Web Scavenger Hunt: Things You Didn*t Know About Poe

Web Scavenger
Hunt: Things
You Didn’t
Know About
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Things You Didn’t Know About Poe
1. Edgar Allan Poe married Virginia Clemm in 1835. Their union was unique
(okay, it was downright creepy) in that she was only 13 years old, and she
was his what?
1. Edgar Allan Poe married Virginia Clemm in 1835. Their union was unique (okay, downright
creepy) in that she was only 13 years old, and she was his…what?
2. Poe’s life was full of tragedy, which lead him to write some pretty amazing
pieces of literature. What major tragedy happened to him when he was very
young—not yet three years old?
3-5. There are many different theories of how Edgar Allan Poe died. Name
three of Poe’s supposed causes of death…
6-9. Poe generally created his works around four major themes. What are the
four major themes?
10. What NFL team is named after a famous poem by Edgar Allan Poe?
11. Edgar Allan Poe appears on what Beatles album cover?
12. In Poe’s “Tell Tale Heart”, the narrator commits violence due to his irrational
fear of the old man’s “evil eye”. The belief in the “evil eye” dates back to
ancient times, and centers around the idea that those who possess the “evil eye”
have the power to do what?
13. The band Good Charlotte has a song that says, “The headlines read: a lover
died. No tell-tale heart was left to find.” What is the name of the song?
14. The Blues Travelers did a song which begins with “Once Upon a midnight
dreary…” What is the name of the song?
15-17. To answer the next three questions, you’ll need to watch a short video
titled “E.A Poe: The Story Behind The Raven and Annabel Lee”. Click here to watch
the video, then answer the following questions…
 How much money did Poe earn for “The Raven”?
 What sickness did Poe’s wife suffer from for 5 years?
What is the name of the narrator’s beloved in “The Raven”?
18. What Nintendo gamecube game is based around Edgar Allan Poe’s work?
19-23. Edgar Allan Poe was fluent in several languages and had a rather extensive
vocabulary. He often chose to use words because of the way they sounded. Find the
meanings of these Poe favorites…
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