Welcome to UTA! OIE OFFICE HOURS M O N D AY- F R I D AY 8 : 0 0 A M - 5 : 0 0 P M OIE ADVISING HOURS MON. & FRI..- 9:30AM TO 12:30PM TUES. & THURS.- 1:30PM TO 4:30PM W E D N E S D AY- 9 : 3 0 A M TO 1 2 : 3 0 P M & 1:30PM TO 4:30PM Office of International Education Welcomes You to UTA! OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIO Jay P. Horn, Executive Director Satu Birch, Director of Intl. Student & Scholar Services Christina S. Riley, SEVIS/Technology Coordinator Austin Perry, Assistant Director Leah Collum, International Education Advisor III Maral Khaghani, International Education Advisor II Alula Alemu, International Advisor Melody Ricks , International Advisor Nikolaos Barmparessos , International Advisor Josh Garcia, Programming Coordinator Kelli Anderson, Director of Study Abroad Courtney Bauman, Assistant Director of Study Abroad Amanda Sines, Study Abroad Advisor Catalina Rosquero, Sr. Office Assistant Kristiana Hamedi, Insurance Coordinator Cindy Rash, Administrative Assistant II Desiree Usher, Front Office Coordinator Swift Center 1022 UTA Blvd. DOCUMENTS : PASSPORT Passport Check expiration date 3-6 months before expiration date begin renewal process, process may vary from country to country When traveling, your passport must be valid 6 months into the future unless your country has a waiver DOCUMENTS : I-94 I-94 If you received a card at the border For F-1s, should say D/S If you did not receive a card at the border Visit www.cbp.gov/i94 to retrieve your number DOCUMENTS : I-94 If you had an I-94 but have lost it, that is different from not being given one at all at a recent entry. If you have lost your I-94, please meet with an advisor. DOCUMENTS : I-94 DOCUMENTS : I-94 V IS A What is a visa? Must be valid on the day you enter the country. F and J visas are allowed to expire while in the US, as long as student is maintaining status DOCUMENTS : I-20 All F-1 Students Make sure all information is correct Name, Birth date, Major, Degree level Finances If you receive new funding, you should request a new I-20 DOCUMENTS : I-20 END DATE Do not let your I-20 expire Come in to talk with an OIE advisor in the semester your I-20 will expire to discuss options If you complete all requirements before the end date on your I-20, you are considered “complete” Transfer Students Check your SEVIS Number from your previous school’s I-20 and your UTA I-20. These SEVIS Numbers should match. If not, check with an advisor. DOCUMENTS : QUIZ When should you renew your passport? A. Never B. The day before it expires C. 3-6 months before it expires D. 3 days after expiration DOCUMENTS : QUIZ Are F-1 students allowed to continue taking classes after the end date on the I-20? Are F-1 visas allowed to expire? ENROLLMENT Full Time Enrollment Undergraduate= 12 credit hours Fall & Spring, 6 or 9 credit hours Summer Graduate= 9 credit hours Fall & Spring 6 credit hours Summer Full Time Enrollment Waivers Must receive waiver approval BEFORE dropping a course(s) or enrolling in fewer than the required number of hours There are only a few acceptable reasons to be below full time ○ Failing a course is not a acceptable reason to drop per immigration regulations ENROLLMENT Concurrent Enrollment You must register for at least 6 credit hours at UT Arlington during Fall and Spring. (Total enrollment between schools must equal full-time enrollment requirement) Course(s) taken at other school must count towards degree plan You must bring in transcripts to the OIE after the completion of any course(s) taken at another school Concurrent enrollment approval forms are located in the OIE If Summer is your 1st semester at UT-Arlington, you must take at least 3 hours at UT-Arlington. (Total enrollment between schools must equal full-time enrollment requirement) ENROLLMENT Online Courses Only one online course is allowed each semester to count towards full time enrollment ○ More online courses may be taken in addition to the full time enrollment requirement “Normal progress” towards your degree You should not take course(s) that do not count toward your degree plan Course(s) not on your degree plan should be taken in addition to the full time enrollment requirement (9 and 12 hours) ENROLLMENT : QUIZ How many hours should an undergraduate student enroll in for Fall or Spring? A. 1 B. 9 C. 12 D. 36 ENROLLMENT : QUIZ Which of the following is a valid enrollment waiver reason? A. Poor grade B. Medical condition C. Smelly classmate D. Class meets too early TRAVEL You need valid signature on page 2 of your I-20 before your travel If you travel during a school vacation, you must be eligible to return to UT Arlington the next semester to receive a signature Travel signatures are valid for one year for current