Keep The Lynch Syndrome Out of the Church

Lesson 1
January 5, 2014
Volume 25
Turn Membership into Discipleship
Devotional Reading: Matthew 28:1-20
A disciple is more than a person that has
his or her name on the church roll. That
person is a loyal follower, teachable
student, and devoted follower of a leader
that guides others into the deep wisdom
and power of God. Disciples need a
mentor that has been anointed and
ordained by God to develop their minds,
souls, and bodies for the purpose of
developing more disciples and
expanding God's kingdom on earth. We
have been chosen by God to carry a new
world spiritual message to every nation,
kindred, tongue and people that dwells
on the earth, but we must be perfected in
the kingdom gospel and master the
discipline of universal principles, divine
laws, and spiritual power to promote
discipleship and church
Coming to church programs and being a
C. M. E. (Christmas, Mother's day, and
Easter) saint does not make a disciple of
anyone. Every growing church member
has a special issue or need that requires
more than shouting and performing in
noonday services. Discipleship is more
than a program that turns people into
ordinary Christians; it is a training
system that develops people into being
the physical consciousness of the
resurrected Jesus and the spiritual
consciousness of the resurrected Christ.
Triumphant discipleship takes all of
God's word and applies it to our lives so
we can demonstrate the power of
resurrection and manifest the Spirit of
the law of life in Christ Jesus. Potential
disciples are not content with an
experience of superficial religion,
routine customs, and worn out traditions;
they have an ever-increasing desire to
live the life and be an example of Christ
to everyone. This calls for living a godly
life and becoming an advanced student
that uphold all standards of
righteousness and holiness.
Triumph The Church and Kingdom Of
God In Christ has many great
departments that give people the
opportunity to grow and become
powerful influences all over this earth.
The Advanced School Of Wisdom, The
music department, and The E. D. Smith
National School Of Prophets are very
powerful tools that God established to
give us the teaching and training for
growth in Christ's overcoming body.
Along with these three facilities, there is
much needed training in the areas of
giving, evangelizing, family counseling,
neighborhood outreaches, entrepreneur
ship, and spiritual service. The ability to
turn membership into discipleship allows
God the opportunity to cause the inner
triumphant church to serve people in the
outer world of manifestation.
Lesson Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-17; Colossians 1:25-28
Lesson Outline:
Disciples Must Be Taught, Trained, and Edified. (Ephesians
Triumphant disciples have three primary
enemies that will keep them complacent
in the kingdom gospel, Satan, the world,
and the flesh are waiting on any
spiritual, social, or human weakness that
we may have. Any church can start out
with a very powerful influence on
members, communities, and lost souls,
but failure and refusal to outgrow the
principles of the doctrine of Christ
always lead to spiritual, moral, and
economic decline. Therefore those who
are on the quest to move from
membership to discipleship must never
rest, shrink, or fall away from what God
has anointed them to do. Prayer, fasting,
meditation, studying God's word, and
being accountable to a spiritual mentor is
mandatory after receiving
the Holy Ghost baptism and moving
towards the perfection of holiness.
The greatness of a Triumphant Church
depends on the anointed leaders who
have the true vision and profound
revelation of this great overcoming
body. The growth of this church also
depends on devoted and teachable
trainees who accept the noble guidance
and wise counsel of God's anointed.
Through teaching, training and edifying
disciples of a triumphant new world
spiritual order, the needs of membership
and the needs of the church future can be
met; for the day will come when
triumphant disciples will have to teach
and train other disciples to keep the flow
of the church and kingdom in a
progressive forward movement.
Disciples Become Perfect Presentations. (Colossians 1:25-28)
The purposes of making disciples out of
church members is to expand the
revelation of the Everlasting Gospel
mystery which is not a Christ riding on
clouds in the sky. The revelation of
Christ in us qualifies us to be quickened
in our mortal and human existence, and
then be transformed into a divine
reality as we refine ourselves out of the
flesh and into the immortality of Spirit.
