The Parts of Speech - Gellert-LA

The Parts of Speech
 What
is a noun?:
noun is any word which names
a person, place, thing, idea,
animal, quality, or activity.
Count and Collective Nouns
Count Nouns
Count nouns refer to anything
which can be counted. They have
a singular form and a plural form
person - Jennifer
 place – downtown
 thing - table
 idea – equality
 animal - gopher
 quality – height
 activity - navigation
Types of Nouns:
Proper nouns are the names of specific things,
people, or places, such as Chicoutimi and
Christine. They usually begin with a capital
Common nouns are general names such as
person, mansion, and book. They can be either
concrete or abstract.
Concrete nouns refer to things which you can
sense such as clock and telephone.
Abstract nouns refer to ideas or qualities such
as liberty and truth.
How to form Plurals
The plural usually ends in -s:
 Singular: car plan dollar piece apple
 Plural: cars plans dollars pieces apples
 Most nouns ending in s, sh, o, or ch
require an -es suffix to be plural:
 Singular: bus latch wish potato hero
 Plural: buses latches wishes potatoes
heroes echoes
 Nouns
ending in a consonant
followed by y become plural by
changing the y to i and adding es:
 singular worry story apology spy
 plural worries stories apologies
spies mysteries
 Irregular
count nouns do not form
their plurals using the rules stated
 singular man goose mouse crisis
child ox
 plural men geese mice crises
children oxen
Possessive Nouns
 Nouns
can also be possessive.
The possessive expresses
ownership, usually of the
following noun, and often
corresponds to a structure with
 Example: Khan's wrath = the
wrath of Khan
 Most
singular possessives are
formed by adding an
apostrophe + s.
 Most plural possessives are
formed by adding an
 Common
 Singular: bird / bird's
 Plural: birds / birds'
 Most
plural possessives are
formed by adding an
apostrophe following the sending of the plural.
 the bird's territory = the territory
of the bird
 the birds' territory = the territory
of the birds
Collective Nouns
Collective nouns refer to groups of people
or things. Collective nouns can usually be
counted; therefore, they have plural forms.
 Examples:
 herd
gang staff bunch state
 herds
gangs staffs bunches states