LAC Minutes Tuesday, May 5, 2009 8:30 a.m. – Library Conf. Rm. Present: John Evans, Sylverna Ford, Ed Frank, Mary Freilich, Annelle Huggins, Linda Hyatt, Elizabeth McDonald, Tom Mendina, Kevin Merriman, Anna Neal, Betsy Park, Bess Robinson, Perveen Rustomfram, Sonji Savage, LSSA President, Stacey Smith, Inez Todd Absent: James Singleton 1. Learning Commons Update - Betsy Park During the interim the Commons Room will remain open 24 hours/7days a week. Hours for the Commons Room are being worked out for May 21 Professional Development Day; it will be closed during the day. 2. 3. Presentation on Electronic Theses and Dissertations - Betsy Park The Electronic Theses and Dissertations Ad Hoc Committee appointed by the Graduate Council and chaired by Betsy Park made their final recommendation for graduate theses and dissertations to be electronically submitted by the fall of 2010. The majority of electronic theses and dissertations will probably be submitted in PDF with some submitted in multimedia files. Staffing Pool – Stacey Smith Nine staff members are participating in the Libraries’ Staffing Pool. As part of the Staffing Pool’s training they toured all branch libraries, received training on Millennium, and the Public Access Catalog, as well as shadowed other staff members in the areas in which they will be helping. A reference manual has been put together and will be available on the Libraries’ webpage to provide additional information and tips for the Staffing Pool. Anna Neal has just about completed the Staffing Pool’s schedule for May. One of the challenges with scheduling is covering John Swearengen’s shift when he takes off at the Speech and Hearing Library. Circulation will maintain a key for Chemistry and the Math library for individuals who are scheduled to open or close either library. Keys should be picked up and returned to the circulation desk. Dr. Ford thanked the committee and the departments that have people participating in the Staffing Pool. She stated this is a challenge and it changes business in the departments, but it is important that we maintain continuity during this time when we are stretched with staffing holes in our organization. 4. Deans’ TAF Update – John Evans John Evans gave an update from April 28th Deans’ TAF meeting which he attended in the absence of Dr. Ford. A survey was conducted on the availability of computing equipment for students on campus. Information reported from the survey included the following: 80% of students have access to a personal computer, 61% have access to a laptop, 76% use a computer for printing, 73% use a computer for document preparation, 70% use a computer for email, and 65% of students use a computer for Spectrum access. Laptops are the preferred computer choice of students when purchased or when used on campus. The conclusion of the students’ usage survey indicates more printers are needed on campus. The purpose of the survey was to determine what to do about the TAF footprint. The Dean’s TAF committee is pursuing the reduction in the TAF footprint but no decisions will be made on cuts until they see the affect of the computer lab in the new UC. Students will no longer have the option to rollover printing from each semester. One of the Deans TAF committee’s priorities is a kiosk in the library to be set up to show the availability of computers within the library. LAC Minutes – May 5, 2009 Page 2 5. LSSA Expo Update – Sonji Savage Sonji Savage gave an update on June 12 “We Are One” Expo and Circulation Conference. The 5th annual Circulation Conference will be from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. in the Library, The Expo is from 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., and the concert will be from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Rose Theatre. Tickets for the concert are $10.00 per/person and are now on sale. Some of the topics that will be discussed at the Circulation Conference will include: Customer Service 101, Email Etiquette, Safety in the Stacks, Sticking to Policy, Book Repair Quickies. The deadline to register for the Circulation Conference is May 15. Lunch will be offered at the Holiday Inn and will be $10.00 per/person for individuals attending the Circulation Conference. All of the artists performing for the concert are paid artists and have donated their time. Ms. Joyce Henderson, a Blues Artist along with several outstanding gospel artists will perform at the concert. In addition to the artists’ donations, Melvin Massey with WUMR radio station will donate free advertising for the events. A Yamaha Clavionova piano has been loaned for use during the concert. The library has a video that will be showing during the expo and concert. The Expo is free and will include a photographic exhibit donated by Rev. Dr. LaSimba Gray, several displays tables setup in the foyer with information from various TBR schools, and colleges in the community, our library, and the continuously running video. Kannesse Woods is working on a webpage to provide more information about the combined events. Barbara Thomas has created an excellent flyer that is being distributed throughout the community. James Hudson is the LSSA school representative for promoting and selling tickets for the concert. Zach Curlin lots will be free for the events as long as cars are not parked illegally. There will also be parking available in the Zach Curlin garage. The LSSA is accepting donations for Marie Dixon who is in the hospital. There are two get- well cards available in Collection Management for individuals who would like to sign the cards or give a donation. 