First half of chapter 11 power points

Chapter 11
Section 1
Renaissance – “rebirth”
Despised medieval times….ignorance
Reveled in the present!
Emphasized individuals
Humanism….but did not abandon
God….different than modern Humanism
Misunderstanding of mankind….are we good?
Trade, national governments
Found works such as Cicero
Muslim and Byzantine writings,
classical literature
Humanities/ liberal arts: history, science,
grammar, classical literature, philosophy
What’s the difference between studying now
vs. then?
What was the goal of education?
Ignorance = evil
Praise Cicero above all
Searching for manuscripts
Section 2
1.) Ancient Rome
2.) Byzantine and Islamic Cultures
3.) Trade Route riches
Bankers and merchants were patrons
The Medici family
Manuscripts, libraries, painting, sculpting, politics,
Lorenzo de Medici, “The Magnificent”, in Florence
1500s….Renaissance spreading!
Started by copying Italians, then developing
their own styles
Commerce, wealth, and all the talented lived
Francesco Petrarch –
The pioneer of Renaissance humanism
Composed Latin poems, modeling them after
classical poetry.
Later, generations, however, remember him best for
his vernacular writings.
In sonnets (fourteen-line poems) and letters to his
friends, he expressed human interest and emotions.
In letters addressed to his heroes of the past- Cicero,
Virgil, and Livy- Petrarch places his own day on an
equal plane with the days of ancient Rome.
The Father of Humanism.
Baldassare Castiglion –
Wrote one of the most famous books on etiquette
(social behavior) published during the Renaissance.
He presents the Courtier as a man of character, well
educated, courageous, and courteous.
Baldassare Castiglione
Machiavelli –
Wrote The Prince.
Tells his readers that a successful ruler must do what
is expedient and not be governed by principles of
right and wrong. Such a man uses force when
necessary, for ‘it is much safer to be feared, than
Promoted the concept of the secular state – one freed
from moral restraints and religious principles.
Some scholars today think that we may have taken
him out of context and misrepresented his teachings.
Erasmus: (1466-1536)
Scholar, prince of Humanists
 Spurred Protestant Reformation, but remained
 Praise of Folly
 Church reform
 First edition of Greek New Testament
The Praise of Folly
Sir Thomas More – (1478-1535)
Piety, devoted to country
 Friend of Erasmus
 Wrote Utopia
 Beheaded for Treason! the king, his “friend”
Sir Thomas More
King Henry VIII
Johannes Gutenberg: What did he do? Why
was this so important?
Wrote Don Quixote
William Shakespeare
Known as greatest playwright
 Part of Lord’s Chamberlain’s Men
 Globe Theater
 154 sonnets
 37 plays
 Why were his works so popular?
P. 264
Emphasized present
physical world.
Supported by secular
Artists wanted fame and
Realistic and 3demintional.
Portrayed kings,
merchants, and secular
Painting and sculpture
were most popular.
Emphasized spiritual
realm and life to come
Supported by church of
Worked for glory of God.
Flat and 2-demintional.
Portrayed church leaders,
biblical characters, or
Architecture was most
The most famous painter of the early Italian
Father of Renaissance painting.
He opened a new era of art in the Western
Sought to make painting more natural. His
figures were more realistic and exhibited
human feelings.
Three dimensional look.
Famous for Frescoes (paintings on wet plaster)
The Last Judgment
The Holy Innocents
Fresco at the church at Padua
By means of shading, he created a three
dimensional affect in his painting.
This technique enabled him to portray human
figures with a realism that had been missing in
the work of previous painters.
Holy Trinity
Rendering of the Tribute Money
Added movement.
Boticelli’s early paintings reflected the
humanistic spirit prevalent in the Medici court.
Fell under the influence of the preaching of the
monk, Savonarola. He became a convert,
His paintings took on a more religious and
moral outlook.
The Adoration of the Magi
Madonna of the Pomegranate
Read section on page 265 together
The center of culture shifted from Florence, to
The papacy became the major patron of Italian
High Renaissance artists mastered the painting
techniques that the Italian artists of the 15th
century had pioneered.
Renaissance man.
Interest in a wide range of fields.
Accomplished sculptor, architect, painter,
musician, and poet.
The Last Supper
Madonna Litta