This makes it important for disciples to
follow the character of a true spiritual
leader and avoid chasing the popular
personality of religious celebrities. We
must be aware that God is calling people
out of the congregation of the church to
become the overcoming body of Christ
collectively and individually. For no one
can achieve divine perfection in the
lower realms of human consciousness,
but all can be made perfect if they are
willing and obedient to true spiritual
development through the discipline of
triumphant principles.
Discipleship gives Christ top priority
over our faith, our will, our judgment,
our wisdom, our strength, our love, our
imagination, our enthusiasm, our
dominion, and every other spiritual
attribute of our lives. When we are
perfect in Christ, we become the
custodians of the Everlasting Gospel and
we are ready to recruit more disciples for
Christ. Those who were once the
membership are developed through
discipleship, and keep the church from
becoming a sunken ship.
To Think About
There is a story about a man who was born with an awful facial deformity. He grew
up alone and lonely. When reaching adulthood, he decided to move from his town to
begin a new life. On his way he discovered a beautiful mask that fit him making him look
handsome at first the mask was uncomfortable and he was afraid that people would find
out who he really was, but he continued to wear the mask every day. In his new
hometown, he made many friends and fell in love. But one day a wicked woman from his
old home town came to his town and discovered his true identity. In front of his friends
and fiancé, she forced him to remove his mask. When he removed his mask, it revealed a
handsome face. His face had conformed to the mask. Becoming like Christ is similar to
this. Go ahead and put on Christ. At first it may feel unnatural or uncomfortable, and
maybe you may think, "Who am I trying to fool?" But everyday just keep putting on
Christ and every day you will grow to look and be more like him.
Revealed Verse: I am determined to be taught, trained, developed, and edified so God’s
kingdom can be glorified in me.
Daily Bible Reading
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Lesson 2
January 12, 2014
Volume 25
Triumphant Gifts Are Prepared for Triumphant
Devotional Reading: I Corinthians 12:1-13
Spiritual gifts are more than
intellectual graces that embrace words,
doctrines, customs, traditions, and
religious personalities. The priority of
every new world disciple is to focus on
what God has anointed them to do and
become, and never allow what God is
doing through someone else to be a
discouragement . We are not in the
overcoming body of Christ to compare
ourselves to anybody and have an
inferiority complex. Neither are we
here to be competitive against each
other and become puffed up or
deflated. Is Christ the wisdom and
power of God divided, competitive,
and ignorant? Then the Holy Ghost did
not come to make us competitive with
spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts in the
Triumphant Church are for the purpose
of confirming God's word, power, and
revelation of an Everlasting Gospel
dispensation. Every spiritual gift is
meant for the edification and service of
the whole body and the expansion of
God's whole kingdom on earth.
If Jesus is the physical consciousness
of Christ in you, the Holy Ghost will
not allow you to speak words or
perform actions that place the Son of
God under condemnation. If Christ is
the spiritual consciousness of Jesus in
you, the Holy Ghost will keep you
from becoming an enemy to Jesus and
help you avoid self-destruction. No
one can make a lie out of Jesus and
operate in the great works and greater
works that He promised His
triumphant disciples. No one can make
an abomination out of the Holy Ghost
and master the Gospel of the kingdom.
No one can blot out the presence of the
resurrected Christ and go into the
Everlasting Gospel. No one can reject
the sacrifice, death, resurrection, and
ascension of Jesus Christ and expect to
receive the spiritual gifts of the
Triumphant Church.
God does not measure spiritual gifts by
size; He disperses gifts according to
the ability that He anoints each person
to perform. No gift is greater than the
other. Each gift is a great part of
setting up a divine administration of
God's earthly kingdom. Each gift is
covered with the same supernatural
power of Christ's resurrection.
Therefore, all spiritual gifts should
play a very important part in
establishing more churches, ordaining
more leaders, preaching the
Everlasting Gospel, caring for the
widows, the poor, and saving lost
We are not born into the overcoming
body of Christ by one liquid baptism.
Water can put many people in a church
congregation; but only the baptism of
the Holy Ghost can place people in the
body of Christ. When the Holy Ghost
unlocks that well of living water that is
on the inside we become adopted
into the royal family and part of an
everlasting body.
