1. Humanity’s past based on written records is called ______________.
2. The Neolithic Agricultural Revolution describes the way life changed when people settled in
___________ and ______________________ animals.
3. The spread of ideas, customs, and technology from one people to another through migration,
trade, and warfare is called ______________ ____________________.
4. The Phoenicians were probably most responsible for an exchange of goods and ideas through
_________________________ Sea trade.
5. The Fertile Crescent people that introduced their 22-letter alphabet that was adopted and
adapted by other cultures was the ___________________.
6. Identify the three Western civilization era names and dates:_____________-________;
________________-________; _____________-________
7. The idea introduced by the Israelites that one’s behavior should be based on a moral code
following the laws of one God is known as __________________.
8. What kind of government most likely first developed in the earliest ancient civilizations?
__________ - __________
9. Identify the 5 elements of a civilization: _____________________________________
10. Hinduism and Buddhism were both founded in __________, each believe in the ________
of the soul, and each of their sacred writings echo righteous living and _________ to one’s
fellow man.
11. Most scientists believe the _____________ land bridge allowed people to migrate from Asia
to North America thousands of years ago.
12. One reasons the earliest civilization developed at the eastern end of the Fertile Crescent in
present-day Iraq was that the _________ in the area provided favorable conditions for
13. Hammurabi’s code of laws and Qin dynasty legalism are similar in that they both promoted
the idea that __________ punishment for crimes will lead to more orderly society.
14. Neolithic Revolution term meaning “to have extra” food or goods is ______________.
15. The river valleys of the Tigris-Euphrates, the Nile, and the Indus were centers of
civilizations because they provided a means for_________________ and to ___________.
16. Name of Babylonian king who greatest contribution to humankind was to introduce the world’s
first written code of laws. ___________________
17. Which land area is all of Greece located? the ____________ Peninsula
18. A result of the Persian Wars was that __________ became the dominant Greek city-state.
19. A result of the civil war fought between Athens and Sparta was that _________________
(kind of government) defeated _________________ (kind of government).
20. Alexander the Great’s most lasting contribution was the assimilation of the ___________
culture with other cultures.
21. One difference between classical and river-valley civilizations was that in classical civilization
political institutions were _____________.
22. A major cultural impact of Ancient Greece and Rome on Western Civilization is that even
today, remnants of sculptures and architecture of these first and second ______________
civilizations can be seen all over the world.
23. All of the following resulted from Alexander the Great’s conquest: a) ________________
culture was a blend of Greek with other customs such as Persia, India, and Egypt;
b) ______________ (Hellenic) culture was spread to many new parts of the world; and
c) ___________________, Egypt became a center of trade and learning.
24. A similarity between ancient Athens and modern America is that both practiced ________
25. Ancient Rome’s development was due in large part to its location on the ____________
peninsula midway in the _______________________.
26. The Romans became suspicious of the motives of any monarchy, they chose instead to
establish a kind of rule based on a _______________.
27. Roman ideas that the framers of the U. S. Constitution eventually adopted were a) the
____________, b) ____________ and _______________ on political power, c) and the
power to ________.
28. The Romans established control of foreign lands and peoples by practicing the policy of
29. Julius Caesar was assassinated by senate enemies because they feared he planned to become
30. The major result of the three Punic Wars was that _________ culture continued through
the ages rather than the culture of _______________.
31. The founder of Christianity was born in the Roman region called ______________ during
the reign of Roman Emperor ________________.
32. This law decreed freedom of all religions in the Roman Empire- _____________ _____
33. Before changing its name, Emperor Constantine moved the capital to _______________.
34. List the reasons why Constantine moved the capital - ___________________________
35. If the Greek genius was politics, the Roman genius was likely __________________.
36. The significance of the Battle of Tours is that _________________________________
37. Pepin the Short, “King of the Franks by the grace of God,” gave the pope Italian lands called
the ____________________________
38. All are true of Charlemagne- a) became known as the __________ _________________
b) began the ________________ dynasty c) and he _______________ his subjects with
the use of the sword.
39. Feudalism developed in Western Europe there was no longer a ________________
40. The economic system of feudalism revolved around self-sufficient ________________
41. Serfs were responsible for keeping the manor self-sufficient because there was little or no
42. Medieval towns gained their freedom from their lord most often by purchasing a ________.
43. The Battle of Hastings is significant because it blended England’s ___________________
44. This English document granted due process and no taxation without representation and
limited the power of King John I in 1215- ________________ ________________
45. The Babylonian Captivity was compared to the ancient _____________ (Jews) confinement
in ______________.
46. They completed the Reconquista, overthrew the last Moorish king, and enforced the idea of
ruling by “One monarchy, one law, one religion.”- ______________ & ______________.
47. The __________ ____________ _______________was the central European region
consisted of over 300 independent mostly German and some Italian states.
48. Spanish Muslims called Moors practiced the religion called- _____________
49. The People’s Crusade began in 1096 because ___________________________________
50. The Kings’ Crusade resulted with a 3-year truce between England’s Richard the Lion Heart
and Muslim general Saladin that allowed _____________________________________
51. A major effect of the Crusades was that Europe’s Westerners engaged in _____________
______________ as a result of war and trade.
52. When longbows and cannons made knights and castles obsolete, the economic, social, and
political system that declined was _________________
53. The Hundred Years War resulted with ____________ defeating _______________
because of the spirit of ___________________ inspired by French patriot __________
____ __________
CHAPTERS 10 & 11:
54. Requirements for citizenship in Constantinople were _____________________________
55. By 1054, the Christian Church experienced a schism when these two churches were formed:
____________ _______________and ___________________ __________________
56. In what ways were the Code of Hammurabi, the Draconian Code, the Twelve Tables and the
Code of Justinian similar? They established ______________ legal standards.
57. The __________ were successfully converted to Eastern Orthodoxy by missionary ______
58. A contribution made by the Byzantines was protecting the “New Rome” for about a _____
59. The ways the Byzantine culture was brought to Kiev: a) through _________ & _________,
b) through the use of the ___________ alphabet, c) and the establishment of _________.
60. The city that became known as the “Third Rome” was ___________
__________ became known as the “city of the prophet” because this is where
Muhammad converted the first Muslims.
62. The religious groups that Muhammad considered to be “People of the Book” are ________
& __________________
63. List the three reasons for the Muslims’ early conquests of foreign lands: a) ____________
___________________________b) ________________________________________
___________________ and c)_____________________________________________
64. The old Ottoman Empire is now the country of _______________
65. This city, located near the Nile, became a center of Islamic learning: _______________
CHAPTERS 12 & 13:
66. Trade in the Sahara Desert relied on gold being traded for __________
67. Mansa Musa: a) made a pilgrimage to _______________, b) he built a giant mosque in
_______________, c) and he greatly increased literacy among his subjects with the use of
the ____________.
68. The Pax Mongolica can be compared to ancient _________’s time of peace and prosperity.
69. The Tang and the Song showed a high respect for education by allowing young men to study
for ________ ________ exams to enter government employment.
70. Chinese _____________ were considered the lowest in Chinese society was because they
made their living on the backs of laborers.
71. A way the Ming emperors tried to restore Chinese culture was by re-introducing the
___________ ______________ exams.
72. A purpose of China’s Zheng He’s overseas expeditions was to bring together the
_________________ and the _________.