Sexuality p. 223

Mr. Salter
God created man and woman with natural,
complementary sexual differences.
◦ Sexuality is a psychological, spiritual, and physical reality, it
is not just about “body parts”
The two Creation stories contain these truths:
1. Marriage is a blessing from God
2. Man and women together image God’ likeness
3. Man and woman are created to form a social unit
4. Man & woman are united in marriage, in biblical
language, it will form “one flesh” and has a procreative
end, “be fruitful and multiply”
The ‘dark side’ of sexuality is that it can be used selfishly,
and can exploit those who are vulnerable
Two primary goods of marriage: unity and
◦ Joining together as one and creating a family
◦ The unique gift of “union” can be received in its proper sense only
as a result of it first being given to the other in marriage
◦ The first sex act causes an extremely powerful emotional
attachment (an “adhesive property)
◦ All sexual unions are meant to remain open to new life
◦ Contraception – against conception – has the goal of preventing
the creation of human life
So marriage is meant to be a lifelong, permanent commitment until
death claims one or the other.
Contraception causes love to be no longer authentic (as
sexual love was created to be)
◦ Not accepting procreation as part of a “marital act”, diminishes
the total self-giving of the relationship
 Contraception has led to considerable moral chaos by contributing
to promiscuity, unwed pregnancy, abortion, single parenthood, and
Contraception as birth control, limiting procreation
◦ The Birth control pill works to prevent pregnancy through the
manipulation of hormone levels to “trick” a woman’s body that
it is pregnant; the ovaries do not develop and release eggs
◦ It separates the sexual act from procreation
 Methods: condoms, birth control pill, tubal ligation, and vasectomy
◦ Allow fertilization (a life to begin at conception), but prevent
implantation; thus killing the new life
 Examples - IUD and the morning-after pills
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
 The Catholic Church endorses a responsible
family planning method – NFP
◦ This method monitors a woman’s natural awareness of
her menstrual cycles of fertility and infertility
 The couple monitors subtle temperature changes and other
body changes to know when ovulation takes place
 Divorce rate among NFP practitioners is 2%
◦ Pregnancy
 A woman is normally fertile for about four days per month
 Ovum (egg) life after ovulation is estimated to be a maximum
of 24 hours
 Sperm life in a favorable vaginal environment is up to 4 days
Two Properties of Marriage: Exclusivity and Indissolubility
◦ Since the marriage act is procreative, Catholic morality teaches that the
only permissible use of genital sex should take place within marriage
 Since marriage involves a total self-giving from each spouse,
it follows that this gift cannot be shared with a third party, in
which case it would be incomplete.
 Polygamy (multiple partners within a marriage) violates the
nature of matrimony
◦ Marriage obviously demands stability, too create healthy family
 Natural morality and Christian revelation strongly state that this
stability is to be permanent; to give oneself totally to a
spouse, that totality is not complete if it is not lifelong.
◦ Jesus speaks of the indissolubility of marriage
 He said: “…the two will become one flesh, so they are no
longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined
together, let not man put asunder” (cf. Mk 10:2-9).
 For this reason, Jesus and the Church do not recognize
divorce for those who are sacramentally married (since it is
impossible to break the sacramental union of a man and
 In itself, divorce may not be sinful.
◦ The Church does permit annulments
 The recognition that no true marriage existed from the
beginning due to certain obstacles or impediments present
at the time of the marriage making it null and void; e.g. a
lack of full, free, and voluntary consent, an existing prior
marriage, or a being married before a judge
Moral Behavior
◦ Chastity is responsible use of our sexual powers
 Single, married, a priest or religious, all have the
responsibility to live chastely according to our particular
state in life
 By living a chaste life, wholesome men balance
appreciating a woman’s “full beauty” (physical,
emotional &spiritual), as opposed to seeing her only as
an object to be used selfishly
 However, merely abstaining from sexual activity does not
mean that a person is living a chaste life
 Jesus also teaches “[E]very one who looks at a woman
lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his
 Practicing chastity requires self-mastery (patience and grace)
Violations of Chastity condemned in the Old
◦ Adultery - having sexual relations with a married
person not your spouse
◦ Fornication - pre-marital sex
◦ Prostitution is prohibited because it uses a person
for sexual pleasure.
◦ Incest - sexual activity among relatives
◦ Homosexual sexual activity is condemned because
it is contrary to the nature of man and contrary to
the sex act itself.
violates chastity by perverting the gift of sexuality
with impure thoughts and looks for the sole motivation of sexual
 Depersonalizes a person; uses them as an object of selfish desire
 Trains man to respond to wife for her sexual value, nothing else: she
should be physically flawless and constantly sexually accessible;
fosters the false mentality that casual, uncommitted sex is the most
enjoyable sex
 Porn sex is carefree; provides unrestrained pleasure independent of
reality; escapes the reality of unmarried sex (pregnancy, STDs, guilt,
fear, remorse, embarrassment, distrust)
◦ Wouldn’t it infuriate you if a guy looked at your daughter or wife in
the same way one looks at porn – an object of fornication or adultery?
◦ JP II, stated, “The problems with pornography isn’t that it
shows to much of a women, but that it shows too little. A
duty of every man is to protect the dignity of every woman.”
Responding to sexual urges
◦ Romance without Regret
video with Jason and Christalina Evert
◦ Life on the Rock , Model for Chastity
w’ Leah Darrow
◦ When sex becomes violent
 Date rape
 Acquaintance rape
Homosexuality – Heterosexuality
Jesus’ law of love always was His priority
 Gay marriage
 Domestic sexual partners
◦ “You are forgiven, go and sin no more.”
Words defined in Chapter 12:
date rape
emotional-relationship sex Natural Family Planning
almost-committed sex fecundity
acquaintance rape
recreational sex
Jean Donovan
(St. Jean the Playful)
◦ Chastity calls for recognizing the fullness of
meaning regarding our sexuality
◦ Ms. Donovan raised in a middle-class family in
 After college, was a business woman who drove her
motorcycle to work
 Described as “happy-go-lucky
 Went to El Salvador to serve the poor, in spite of
wanting to get married and have a family; but felt
God’s call to help the poor
◦ Died at age 27 from a death squad in El Salvador
 Jean integrated spirituality into every aspect of her life