evaluation Shared governance survey Peer Review College/District coordination with data, KPIs, goals, activities Cyclical review and revision of college plans (3SP, equity, EMP, etc.) FOOTHILL COLLEGE – EVALUATION OF PLANNING 46 Peer review Outcomes Program Review Driven by data, SLOs, KPIs Follow-up / ongoing Culture of planning FOOTHILL COLLEGE - PROGRAM REVIEW/PEER REVIEW/OUTCOMES... 47 INTEGRATED PLANNING PRINCIPLES APPLICATION FOR A DISTRICT-WIDE INTEGRATION SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE (SOCCCD) DISTRICT SERVICES IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE SADDLEBACK COLLEGE SOUTH ORANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 48 FOLLOW UP/ONGOING Annual Progress Report SOUTH ORANGE CCD - FOLLOW UP/ONGOING 49 TOOLS TracDat - input Strategic Plan and used it to link to District Services AURs SharePoint SOUTH ORANGE CCD - TOOLS 50 SharePoint Site TracDat for Strategic Plan SOUTH ORANGE CCD - TOOLS 51 EVALUATION OF PLANNING Climate Survey District-wide Committee Self-Assessments District-wide Planning Council, evaluation of Planning and Decision Making Manual SOUTH ORANGE CCD - EVALUATION OF PLANNING 52 District-wide Planning and Resource Allocation Development Timelines Planning timelines and ongoing cycles of review and improvement are essential for successful district-wide planning. This chart captures the planning cycles and timeline of review for updates, plus the cycles/timeline for a complete renewal of a plan or document. District-wide assessment and evaluative tools are administered on set cycles to determine the progress and success of planning and related activities. These tools provide important input and data that can be analyzed and used for ongoing institutional improvement. District-wide updates, revision and timelines for 2014-2020 Strategic Plan Cycle Action Assessment Tools Major District-wide Planning Documents Item Education and Master Plan: 2011-2031 District-wide Strategic Plan (2014-2020) District-wide Strategic Plan (2014-2020) Progress Report District-wide Strategic Plan (2014-2020) District-wide Planning and Decision Making Manual District-wide Planning and Decision Making Manual District-wide Planning Model District-wide Function Map 5 Year Construction Plan 20 Year Facilities, Renovation, Scheduled Maintenance Plan Tentative Budget Development Tentative Budget Approval Final Budget Approval District-wide Integrated Budget Planning Resource Guide District-wide Technology Plan District-wide Technology Plan Recreate Mid-Cycle Evaluation Review Recreate Recreate Update Update and Recreate Update Update Update Create Update Update Update Recreate Review Cycle 6 3 1 6 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 Year year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Administer 2 Year External Scan Conduct 3 years Annual District-wide Committee Self-Assessments Conduct 1 year District-wide Climate Survey 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Fall Spr Sum Fall Spr Sum Fall Spr Sum Fall Spr Sum Fall Spr Sum Fall Spr Sum * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SOUTH ORANGE CCD - PLANNING AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION TIMELINE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 53 * DISTRICT/COLLEGE COORDINATION WITH DATA, GOALS, KPIS, ACTIVITIES District-wide Strategic Plan with shared goals, objectives and KPIs SOUTH ORANGE CCD - COORDINATION WITH DATA, GOALS, KPIS, ACTIVITIES 54 Principles of Planning: Part 2 Table Activity PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING TABLE ACTIVITY: PART 2 55 Principles of Planning: Part 3 PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING: PART 3 56 Planning and Decision-Making Manual COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS: PLANNING AND DECISION-MAKING MANUAL 57 Culture of planning ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Strong history of planning – very stable leadership Program Review (3-year cycle with annual updates) All budget requests must be reflected in program review. All data requests to the IRPIE office must include action implications from requestors and be included in program review. ◦ Self-evaluations for managers and administrators ◦ Wild West at Times COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - CULTURE OF PLANNING 58 Organizational structures College of the Canyons’ Decision-Making Guide details the organizational structure, including the role of OUR STRUCTURE Our structure is determined by: • Our primary mission (core purpose); • The size of the college district and the sites we operate; • Our environment; • What our community needs us to do; • State policy; • The pace and development of our community; • Our perception of our capabilities; • Our strategy (plans) and goals; • Our information technology, and, most of all; • Our terrific and talented people who are the engine that powers the rest! ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ The Chancellor Administrative & Operational Processes Collective Bargaining Processes Collegial Consultation Processes Academic Senate Classified Senate Classified and Faculty Unions Role of Administrators Student Participation COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - ORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING 59 Outcomes of planning ◦ Objectives are tied to College Strategic Goals ◦ Resource allocation tied to program objectives ◦ Facilities renovations and expansions result from good planning ◦ High levels of student success! New Partnerships Improved Learning Outcomes COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - OUTCOMES OF PLANNING 60 Outcomes of planning: Highlights from College of the Canyons (full summary included in the DecisionMaking Guide) PROGRESS & RESULTS OF PLANNING — A LONGITUDINAL PERSPECTIVE Since 1988, we’ve seen 2 ½ recessions, growth spurts, and tremendous changes in the Santa Clarita Valley. College of the Canyons has been impacted by what has gone on around us, and we are not the same. We have grown, developed, responded and continued to meet the community’s needs. COC has gone: FROM (1988/89) FROM (1988/89) TO DATE (2014) TO DATE (2014) • 60 full-time faculty (Fall 1988) • 178 full-time faculty • $30,000 a year raised by Foundation • $22 million raised by Foundation since 1988/89. • 77 full-time classified staff • 231 full-time classified staff • Fewer than $50,000 in scholarships(total endowed amount) • Generated $1,500,000 in Osher scholarship challenge in 18 months • 430 class sections per semester • 1,758 class sections (Fall 2013) • No Leadership training • Multi-faceted leadership training including LEAP • 17 certificate training programs • 75 certificate training programs • No development for staff and faculty • Created award-winning Professional except for Faculty Flex Development program. • 27 disciplines/majors • 72 disciplines/majors • No support programs for Athletics • Traditional sections offered only • GO, PAL and NOW programs • Creation of an honors program, includes Phi Theta Kappa Chapter • Offered HITE • 199,347 square feet of space • 838,864 square feet of space • Created The Zone – Athletic students’ tutorial support, coach, and Athletic Hall of Fame. • No master construction plan and no • Developed a $330 million building money to build program plan. • No money ($) in training funds to • Created an Economic Development work with business and Division – industry In total, College of the Canyons has generated $18,308,462 in training dollars to support economic development in the Santa Clarita Valley since 1993-94, served 3,020 businesses, and trained 18,467 local employees. • No revenue from International Student Program tuition COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS - OUTCOMES OF PLANNING • Achieved a cumulative gain in revenue of $7,271,061 from 1997/98 to 2012/13. 61 Integrated Planning Principles, Foothill College-style C A R O LY N H O L C R O F T, B I O L O G Y F A C U LT Y, A C A D E M I C S E N AT E P R E S I D E N T FOOTHILL COLLEGE 62 Contents Planning and DecisionMaking Manual Culture of Planning Vision, Values, Purpose, Mission . . . . . . Planning & Resource Council Guidelines . 2 Structures for Participation . . . . . . . . 3 Participatory Governance Group, 3 Operational Group, 3 Subcommittee, 3 Ad Hoc Committee, 3 Task Force, 3 4 Integrated Planning & Budget Procedures for Action . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Resource Allocation Process . . . . . . . . 8 9 Planning Membership Structures . . . . . 10 Core Mission Workgroups, 10 Terms of Service, 10 11 Planning and Resource Council Composition, 11 Planning and Resource Council Role, 11 Planning and Resource Council Products, 12 Core Mission Workgroups . . . . . . . . . 16 21 Participatory Governance Groups, 21 Operational Groups, 24 Subcommittees, 27 Ad Hoc Committees, 29 Taskforces, 29 Bargaining Units, 30 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 California Administrative Code, 31 Cal. Admin. Code tit. 5, § 51023.5, 32 Cal. Admin. Code tit. 5, § 51023.7, 34 Participatory Governance Integrated Planning & Budget Structural Elements . . . . . . . . Planning and Resource Council (PaRC) . . 15 Charge to the Council, 16 Ongoing Budget Augmentation and Elimination, 16 Funding New or Expanding Programs or Initiatives, 17 Determining and Allocating Full-Time Teaching Faculty Positions, 18 Determining and Allocating Contract Classified Staff Positions, 19 Allocation of Office Space, 20 Additional Committees and Groups . . . . Faculty Participation, 4 Classified Staff Participation, 4 Student Participation, 5 Administrator Participation, 5 Emergency Requests, 8 Outcomes of Planning Operations Planning Committee . . . . . . Operations Planning Committee Composition, 15 Operations Planning Committee Role, 15 Operations Planning Committee Products, 15 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Responsibility for Governance . . . . . . . Organizational Structures 1 Our Vision, 1 Our Values, 1 Our Purpose, 1 Our Mission, 1 Foothill De-Anza Community College District Board Policies . . . . . . . 36 Student Role in Governance 2222, 36 Role of the Academic Senate in Academic and Professional Matters 2223, 37 Role of Classified Staff in Governance 2224, 38 Participatory Governance as of April 7, 2010, 39 13 Core Mission Workgroup Composition, 13 Core Mission Workgroup’s Purpose and Charges, 13 Core Mission Workgroup’s Planning Process , 14 10/5/11 FOOTHILL COLLEGE - DECISION MAKING MANUAL/CULTURE OF PLANNING... iii Foothill College Governance Handbook 63 INTEGRATED PLANNING PRINCIPLES APPLICATION FOR A DISTRICT-WIDE INTEGRATION SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE (SOCCCD) DISTRICT SERVICES IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE SADDLEBACK COLLEGE SOUTH ORANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 64 PLANNING AND DECISION-MAKING MANUAL DW Planning and Decision Making Manual - consensus, participation, standardization of committee structure, etc. ◦ Definition of “District” ◦ Integrated planning process and common planning terminology ◦ Decision making philosophy and definition of consensus SOUTH ORANGE CCD - PLANNING AND DECISION-MAKING MANUAL 65 COMMON PLANNING DEFINITIONS Vision Statement Describes the ideal future state of the district/college, including the