The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Study Guide Questions Ch. 6-10 Name#1_____________________________ Name#2_____________________________ Name#3_____________________________ Name#4_____________________________ Directions: All questions should be answered in complete sentences. Do not copy the questions. You should answer in 2-3 sentences. Do not use any form of the word you or contractions. When each group member has completed the study questions for his/her assigned chapters, each student should write his/her name beside the chapter questions he/she answered. You will not receive credit if you do not answer the questions your group assigned to you. Attach the answers to the back of the study questions and turn in. Chapter 6: “He Went for Judge Thatcher—Huck Decides to Leave—Political Economy— Thrashing Around” _____________________________________ 1. Why does Pap kidnap Huck, and where does he take him? 2. What does Huck enjoy about being with his father? What does Huck not get used to? 3. When he is locked up, how does Huck try to get out of the cabin? 4. What does Pap complain about when he returns drunk from town? 5. Who is the Angel of Death? Discuss this incident. Chapter 7:“Laying for Him—Locked in the Cabin – Sinking the Body -- Resting” (Ch. 7 – 1,2,3 and (Ch. 8 – 1,2) _________________________________________________ 1. What does Huck plan to do with the canoe he finds? 2. Why does Huck not want to be with either Pap or the Widow Douglass? 3. Discuss Huck’s escape. Be specific: methods, plans, and destination. *************************************************************************** 1. Why is the cannon being fired? 2. How does the superstition with the quicksilver/ bread come true? Chapter 8:“Sleeping in the Woods – Raising the Dead – Exploring the Island – Finding Jim – Jim’s Escape – Signs -- Balum”(Ch. 8 – 3,4,5,6,7,8) ___________________________________ 3. After nearly tripping over a snake, what does Huck discover that scares him? 4. Who does Huck find, and what does this person believe Huck to be? 5. Why is Huck no longer lonesome? Why is this person (#4) on the island? How does Huck react to this news? 6. Discuss superstition: birds, hairy arms/ breast. 7. Why does Jim feel that he is rich? Chapter 9: “The Cave --- The Floating House” ______________________________________ 1. Where do Jim and Huck take shelter? 2. Describe the flooding of the river. How deep was the flooding? 3. What does Jim discover in the floating house? 4. Why will he not let Huck see it? 5. What kinds of things do Huck and Jim take from the floating house? Chapter 10:“The Find – Old Hank Bunker – In Disguise”_______________________________ 1. Why does Jim not want to talk about the dead man? 2. What joke does Huck play on Jim? 3. What happens as a result of Huck’s joke? 4. Who is Hank Bunker, and why does Huck consider him foolish? 5. Describe Huck’s appearance when he goes on shore to get information.