Fahrenheit 451 Archetype Movie Assignment – www.xtranormal.com In your movie, you will explain how one archetype is used in Fahrenheit 451. DUE: A Day and 1st: 2/21 Your movie will be TWO MINUTES MAXIMUM. B Day: 2/22 You will do three things. First, you will tell us what the archetype is and one place where it is found in part one OR two. Tell the page number and what is happening at that moment. Second, you will tell us what the archetype represents at that spot in part one OR two. Third, you will tell us why the archetype is important to the story. What does it reveal about a character, the setting, or the situation? Title your movie F451 Archetype Movie (your block)-(your group’s number) EXAMPLE: F451 Archetype Movie 2B-3 Group 1: •Ashcraft •Escamilla •Rowland •Ceja Group 2: •Granados •Ponder •Watkins 1st Period Group 3: Group 5: •Spurgin Mullett Jezek •Ruiz Hagan •Natividad Poole •MiddlemissGroup 6: Kurtz Group 4: •Rodriguez •Bucy •Molina •Lee •Bautista •Harris •Jennings Block A2 Group 5 Group 3 Group 1 •Jung Cates •Crouch Andrews Watson Goin Making Biggerstaff Ridgdill Evans Ferrell Pineda Group 6 Deramee Group 4 Group 2 Parivash Palasota Moberly Marsh Burns Marshall Wawro Curtis Ramirez Gomez Ye Green Group 7 Rajpurohit Satumtira Paver Rowell Block A3 Group 1: Aiken Reidt Chen Asis Group 2 Alcantar Gill Making Morgan Group 3: Looney Sang Johnson Simpson Mitchell Group 4 Crandell Prybutok Seal Coady Group 5: Bencid Minter De La Garza Alexander Group 6: Dave Petrie Stewart Torralba Group 7: Burnette Cunningham MorganJackson Bowen Silvers Block B2 Group 1: Ardis Urban Reed Ali Group 3: Dupus Creamer Dinwiddie Riley Group 2 Boulter Jacobson Curran Diko Group 4 Cisneros Smallwood McClintock Nwanehiudu Group 5: Jones McManus Tinajero Masuda Block B3 Group 1 Wagner Krahl Davis Lenaburg Group 3 Bershell Ramirez Pressley Stone Group 2 De Hart Black Elsbecker Gorman Taylor Group 4 Han Tunnell Sunbul Dingler Group 5 Brown Stevenson Tanner Reecer Stevenson Group 6 Burke Vanhorn McLaren Barninger Group 7 Chavez Alspach Ye Williamson Brookins-M