6. ALC Move to McWherter – Dr. Ford It appears that the Advance Learning Center will be moving to the McWherter Library. Last week a list of summer projects to be funded was distributed. Creating office spaces and classrooms for ALC in McWherter library was on the list. There will be more information to come as it is received. 7. Subscription Reduction Project – Dr. Ford All departments except for one have sent feedback regarding the Subscription Reduction Project. When the list is finalized the Dean will send an email to departments and library liaisons. As part of the Subscription Reduction Project we will probably be moving some of the titles to a more appropriate list assuming they survive the cuts. One of the things we want to move forward with is asking departments to eventually evaluate the titles attributed to them so we can identify titles that can be dropped or titles that can be added. At the end of the project we should have money to pay our bills and to buy books for at least the next two years. Thanks to everyone for their work on the project. 8. Honor Books for Award Winners – Dr. Ford A few years ago we started a practice to plate a book for faculty members who received an award during faculty convocation in the spring. In the absence of a collection development person now is a good time to re-evaluate the way books are selected for reward recipients. It makes sense for library liaisons to identify a title to be plated for award recipients in their discipline. This is a good opportunity for us to connect with faculty. In the past, a letter from the Dean was sent to award recipients along with a copy of the book plate to let them know that we have plated a book in their honor in recognition of their award. This has been something that the award winners have been very LAC Minutes, May 5, 2009 Page 3 Honor Books for Award Winners - Continued pleased about and is something that we should continue. Library Liaisons should feel free to check with faculty members in their discipline for book title suggestions and if the book suggested is not in our collection it might be possible for us to purchase it from our gift account. Books that are purchased should not exceed $100.00 each. There will be more information to come. 9. Software for TAF Central Pool - Dr. Ford Every semester we are asked to summit appropriate software suggestions that could be purchased from the central TAF pool. The TAF pool funds are getting smaller and smaller each year. It is uncertain how much money will be available to purchase new software. This past semester it was only $75,000. RefWorks and a portion of Web of Knowledge were purchased from the central TAF pool. Suggestions for software purchases should be emailed to the Dean with the following information: a description, expected users, vendor’s information and pricing. 10. Added Agenda Items Annelle Huggins gave an update from TBR Deans and Director meeting. Rita Scher, Dean of Library at ETSU has taken the buyout. Her last is the end of this month. As a result of Ms. Scher taking the buyout, ESTU has formed a task force to review combining the ETSU Library, the Medical library, and their E-learning center under one person. Sue Szostak, Motlow State Community College will be leaving the end of July also as part of the buyout. There were other universities who lost faculty due to buyouts. The Student Government Association at Chattanooga State Community College gives money every year to buy movie DVDs that can be checked out, and refreshments to serve in the library during final exams. UT Knoxville’s budget has been cut tremendously. UT Chattanooga will cut 650 of their periodicals which would leave them with 250 print subscriptions; they are also moving their technical people to public service and becoming a teaching library instead of a research library. Announcements S. Smith Books were left from the end of the semester lost and found in circulation. Kevin Merriman and Denise Keeney will review the books to determine if they can be added to the library’s collection. Library Liaisons will also be given a chance to review the lost and found books. Any books that are left on the book cart in the staff lounge are free for anyone to take. T. Mendina - This was the third year the library hosted Faculty Scholarship Week (FSW) followed by Spring Convocation. Things went well. The FSW Planning Committee, Chaired by Tom Nenon will be meeting this week and welcomes any comments for next year’s FSW. Send suggestions to him. J. Evans - Last week GoPrint was down with the problem being the monitor. A replacement monitor was ordered and there was a problem with getting it to fit. James Singleton figured out a way to install the monitor and he saved us $250.00. - The four original laptops which we purchased are no longer any good. We have some handme-downs which we are going to service as soon as we find $1200 to pay for the memory upgrades. The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 a.m. The next scheduled LAC meeting will be Tuesday, May 19, 2009. Annelle Huggins is scheduled to bring the refreshments. Submitted by: Inez Todd Approved by: Dr. Sylverna Ford