Lesson Scripture: Romans 12:1-9; Ephesians 4:1-8
Lesson Outline:
I. A Living Triumphant Sacrifice Must Be Made. (Romans 12:1-9)
Our bodies must become living
sacrifices that belong to God and His
perfect holiness if we desire to be
able to receive spiritual gifts from
Him. A natural or spiritual dead body
is unable to function in the faith
of Jesus. We have been ordained and
predestined to exceed the rituals and
religious duties of the kingdom
gospel and the militant church.
Therefore, we must keep our souls
and bodies prepared for the
quickening power of the Spirit. We
have to be in tune with the perfect
holiness of God in order to allow the
Holy Ghost to influence the anointing
of spiritual gifts.
Being conformed to the world means
being committed to an unregenerated
lifestyle and holding on to a spirit of
apostasy. Apostasy in the church
comes from falling away from the
truth. It is the spiritual disease that
causes the word to be put out of the
church and the world to be accepted
in the church. Apostasy causes local
bands to be opposed against each
other while pretending to be in
agreement with God. This spirit
causes churches to wonder why the
youth are falling away and the
numerical growth is decreasing.
Therefore being transformed by the
renewing of the mind is a powerful
inner change that allows God to come
in and sanctify Himself on the inside
of us and turn our focus away from
the carnal minded ways of the world.
God’s spiritual gifts are not from the
effects of nature, they are not the fruit
of human intelligence, and they are not
demonstrations of human talent. The
gifts that come from God are given to
teach disciples how to leave the
principles of the doctrine of Christ and
go to perfection.
II. Triumphant Spiritual Gifts Are Not For Captivity. (Ephesians 4:1-8)
Christ ascended to the right hand of God
after He brought Satan, sin, death, heal,
and the grave under captivity. Every
natural spiritual enemy of the triumphant
church has been conquered by the power
under captivity. Every natural spiritual
enemy of the triumphant church has been
conquered by the power of Christ’s
resurrection. The Holy Ghost only
operates the spiritual gifts of the church,
and they should never be used to overrule
the preaching of God’s word. They have
to be executed and demonstrated in an
orderly fashion to make sure the church
is edified and membership is multiplied.
These gifts are not created by the skill
and human ability to do things well, they
are supernatural powers of the anointing,
given for the purpose of celebrating,
demonstration, and communicating the
power of Christ’s resurrection. These
gifts are for the perfecting of the saints
because hypocrisy can easily infect and
contaminate an imperfect church.
To Think About
In a cartoon some years ago a little guy was taking heat from his sister and friends for a
newly found “calling”—patting little birds on the heard. The distressed birds would
approach, lower their little feathered pates to be patted, sigh deeply, and walk away
satisfied. It brought him no end of fulfillment—in spite of the teasing he took from others.
“What’s wrong with patting birds on the head?” He wanted to know. “What’s wrong with
it?” His embarrassed friends replied, “No one else does it!” If your gift is encouraging,
please don’t stop. If it is embracing, demonstrating warmth, compassion, and mercy to
feathers that have been ruffled by offense and bruised by adversity; for goodness sake, keep
stroking. Don’t quit whatever you do.
Revealed Verse: We use spiritual gifts to give people an everlasting favor from God.
Daily Bible Reading
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
I Cor.
Lesson 3
January 19, 2014
Volume 25
This Great Triumphant Church
Devotional Reading: Zephaniah 2:1-12
National division can only lead to a
devastation of national ruin. Triumph
The Church and Kingdom of God in
Christ was revealed to Apostle E. D.
Smith in 1897 to redeem the
descendants of Ham (black people)
from the false reality of Christianity in
the Gentile world. We celebrate a great
day of ordination on January 20;
because that is the day that God placed
Church Triumph on an Everlasting
Gospel foundation. We celebrate the
birth of this overcoming church just
like we celebrate the birth of Jesus on
Christmas. Founder's day does not
mean the church was lost. It means the
church was founded (placed on a
divine foundation) on the day that God
The revelation of Triumph came to
give us a deeper understanding of truth
and redeem us from the plantation
gospel of white supremacy, racism,
Jim Crow, and prejudice. There was a
deeper reality for the black man and it
was mysteriously written in the Bible;
in the books of Isaiah, Revelation,
Ezekiel, Daniel, and Jeremiah. So
Apostle Smith read the scriptures in
those books prayerfully seven times to
get a revelation, vision, and
understanding for those whom God
had chosen for a new world spiritual
message in the Everlasting Gospel. It
was during a trip across the Mississippi
River in a rowboat that a strange
phenomenon happened in the middle
of the river. While rowing and
conversing with his friend, Bro.
