Howe Warm Up #8Name

Howe Warm Up #8Name _________________________________________________Period___________
Worth 10 pts
Monday Date:
Important Announcements
Worth 10 pts
Tuesday Date:
Important Announcements
Worth 10 pts
Wednesday Date:
Important Announcements
College and Career Day
Worth 10 pts
Thursday Date:
Important Announcements
Science CBA part 1
Friday- CBA part 2
Worth 10 pts
1) Turn in warmup and homework at the START of class; -10pts if turned in after I pick up the warmups; -20 pts
off after class on Fri; -40 pts if turned in on Mon; -60 pts Tues; -80pts Wed; 0 credit Thursday
2) Pick up the quiz; complete it and turn in back in
3) Pick up the warm-up for the following week; grab your assigned book and define the vocabulary below
Vocabulary Section-Review for Benchmark
1) What subatomic particle(s) are in the nucleus? What is/are the charges? What is the
overall charge of the nucleus?
2) Which part of Dalton’s theory of the atom was later shown to be wrong? And why?
3) In Rutherford’s gold foil experiment most of the particles went right through the gold
foil, what does this tell us about the atom?
b. Some of the positively charged alpha particles were deflected, what does this tell us
about the atom?
Worth Bonus
+10 pts
Bonus: Tell a parent or guardian one thing you learned in school this week. Have them briefly write about what
you told them and sign it below.
Homework: Worth 50 points- Study this information for the quiz on Friday. All quizzes are “fill in the blank”; so please study!
For All Math problems: Always show your work and put units were appropriate; they are worth 3 separate answers: Work
shown, Answer and Unit. Always look over previous warm-ups in preparation for your quiz.
I have 20 electrons and four energy levels? _________
2. I am a member of the alkaline earth metals family. I also have 12 neutrons. _________
3. I am the only gas in my family and I have 8 electrons. _________
4. I have a total of 14 neutrons and I have 3 valence electrons. _________
5. I am one of the most reactive elements on the periodic table and I have four energy levels. _________
6. I am a transition metal with 30 neutrons and 26 electrons. _________
7. I have 3 energy levels and belong to the alkali metals family. _________
8. I belong to the same family as Sn and am also called a metalloid. _________
9. Element #9
a) I am a non-metal
b) I belong to the Halogen Family
c) I am not the largest or smallest atom in my group
What element am I? __________
d) My ionization energy is greater than that of iodine
e) I am not a gas at room temperature
10. Element #10
a) I am a non-metal.
What element am I? __________
b) I have more than 5 valence e-.
c) I am not the smallest atom in my group.
d) My electronegativity is greater than that of selenium.
11. Element #11
a) I am a transitional metal.
What element am I? __________
b) I am in the 5th period.
c) I am not the smallest atom in my group.
d) I am more electronegative than molybdenum.
e) I am in group 7B.
12. Element #12
a) I am a metal.
What element am I? __________
b) I have 5 electrons in my outermost shell.
c) I have a lower electronegativity than arsenic.
d) I am the largest not the smallest atom in my group.
13. Element #13
a) I am a metal.
What element am I? __________
b) My valence shell contains less than 3 electrons.
c) I form an ion with a +2 charge.
d) I have a higher ionization energy than calcium.
e) I have a smaller atomic radius than lithium.
14. Element #14
I have 6 valence electrons.
I have a higher ionization energy that tellurium.
I am smaller than selenium.
I am not a solid at room temperature.
What element am I? __________