students Make sure your visa will be valid the day you reenter the country If your visa will expire, you should contact a US embassy/consulate to inquire about the process to apply for a visa SPECIAL SITUATIONS Transfers Transferring out: ○ This is a time sensitive process, meet with an OIE advisor to discuss the process Texas Driver’s License SAVE system ○ You may need to meet with an advisor if you have problems obtaining a Texas Driver’s License OTHER NON-IMMIGRANT VISA CLASSIFICATIONS If your visa status is anything other than F-1 or J-1, please contact an International Education Advisor in the Office of International Education if you have questions about your status. Important note: file a change of status application to F-1 before you turn 21. Come talk to an advisor 4-5 months before your birthday. CHECK YOUR UTA EMAIL UTA Email Account OIE corresponds with you regularly through your school email account check it often! IO-L A listserv which provides important information to international students and scholars at UTA Quickest way reach the international community with the latest updates and reminders OFFICE HOURS Regular office hours: 8:00 – 5:00 Monday through Friday Drop-in Advising: Monday 9:30 – 12:30 Tuesday 1:30 – 4:30 Wednesday 9:30-12:30, 1:30 – 4:30 Thursday 1:30 – 4:30 Friday 9:30 – 12:30 OFFICE PROTOCOL Processing Time Peak times(beginning and ending of semesters): up to 10 business days Non-peak times: up to 5 days Always check in at the front desk first Each advisor is available on specific days Enter your Physical Presence Address and Mailing Address in MyMav before registering for classes. Students must report a change of Physical Presence address to UTA . UTA will report Physical Presence address changes to SEVIS. Use NetID to log in Main Menu> Self Service> Student Center PHYSICAL PRESENCE ADDRESS • • Personal Information / Addresses link. Select Addresses. Physical Address Physical Presence Address Must update within 10 days of moving Add New Address Button • Mailing address is also required PHYSICAL PRESENCE ADDRESS Enter the street address and apartment number (if you have one) in Address Line 1 only. (For example: 1234 MAVERICK CT APT 1). Do NOT ENTER a P.O. Box or UTA department address. Do NOT use punctuation. •Enter the city. •Enter the state and postal code. •Do not use the override option unless you live on campus. ADD PHYSICAL PRESENCE ADDRESS Select : “Physical Addr” Click Save. US Pension and Benefits Plan Funded by employers and employees Identification for employment, tax and benefits purposes only Accepted means of identification for other purposes – open account, obtain license, sign contract Needed for Application Employment Offer Office of International Education (OIE) form to be filled out by the hiring department at UTA and returned to OIE for DSO verification and signature SEVIS record activated On-Campus job beginning before SS Card ? The payroll office will need confirmation that you have applied for a Social Security number (receipt from Social Security Office). 2010 N. Hwy 360 Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (972) 343-2307 Open Weekdays from 9:00am-4:00pm For more information, call the Social Security Helpline at 1-800-772-1213 Texas Drivers License Sign Affidavit of Non-eligibility SEVIS record must be registered Banks and other Businesses Letter from OIE ITIN – Individual Taxpayer ID Number IRS On Campus Assistantship Part-time Off Campus Economic Hardship: USCIS authorization Practical Training Curricular Practical Training: Authorization from OIE Optional Practical Training: USCIS authorization Procedures Features 20 hrs per week J-status requires reporting from OIE In-state tuition Health insurance Check with hiring department regarding English language assessment and requirement Human Resources Orientation I-9, Benefits, W-4 Tax Withholding Form Payroll Office Payment Request Form IRS form 8233 Tax Treaty Part-time Campus Jobs 19 hrs/week Minimum wage Non-work study J-status requires reporting from OIE Procedure Hiring Department Where to Look http://www.uta.ed u/uta/employ I-9, Tax Withholding Form Payroll Office Payment Request Form IRS form 8233 Tax Treaty Eligibility: After one academic year Meet with an advisor for more details on eligibility and process. Eligibility: Transfer students, after one semester; new students to the U.S., after one academic year. Come to one of the CPT seminars offered every semester for more information. Eligibility: Typically apply during your last semester of enrollment in required courses. Come to one of the OPT seminars offered every semester for more information. Status Issues EMPLOYMENT? Applications? Forms? ANSWERS CPT and OPT Seminars HR & OIE Websites Advising hours Important Online Documents 1) What public transportation is available? 1) How do I get my Driver’s License? 2) Health Insurance Information 2) Where can I find tips on managing my money here in the U.S.? 3) OIE Programs 4) Financial Aid 3) How can I apply for my social security card on campus? 5) Presentation Information 4) How can I locate permanent housing? Please refer to our website at www.uta.edu/oie http://www.uta.edu/oie/?page=news tudents Location: Mav Express Office; north entrance of the University Center by the Starbucks. Hours of operation: 8am-5pm Monday-Friday Use as an to Library Services, Computer Labs, the Activities Building and Residence Halls. Use as a on campus (with Wells Fargo account) and receive a 5% discount: campus dining, the Market, UTA Bookstore, vending machines, etc. Use as and other offices on campus Wait 24-48 hours after you have registered before applying. Take proof of class registration and passport with you to Mav Express Office. If you plan to own a car… Purchase a permit online through MyMav. You may request a temporary permit for yourself and visitors. If you don’t have a car, shopping can be a hassle. IT’S MAV MOVER TO THE RESCUE! Large 24-passenger shuttle bus Provides transportation to the Parks Shopping Mall, Target Super Center and Aldi Grocery Store Pick-up site: University Center stand $2.00 each way. CASH ONLY For more info on shuttles, visit http://www.uta.edu/campusops/police/docs/Mav%20Move r%202010.pdf Not available on weekends. A round trip day pass for the MAX: $2.50 Monthly passes are $40. A valid DART or T photo ID is required for students. UT Arlington students must obtain photo ID through The T: http://thet.com/Fares/ReducedFar e/tabid/71/Default.aspx Buses make regular trips between the TRE CentrePort/DFW Airport Station and College Park Center at UT Arlington Monday through Friday from approximately 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. (25 mins each way) With these reduced fare passes you can access any DART, T, or DCTA bus or train for the entire day on which you purchase the pass. http://www.ridethemax.com/ ISO’s objective is to promote and celebrate cultural diversity on campus. Everyone is welcome to join and meet new friends from around the world! Meetings: Fridays ISO sponsors and participates in several fun events such International Week, Garba, Holi, and Asian Heritage Month. Find us at: International Student Organization at UTA Email: iso.uta@gmail. com •Open to all Americans and international students •Apply to be matched with an American student or community member •Experience how others live and view the world Possible activities shared by friends: *Have conversations over coffee or tea *Prepare dishes from each other’s cultures *Celebrate a birthday or holiday *Pack a picnic and visit a local park *Attend a local festival, museum or film •Apply online at www.uta.edu/oie or at the Office of International Education Great way to with other students, faculty and staff here at UTA while enjoying coffee, tea and snacks from around the world. The event is and open to the university community as well as the general public. Students are welcome to CDs. All new international students are invited to a sponsored by the Campus Ministry Alliance. There will be music, games, and lots of free food. www.utabighowdy.com Tips: Although it is a personal page, it is not a private page Consider your audience Faculty, administrators, future employers, law enforcement Post pictures and information that you are comfortable with EVERYONE seeing HEALTH SERVICES: YOUR ON-CAMPUS CLINIC Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Between the University Center & COBA By appointment only Web-booking available HOURS & LOCATION Appointment Line: 817-272-2771 Medical Clinic Women’s Health Lab testing X-rays Pharmacy Immunizations (including TB testing, meningitis and flu shots) Health Promotion & Substance Abuse Prevention Counseling and Psychological Services HEALTH SERVICES Consultative office visits are free By appointment only. Health education sessions are free Also by appointment only. Additional services at affordable prices Procedures Lab work X-rays Immunizations Over the counter and prescription meds MEDICAL FEES & CHARGES Academic Health Plans is the only insurance accepted at Health Services No office visit charge/copay when using the health center Many services in the health center are covered at 100% when a provider orders them, not when requested by the student. A copay is required for medications. Student health insurance (SHIP) can be used outside of the health center Specialty care (orthopedist, dermatologist, cardiologist, etc.) Urgent care, emergency services It is VERY IMPORTANT