Study Guide for Final Exam

Final Exam for Semester 1---Review Study Guide
*The test will be 60 questions, with possibly one to two bonus questions.
Neolithic Period/River Valley Civilizations:
When did the domestication of animals and growing crop happen?
What was a result of the Neolithic Revolution?
What were the four major River Valley civilizations?
What is the code of Hammurabi?
What/where are the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?
What factor led to development in Mesopotamia?
What was special about Egypt and its river? What is the major river of Egypt?
What are the characteristics of civilizations?
Ancient Empires/Classical Empires:
Which empire/civilization is our Western democracy based on?
What are some characteristics of democracy in Athens?
Which civilization/empire influenced concepts of civil and natural law on the Western civilizations?
What was a major effect of the decline of the Roman Empire?
How did Athens and Sparta develop different political systems?
Who was Alexander the Great? What did he conquer and what culture did he spread?
Who is Homer and what civilization is he associated with?
What is The Justinian Code? Who adopted it?
What is a contribution of Roman culture?
How large was the Roman Empire?
Why was Constantinople the center of the Byzantine Empire?
After the fall of Rome what happened to the Eastern side of the Empire? What did it become known as?
What were the achievements of the Byzantine Empire?
What is one reason the ancient kingdoms in western Africa prospered?
Where was most of the iron sites in Africa located?
What was the Bantu migration?
What contributed to the rise of civilizations in Ghana and Mali?
Where were India’s earliest civilizations found?
What was India’s Golden Age known for?
What are Oracle bones, Daoism and the Mandate of Heaven?
The teachings of Confucius raised the status of what group of people?
What is Confucianism?
Crusades/Middle Ages/The Church:
Why were the Crusades not successful?
What increased between the Middle East and Europe during the crusades?
What was a result of large armies traveling during the Crusades?
What was the role of the Lords and Serfs during the middle ages?
How does feudalism in Japan differ from feudalism in Europe?
When did feudalism develop and why?
What is feudalism?
What was the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe during the Middle Ages?
What was the primary unifying force during the Middle Ages?
Why did life expectancy in Medieval England go down?
How did the bubonic plague spread?
From what direction did the plague spread?
Why did education decline during the Middle Ages?
How was Middle Ages life characterized?
What or who contributed to the fall of the Han dynasty, and fall of the Roman Empire?
What is the purpose of the Magna Carta?
How much territory did the Mongol Empire control by the 1300?
Who is Genghis Khan? What did he do?
Which areas did the Mongols conquer and bring into their Empire?
Who is Mohammed?
Why was his journey from Mecca to Medina important?
What were the contributions of the Golden Age of Islam?
What is the division between Sunnis and Shiites?
What is the difference between Hinduism and Islam?
Which cultures influenced early Japan?
What is Samurai code of Bushido?
Who are the Japanese samurai most similar to in Europe?