Elisha Bailey, a fellow minister in the
AME Church, it appeared that the boat
started twirling around and around and
around out of their control, yet the
wind was still. At this point, he prayed
to have his life spared and vowed to
preach and teach the truth as God had
and would further reveal to him.
In his meditation, he saw a vision.
There appeared unto him an eagle, a
lion, and a brown-skinned damsel,
dressed as a bride adorned for her
husband. The spirit of God told him
that these were only figures of speech,
but had a divine message. The
characteristics of each symbol were
revealed to him as follows. The truth
revealed to him would be: like an
eagle, higher than any other religion
or sectarian church thought and
nothing would ever stand between a
mind in tune with God and the
illumination of divine substance.
Strong like the strength of a lion,
mastering every previous limited idea
by wisdom and power and not by
carnal ordinances, Like a brownskinned damsel dressed as a bride
adored for the bridegroom,
representing the church and the entire
world, whom, when he married her,
holds the ability to birth all of her
needs. Some say that the Apostle also
envisioned a lamb, which would
represent the humility of man,
acknowledging God in all his ways.
This message was given to other
ministers of various denominations,
each of whom became leaders of their
respective organizations. They thought
the message was good, but refused to
accept it, saying it was too soon. The
message was carried to them
because Triumph came to gather all
sanctified and Holy Ghost-filled
persons and carry them into the
glorious liberty of the sons of God and
eternal life.
By gathering together on Founder's
Day, we can avoid and prevent the
crisis of losing status and prestige by
keeping the church separated from the
corrupt cultures of the world. We must
grasp the vision of what a Triumphant
life in Christ can be. As we gather
together, let us continue to train new
leaders, develop new followers, and
develop new methods that will expand
this great Triumphant Church and its
everlasting kingdom all over the earth.
Lesson Scripture: Ephesians 5:27; Revelation 12:-1-12
Lesson Outline:
I. Triumph Is The Glorified Church. (Ephesians 5:27)
There have been many types of
denominations and churches that have
existed before the Triumphant church.
The circumcised church came in the
Antediluvian world, the church of the
law came in the Jewish dispensation,
and the militant church came in the
Gentile world. Out of those
dispensation we have sanctified
churches, justified churches, Pentecostal
churches, protestant churches, and
multiple denominations of human
religious institutions. When Jesus arose
from the dead, he went beyond the cross
and entered into a glorified church where
no spots, wrinkles, or blemishes could be
found. Satan can easily tear up any
church that is based on religious law,
human rituals, and worldly superstitions.
But a glorified church is a total mystery
to the devil and his demonic
government. The perfect righteousness
of Christ develops men and women into
becoming sons and daughters of God by
filling their character with the divine
Spirit. There will always be spots,
wrinkles, blemishes and imperfections in
church militant and the devil will turn
militant churches into his personal
playgrounds. There is a wide gate for
those who want to make a friend out of
death and create compromising doctrines
in church militant. But the Triumphant
church is a narrow gate of spiritual
perfection that anoints the people for
showing the world the glory of the
resurrected Christ. Therefore we who
represent Triumph must conquer self
every day and become the earthly heroes
of the Everlasting Gospel.
II. She Is All About Overcoming. (Revelation 12:1-12)
The Triumphant church is not a little
girl; she is a full-grown woman existing
in the purest reality of a glorified life in
Christ. She is the perfection of every
victory of our natural and spiritual life.
