GENERAL RELEASE OF CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS GENERAL RELEASE OF CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and entered into this _____ day of __________ 2014, by and among _________________________________ (“Releasor”), Caring For Montanans, Inc., f/k/a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana, Inc., a Montana nonprofit mutual benefit corporation (“CFM”), Health Care Service Corporation, an Illinois Mutual Legal Reserve Company (“HCSC”), and The CFM Known Claims Settlement Trust (“CFMKCST”). CFM, HCSC and CFMKCST are collectively referred to as “Releasees.” A. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND This Agreement is Releasor’s full, final, and forever binding release of Releasees of Releasor’s claims arising from and related to the class action litigation In Re Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana, Inc. n/k/a Caring For Montanans, Inc. and Montana Comprehensive Health Association Insurance Litigation, Montana Second Judicial District Court, Cause No. DV-08-553, Department II (“Litigation”). It is not intended to bind other Class Members in the Litigation. It is an affirmation of Releasor’s right to resolve Releasor’s claims by the independent exercise of Releasor’s individual judgment and determination of Releasor’s best interests. It is intended to bring an end to all Releasor’s claims in the Litigation by acceptance of the express terms and conditions of that certain January 25, 2010 Stipulation and Settlement Agreement (“Class Settlement Agreement”) (Ex. A) filed and preliminarily approved in the Litigation on May 26, 2010. Releasor is an individual and may be a beneficiary of the July 24, 2014 CFMKCST. Releasor, as a beneficiary of the CFMKCST, has a claim against CFM for $____________ as provided in the Class Settlement Agreement for “Known Claims.” Releasor may have “Unknown Claims” that have not been determined that will be processed and settled as provided by this Agreement. The Class Settlement Agreement did not reduce any payment under the Class Settlement Agreement except by payments determined to have been already paid. Insurance plan deductibles, copayments, coordination of benefits, or any other reductions or offsets were not applied to reduce the payments provided in the Class Settlement Agreement. CFM has funded the CFMKCST with the deposit of funds in the specific amount identified for the Class’s Known Claims under the Class Settlement Agreement. Unknown Claims have not been funded in the CFMKCST but will be paid directly by CFM to Class Counsel for the benefit of Releasor upon Releasor’s proper submission of the “Unknown Claim” under the Class Settlement Agreement. Releasor desires to settle Releasor’s Known Claims by accepting the amount that has been funded for Releasor’s individual claim as an identified beneficiary of the CFMKCST. Releasor desires to settle Releasor’s Unknown Claims under the terms in the Class Settlement Agreement. The consummation of this Agreement may occur before the second Fairness Hearing on the Class Settlement Agreement in the Litigation. Releasor has been provided a copy of the Class Settlement Agreement and previously received actual notice of it. A summary notice of the Class Settlement Agreement was also published by legal notice. 1. GENERAL RELEASE OF CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT B. RELEASE Releasor hereby fully, finally, and forever releases and discharges Releasees, and their respective affiliated and related entities, predecessors, successors, assigns, agents, current and former board members, current and former officers, former employees, insurers, agents, and attorneys, from any and all actions, claims, causes of action, demands, or expenses for damages or injuries, whether alleged or unalleged, asserted or unasserted, known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, arising out of or related to the Litigation, set forth in the Class Settlement Agreement as “Known Claims” or “Unknown Claims,” relating to Releasee’s processing and handling or failure to pay Releasor’s previously identified and previously submitted automobile accident or premises liability health insurance claims under Releasor’s health insurance plan with CFM, including claims for any and all past, present, or future damages, whether in contract or tort; interest; punitive damages; and attorney fees or other costs. The released claims, also referred to as “526” submitted and unsubmitted claims, are set forth in the Class Settlement Agreement at Part III, ¶¶ 3.1 through 3.6. C. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SOURCES PROVIDED BY CLASS COUNSEL Releasor acknowledges that the May 27, 2010 Notice of Pendency of Class and Proposed Settlement was served on Releasor and was published by Court approved public notice. Ongoing litigation since the service and publication of the Notice, including appeals, could affect Releasor’s knowing and informed decision to enter into this Agreement. Releasor acknowledges that before Releasor’s consideration and execution of this Agreement, Class Counsel expressly referred Releasor to sources of information regarding the Litigation, including the Class claims, the Class Settlement Agreement, and pleadings in favor and opposed to the Class Settlement Agreement, all of which are contained in the pleadings and records of proceedings in the District Court and Supreme Court. All of the information has been available to Releasor, and Releasor was encouraged by Class Counsel and Releasees to request it and review it. Requests can be directed to Class Counsel, Robert G. McCarthy at and by phone at (406) 494-2500. Class Counsel shall also provide electronic