that you confirm if an office is in-network before making an appointment with them, otherwise it will cost you $$$. Health Services can provide referrals to in-network specialists that accept SHIP AFTER-HOURS CARE, EMERGENCY SERVICES Confirm if offices are considered in-network, ask about copays, fees, etc. Go to the hospital emergency room for medical emergencies only Beware: some urgent care centers charge emergency room rates ($$$$) HEALTH INSURANCE REQUIREMENT All international students must have medical insurance compliant with the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) – this is a UT System mandate. Required for students under the age of 22 Vaccination must have been administered within the last 5 years Students who do not submit the proper documentation will be dropped from their classes To avoid being dropped, students should be vaccinated no later than the official first day of class for the session. Submit proof of vaccination through MyMav – Meningitis Vaccination Section MENINGITIS VACCINATION Cost = $100 in the health center, $130 - $190 elsewhere MENINGITIS VACCINE DEADLINES STUDENTS ATTENDING ORIENTATION BEFORE AUGUST 7, 2015 • Must provide documentation of completed TB screening in the United States within the last 12 months in order to have holds removed. • If you already completed TB screening in the United States within the last 12 months, please submit your documentation to the health center in person or by fax. Please visit our website for more information. • If you have not had TB screening completed in the United States within the last 12 months, you can do so in our immunization clinic. • Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (closed 12 pm – 1 pm) • No appointment necessary for TB screening • Holds will be removed before the end of the next business day. • The cost of TB screening is $66.00. If a chest x-ray is indicated, there is an additional charge of $59.00. The UT System student health insurance may cover the cost. TB TESTING REQUIREMENTS – BEFORE 8/7/15 • Must provide documentation of completed TB screening in the United States within the last 12 months in order to have holds removed. • If you already completed TB screening in the US within the last 12 months, please submit your documentation to the health center in person or by fax. Please visit our website for more information. • If you have not had TB screening completed in the US, within the last 12 months, you will need to attend one of the following sessions at the Maverick Activities Center between 9am - 4pm: Thursday, August 13, 2015 Thursday, August 20, 2015 Friday, August 28, 2015 • The cost of TB screening is $66.00. If a chest x-ray is indicated, there is an additional charge of $59.00. The UT System student health insurance may cover the cost. TB TESTING REQUIREMENTS – AFTER 8/7/15 Holds will be removed before the end of the next business day. HEALTH SERVICES: 817-272-2771 www.uta.edu/healthservices UT Arlington Health Services @HealthyMaverick Health Insurance: It is MANDATORY for all International Students to be covered by a Health Insurance plan while enrolled at UTA; including the summer semesters. Enrollment in the UTA student health plan is AUTOMATIC when you register for classes each semester. Coverage Period: August 15th,2015 – December 31st , 2015. Cost: $829.00 UTA Insurance Enrollment: • When you submit the completed form today, your hold will be removed today. • Once you register for classes the insurance fee will be added to your tuition and paid through MyMav. • You may apply for the installment payment plan for tuition and fees. Insurance Card What does my car look like? What if my card is missing? Go to BCBSTX.com request a new card and print a temporary card. Helpful Tool Minimum Requirements for Waiver Request • • • • Unlimited Maximum Benefits No pre-existing condition limitation $500 or less deductible per condition PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) Compliant. • Mandatory coverage period: August 14st through December 31st . To Waive the UTA Insurance: • You must create a student profile at: uta.myahpcare.com/waiver. • You must complete the online waiver process by uploading proof of coverage. • You must submit waiver request BEFORE census date: September 14th Giveaway Time To Enroll in the UTA Student Health Plan: • Complete the Peach enrollment form. • Check the new student box and enter today’s date for orientation. • Read and check all of the boxes. • Sign and date the bottom of the form. Good Luck! OIE OFFICE HOURS M O N D AY- F R I D AY 8 : 0 0 A M - 5 : 0 0 P M OIE ADVISING HOURS MON. & FRI..- 9:30AM TO 12:30PM TUES. & THURS.- 1:30PM TO 4:30PM W E D N E S D AY- 9 : 3 0 A M TO 1 2 : 3 0 P M & 1:30PM TO 4:30PM