She is the last church embracing and
sustaining the power that God had given
to every church and every church age
that ever existed. This is the Church with
twelve gates that shut down all of the
gates of hell. When you see Church
Triumph in the Spirit, she is an amazing,
astonishing, and enchanting revelation
full of fantastic accomplishments,
incredible affairs, and magnificent
events. Her purpose is to bring forth the
perfect Spirit of Christ for a perfect
Assembly of God's perfect people. This
church is travailing in birth to produce a
righteous kingdom, a righteous
government, and a royal nation of people
that glorify God in every way
possible. She is determined to turn every
member of the church into anointed
messiahs that can do all things through
Christ as He strengthens them.
The blood of the lamb is not like the red
substance that flows through our veins.
It is a life principle that gives us
redemption, forgiveness of sin,
cleansing, reconciliation, and atonement
with God. Atonement is the powerful
victory of being "at" "one" with God. So
the life principle (blood) of the lamb
is the cement that makes us at one
(atonement) with God. The blood of the
lamb washes away everything that the
accuser of the brethren and the devil
uses to find fault and condemnation in
our lives. For no one can be at one with
God and find fault with everybody else
that is in the Triumphant Church.
The word of our testimony is greater
than any weapon that Satan has. For the
word of our testimony is sharper that any
two-edged sword. Our testimony
services are very important, but the word
our testimony is the anointed sword of
the Spirit that cuts every one of the
devil's strategies into powerless pieces.
The absolute truth is the power existing
in the word of our testimony; it is more
than scriptural knowledge. It is the
power that puts a stop to the works of
false prophets, false teachers, false
churches, false doctrines, and seducing
spirits. We cannot love our own lives in
the Triumphant Church; we have to love
the life of the resurrected Christ that was
incarnated in us by the baptism of the
Holy Ghost. This enables us to
overcome the world and glorify God in
His everlasting kingdom forever.
To Think About
From the Miami Florida Website: Triumph, the ability to overcome, subdue, and
conquer everything that is not like God. Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in
Christ goes beyond the church or religion and focuses on a way of life. That life centers
on a spiritually grounded lifestyle of positive attitudes and actions. Triumph The Church
and Kingdom of God in Christ operates foremost as a church, but God requires a
righteous government and system of life here on earth. Thus as a church and a
kingdom, we are designed to develop the total man. We seek to meet the need of mankind
spiritually, socially, physically, and economically.
Revealed Verse: You can have the whole wide world but, I’ll take Triumph for mine.
Daily Bible Reading
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Lesson 4
January 26, 2014
Volume 25
Keep The Lynch Syndrome Out of the Church
Devotional Reading: Exodus 1:8-22
The spirit of Pharaoh and the mystery
of iniquity are just as dangerous to the
church of today as it was in the Jewish
dispensation. In the year of 1712, a
letter was written to slave owners to
keep people of color under the spell of
the Gentile world and racial ignorance.
This letter encouraged slave owners to
use fear, distrust, jealousy, and
manipulation for control purposes. It
suggested that slave owners should use
age, color, intelligence, size, sex, and
sizes of plantations, hair texture, and
status to keep black people working
against each other. The youth were
trained to work against the old. Light
skinned slaves were taught to oppose
the dark skinned slaves. Instead of
respect and adoration, slaves were
taught to be distrustful and
competitive. They would be taught to
trust only the masters outside of their
race. Black men were to be broken and
trained to be dumb like horses. Black
women were to be broken and trained
to raise their children under the
influence of Lynch law principles.
These women were supposed to be
trapped in a frozen state of toxic
emotional health and psychological
independence. Black women were to
be the head of the house and children
were supposed to be raised with no
fathers or by weak daddies.
Beautiful black women would be
programmed to be objects of sexual
promiscuity for the pleasure of other
races. All male children were supposed
to be raised to be emotionally and
materially dependent on the
independent female. The strong male
image of the black man needed to be
destroyed and all dark skinned people
were to be made deaf dumb and blind
to the knowledge of God and
When the church is under the influence
of the Lynch letter syndrome, Satan
turns the church into a carnal minded
playground where he can do whatever
he chooses. The spirit of apostasy turns
Everlasting Gospel people against
Gospel of the kingdom people. People
that honor Jesus turn against people
that honor Christ. Each local band feels
superior or inferior to one another.