copies of all documents on file in the Litigation upon Releasor’s request. Releasor was also referred to the web page which contains relevant pleadings. Releasor also acknowledges receipt of the Court’s Notice of Opportunity to Settle Individual Claims. D. PAYMENT OF UNKNOWN CLAIMS To achieve final settlement of all of Releasor’s Unknown Claims, Releasor may submit any Unknown Claims provided for under the Class Settlement Agreement within one year of the execution of this Agreement. CFM shall process the submitted Unknown Claims and notify Releasor through Class Counsel of the amounts owed to Releasor within 60 days of submission. Releasor agrees to accept the consideration provided for such Unknown Claims in the Class Settlement Agreement. Releasor shall comply with the Class Settlement Agreement relative to the method and means of submitting Releasor’s Unknown or unsubmitted claims resolution of disputes, and payment to heirs. E. WAIVER OF POSSIBLE FUTURE CLAIMS Inasmuch as the injuries, taxes, damages, and losses resulting from the events described in this Agreement may not be fully known or may be more numerous or more serious than it is now 2. GENERAL RELEASE OF CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT understood or expected, Releasor agrees, as a further consideration of this Agreement, that this Agreement applies to any and all injuries, taxes, damages, and losses arising out of or related to Releasor’s Known or Unknown Claims described in the Class Settlement Agreement, even though now unanticipated or unexpected, as well as any and all injuries, damages, and losses that are now known or anticipated. Releasor acknowledges that Releasor understands that there have been previous and ongoing objections to the Class Settlement Agreement and that objectors continue to object to the Court’s approval of the Class Settlement Agreement of the Known and Unknown Claims on a Class basis. Releasor acknowledges that Releasor is aware that objectors to the Class Settlement Agreement are seeking a different result that may result in a greater future recovery for each of the individual Class Members. Releasor acknowledges that by executing this Agreement, Releasor expressly and explicitly waives and abandons any right to receive any additional funds over those promised in the Class Settlement Agreement and as reserved in ¶ G of this Agreement if the non-settling Class Members receive additional compensation by future settlement of the “Known Claims” or ”Unknown Claims” or by Court order. In this regard, Releasor affirms and agrees that Releasor is accepting the certainty of present payment over the uncertainty of an unknown and uncertain future result which may or may not be in Releasor’s financial best interest. F. RELEASE OF INSURERS Releasor further releases Releasees’ respective insurance companies and affiliated and related entities from all obligations under any part of Releasees’ insurance policies applicable to Releasor’s claims, if any, and from any and all claims arising out of the investigation, handling, adjusting, defense, or settlement of the claims including, without limitation, any claims for breach of contract, in tort, violation of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, violation of Mont. Code Ann. §§ 3318-201 et seq., and common-law bad faith. G. CONSIDERATION AND TIME FOR PAYMENT Releasor and Releasees are desirous of resolving all claims among them and have hereby resolved Releasor’s claims as defined and set forth in the Class Settlement Agreement. In consideration of the payment made to Releasor and for the covenants and conditions contained in this Agreement, Releasor agrees to forever and fully release all Releasees of all Releasor’s Known and Unknown claims as defined and set forth in the Class Settlement Agreement. The receipt and adequacy of this consideration is hereby acknowledged by the Releasor. Payment for Releasor’s Known Claims by the Trustee out of the CFMKCST shall be made within 14 days of the receipt of this executed Agreement. CFM shall pay the “Unknown Claims” that are properly submitted to Class Counsel within 21 days after determination of the claim payment amount following proper submission. Class Counsel shall then pay to Releasor the Unknown Claim sum after deduction of his attorney’s fees and expenses as provided in ¶ N. H. COMPROMISE OF A DISPUTED CLAIM It is understood that the above-mentioned consideration is accepted as the sole consideration for full satisfaction and accord to compromise doubtful and disputed claims, and that neither the payment of the sums by Releasees nor the negotiations for settlement shall be considered as an 3. GENERAL RELEASE OF CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT admission of liability. Releasor acknowledges that CFM contests that HCSC would have been a proper party in any civil action, including the Litigation, and it maintains that any liability arising from the Known or Unknown Claims described in the Class Settlement Agreement belong solely to CFM. I. SETTLED CLAIMS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM CLASS CLAIMS IN LITIGATION It is understood and agreed that Releasor will be forever removed from the Litigation’s list of Class Members or beneficiaries upon payment of the agreed settlement amount. It is also understood that neither Releasor nor Releasees will file any other cause of action arising from these settled claims, nor will they assign to any party any right they may have to file a cause of action arising out of these claims. J. RELEASOR’S WARRANTY Releasor expressly warrants to Releasees and the District Court that no other person or entity has asserted or is able to assert any lien, claim, or