results we would like to achieve and the characteristics we will need to possess. The vision statement provides direction and inspiration for the Strategic Plan. Mission Statement A broad description of the purpose or philosophy of the district/college, our commitment to student learning and success and the population served. Values Statements of core priorities in the district/college culture that guide how we operate. They provide ways of choosing among competing priorities and guidelines. Goals Goals are defined as all‐encompassing statements about the general direction of the district/college. There are two types of goals: district-wide goals and college goals. Objectives Objectives are defined as methods for attaining goals. Good objectives are focused on outcomes or results and are S.M.A.R.T.: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time‐related. An objective can be achieved through one or more action steps. Action Steps Action steps are projects or initiatives designed to reach objectives and to attain Goal(s). They may describe complex college/district services functions involving multiple offices and/or departments. Action steps are reviewed and revised yearly. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) KPIs are high level indicators that measure progress on goals and/or objectives. Targets The desired level of a KPI at the end of the planning cycle. SOUTH ORANGE CCD - INTEGRATION (DISTRICT/COLLEGE) 66 CONSENSUS Consensus is a collective opinion characterized by the following five elements: 1. Collaboration: Proposals for consideration are constructed with input from all interested group members. 2. Inclusion: As many stakeholders as appropriate should be included in the group’s discussions. 3. Participation: All participants contribute to the discussion. 4. Agreement Seeking: The group makes a concerted attempt to reach full agreement. 5. Cooperation: Decisions may incorporate individual concerns, but are designed to benefit the whole group. Individual preferences do not override the needs of the whole group. District-wide committees, councils, and task forces are encouraged to use the following best practices to reach consensus: • Clarification of the Issue: At the outset of the discussion, issues are clearly presented. • Discussion/Dialogue: Participants combine their insights and knowledge to develop a broader and collective understanding of the issues. • Participation: Committee members accept responsibility for attending meetings, designating a substitute when unable to attend, contributing to the discussion, and following up on action items. Committee chairs are expected to schedule meetings in a way that maximizes participation. • Consensus: Committee members are asked to utilize consensus to reach a decision. The committee reaches consensus once all members and guests have had an opportunity to contribute to the discussion and no one feels so strongly against a resolution that their objection must be noted. o Consensus does not require unanimous approval; however, consensus does require that the group attempts to hear member’s perspectives for mutual understanding and find a compromise, if possible. If a group can’t reach consensus, the differing viewpoints can be forwarded to the next level of decision making as unresolved. • Committee Recommendations/Decisions: Once consensus is achieved, all committee members support the decision making process and the recommendations of the committee. SOUTH ORANGE CCD - INTEGRATION 67 DISTRICT- WIDE PLANNING DOCUMENTS AND V ERSION C ONTROL The key district-wide planning documents that drive and facilitate district-wide planning are listed here. For each plan or document, the assigned planning group or administrative unit is identified. The appropriate SharePoint site is the repository for up-to-date information regarding the respective council/committee, and houses the official current version of each document. The most current version of the planning documents are housed in the assigned group or unit’s SharePoint site. Education and Facilities Master Plan 2011-2031 (EFMP) (long-range plan) College and district services planning groups support new plan development District-wide Strategic Plan 2014-2020 (short-range plan) District-wide Planning Council supports updates and new plans District-wide Planning and Decision Making Manual District-wide Planning Council supports updates and makes changes District-wide Function Map District-wide Planning Council supports updates and makes changes District-wide Planning and Resource Allocation Model District-wide Planning Council supports updates and makes change District-wide Tentative Budget Development District Business Services and all planning groups District-wide Tentative Budget Approval Board of Trustees review and approval District-wide Final Budget Approval Board of Trustees review and approval District-wide Integrated Budget Planning Resource Guide District Business Services Budget Development Guidelines and Budget Manual District Business Services District-wide Five Year Construction Plan College planning groups and District Facilities Planning Staff 20 Year Facility, Renovation, and Scheduled Maintenance Plan Capital Improvement Committee District-wide Technology Plan District-wide Technology Committee SOUTH ORANGE CCD - DISTRICT-WIDE PLANNING DOCUMENTS 68 Principles of Planning: Part 3 Table Activity PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING TABLE ACTIVITY: PART 3 69 Wrap Up Questions? Final Comments? 70 THANK YOU! Repeat sessions coming up… Friday, January 22, 2016 Orange Coast Community College District Friday, February 26, 2016 College of the Canyons 71