Youth hear adults talking negative
about leaders. Leaders begin to use
spiritual bullying and abuse their
authority. Respect for leaders
disappear. Church doctrines become
human concepts that keep
disagreements in the services. People
begin to make alliances that divide and
segregate congregations. Rumors,
conspiracies, immorality, and
unforgiving attitudes kill honor and
respect. And finally local bands lose
membership and close down. The
main problem is that people in the
church become programmed to hate
everything about themselves, about
the leaders, about the services, and
about the whole organization.
The days of slavery have ended, but
the aftermath of the Lynch letter law is
able to affect thousands of churches
that fail to implement the divine
principles that redeem people from the
curse of the law. We have to become
fully immersed in the Spirit of the law
of life in Christ Jesus if we want to be
free from the Lynch letter law of sin
and death. Division in churches has
happened over some very small petty
issues that should not exist. Even
different versions of the Bible can
cause congregations to separate. The
decline of moral standards, the
competition of family relationships,
and even the geographical location of
local bands can cause Lynch law
problems that enhance more division.
Lesson Scripture: I Corinthians 13:1-13, I John 2:9-17
Lesson Outline:
Obtain True Freedom Through The Love Of God. (I Cor. 13:113)
The Lynch letter was a very powerful
tool for keeping all people who had
African ancestry trapped in a system of
hate, division, selfishness, jealousy,
competition and destruction. The same
Willie Lynch syndrome uses the
Gospel of the Kingdom and devil-birth
Christianity to keep us from advancing
into the Everlasting Gospel church and
the divine kingdom of the fourth
human world.
All who choose to be in the
Triumphant Church must master the
principle of perfect everlasting love
and establish an organized institution
that raises the consciousness of the
people above the elementary rituals of
human religion. An Everlasting Gospel
institution that embraces the highest
knowledge of Christ beyond the cross
must abolish the carnality that traps the
Willie Lynch syndrome in
the mind of the people The love that
comes from the Holy Ghost baptism
must lead and guide us into all truth
and lead us away from all
compromising doctrines. A global
institution that focuses on victory over
evil, selfishness, condemnation,
destruction and death must become the
unified priority and goal of every
church that represents Triumph. The
love of God's internal and earthly
kingdom must motivate us to build
an economy that is independent from
other cultures and other societies. Faith
and hope without the activation of the
highest principles of divine reality and
the elevation of spiritual consciousness
is not enough to keep the Lynch
syndrome from trapping us in the
human nature of a Jim Crow religion.
II. Do Everything Through A Consciousness Of Divine Love. (I John 2:9-17)
The influence of the Gentile world and
the conspiracies of devil-birth
Christianity causes people to shout and
dramatize in church while having a
heart of hate, jealousy, resentment, and
animosity towards each other. If love is
not the foundational principle that
illuminates the whole church, then
hypocrisy is the human symptom that
throws the whole church into outer
darkness. Therefore keeping the Willie
Lynch syndrome out of the church
requires being bora of God in the
Everlasting Gospel instead of being
born again in the Gospel of the
Kingdom. Distrust, fear, pride, lust,
and works of the flesh have caused a
lot of people to be hurt by the church
in the past, but the same love that
controls the universe unconditionally
can redeem us from the Lynch
syndrome and give us perfect
reconciliation and flawless restoration.
To Think About:
The Church we know as Triumph was revealed to call us out of the Gospel of the Kingdom and
the Gentile world into the Everlasting Gospel and the fourth human world. We were supposed to
fulfill the scripture of Revelation 18:4, "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of
her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues". As long as we allow human nature to keep us
trapped in the social damage of the Willie Lynch syndrome, we will have spiritual, material,
psychological, and emotional plagues that keep us from becoming a divine nation with an
everlasting kingdom and a righteous government. God loved us with an everlasting love before
William Lynch and the devil ever existed. Can't we use that everlasting love to become a
royal priesthood and a peculiar nation?
Revealed Verse: A house divided against itself will never leave the kingdom gospel
and be a success in the Everlasting Gospel.
Daily Bible Reading
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
I John
2 Chronicles
I Cor.