School of Applied Social Studies & The Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21) Homelessness and Housing Exclusion: Policy and Practice Monday 23rd March 2015 Cork Arts Theatre CAT club, located at Camden Court, Carroll's Quay, Cork 09.00 Registration 09.15 Welcome Address Prof. Alastair Christie, Head of School of Applied Social Studies, UCC 09.30 A Rising Tide of Homelessness? Policies, Evidence and Responses in Denmark and England. Chair: Dr. Siobhan O’Sullivan, School of Applied Social Studies, UCC · The Danish experience: Dr. Lars Benjaminsen, SFI - The Danish National Centre for Social Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, · The English experience: Dr. Beth Watts, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. 11.00 Tea / Coffee 11.30 Homelessness in Ireland: Policy Developments and Housing Challenges Chair: Dr. Cathal O’Connell, School of Applied Social Studies, UCC · Developments in Irish homelessness policy: prevention, emergency and accommodation: Mr. Joe Finnerty, School of Applied Social Studies, UCC · Developments in Irish social housing provision and finance: Dr. Michelle Norris, School of Applied Social Science, UCD and Chair, Housing Finance Agency 12.30 Buffet lunch 13.15 Homelessness and Housing Exclusion in Cork: from Policy to Practice Chair: Mr. Joe Finnerty, School of Applied Social Studies, UCC · Preventing Homelessness in Cork and Limerick Mr. Niall Horgan, Cork Threshold Mr. Gerard Spillane, Focus Ireland Cork · Exits from homelessness in Cork Ms. Kerry Brennan, Cork Simon Community The Way Ahead? (Panel Discussion) to include Ms. Aileen O’Connor, Cork City Council Homeless Services Mr. John Calnan, St Vincent de Paul Dr. Dermot Kavanagh, Cork Simon 15.00 Conference Ends CONFERENCE PLACES ARE LIMITED: PLEASE REGISTER AT ALL OTHER INQUIRIES: Joe Finnerty This event is generously funded by Cork City Council, the Cork Simon Community, and the School of Applied Social Studies, UCC, and supported by Adult Continuing Education UCC, and the Cork Education and Training Board.