entitlement to any portion of the consideration recited above. In the event any additional claim is made which directly or indirectly results in additional liability exposure to any Releasee for the losses, injuries, damages, expenses, interest, costs, and attorneys’ fees for which this Agreement is given, Releasor covenants and agrees to indemnify and save Releasees harmless from all such claims and demands, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, and all other expenses necessarily incurred. K. TAXABILITY OF PAYMENT Neither Releasees nor their respective attorneys make any representations about the taxability of any portion of the consideration made in exchange for this Agreement. Releasor shall bear the sole responsibility for any and all tax consequences related to this Agreement, and shall fully indemnify Releasees for any tax liability that arises therefrom, including any fees and costs related to enforcement of this Paragraph K. Releasor shall be issued a 1099 or other applicable income tax reporting form for the payment made to Releasor under this Agreement. L. WARRANTY OF CAPACITY TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT Releasor represents and warrants that Releasor has full legal authority to enter into this Agreement and that no other person or entity has or has had any interest in the claims, demands, obligations, or causes of action referred and forever settled and resolved in this Agreement. The CFMKCST Trustee is CFM’s authorized representative to execute this Agreement on CFM’s behalf. M. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with Montana laws. N. ATTORNEY’S FEES AND COSTS “Known Claims” 4. GENERAL RELEASE OF CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Robert G. McCarthy has made a claim for an amount equal to approximately 20% of the approximate total amount that has been set aside for the beneficiaries in the CFMKCST. The claimed fees are $600,000.00 of the total $2,987,000.00 deposited by CFM into the CFMKCST. No reduction of the amount payable to Releasor for “Known Claims” from the CFMKCST may occur for attorney fees. Robert G. McCarthy has made no additional claims for any fees for obtaining a waiver of deductibles and copayments. “Unknown Claims” or previously unsubmitted claims Robert G. McCarthy has requested a contingency fee of one-third of the amount recovered for “Unknown Claims” or previously unsubmitted claims paid by CFM. Releasor acknowledges that Class Counsel claims an attorney lien for fees equal to one third of any amount paid to Releasor for “Unknown Claims” or previously unsubmitted claims. Releasor understands that Robert G. McCarthy may also incur costs for obtaining medical records and medical bills in order to complete the claim submission. Such costs actually incurred shall be repaid to Robert G. McCarthy. Releasor agrees and acknowledges that CFM shall issue payment of Releasor’s Unknown Claim to Robert G. McCarthy from which he shall deduct his fees and actual costs incurred for the Unknown Claims and then pay Releasor the balance. O. FINAL AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire agreement among the parties to the Agreement, and its terms are contractual and not a mere recital. This Agreement supersedes any other agreements, oral or written, regarding any Known or Unknown Claims set forth in the Class Settlement Agreement. In entering into this Agreement, Releasor does not rely upon any promise, representation, or other inducement that is not expressly contained in this Agreement. This Agreement may only be modified by the written consent of Releasees and may not be modified by oral agreement. Should any provision of this Agreement become legally unenforceable, the remaining provisions are severable and shall be construed as if the legally unenforceable provision was never included in the Agreement. P. RIGHT AND OPPORTUNITY TO SEEK INDEPENDENT LEGAL ADVICE Releasor acknowledges that Class Counsel has advised Releasor that Releasor may seek independent legal advice regarding this Agreement and the status of the Litigation. Releasor acknowledges that this Agreement was provided to Releasor for consideration and review prior to its execution. Releasor has carefully read this Agreement, discussed its legal effect with Releasor’s attorneys or has waived Releasor’s right to seek independent counsel before signing this Agreement, understands its contents, and signs it of Releasor’s own free will and accord. This Agreement shall be binding upon Releasor and Releasees’ respective spouses, heirs, successors, personal representatives, and assigns. READ AND REVIEW THIS RELEASE CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. 5. GENERAL RELEASE OF CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT READ AND REVIEW THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING BY SIGNING BELOW YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE WRITTEN TERMS CONTAINED IN THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT DATED this _____ day of _____________ 2014. _________________________________ Releasor (Class Member’s Signature) Printed Name _____________________ Address:__________________________ __________________________ Date of Birth:______________________ Social Security Number: _____________ Dated: ___________________________ CFM Known Claims Settlement Trust _________________________________ Trustee Duly Authorized Dated: ___________________________ APPROVED BY THE COURT, IT IS SO ORDERED: ________________________________ Honorable Bradley G. Newman District Court Judge Second Judicial District Court Dated: __________________________ 6. GENERAL RELEASE OF CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT